spnnimagines · 11 years
Can you do an imagine where Dean and I are fighting because he thinks I'm cheating on him and he leaves but then comes back a few hours later drunk and says a bunch of sweet things he has wanted to say but couldn't and the next morning, we make up.
"Dean! why are you being such a jerk?" you exclaimed, appalled. Dean had been a jerk to you since he came back from the hunt, and you couldn’t understand it at all. You hadn’t done anything, to your knowledge, yet Dean was treating you like he hated you, and you were nothing to him.
"Isn’t it obvious?" he asked raising his eyebrows at you, acting like you must be an idiot not to realize something. It was the first time he’d looked at you all night.
"Well not to me," you snapped, annoyance leaking through the calm facade. You were pissed off, you hadn’t done anything, and you were being treated like shit. You knew you didn’t deserve that, and definately not from Dean.
"I bet you don’t think I’ve figured it out," he said, shaking his head, and his voice even sounded kind of hurt now. This was really the last straw because he was the one treating you badly, not the other way around.
"FIGURED WHAT OUT?" you screamed at him, finally fed up with him. You’d had enough. You were getting answers or you were kicking him out of that door.
"You’re cheating on me!" he yelled back angrily, clearly as angry as you were. But he thought -
Your eyes widened in shock and it took you a moment to actually be able to form a reply. Your voice softened slightly, “Dean, I would never cheat on you.”
Dean glared at you. “Then how do you explain… You know what I’m not the one who needs to justify myself to you. The least you could do is not lie to my face, Y/N, I think I deserve better than that.” At that, he turned away and stormed off towards the door.
"DEAN!" you exclaimed in shock, "I swear I didn’t cheat on you! Where are you going?"
"Out." The door slammed behind him leaving you to stand there in shock.
You stood there for a couple minutes before sinking to the floor in tears. Was that it? Had you lost him? You’d never cheat on him, and for him to think that hurt you just as much as the fact that he was gone now. Was he leaving for good?
- - -
Hours later, when you’d managed to pull yourself into bed, and were lying awake, you heard a knocking on the door. You were tired, unable to sleep, and had been crying since Dean left. You considered staying in bed, but that wasn’t doing you any good and you decided you needed to stop.
You wiped your eyes and went to open the door, taking a deep breath before you did. The door opened to reveal Dean, who looked just about as horrible that you did.
You could smell the alcohol on him, he’d clearly been at a bar, and by the looks of his eyes, he’d also been crying. You both stood there, staring at eachother for a moment before he spoke.
"Y/N, I’m sorry. I know you’d never cheat on me, it was just an easier alternative to considering why we really aren’t as close as we were. I know I haven’t been making enough of an effort with this long distance thing… But I will, I promise i will, because I love you so much and I don’t want to lose you. You deserve so much better, and I’m probably selfish for it, but I’m not letting you go."
He spoke in one breath, an had to steady his breathing after he was done. He sounded like he’d been repeating the words to himself until he didn’t know when to pause and if he didn’t say it right away he might forget. He took another deep breath as if he was about to start another speech.
"Dean," you interrupted him, a smile pulling onto your lips, "I’m not going anywhere." Even though he had treated you horribly a few hours ago, and he hadn’t made enough of an effort before - you knew why, and you forgave him. Because you loved him.
"Good," Dean said, nodding his head. In his drunken state of mind, kept nodding like a bobble-head, until you laughed and kissed him.
"Come to bed?" you asked, pulling away slightly.
He nodded again. Once, this time, sobered slightly. And even though the evening had been a mess and your relationship hadn’t always been perfect, as you lie in bed, wrapped in his arms, you know everything will be alright.
Not sure if I’m that happy with this one - I did a little tense switchy thing at the end because it felt like it sounded better but MEH. I’ve been working on a lot of imagines since I was away, so my askbox is almost cleared! Sooo… send me requests♠
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spnnimagines · 11 years
THANK YOU THAT'S SO SWEET! I LOVE YOU TOO :3 I was actually really proud of that one - and it felt like a good way to say sorry for being away for so long. Cas always says sorry the best.
