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Imagine that Dipper manages to time travel back to the era where Ford and McGucket are still in full swing of their investigations of Gravity Falls.
Like maybe a time historian and a time agent are sent to document the happenings of Weirdmageddon (a la the same time agency as Blending) and after the historian is documenting things one of them drops a time measuring tape - whatever. However you need to make the time travel aspect work.
Maybe Dipper, as an adult down the road, is house-sitting the Mystery Shack for Soos and while he's looking after things he finds the time tape measure in the shack. He pulls out the tape of the measure without really thinking and then when he really looks at it, he realizes what it is and it startles him enough that he drops it. When it falls, the tape goes back into the tape measure, triggering the time travel mechanism, but because it was dropped it doesn't travel back in time with Dipper. Again, whatever makes this a feasible storyline.
Dipper ends up working with Ford and McGucket while they help him figure out how to get home (he showed up in the Mystery Shack, before their very eyes, and now they're fascinated to study him as another Gravity Falls anomaly).
The amount of awkwardness he would be made to endure. Not just the nerdy, subtle (as a hammer, but they're both dense idiots) flirting betwixt McGucket and his own uncle but also the horrible Trainwreck that would have been the early Ford/Bill partnership. Poor Dipper would end up as an impromptu relationship counselor in a mad attempt to prevent Bill from manipulating Ford, and maybe change the events that led to his uncle disappearing into a portal realm for decades. Someone please save Dipper from the awkward situationship that is Fiddauthor, and the weird triangle demon that wants his Uncle carnally.
Subplot where Dipper stashes notes all over the shack for Mabel to find when she inevitably notices he's missing and she finds the time tape measure on the floor where Dipper dropped it. The twins found most of these notes the first time they ever came to Gravity Falls, and she would remember them because they were so weird - they were signed Dipper, how was that possible when they'd never been here before?, etc... Of course Dipper also wrote a note, maybe even more than one, detailing the exact time he'd been sent back to, but of course those particular notes were all impossible to find because they were all destroyed in the most narratively frustrating ways possible.
(Cue flashbacks where Stan finds one and promptly disregards it as more Ford weirdness and tosses it without a second thought, where Soos vacuums one up without noticing while cleaning around the shack one day to be extra noticably helpful to Stan, and another where Dipper & Mabel accidentally destroy one during one of their wild summer adventures, etc...)
I'm very tired, so this is half baked and not very well thought out. Please enjoy. Interact, even. Love you all, and see you tomorrow morning friends.
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Dipper, getting into a relationship with Bill even after finding out Bill and Ford are exes, insisting "I can fix him," only for the relationship to be more violent and catestrophically destructive for everyone involved, my beloved. ⚠️🌲
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okay ik you’re probably not taking requests but i’d LOVE to see bill and dipper in that one meme format that’s like “i think we’re gonna have to kill this guy. damn” i cannot stop thinking about them in it. i think it could really go either way
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Dipper: Gruncle Ford I need your advice—
Ford: *Sigh* Leave him
Dipper: ...C–can I at least finish the sentence—?
Ford: No. I've done this song and dance before, Dipper. It's gonna hurt like hell but just cut your losses and leave him before he does that weird demonic soul bond. Those things are a pain and a half to break...
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Shipping both billford and billdip is really funny actually. Cause imagine you have this weird toxic yet sort of romantic relationships with your muse throughout your youth till one day you realise he's just using you and you have the worst breakup the universe has ever seen and you get trapped travelling dimensions plotting your revenge. Skip forward to when your back and you find you have a nephew with all the same interests and likings as you did at his age so you watch him grow up surrounding himself with the paranormal and research just like you. And them suddenly he starts acting weird and secretive and you recognise all the signs but surely not, right?? And so you ignore it all until one day you finally come back from travelling with your brother one summer to find your far-too-similar-to-you nephew obviously dating a demon. And y'know what are the chances but surely it can't be- its that exact yellow prick. Your ex. Dating your nephew. And looking far too smug about it too.
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see-you-later-darling · 4 months
Deep Water Prompt #3318
If you feel you have unfairly lost time, you can make a claim at the Department of Anachronism. The process is long and tedious, but customer satisfaction is generally high. 
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see-you-later-darling · 4 months
Deep Water Prompt #3322
The ghosts that haunt my sister’s house almost seem to work for her, finding her keys, turning lights or the oven off when she forgets. I learn she’s been paying them in tiny drops of blood.
