sebstanfrustration · 8 years
Balcony Sunshine
Title: Balcony Sunshine Chapter: 1/1 Word count: 822 Author: littlesolnyshka Pairing: Sebastian/OFC Rating: M Fic Summary: A lazy Sunday morning is best spent on a balcony in the late summer sunshine. Quickie fic. Archived: http://archiveofourown.org/works/8053348
When she wakes up, he’s gone.
The sheets are still warm and the morning breeze tells her Sebastian is chain-smoking on the balcony, barefoot and probably shirtless, hair mussed. She slides out from under the bedclothes, throws on a bathrobe and meets him there, hugs him from behind as he flicks a spent cigarette into the requisite long suffering balcony pot-plant. When her fingertips slide over Sebastian’s hip bones, inch slyly into the top of his sweatpants, lower, lower, slides her hand around his cock- he hums, reaches back and strokes the back of her neck until she pulls away from his grasp and kisses her way down his sun-warmed back.
By the time she’s on her knees on the balcony tiles with her mouth on the base of his spine, those curious fingertips are playing with the waistband of his sweats again and he’s decided what he wants for breakfast.
Sebastian turns and leans against the balcony, looks down at her and bites his lip, his brown hair is haloed by the sunshine behind him and his skin is warm and he’s still sleepy and pliable but his cock is twitching, waking up with the rest of him under her hands.
He reaches down and palms through her hair, gently tugs her up by the makeshift ponytail, kisses her on the mouth sweetly, a promise of things to come. He leads her backward to go back to bed but she stops him, pushes him to one of the little wooden chairs they put on the balcony last Spring, slides lithely into his lap with her hands around his bare shoulders.
(11am Sunday, nothing to do until Monday, and she wouldn’t get much time until he disappeared on another press junket tour)
“Are you sure you want to do this, out here?” He breathes, whispers into her ear, kisses below her earlobe, realises she’s naked under the robe and laughs into her mouth as they kiss again. She squirms and nods, and when he slides the silky fabric of her robe away from her thighs there’s nothing stopping him, soft fingertips stroking her inner thighs and then further to find her folds, slippery already, swollen for him and desperate for the attention. Sebastian’s mouth is warm on her throat as he teases her and she almost gives up, almost leans into his touch and fucks herself on his perfect fingers until she can’t breathe properly. Almost. She has plans for him.
She pushes his hand away and inches closer to him on his lap, chest to chest, rolls her hips and feels him grind up to meet her. He wishes he was inside her, tells her so, tells her he wants to feel her cum around his cock, bend her over the bathroom sink in the steam after a shower, fuck her into the mattress until she rips the sheets off the bed.
His mouth is always filthy, cheekbones and chest dusky pink with how bad he wants it, can feel the heat of her even through his now-damp sweatpants. He’s so hard he hurts, aches for it, desperate for it, has always liked the heady mix of pleasure with a tiny bit of pain, likes how it sharpens his senses and makes him crave her even more. Her teeth are grazing his throat when he throws his head back, just the way she likes it, making him lose control. He teeters on the edge of coming for a few minutes, not wanting to finish but chasing it anyway despite himself, edges along it, his blunt fingernails bite into her taut thighs as she grinds on him, feels the softness of his pyjamas get damp with her wetness, his cock throbbing under the fabric. She twists her hips just so, just there, just enough, scratches her nails through his soft hair and presses down against his cock hard enough the chair groans too.
Her fingernails reach the nape of his neck and she feels the telltale moan rumble in his chest before she hears it from his throat and tastes it on his tongue.
She stops moving, likes to hold him close as he writhes. It’s his strong hands on her hips holding her still as he comes, rides up against her through the waves as his pulse thuds in his ears and the sunshine blinds him as he slowly eases back into reality.
Sebastian kisses her until she stops him, languid and sweet, eases out of his lap and stretches. He gets up and follows her back into the apartment, and she laughs at the wet patch on his pants, palms it, makes him wince then shucks them off his hips onto the floor as they get to the bedroom door. Back to bed. She has plans for him.
