sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
Hello guyys, I’ve been busy at work. I missed the roleplay. Here’s a chance for new threads. Like this for a starter :)
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
Sebastian poured everything he had to say on him on the matter, the truth was out and he hoped it paved way for another chapter of their lives, at least that was the wishful thinking he had but life could still kick him hard on the gut one way or another. “I couldn’t do it, when I saw how happy you were. I don’t blame you for what I did, so don’t take anything. Whatever bad decisions we both made, you’re free from them now. You have a life on your own.” He smiled and pressed a soft kiss on his son’s forehead. “To have you is enough for me, for now.” He reached out and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. “It’s been a while since we cuddled, I know you’re a big boy now. But I think we both deserve it. If you want?” He was being bold on the situation. “Doctors make mistakes as well, deep down. We’re humans too.” He sighed in relief. “Just be better then who we are.” He said. “Your mom is a great woman, I think she deserves happiness as well. We may never be okay again, but she was once my closest friend.” He straightened up. “Now that’s in the past, I can move on from it. I came here to talk to you, to see you. To know how you’re doing. You’re still my little boy, I’m glad still little until now.” He joked, about the height. "I like this place though, it’s a new beginning. I got meet a lot of people. I think we’ll do okay here.”
Come to Daddy
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
Sebastian returned the affection, and reached out to caress on his soft hair. His fingers brushed on his rather short one, an intent to have him relaxed on his hold. “I’m gonna need you more, a lot than you can take. I’m a family-oriented person, you know this. So Uncle is gonna be in your life now, it’s gonna get annoying.” He chuckled on it. “I can’t blame them, poor people looks at you and they get horny. I’m one of the lucky ones because I get to taste it.” He smiled. “As much as you think I do. You’re totally the guy I’d take to prom, if we’re of the same age.” Though that was years ago.
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
Sebastian smiled and shook his head for a bit. "Good, that's all good. Now you seduced me, and I want you to know that it means that I'm gonna need you from time to time." He reached down on his nephew's cock and pumped it. He was aroused by it again, though he didn't want to turn their moment into sex. He liked to talk to and catch up and all. "Look, I'm trying my best not to have you right now. This whole talk made me a little horny as well." He admitted. "But that only means I'm aroused and very attracted to you." He closed his eyes and hugged him tighter. "I like you a lot Mason."
“I watched you grow, and that includes some things.” Sebastian raised a brow on his admission, but it was only to tease him. The thought of his nephew lusting on him was hot enough, and he was glad those same desires were returned. “You were trying to seduce me you dick.” When they kissed, he all but sucked on his lower lip and deepened it, in case he’d pull off. He wanted to savor them. “I was tempted to steal yours, I always knew your toy would be so big.” He held back a moan when he squeezed his balls, he smacked his ass a little hard to retaliate. “Naughty boy.” He smiled on the question. “Naturally I was. My marriage was all a man could ever ask for, I had Teddy too. I was too scared to lose everything.”
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  “Of course, it will be crime if I did not try to seduce you Seb. I was wondering how long it would take for me to fuck you and feel that nice ass of yours,” he replied as he kissed his uncle. “I understand that and now you go something new and amazing. It’s fun squeezing your balls and I can say being naughty runs in the family and took it from you.”