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spnnimagines · 11 years
one where the reader teaches cas how to kiss?
"Can you teach me how to kiss?" the voice came suddenly, making you jump where you sat, sending your computer flying to the floor. You looked up to see Castiel standing over you where you sat on the motel bed doing research. Well, more like had been doing research, until Cas made you drop your computer and asked you to wait - what did he just ask?
Thoughts of the possibly damaged computer abandoned, you started trying to come up with possible responses but only succeeded with the eloquent sentence of: I-um-you-uh-huh-what?
Cas was looking at you expectantly, as if he'd asked you if your liked the colour blue, and the response should be very simple. And looking at him your eyes were sort of drawn down to his lips, which seemed to be looking as kissable as ever today, and restrained yourself from pouncing on him.
You contemplated explaining to Cas, that you didn't just ask people if they could teach you how to kiss, more so, people who liked you and might possibly go into shock after uttering said sentence. But he probably didn't know the last bit. Hopefully didn't know the last bit.
There seemed to be more hope with just saying yes, than trying to explain to him, and that was definitely the reason you agreed to do so. Not at all because you wanted to kiss him.
You stood up off the bed to find that, wow okay, he was really close to you. "Okay," you said, fighting to keep your voice steady, "it's pretty simple, you basically just tilt your head to the side and lean in. Just do what feels natural."
Cas tilted his head to the right, and leaned forward like you told him to, until his lips met yours. If Cas wasn't holding you by the waist you probably would've fallen right to the floor, as your legs were being particularly defective and trying to turn into a puddle at his feet. Cas, if he took notice of the extra weight he now held up, didn't complain, but rather kept kissing you.
The kiss was slow and sweet, and for lack of a better word, like heaven - the non-battling angels, full blown chaos bit. You could tell that Cas didn't have much experience with kissing, if any, but it only made it better. The kiss had no particular purpose, but rather was peacefully aimless.
When Cas pulled away, you made a small noise of protest, which he regarded with amusement. "Was that alright?" he asked, quite innocently, as if he had no idea of the effect the kiss might've had on you.
"Yeah," you said rather breathlessly, if you'd know angels kissed like that, well-
"I'd prefer you only kissed one," Cas said, interrupting your train of thought, and startling you.
You realized with a start that the sneaky bastard had been reading your thoughts. You were about to say something indignant to let him know exactly what you thought of that, but you only managed to make out a muffled hmph, because Cas suddenly grabbed you and pulled you in for another kiss. Quite a bit more, well, passionate than the last.
This time when he pulled the look you gave him was quite a bit flustered as well as expectant, demanding an explanation.
"I saw that in a TV Show, it seemed to be an excellent form of persuasion," Cas was smiling, proud of himself for this discovery. You would've made another remark at that, but see, Cas was very persuasive.
I AM HAPPY WITH THIS ONE - YAY! I HOPE YOU ARE ALL HAPPY WITH THIS ONE TOO. I was going to include the pizza man, but I feel like I must've done it a thousand times (once) and I wanted to try something different. Hopefully you enjoy this one as much as I liked writing it :3 This is sort of an apology for being inactive for so long (forgiveness please?). BUT I'M BACK AND TAKING REQUESTS AGAIN. I briefly closed my askbox to get requests done, but it's open again sooo send me requests ♠
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spnnimagines · 11 years
sorry guys! i got a bit sidetracked and haven't really been writing as much imagines as i should have in the past few days. i fully intent to make up for that though, and i'll be writing all day today! YAY. well, i have a few other things to take care of, but mainly writing. SO... send me requests ♠
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spnnimagines · 11 years
I reeeeally love your writing ! ♥ Since I read them I really want to write stories/imagines too.But I have no idea how to start or even to write like you :c Do you have some tips/inspirations for me and do you think its easier after a couple of stories? :) Like I need to practice it? :) Love you :) ♥
First off, thank you sweetheart! For tips/inspirations about writing...