(12.30pm Sunday, nothing to do until Monday, and she wouldn’t get much time until he disappeared on another press junket tour)
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
Title: Giving You the Choice Chapter: Sixty-one Author: claras-wintersoldier Character: Bucky Barnes Pairing: Bucky/OFC Rating: T Warnings: Fic Summary: An officer of SHIELD is tasked with trying to find the Winter Soldier.  She succeeds but meeting him changes everything. Author’s Notes: If you’re a wrestling fan, pay attention to the names of the detectives.
Chapter Sixty-one Sydney felt her heart pounding so strongly she heard it in her ears and her mouth was immediately dry as she sat in the chair by the bed hearing that some cops wanted to speak to her. Every instinct in her body was telling her this had to be about her shooting and not about Bucky; but how could she be sure?  What if someone spotted him that day as he left the crime scene before the police arrived and thought he was responsible? “Miss, do you want to talk to them?  I can tell them to come back tomorrow if you want.” Hannah asked gently. Sydney looked at the nurse swallowing hard as she debated her decision.  If she didn’t do this now, the police might get the wrong idea and think she was hiding something; which she was of course.  She’d have to use what remaining skills she learned from SHIELD to not reveal anything but also simultaneously get information them. “It’s okay.  You can send them in.” Hannah nodded and opened the door, “you can come in.” Sydney shifted her gaze to the doorway as two men walked into the room.  One was short and heavy set with a noticeable bald spot, while the other was tall and lanky in a dark trench coat that was one size too big for him. “I’m Detective Raines”, the short one spoke first, “and this is my partner Detective Ambrose.  We appreciate you speaking with us, Ms. Tyler.” Sydney nodded as Ambrose pulled out a notepad and pen from inside his coat, “we’ll try and be brief but we do need your statement of the events that occurred on the nineteenth of January for the record.” She nodded again and stared at the two detectives, “do you want me to start or do either of you want to?” “Let’s start with how long have you been working at the diner?” Raines asked. “Since early November, I think.  So I’d say three months, give or take.” Sydney replied as she tried adjusting the flimsy gown she was still wearing. “When was your first encounter with Mr. Masters?” She looked at Detective Ambrose slightly confused, “who’s that?” The two detectives exchanged glances, “Todd Masters.  That’s the name of the alleged shooter.” “Oh, I’m sorry.  I never knew his name.  We called him other things at the diner.  They weren’t all that positive, put it that way.” Detective Raines gave a slight smirk as Hannah brought in a fresh jug of water setting it on the cart, “excuse me but would any one care for some water?” “I’m fine, thanks.” Sydney said as the nurse helped to fix Sydney’s gown which earned the nurse a warm smile in gratitude. “I’ll take a cup, Miss.” Hannah nodded with a smile and poured the liquid into a small plastic cup, “So Mr. Masters was a bit of a hassle to deal with?” “He wasn’t our favorite customer, no.” Sydney replied as Hannah handed Detective Ambrose his water. “Your coworkers all agree with that sentiment as well.” Sydney raised an eyebrow at Detective Raines’s statement.  If the detectives talked to the girls, did Tracy mention anything about the patron that had given her an odd vibe?  They got a lot of unusual people from time to time so surely Bucky wouldn’t have come up, right? “Apparently, you and Mr. Masters had an altercation before at the diner.  Is that correct?” “I guess you could call it that.” she replied with a shrug. “You took offense to his treatment of your coworkers; specifically one Tracy Hooper is that right?” “Hell yeah, I took offense to how rude he was to all of us.  He clearly didn’t know how to treat a woman and on that day I had enough.  So, I put an arm lock on him and gave him a piece of my mind.” Sydney stared at the two older men as they scribbled into their notepads trying to calm down as the monitor started beeping loudly, “sorry.  I guess it still gets me upset and irritated.” “No need to apologize, Ms. Tyler.  