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
Sebastian was usually so sure of himself, he had things all in control, at least before he decided to run away from everything he had to pursue other things, but at that moment, he was doubting everything. He kept reminding himself he couldn’t mess things up with Teddy, not ever again. The hug gave him some sort of confidence he needed. The lasted way too short than he wanted but when he retreated into his kitchen, it gave him a chance to look around. Not much had changed, though he was used to seeing Teddy on a place smaller than it, his toys on the box he made when he turned seven, and the photos he collected growing up, he imagined it all, far from the foreign place he was in. Different, yet familiar, an older Teddy. When he was pulled down on the couch the older man adjusted himself, on a comfortable position and he leaned on it as he smiled. He reached down for his mug and he took a sip. “This is good.” He said but that wasn’t they’re supposed to talk about. “Theo. I wasn’t happy. I know you might remember me and your mom as that happy and loving couple but we are not. She and I fought a lot, I guess it had to do with the fact that it wasn’t a marriage by love but rather.. we married because she and I were good friends. I wasn’t ready to face who I was so the marriage was the nail to bury the truth that.. I’m gay, son.” He reached up and caressed on his son’s hair. “She realized I could never love her, but when we had you we both chose that we’ll forget about our own happiness and raise you with a mother and father by your side. You became our happiness.” He took another sip from his mug and smiled. “For a while we were happy, but.. people found out about me. An affair with a colleague.” He sighed. “I couldn’t bear the rejection from everyone, and the disappointment from you for having a father like me so I left.. packed everything and moved here.” He smiled sadly. “There’s not a day I didn’t miss you. I may not have feelings for your mother anymore, but you.. leaving you was the hardest.”
Come to Daddy
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
“I watched you grow, and that includes some things.” Sebastian raised a brow on his admission, but it was only to tease him. The thought of his nephew lusting on him was hot enough, and he was glad those same desires were returned. “You were trying to seduce me you dick.” When they kissed, he all but sucked on his lower lip and deepened it, in case he’d pull off. He wanted to savor them. “I was tempted to steal yours, I always knew your toy would be so big.” He held back a moan when he squeezed his balls, he smacked his ass a little hard to retaliate. “Naughty boy.” He smiled on the question. “Naturally I was. My marriage was all a man could ever ask for, I had Teddy too. I was too scared to lose everything.”
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
Sebastian waited patiently as he repeated in his head the things he wanted to say. They were quite a lot, but when he finally opened, there he stood up in front of his soon who looked a little older than he remember, he didn’t know a person could look differently in a year. He shifted the weight of his body to another feet but he straightened himself, to hide down his nerves. He smiled softly as a greeting. “Hello son.” He stepped into the door, and he ignored the question, and before he could stop himself, he wrapped his arms around his smaller frame and pulled him close to his body.  He tightened his hold for a few more seconds before he pulled away, holding himself back. “I’m sorry, I just missed doing that.” Teddy might not like that he did that, but he felt relieved to have him close again. He pulled off to not have things get awkward and he pulled off his jacket as he followed inside. “Tea would be nice?” He just had a coffee but anything to occupy himself would work. There were things left unsaid, and he knew something warm would help.
Come to Daddy
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sebastian-wilbur · 6 years
Hello guys so I am back, and I missed the 4 days activity but I’m back now. I’m gonna get to my old threads, because I still would like to go on with them. If you want something else, or need something, hit me up.
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sebastian-wilbur · 7 years
“It surprisingly dead. I’m actually good at it.” Sebastian smirked and straightened his shirt and he raised his brow when he aid fans. He just noticed it now but then it all made sense. “Ah, you’re on of the players. Of course you’re have your fans. It makes sense.” The man simply nodded his head and regarded once before he focused back on the mirror as he groomed himself. “Hockey, let me tell you honestly. I know nothing about it kid, my friend forced me to accompany him here. I’m not even into money as well, but let’s say it’s an open debt, I’ll think of what I want.” The man shook his head. “How about you give me your number, and I can call you when I think of it-what?” He looked at the mob that was to approach their direction. “Fine.” He grabbed his arm and he ran for it and he pressed the buttons, whatever floor that was, as quick as he could.