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roman not realizing his relationship with remus skews romantic until he absentmindedly kisses remus goodbye on the way out the door, just an automatic "k, love you, see you in a bit" with a light smooch as he passes remus on his way by
he gets four steps out the house before freezing and realizing what he did
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Oooooooo hes a birthday boy
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These two…
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As per request, I also drew the others as babies :D
(Remus only has mud on him, I promise ghghcgcg)
(click for better quality)
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Merry Christmas! Have some holiday spirit from Janus!
Janus belongs to - @thatsthat24
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Reblog this if you like seeing me on your dash
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Reblog this if you like seeing me on your dash
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Virgil and Roman with Aureole!
Loving this palette it’s like a raspberry vs a blueberry ffff
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Going for more early prinxiety vibes here lol
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Roman & Remus Sanders
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So... more Roman Sanders fanart today because I can't stop thinking about all my silly little headcanons regarding him, Remus, their split and potentially their reunification. So I thought I'd finally share in case anyone else is stuck with the same endless loop of thoughts!
Anyway, this one's a little more interpretive, just like the other pieces. Roman, blindfolded, has a hand coming from his mouth holding a rose (which is honestly a little hard to see - the shading got dicey there, sorry). The blindfold is supposed to be a representation of willful blindness, leading to resistance to change whereas the hand with the flower is supposed to represent Roman's own stifled creativity.
All of Roman's ideas are filtered through Patton first, and I'd bet that he probably doesn't bring anything to the table that wouldn't be Patton-approved. Our boy is a people pleaser after all! That said, it's still a major limitation of his ability to fully express himself - thus, the hand blocking Roman's ability to speak.
The rose the hand is holding is what ties into the whole "pretty lies, ugly truths" line, and it's kinda self explanatory. Roman dresses up everything he does with a nice picture-perfect prince persona, a lovely lie. The ugly truth being, of course, that Roman is more than that persona, and in fact before they had split, he and Remus were the same person which means Roman is truly just as 'twisted' as Remus - because in a way, Remus IS Roman and vice versa.
As a side note, I did debate using a light blue color to indicate that the hand coming from a Roman's mouth belongs to Patton, but I decided against it for two reasons. The first reason was aesthetic - the color would have clashed with the vision I had for the piece, and how it would have looked with the other pieces in the series. The second is because while Patton plays a major role in Roman's repression, he's not the only side at fault.
C!Thomas simply refused to reconcile that fact which led to the split. Now neither Roman nor Remus are a full side/person, they're each half of a whole. I think this is why at times it feels like Remus doesn't have a function past intrusive thoughts/dark creativity. (Although it's really more that C!Thomas just won't draw on that brand of creativity.)
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The thing is that if Roman and Remus were to re-merge with each other, C!Thomas's art would become deeper and more meaningful. Roman's art is great, but it can be a little superficial because messiness and unpleasantness is a side effect you gain for depth. Depth means complication. Remus isn't utilized because there's nothing to taper his ideas into something manageable and feasible.
Also side note but my Remus & Roman pieces for this are titled "The Prince" and "The Monster" which is why Remus looks more monstrous than Roman in his. Roman is willingly ignorant to the parts of himself he's denying (including Remus), which is why his eyes are covered by butterflies. "Pretty lies, ugly truths" and all that.
So I have a lot of ideas such as Remus potentially having fits where he turns into something more monstrous as a result of the split between him and Roman? Sort of like how Deceit started to take on more snake-like attributes? But the transformations are a bit painful because they're so unnatural compared to even Janus's changes...
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To quote how I explained my thinking to a friend, "Conceptually the more Thomas repressed the dark side of his creativity, he's by extension repressing more and more of himself. Kind of like in the Steven Universe Future finale episodes? In my version of the mindscape (according to notes I barely remember writing) the imagination is a physical place controlled by both Remus and Roman, and their ability to control it works like a magical ability. Because Remus's ability is being stopped-up with nowhere to go, he's been trying his best to keep the metaphorical (maybe somewhat literal) explosion at bay but something's got to give eventually.
Cue Roman having an equally bad time, as I explained in my ramblings earlier, and his magic is also responding in kind because while he IS able to create the things he puts his mind to, his actual creativity and imagination are being stifled in their own way (*cough* just like Remus *cough cough*) and it's making him feel like he isn't able to really communicate. Art IS how Roman communicates and not being able to do so effectively, having that communication filtered and limited, is finally taking its toll."
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I've been toying with the idea that the re-merging could be entirely voluntary. All the criticism from Patton and Virgil (extra harsh since he's also beating himself up as Thomas's ego), Logan being distracted with his own issues, and feeling like he's continuously failing to make Thomas happy despite trying his hardest... all of that is a lot to maintain. So to make the desicion to go to Remus and actually ASK him to re-merge in a last ditch effort to make Thomas happier and healthier? Because really, he and Remus were never MEANT to be separate.