I have a daughter in college and the stories she tells me about what she sees and experiences; I don’t how she manages it.” Detective Ambrose looked at Sydney with a look that only a father could and in the briefest of moments, she thought of her own father. “We do what we have to do.” Sydney replied sadly. “You shouldn’t, though.” Ambrose said softly as Raines shifted in his chair clearly uncomfortable by the current conversation. “Moving onto the day of the shooting, can you walk us through your morning?” “Sure.  I got a late start that morning-” “Why’s that?” Raines asked. A small smirk pulled at the corner’s of her mouth.  She couldn’t exactly tell them that the world’s greatest assassin and she were lazily and sleepily making out which led to lazy and sleepy yet wonderful sex, “I just couldn’t get out of bed.” Raines gave her an irritated smile, “how about once you got out of bed?” Sydney fixed the older man with a penetrating stare.  She’d felt his overt hostility growing as the interview went on so she decided to have a bit of fun with him, “I took a quick shower and had breakfast.  It was dry cereal, in case you were curious.” Ambrose tried to hide his smile as his partner let out an audible sigh, “you walked to the diner that morning?” “Yes, I did.  I took a shortcut through the alleyway which is where I encountered Mr. Masters.” “Why did you go down the alley?  It just seems pointless to me.” Sydney turned to Detective Raines and gave him the most sarcastic smile she could, “in retrospect it seems I probably should have taken the bus.” Detective Ambrose cleared his throat loudly hoping to lower the tension in the room, “what did the suspect do or say in the alley?” “He was upset that I embarrassed him in the diner.  He called me a slut, I remember.  Men always go there and I don’t know why.” “It was just you and Mr. Masters in the alley?” Raines asked causing a moment of panic in Sydney. What if her shooter told the cops about Bucky being there when frat guy was being interviewed?  Sydney looked straight at Detective Raines and nodded. “That’s correct.”
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Title: Crazy Little Thing Called Love Chapter: 38 Author: Sketchbookthingz Character: Sebastian Stan Pairing: Sebastian Stan/ OFC Rating: T  Warnings:  NA Fic Summary:Amelia is an ER nurse at a New York hospital. When one night, she comes across a man who goes by the name Sebastian Stan. Her simple life takes a whirlwind turn as he befriends her, and they embark on a romance. But can they overcome the obstacles in their way?
//I used the following two covers as inspiration for my story, so make sure to check them out. 
Stitches = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TObtwHlfLFk
I Almost DO = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0enSw5pcvU //
Amelia stood backstage holding onto her microphone as if she was weightless and it was the only thing tethering her to the stage. Her hand ringed around it holding it tighter and tighter as curtain time came closer. She stood there staring at the stage as people began to settle in their seats.
“Hey,” Adrian snapped her out of her anxiousness. “You’ve done this before. Take a deep breathe in, it will be alright.”
She nodded at her friend not taking her eyes off of the stage, she had not yet told him that tonight she planned on singing the song. The song that didn’t start as a song, just a simple two sentence lullaby, that snowballed and became the song. The one song she knew she would never let people hear because of much it meant.
After a couple of more minutes, the noise outside began to calm down, signaling that the people had been seated and Adrian would soon go on and announce her.
She tried to calm herself down again, and then her phone buzzed in her pocket. It was Sebastian letting her know he had dropped off Sera off with Maritza after having spent some time together, and was on his way. A bit late, but he would be there. Looking at her phone she smiled at the messages on her screen.  
They had not stopped messaging each other all day since waking, and realizing they fell asleep messaging each other. She quickly stuck it back into her pocket as she heard Adrian speak to the crowd. The words escaped her as she mentally prepared herself. After a moment she heard everyone clap and she took that as her cue to make her entrance. Taking one last breathe in, she slowly let it out, brought a smile to her face and walked out to join Adrian on the small stage.