That's really difficult, Because every writer has their own style of writing that they sort of develop. The more you write, the more your style or however you prefer to write will become prominent. For example: say that I really like the writers John Green and Cassandra Clare, so I might want to write somewhere between their two styles of writing, or I might want to write in an entirely different style. But basically, the more you write the more you'll know what you're better at and what you prefer to write. So, yes, the more you write, the better you'll get. But instead of writing a story before making an imagines blog, I'd make the blog first. Because with all the different requests you'll get, you get to practice writing all sorts of different emotions, settings, relationships, etc. So really, writing imagines is the best writing practice ever. And it's fun ;) So go ahead! LOVE YOU TOO ♥
                         -Liz (who sucks at advice but hey look a bird)
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spnnimagines · 11 years
Can you do one where Case has to talk you out of committing suicide? Sorry I just need to hear something like this right now, I've been really depressed lately...
Under the cut because I felt like I needed to put it under the cut.
You took a shaky breath as you walked towards the edge, and looked down. Once you saw the drop below you, you almost stepped back. But you willed yourself to keep your feet planted right where they were. For once in your miserable life, why don't you do something right?
You were about to do it, to take the jump that would undoubtedly be the final act of your life, when you heard the sound of fluttering wings behind you. "Y/N," you heard Castiel's voice call out to you, "step back from the ledge."
"I can't Cas," you said, your voice breaking and a fresh stream of tears escaping your eyes, "Ju-just go, please."
"I can't." Before you could blink, you saw him appear beside you, his eyes conveying the pain he was feeling. "I can't let you do this."
He reached out to place a hand on your shoulder, but you flinched away, causing you to lose your balance on the ledge, and fall forwards. Your eyes widened as you felt yourself begin to inevitably towards the ground, before you felt a strong grip on your waist pull you right back to the rooftop.
You turned again, to see that it had been Cas. His expression was so heartbroken and terrified that you wanted to comfort him, but how could you, when you were the reason why he was in that state.
"Y/N listen to me. I know you feel like you'll never be enough, I know you feel like you don't even deserve to live sometimes. But you do; you're amazing, brave, intelligent, beautiful, kind, and all that is good about you humans. I know that you still don't believe me as I'm saying this to you. But please, believe me when I'm saying this, I need you. I need you not to do this, and I need you to stay with me. If for nothing else. Please. Stay for me. Because I need you. And I know that Sam and Dean need you too. And I can't do this without you."
You looked into his eyes, and felt your resolve shatter into a million pieces, and let yourself fall into his arms, so glad, that finally you did not need to carry the weight on your own. And for a little bit you let him carry you.
"It's all going to be okay," he murmured quietly as he held you. "Everything is going to be okay."
"Thank you Cas," you whispered in reply, wrapping your arms around his torso, and holding onto him as an anchor.
"Thank you for staying," he said, holding you just a little bit tighter.
This is a really sensitive topic so I wasn't sure if I wanted to write it but I think I sort of owed it to the person who requested. Personal Note To You Anon (and to everyone else this might apply to): If you're feeling depressed, or even just sad  you can always send me an ask to talk to me. Suicide is the most tragic thing and depression is among the most difficult. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here.
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spnnimagines · 11 years
that gif is killing me omfg it's so cute I'm gonna die adorable asdfghjkl;
I'm assuming you mean the ADORABLE SAMMY ONE BECAUSE OMFG HAVE YOU SEEN THAT BEAUTIFUL THING well obviously that's a yes BUT OMG IT'S JUST TOO ADORABLE. I sort of found it and couldn't function for a minute and then could do nothing other than flail for the next minute. So, I have discovered that adorableness seems to have this effect on me and am proceeding to use it for any fluffy Sammy imagine. BECAUSE THAT GIF IS JUST SO AND JARED IS JUST WHY IS THI, S *flailing commences* 
                                     -Liz (the very mature and non-fangirly imagines writer)
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spnnimagines · 11 years
From where are you? :)
I'm originally from Nowhere, Neverland, but usually reside in a little country up north called Canada, where I live with my pet polar bears in my igloo. However, have currently gone to a little country in Europe called Turkey, in which many turkeys roam freely.
