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WHO Declared Mental Health Phenomenon As “Burnout Syndrome At Workplace.”
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Does it feel draining to wake up every day and go to work? The monotonous routine feels exhausting and soul-consuming. Nothing excites you anymore, and the energy level is depleting faster than the ozone layer. Recently, WHO declares this phenomenon as “Burnout Syndrome (ICD-11)” under the banner of mental health.
Find Out The Symptoms If You Are Suffering From Burnout Syndrome?
There are different reasons for the burnout at work, here are some common symptoms:
If you feel low, Energy deprived
Increased Mental Distance from Job activity
Feelings of Cynicism and hopelessness
Negative emotions related to job
Seeing no meaning or happiness in what you do
Feeling out of place and dissatisfied
Reduced productivity and efficacy  
Feeling Incompetent and not good enough
Warning Signs to Diagnose Burnout:
Work Burnout stress is a real thing, but it is important to diagnose the symptoms beforehand to avoid strain. If you start to feel any of the above-mentioned feelings and if you are feeling tired all the time and the feel of exhaustion is reoccurring when you are coming to work. It is important to recognize the approaching issue.  These symptoms are helpful in self-assessment of one’s mental health. If you observe symptoms in any fellow employee’s activity, it is better to warn them about this pertaining issue.
Don’t Take It Lightly; Your Mental And Physical Health Might be at A Bigger Risk Than You
We at SeeBiz are always looking for new ways to make the workplace joyful. The world is experiencing a wave of anxiety, depression and increasing existential dread. What can we do to save ourselves? When you are traveling in a plane, they ask you to “Put the oxygen mask first on yourself.” Start with yourself and try to work on mental strength.
According to a mental health expert as interviewed by Business News Daily, one can avoid workplace burnout by adapting certain things and avoiding as mentioned below:
1.      Creating a Healthier Workplace Environment:
Creating a healthier work atmosphere is very important concerning employees, work schedules, work patterns, and recreational activities. The behavior or atmosphere at a workplace is very significant. Create boundaries, and don’t take anything that might disturb your peace of mind. Take challenges, but overburdening will only drain you to the point of exhaustion and non-productivity. Create a healthier, friendlier environment, where people feel safe to express themselves.
2.      Healthier Diet and self-discipline:
The world is stepping into the whirlwind of chaos, absurdity, and mundaneness. Where it seems ok to spend sleepless nights, eat junk food and spend irregular hours on things that are just mere escape from reality. Don’t let this pattern rule you but invent some principles for yourself. You have to start eating healthy, as it will help you to feel better in every sense of the word. Create a time table and routine, so that you don’t miss out on importing things like taking care of yourself. Try to lessen “screen time” because it is reported than spending more time using a cell phone and gadgets are lessening the ability to focus.
What can you do to regulate your lifestyle?
Read good books and explore knowledge
Spend time with nature or take a trip
If you have pets, play with them
Take a proper amount of sleep
Clean eating is also self-cleansing
3.      Physical Activities: Sports or Exercise
Exercise and physical activity are crucial to your physical and mental health. We all have our blue days when we don’t feel like getting out of bed. It’s ok to spend a lazy afternoon at home, but what is not healthy to become a sloth as a result of burn out. Experts suggest that adding a 15-30min walk into one’s daily life can enhance one’s mental strength. Engage yourself in sports, exercise or any physical activity of your own interest.
4.      Socialize with Family and Friends
The golden words of Godfather echo in my ears (in that husky and deep Italian tone, a man should spend time with his family. It decreases stress and invokes a sense of self-confidence in you. Many factors at the workplace incorporate in leading an individual to burnout, but you can also avoid burnout by socializing with people who make you laugh and smile. Like family and friends make us feel better about ourselves that reflects our personality.
5.      Take Control of Yourself and your Life
When you are the captain of a ship, you don’t let others drive the boat into the sea. It’s not the majestic horror of the sea that can cause a threat, but one’s expertise and leading style determine a lot. Similarly, it’s all up to you and the choices that you make. Start saying “No” if you don’t feel comfortable with anything. Take your time to finish off your tasks on time without feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Don’t make commitments that you cannot fulfill.  
Identify and Recover from Burnout:
Just like in identifying “burnout syndrome” we often join the dots to protect ourselves and recover from burnout. SeeBiz offers a global platform to the business community including manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors to showcase their business at SeeBiz and expand their horizons. Forget the worry of “how to sell your products online,” SeeBiz can do it for you. Want to start your own business? Well, now you can do it just sitting in the comfort of your own home.
Can you relate to any of the Burnout Symptoms? If yes, then try these suggestions by the experts. You can also share this at work, with friends and family! We are offering a safe space to spread awareness and knowledge. Keep visiting us and feel free to share your insights with us in the comment section below!
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