An hour in and Amelia had finally relaxed. Laughing and smiling with Adrian on the stage as they introduced their songs. “This next one is called Stitches.” Adrian said as he left the piano and occupied the stool next to Amelia once again.
“This is the only duet, that was not written as a duet,” Amelia chuckled a bit as Adrian adjusted his guitar again, and laughed into the microphone in front of him as well.
“Yeah,” Adrian said as he strummed some chords, “Amelia had already written a huge part of the song, and some of the verses just felt unfinished. So I helped writing it.“
"But when it came to record it,it just didn’t sound right,so we decided to split it into a duet and viola, here it is.”
“I think, we felt like it should be a duet because of the theme of the song. Just the break down a relationship. And it’s always seen as one sided. So we took it and made it two sided. So here it is.” Adrian finished explaining as he began to strum his guitar and Amelia began to sing.
Throughout the entire set, after a song or a moment here and there, she would look over to where Sebastian was, and their eyes would meet and they would smile at each other. The show was beginning to reach it’s end and Amelia had began to lose her nerve. She didn’t want to sing the song anymore, but she looked over at Sebastian again and saw that familiar smile. With everything that was going on in the last couple of days, and reliving old memories again as she sang, her nerves came back.  Adrian was beginning to say his thank yous when Amelia intervened.
“Actually,” Amelia said stopping Adrian from putting his guitar away. “We have one more song tonight to play for you.” Adrian lifted an eyebrow up at her in curiosity, and Amelia took control of the microphones for a moment. “It’s called, I almost do.”
Taking her cue, he picked up his guitar and began to strum. They had practiced this song once, but that was it. She had refused to acknowledge it again. So Adrian tried his best to remember the chords.
Sebastian was enjoying the show, he was happy that he arrived late because no one was looking at him as he made his way to his seat. Everyone was here for Amelia, and so was he. The entire show he smiled, his heart hurt a little as he heard her sing about relationships, some he knew without a doubt were about them. The rest hurt because they weren’t about him, as selfish as that sounded. The songs of her falling in love again, of finding hidden places to keep their love out of the limelight was not about him. But he smiled because there was no one else just him, here right now. Listening to her. Sharing stolen glances as she sang.
He had always been upfront about his feelings with her, from the very beginning, and gave her her space. And hoped that maybe, just maybe, she began to feel the same way towards him.
Sure, she had admitted something to him when she was drunk. But that was it, she was drunk. He didn’t bring it up because he knew deep down if he confronted her about it, she would just retract and the relationship they built over the last couple of months would crumble back to one line conversations, and do with nothing but with Sera again. So he didn’t bring it up.
He just waited, but his hope kept being built up, especially after the last couple of days. But something changed, as they closed the show up, Amelia announced one more song, and looked everywhere but at him.
“This one’s called I almost do.”
Adrian began to strum his guitar, and Amelia looked straight ahead, and he could see how much this song meant to her. So many emotions played on her face, and he couldn’t help but feel jealous about whoever it was about.
“I bet this time of night you’re still up, I bet you’re tired from a long hard week, I bet you’re sitting in your chair by the window, looking out at the city, and I bet sometimes you wonder about me.”  
He held his breathe, was this song about him? Don’t assume, Sebastian told himself, there has to be plenty of people who have a chair near a window to overlook a city. Right.
“And I just wanna tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you, and I wish I could run to you, and I hope you know that every time I don’t, I almost do, I almost do.”
He couldn’t help but think about those nights he would wait for her to get off her shifts from the hospital. Sitting in that chair, just watching the lights in New York illuminate the city, just waiting to pick her up. To see her before they would fall asleep next to each other tired.
“I bet you think I either moved on or hate you, cause each time you reach out there’s no reply.”
Thoughts of the moments that he tried to call her, only to be greeted with that automatic machine telling him that the number had been disconnected. And the morning he showed up to her apartment, only to find it empty and waiting for a new tenant. Then the moment that Chris told him that he was a father, and she still resisted and didn’t want to talk to him.