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spnnimagines · 11 years
I dont mean to be rude. But your imagines would be a better if you made them longer. I love your writing by the way:) im sorry this really sounds rude
Thank you for pointing that out for me! The ones I posted yesterday ae actually shorter than what I usually post, but I know what you mean. I'm always scared of making my imagines too long, but trying to avoid that sometimes they end up really short. They've kind of gradually been getting shorter and shorter, but I had more time to work on those, so that's how they ended up longer.Thanks for calling me out on that though, I'll try to make my imagines longer from now on! And that isn't rude at all, I really appreciate feedback, so I can write better :) AND THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENT ILY -Liz
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spnnimagines · 11 years
Hey,I really like your imagines but I think it would be good if you would make the letters black because it's really hard to read :) But maybe I'm the only one , I love your blog anyway :) ♥
I know, I noticed that earlier too but was too lazy to go and change it. Thanks for reminding me though! I've made the letters a bit darker, so hopefully that helps! (I couldn't make them black otherwise the sidebar would've been unreadable) AND THANK YOU I LOVE YOU DEAR.
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spnnimagines · 11 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could do an imagine where (Y/N) is a gamer on YouTube like PewDiePie and Sam finds out? P.S I love your work!!!
You were playing a newly released horror game on your computer with the camera turned on, recording your latest YouTube video. You regularly uploaded videos on youtube as a gamer on the site, like PewDiePie, sometimes it was difficult to post a video, but you usually had a little bit of alone time before and after hunts to do so.
Neither of the boys knew, and you hadn't felt the need to tell them. It wasn't really a secret, but it just wasn't really something you felt the need to tell them. Until, of course Sam found out. You'd been spending the last half hour explaing to Sam, what exactly you did on your videos and channel.
"People actually watch your videos?" "I have plenty of subscribers, thank you." "But when you're scared you make the weirdest faces." "I'm told it's a very atractive look." "So you just play video games when we're not on hunts?" "Mostly." "Nerd."
You stuck out your tongue at Sam, "you love it really."
Sam grinned, "I do." He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to your lips before whispering again, "still a nerd."
"Says the Stanford kid."
3 out of 5. Almost there! This was short too but cute :3 "I'm told it's a very attractive look." SIGH. AND THANK YOU YOU'RE SO SWEET *agressive internet tackle-hug*(as a sidenote- PEWDIEPIE I LOVE PEWDIEPIE HOW DID YOU KNOW THIS) OFF TO THE NEXT IMAGINE. send me more requests ♠
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spnnimagines · 11 years
When are you posting?:3
The five imagines I promised? I'm working on those now, I've already posted two right now, and I'm about to start working on the third. HOPEFULLY in the next half an hour-ish because it's about to be 2AM over here. BUT I WILL KEEP MY PROMISE. If it's for an imagine you sent personally I'm not sure, either tonight, tomorrow, the next day? I'm trying to go in order, and there may be a few to get through before yours, or maybe yours will be the next one I write.
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spnnimagines · 11 years
Could you please write an imagine where Y/N is a teenager that lives/hunts with the boys and Cas. And she doesn't get invited to prom because people say she's too masculine, so Dean buys her a pretty dress and goes to prom with her? Platonic, though.
"Dean, it's no big deal!" you protested, "I barely even go to that school I spend most of my time hunting anyways!"