And maybe the others would think it's a bad change at first because it IS different. This new Creativity is so different but so familiar at the same time and the uncanny Valley of it is off-putting to them. It's like looking at the loved ones they've come to know through distorted glass. Hence my, "Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you," WtNV quote in the picture above.
But it isn't a bad change. Roman and Remus were always meant to be one person - the SAME person. The strain on Thomas's ego is caused by that split to some degree because there's no independence of mind. Ironically as Thomas's creativity, Roman was limiting himself to *Patton's* ideas. Like a student presenting ideas to a teacher in an art class - filtered for public and age-appropriate consumption but not very deep, like I mentioned earlier.
And Remus didn't have any of the gravitas to his ideas, didn't have any grounding in reality *at all* so he could never focus his ideas into a solid form and actually CREATE anything. And on top of that, he also only received the ideas that Patton would never approve, so he became labeled as nothing more than impulsive thoughts.
So my thought process because I'm a flowery and unoriginal bitch when it comes to my writing is to use the prince/king metaphor. Growing pains associated with taking the throne... in old times the king usually ruled until they died which implies that for a new king to be coronated someone/thing has had to die to make that vacancy. It also means the death of a prince for the conception of a new king!
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Now onto the other sides in this whole mess-
Patton has just started learning in the most recent episodes to try to lighten up his grip, but he learned it too late to save the situation from heartbreak at Roman's expense. Roman works as Thomas's ego so feeling like he's not a good person, like he's the problem? That would make *Thomas* feel the same way. This would, ironically, make things spiral worse because the other sides still haven't figured out how badly they're damaging Roman's self esteem... they really only see him as creativity, not grasping that all of Thomas's pride is wrapped up in his ability to create.
Patton having the knowledge that HE is the one who caused not only the initial split all those years ago, but ALSO this crisis that drove Roman to such an impulsive decision the merge with Remus? Devastating.
And then there's Janus...
Because the thing is if Roman is the ego, the prince in this metaphor, then technically Janus is the knight. Because why wouldn't it be self preservation's job to protect the ego, the core of Thomas? Why wouldn't a knight protect a prince? But he didn't. He was locked in a metaphorical dungeon where Thomas couldn't see or hear him, made out to be a monster and nothing more than a deceiver. The others had managed to twist things to make the protector look like an enemy so Roman couldn't even trust the one person who was supposed to make sure this couldn't happen.
And Janus was probably so hurt and angry feeling like Roman LET them twist it.
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I don't have any artwork of Janus for this particular theory of mine yet, so take this place holder until I do!
In reality, Roman never *let* the other sides do anything. The original Creativity before the split had LOVED Janus. It was during the incident that caused the split that Patton had made his decision about Janus too. Because see after all, Janus was defending Creativity's right to creative and emotional freedom, so Patton saw him as equally bad/dangerous to Thomas. When the split happened, Janus took Remus because Roman wouldn't even look at him - Roman was a perfectly severed fragment that held no warm feelings towards Janus.
But like I said, this merge is actually a GOOD thing. The fusion of Remus and Roman has both the best and worst qualities of both, but since they're no longer each only half a person they can actually follow through with things to full capacity while still maintaining a semblance of self control. They're more confident in themselves and by extension Thomas is too. Plus now that both creativities are combined Thomas can channel more negative emotions into his art for a therapeutic release. That catharsis of negativity from him can be nothing but good for Patton honestly! It causes less stress on him in the long run.
Plus this combined version of Creativity also wouldn't be afraid of Janus. He's Roman but he's also Remus, so he and Janus would become even closer down the line I think. The newfound levelheadedness that comes with increased maturity and clarity from being more than half a mind, Logan would also have less stress surrounding Creativity's endeavors too.
I was fiddling around with a plan that would make them able to split at will. They're creativity, right? So the ability to split in the first place might be unique to them! Because only they could *that vividly* imagine something like that happening for real. And it would also be beneficial to Thomas for them to be able to split. Two heads are better than one and all that - but I like to think that it makes it so Remus is a little more level and Roman is a little less restrained. Like... once in a while Roman will throw out an idea that sounds absolutely heinous - like where did that come from my guy? But also once in a while REMUS is the voice of reason like, "wouldn't that kill us all?"
I don't know, I like the idea that the merge is a thing until all the sides are able to talk with the new Creativity, and it's Patton admitting finally, broken down that he misses not just Roman but surprisingly *Remus* that makes the change. Remus just needed to hear he was wanted, and Roman needed to hear he didn't need to be perfect. Being one person was a great defense mechanism, and being able to separate is great for creative flow.
Alright, thanks for reading (if anyone bothered to get through this LITERAL essay)!
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