“I bet it never occurred to you that I can’t say ‘hello’ to you, and risk another goodbye.” she sang as she began to sing the chorus again. Don’t jump to conclusions his brain told his heart again, there were many songs sung tonight that weren’t about you. He kept holding his breath as he waited for some sign from Amelia. Who still would not look at him as she sang.
“Oh, we made quite a mess babe, it’s probably better off this way, and I confess babe,” but she continued to sing, and not look his way. Looked at everyone and everywhere but him. “In my dreams you’re touching my face, and asking me if I wanna try again with you, and I almost do.”
She began to sing that chorus one last time, and Adrian strummed a couple of chords before she sang softly the last verse.
“I bet this time of night you’re still up, I bet, you’re tired from a long hard week, I bet you’re sitting in your chair by the window, looking out at the city,” And finally to answer the question on his mind, with eyes glazed with tears, that she tried to hold back, she looked at Sebastian and sang the last line.
“And I hope sometimes you wonder about me.”
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
#dirty13 Sebastian fucks me hard and rough into the mattress all while saying filthy things into my ear in Romanian
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
#dirty13 I really hate receiving oral but i can imagine a stressed out seb going dom and me making him relax with nice blow job. Putting my oral fixation to good use and him coming before saying "good girl"
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
#dirty13 You spend the entire day cleaning your apartment. Sebastian comes home pretty late and finds you in the kitchen focused on washing some dishes. He startles you by hugging you from behind, then scoops you up into his arms bridal style and carries you to the bedroom. He gets on top of you and whispers into your ear "I think you deserve a break", then proceeds to eat you out until your whole body is in spasms.
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
#dirty13 I feel like Sebastian would totally be into having you ride him and he would find it so fucking hot and there would be a mixture of his moans and dirty things whispered in your ear
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
I spend way too much time wondering which particular erogenous zones are Sebastian's favorites. Are his nipples sensitive? What about his neck? That V line across his hips? Is he circumcised? Could I play with his foreskin while going down on him and get him all hot and bothered? What is his favorite sexual position? -This is why I will never allow myself to get in line for his panels at comic cons. Too many highly inappropriate questions in my head. I just wanna know!
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just kidding.  Don’t ask him. 
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
imagine phone sex with Sebastian while he's away filming a movie
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
#dirty13 Honestly, all I want is for the Winter Soldier to fuck me while I'm sitting on his lap, my back arched against his chest, with his metal arm choking me and the beautiful long fingers of his other arm rubbing my clit. Is that too much to ask?
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
Title: Giving You the Choice Chapter: Sixty Author: claras-wintersoldier Character: Bucky Barnes Pairing: Bucky/OFC Rating: T Warnings: Fic Summary: An officer of SHIELD is tasked with trying to find the Winter Soldier.  She succeeds but meeting him changes everything. Author’s Notes:
Chapter Sixty Sydney looked at Bucky and tried not to jump to conclusions.  She really liked Dolores and was grateful for all of her help but what if her initial fears turned out to be true. “It’s nothing bad.” Bucky said almost reading Sydney’s mind.  “Apparently, last year Dolores and her family took her dad to see the Captain America exhibit.” “The same exhibit with a giant image of your face on a tribute wall”, Sydney said in a questioning tone, “Do you mean that exhibit?” Bucky nodded, “maybe she hasn’t figured it out though.” “She’s a smart woman, Bucky.  Having long hair might not fool her like some others.” Bucky ran a hand through his dark hair on reflex, “okay so if she has figured it out then why hasn’t she called the cops?  Or gone to the media?” Sydney shook her head.  There had to be a reason why Dolores wouldn’t sound every alarm and tell the world that someone that had supposedly died in 1945 actually hadn’t and was alive, but as Sydney sat in her bed absentmindedly tracing a finger over one of the grooves in Bucky’s wrist she realized it didn’t really matter. Bucky was there with her; smiling at her and making her feel safe and content so why worry about anything else right now. “Everything okay, doll?” Bucky asked noticing Sydney’s far off look. “Yeah, I was just thinking.  