Dean had asked you about your prom, and who you were going with, jokingly of course and with his signature wink. You'd told him the truth, that no one had invited you, and all the guys had said you were too masculine. You didn't really care, you didn't try to put on make up, or wear skirts and dresses, you didn't really care about fashion either. You were a hunter, that stuff hadn't ever really mattered to you.
Dean however insisted that it was important, and that he was going to go with you if that was what it took. And he did. He bought you a nice dress, and found himself something nice to wear and took you to prom.
You'd been reluctant at first, but Dean had convinced you. Now, standing in your school gymnasium which had been decorated to the year's theme, feeling everyone staring at you as you walked in with Dean, you couldn't help but grin. "Thank you."
2 out of 5. This one got done pretty quickly too YAY. It's considerably short and also one of those ones where I feel like I'll probably go back at some point and rewrite it, but hopefully you guys like it. OFF TO THE THIRD.  send me more requests ♠
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spnnimagines · 11 years
Could you possibly do an imagine where Dean and I are on a holiday and somebody flirts with me, but he gets really protective and stuff? :) x
I'm not sure if you wanted them to be dating but I made it so they were (tell me if I've gotten this wrong please and I'll do it over)
You and Dean were on holiday together, taking a break from hunting. It had taken a lot of convincing but finally you convinced Dean to let you both stay in a nice hotel with access to a beach. A beach that you fully intended to visit.
There you were, lying on a towel on the sand trying to get a tan under the warm summer sun as Dean was swimming in the ocean, when you heard a voice above you say, "Hello."
"Hi," you replied. You angled your head upwards so you could see them better, a guy, not too far from your age, not particularly unattractive but you weren't interested. You already had a boyfriend - Dean - and you were more than happy to be with him.
"I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but come over here. See, you looked far too beautiful to be here alone," he said, with a cheeky grin, causing you to roll your eyes immediately.
"This is a beach, not a bar," you groaned. And I’m really not interested, you were about to say, before he spoke again, interrupting you.
"Would you rather be at a bar with me, because if you’d like, that could be arranged," he grinned again. 
You heard another voice then, one you recognized as Dean's, sounding distintly angry. "I don't think she's interested. Now if we have a problem here-"
The guy immediately backed off seeing him, with murmured apologies and a look of fear.
Dean frowned when he looked at you, annoyance still clear in his eyes. "I hate it when those guys keep hitting on you," he said, sounding distressed.
"They're not the one's sharing that hotel room with me," you said with a smirk. You watched a grin pull onto Dean's face. "A room where we could go, whenever we'd like. Even now, in fact."
Which was something you decided to do. Though, just as you were leaving the beach Dean pulled you to him and kissed you full on the lips, and pulled away with a smirk. He mumbled something incoherently, that you figured was along the lines of, just to make sure they got the message.
1 out of 5 done. So HOPEFULLY you meant if you and Dean were dating, otherwise this imagine would've gone WAY differently, but if you didn't then please don't hesitate to let me know. OFF TO THE NEXT ONE NOW. send me more requests ♠
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spnnimagines · 11 years
Hey,are you writing imagines about Gabriel too? :3
Yup! Just send me a Gabriel request and I'll write it - the only reason I haven't so far, is because I haven't gotten any requests for him yet! I'm basically writing any character you request (hopefully that clears that whole matter up). I actually loves Gabriel's character ALOT:3
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spnnimagines · 11 years
I've been working on a bunch of imagines this morning so look forward to (HOPEFULLY) 5 of those later on. I'm going out right now, and should probably be back in two hours, and I'll get to posting them then :)
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spnnimagines · 11 years
I DO LOVE YOU NONNY I'M SORRY. *apologetic hug* I'M SORRY DON'T BE MAD AT ME I LOVE YOU. I'm writing at least 5 imagines today though :3  At least 5. PROMISE. (I SWEAR ON SAM'S BITCHFACE #12.) LIZ LOVES YOU ALL. AND DID YOU SEE MY NEW ICON YAY FOR flowercrown!Cas
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