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sebastian-wilbur · 7 years
“You’re simply the worst voice assistant. Though with that face, maybe that can be discussed. Sebastian noticed how light the conversation had gotten, with work on the back of their heads they could have their fun. “I guess you can say that.” Though he purposely ran away from his family and was not in contact with his son, so the place was a safe have. In a way he was there to have fun and distract himself, which makes the argument somewhat valid. “Sometimes, you just get tired of shit and want to live for yourself.” Do what he wanted, achieve for things he desired and not for others. When the other pointed out on his coffee, Sebastian took it all in one gulp, the warm fluid traveled on his throat in relief. “I was waiting for you to say that.” He laughed and stood up from his head just about ready to leave it. “Let’s hurry up before we get tired and old.” He patted the man’s shoulder to urge him. “There’s a place nearby, we can have a proper drink there. My body will reject this caffeine if I had another sip of it.”
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sebastian-wilbur · 7 years
Sebastian did his best to be the fair uncle when it came to his nephews but Mason was undeniably the closest to him but only because they had a history together, and he was close to his mother so he visited often. “Well, enjoy it while it lasts then, we’re both busy men now. You’re no longer that guy who can fool around. Be a proper man, okay?” He ruffled his hair playfully tightened his hand around his waist. “Not always, but I am right eighty percent of the time. You’re quite easy to read for me at least.” He said then pressed his forehead against his. “I pretended to be straight, though I admit. I couldn’t take my eyes off you as you grew older. Hm, that explains why I always felt like being watched. You little creep did it. Now I’m curious what more dirty things you did behind your Uncle’s back.” He raised his brow. “You didn’t happen to steal my underwear, did you?”
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sebastian-wilbur · 7 years
“It’s not as easy as you think it is.” Sure from the surface that’s how it looked, but the fight was deeper than that. However he kept his mouth shut and prepared the explanation in his head so he could tell it face to face to his son. Sebastian managed to drive with one hand on the wheel, and though it had been difficult he didn’t let the call to end. It was his chance to make things right with his son, one thing that could be the start of something after he lost everything. He wasn’t gonna lose that chance. “I’m almost there.. Just wait till I get there.” He insisted. “Please, son.” It was all he could say at the moment. He had his son’s place memorized, he attempted to go there and knock but he didn’t have the courage to do it until today. So it was in a way scary, he expected his son to reject him-no. He had to keep it positive in his head. “I will.. I’m almost there Ted.” It took him five more minutes but soon he was on his place and there he stood on his doorway. “I’m outside. Can I come in?” The back of his phone felt warm against his hold, and his ear was sore as well. However he wouldn’t end the call unless he opened.
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Come to Daddy
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sebastian-wilbur · 7 years
“Is that so, in a way I am. You taste good, smell good, feel good. Got a big cock too. Who knew my sister can have beautiful children with such a gift.” Sebastian ran his fingers on his head, caressing his hair slowly, to soothe him. He pecked on his forehead and he playfully teased him on his bum. “Because I’m hot and sexy, and you can’t get enough of your uncle. Don’t you, don’t even lie. Your handsome face, I know when you do.” He sighed as he went back to those memories. “I even teased and told you I’d cum on top of it as a topping.” He couldn’t forget those moments. “I felt free for the first time.” He chuckled. “How did you know I wanted that though? Are you secretly a telepath? I don’t remember saying anything.”
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sebastian-wilbur · 7 years
Sebastian said as fast he could in case he was to be interrupted, a small tactic he learned in life and though there was nothing but silence on the other end, he felt relief when he talked again. “Yeah, I was figuring things out.” He sighed and he wanted to say a lot of things to Teddy as well. He got the house prepared for his visit, but instead he was told to. His face instantly broke into a smile when he said so. “I will, I’m not sure if you still live in your old place, but I’ll come to you.” Whatever it took to get Teddy’s trust once more, he’d do anything for his boy. He stood up from the couch and he quickly changed his boxers to his jeans. The phone was sucked between his ear and shoulder trying his best not to make it fall as he spoke. “I’ll drive there, right now. Just don’t hang up.” Once he was done, he grabbed his jacket nearby and he got out, and he went for his car quickly. He started the engine, and began driving as he was on the other end. “I need to see you Theo.”
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Come to Daddy
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