There’s nothing to worry about.” She smiled at him giving his hand a squeeze completely forgetting he couldn’t actually feel it, “okay.  When do you think you’ll get out of here, though?  Has the doctor said anything to you?” “Aww, do you miss me that much?” she asked with a laugh. “Yes!” Bucky said brightly. “Don’t lie.  You just miss the sex.” Sydney countered with as Dolores entered. “We’ll finish this conversation later.” Bucky as he got up to let Dolores check on Sydney. “Everything is looking good.  If you’re up to it later, the other nurse may have you get out of bed for a bit.” “That will be nice.” “Don’t push yourself too hard, sweetie.  Start small and if you get tired just say so.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I have my rounds and you have thirty minutes.” Dolores said checking her watch then looking at Bucky. “Yes, ma'am.” Bucky sat in the chair once Dolores had left propping up his elbow on the arm and resting his chin on his hand, “you look tired.” Sydney shrugged, “all I’ve been doing is napping mostly and thinking.” He knew how her mind worked well enough by now that he had an idea what thoughts were plaguing her, “I’m okay and so are you so what else is bothering you?  Hydra?” “Of course I’m always thinking about Hydra, Bucky.  I’m always worried that while I’m in here, they’ve broken down the door to my apartment and taken you away.” “That’s not gonna happen, doll.” he said leaning forward and placing his hand on her forearm reassuringly. “How do you know?” “We’ve both been very careful, right?  Plus, I’d never let take me again or lay a finger on you without a fight.” “I appreciate that I believe you wholeheartedly”, she looked down at his silver hand as it left goose bumps on her skin, “but maybe once I’m able to I should leave Nashville and start over again.” She picked her head up and gazed at Bucky’s sweet smile, “if you think you need or want to then I’ll help you pack again.  Whatever you decide I’ve got your back, Syd.  I found you once and I’ll do it again.” Sydney smiled at him with such awe that he was willing to follow her no matter what, “you’re an amazing man.” “Well, you’ve given me the chance to be.” Sydney stifled a yawn, “sorry.” “Don’t be but maybe you should get some sleep.” “I’m fine.” Bucky raised an eyebrow at her, “really?” She yawned again looking at Bucky sheepishly as he shook his head. “Get some sleep, Syd.  I’ll stay with you until Dolores comes, how does that sound?” Sydney nodded as she tried to get comfortable in the hospital bed.  She turned her head slightly towards Bucky who smiled, “sweet dreams.” When Sydney awoke at noon she saw that Bucky wasn’t sitting by her bedside and a part of her was slightly disappointed.  Hearing the door open she looked and smiled at her nurse for the morning shift as she entered.  She was only a few years older than Sydney with a platinum blonde pixie cut and a fish tattooed behind her right ear named Hannah. “Good morning, boo.  You slept for a long time.  Feel better?” Sydney stretched being mindful her left side was still healing and nodded, “yeah.  I guess I needed it.  I missed breakfast again, though.” “No big deal.  I can see what’s still available in the cafeteria and bring you something.” Hanna said as she helped Sydney sit up by adjusting the pillows and the bed. “Sounds good.  My nurse last night said something about getting out of bed today, is that right?” Hannah nodded, “if you think you want to try.” Sydney smiled, “definitely.” After having something to eat Hannah stood by holding Sydney’s IV pole and mobile monitor as Sydney slowly swung her legs over the edge of the bed and put her bare feet on the cold tile floor. Standing up straight, Sydney grinned at the feeling of being out of bed for the first time in weeks. “How about you try and make it to the chair?” Hannah suggested and Sydney nodded before taking a slow step forward and then another.  Her legs felt like rubber bands as she made it to the chair and her chest burned from the effort it took to walk three steps. Turning slowly she lowered herself to the seat that Bucky often occupied feeling wiped, “why do I feel like I just ran a marathon?” Hanna placed two fingers on the underside of Sydney’s wrist as the nurse looked at her watch checking Sydney’s pulse, “you’ve been bed ridden for weeks.  It’s normal but little by little you’ll be able to run laps if you want.” Suddenly the door opened and another nurse poked her head inside, “excuse me?  Hannah?” “Sit for a minute and get your strength back, okay?  I’ll be right back.” Sydney nodded as Hannah stepped into the hall for a moment but when she returned her expression was more serious making Sydney very nervous, “what’s wrong?” “There are two detectives here to talk to you.”
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
Imagine Seb & you having a argument, been mad with him all day. He's been texting & calling you but you wouldn't answer. When he gets home late at night for debating if he should or not, he asks if he can sleep in the bed with you. You told him to keep his side. He does but he snuggles with you. It turns you on when he has his arms around you that you turn around, give him a kiss then it turns passionate. Soon, you're both kissing harder, deep breathing & taking your clothes off. Sex til dawn
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
I want to have sex with Sebastian in space.
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
Dirty13s   are open,   send  them in and they will be posted tomorrow  as well  as  the ones which were sent in last month that came in just after the cutoff point! 
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
Title: Giving You the Choice Chapter: Fifty-nine Author: claras-wintersoldier Character: Bucky Barnes Pairing: Bucky/OFC Rating: T Warnings: Fic Summary: An officer of SHIELD is tasked with trying to find the Winter Soldier.  She succeeds but metting him changes everything. Author’s Notes:
Chapter Fifty-nine Bucky sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before looking over at the clock on the nightstand showing it was well past noon. “Shit, I really must have been tired.” He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept this late before that didn’t involve a cryo-stasis chamber.  Bucky pushed the covers back and got out of bed giving the space usually occupied by Sydney a quick glance before grabbing one of the sweatshirts she gave him and throwing it on over his bare torso. He was almost down the hall when a knock at the door stopped him in his tracks.  Sydney hardly ever got visitors so who could it be, he silently asked.  Bucky padded over to the front door with light steps and standing off to the side he waited and listened.  He could make out the faint sound of paper being rustled followed by footsteps walking away and after an extra few minutes to make sure the coast was clear he very cautiously opened the door to the apartment. He noticed a piece of paper stuck to the door which he removed before closing the door and locking it. “Rent is due by Friday or else.” Bucky sighed as he stood holding the parchment in his hand.  When it rains, it pours he thought. Sydney began stirring as hushed voices met her ears and she slowly opened her eyes. “Well, hello there sleeping beauty.” Sally said smiling. Sydney stared at the older woman before she noticed Tracy standing in the room as well, “what are you two doing here?” “Checking on you, of course.” Sally replied sitting by the bed. Sydney had to admit, she was surprised to her coworkers visiting; not that they were uncaring people mind you.  She just didn’t they were all that close but after she defended Tracy things had changed at the diner between them all. “How are you, Rose?” Tracy asked standing by the door wringing her hands nervously. “I’m okay.  Thankfully, the bullet missed anything vital so I should be back to normal eventually.” Sydney looked at Tracy still nervously standing by the door, “are you alright?  Not a fan of hospitals?” “It’s not that”, the young copper haired girl said softly, “it’s just I feel like it’s my fault you’re in here.” “Tracy.  No-” “If I had done something about those guys sooner-” “Then you’d probably be the one in this bed instead of me.” Sydney said interrupting Tracy. “Honey, what happened to Rose is not your fault.” “Not at all.  The fault lies with the jerkwad’s parents.  They did a crap job teaching him how to treat a woman.” Tracy nodded with slight smile, “thanks.  I think I needed to hear that.” “Good, now moving on how are things at the diner?  I know with me here that leaves the rest of you to pick up the slack.” “It’s fine, dear.  Don’t you worry.  We’re getting along just fine.” sally said patting Sydney’s arm in an almost motherly fashion. “Us girls started a collection for you to help pay for anything you might need.” Tracy relayed perking up and stepping closer to the bed. “Really?” Sydney asked surprised and just a bit touched at the gesture. “Gabi suggested some sort of computer thing.  What was it, Tracy?” “A gofundme page.” “That’s it.  I suggested instead just a simple jar by the register would be better.” Sydney smiled as she looked at Sally then at Tracy, “thank you so much.  That’s really kind of you.” “It’s the least we can do, mind you there’s only about twenty bucks in there right now, but I mentioned it at church last week and my pastor said he’d donate something.” Sydney stared at Tracy’s beaming face not sure how to respond. “Thank you.” Sydney finally said with a small hesitation in her voice. “The point is we’ve got your back.” “I appreciate that.” “Oh, we also brought you some magazines and I threw in a puzzle book for you, too.” Tracy said happily as she placed a small canvas bag on the rolling tray table that had been brought in earlier so Sydney could have lunch. “And unfortunately our time is up as both of our shifts are about to start so we have to skedaddle for now, Rose.” “That’s okay.  It was great seeing you both and tell everybody I said hi.” “I left my number in one of the magazines so if you need anything just call, okay?” Sally said standing up and slinging her purse onto her shoulder. “Okay.” “See you later, Rose.  You’re in my prayers.” Sydney gave the two women a small wave as they exited the room and leaned back into the bed anxiously waiting for Bucky’s arrival in several hours. She slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to see Bucky sitting by the bed in the dark flipping through one of the magazines with a flashlight trained on the pages. “Can you even read any of that with such little light?  Did Hydra give you night vision, too?” Bucky looked up at her with a smile, “it’s enough for me to find out what sexual position is best at achieving the big ‘O’.” Sydney giggled thankful that the darkness hid that she was blushing, “you’ll have to remember that for future reference.” He gave her a devilish smile turning off the flashlight and tossing the magazine onto the bed before standing and leaning down so that he was inches from her, “I think I will though I feel rather confident in our combined abilities.” Grinning she closed the slight gap between them tenderly placing a hand on his cheek and kissing his lips slowly, “hello.” “Hi, doll.” Bucky sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed Sydney’s hand still smiling, “so how are you?” “I’m fine.  Happy to see you.” Sydney studied his face and could see that something was bothering him, “is there anything you want to tell me?” Bucky looked at her and thought a moment, “yeah according to one of those magazines I am a neutral good.  I don’t have a clue what that means, do you?” She raised an eyebrow at him and his obvious attempt at hiding whatever was on his mind, “I don’t babe.” “Okay.” “Babe, what’s wrong?” Bucky shrugged, “nothing’s wrong.” She shook her head slightly, “I think there is something you’re afraid to tell me.  It’s okay; you can tell me.” He sighed and reached into his pocket and pulled out the note which was folded up and handed it to Sydney, “your rent is due.” Sydney opened up the piece of paper and after she read it she pinched the bridge of her nose already feeling the headache forming behind her eyes, “fuck.” “What can I do to help, doll?” Bucky asked sweetly kissing her hand. “I have an emergency stash of cash hidden in my underwear drawer.  You can take it from there and give it to the manager, just wait until he’s out of course.” Bucky couldn’t hide the smirk on his face, “your underwear drawer?” “You’ve seen me in my underwear many times, Bucky.  It’s just fabric so knock it off.” “I’ve also seen you out of your underwear, too.” he said letting his eyes trail over her body. “Hey, eyes up soldier.” she said playfully smacking his hand of flesh and bone. “Sorry, I just miss you.” “I know and I miss you, too.” Bucky scratched the back of his head and sheepishly looked at Sydney, “there’s something else I need to tell you that I didn’t get to yesterday.” “Okay, about what?” “Dolores.”
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sebstanfrustration · 8 years
i am the only one who's waiting for The Bronze coming out to see that fucking gymnastic sex??? I hope it will be amazing.
You are not the only one
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