seishonagan · 4 years
Alright guys so I’m feeling a little ~rebellious~ today and since I am feeling the need to tear down the patriarchy, here are some things that I thought would cause a very nice disturbance: - A spontaneous burst of sparks or light OR FIRE - A flock of birds that just found a meal and are fighting each other for it - When the horde of people go to the temple on the 18th (for the uncultured few of you, the 18th is when we go to the temple for the Kannon bodhisattva because it is the day dedicated to them) - When people come over and chill at your house during that short period where the street lights are turned off and the sun has already set and there’s all this ruckus in the house - Especially when the heads of the home come back from a trip (man it is bad) - Finally, when the news that there’s been a fire starts spreading and everybody starts freaking out calling for the fire fighters (but now that I think of it, there was no fire that time) So as all things with lists go, if you can think of anymore add them in the comments. Deuces ya’ll.
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seishonagan · 4 years
I have NEVER been more BORED IN my life. A short story.
Listen up ya’ll I’m about to vent so hard right now. So last night we had this Grand Counsellor Korea or Korechina, OH Korechika. We had Grand Counsellor Korechika visit the palace last night and deliver the longest Ted Talk on Chinese poetry ever. And contrary to popular belief, it is not as entertaining as you might think. Everyone started to doze off, and then they started to try to slip away in groups of two to go sleep behind the massive curtains or just to their rooms. And being the absolutely respectful beast I am, I was the last person standing, fighting off sleep like a raccoon protecting its trash. Until 2:30 in the morning that is. “Must be morning already” I muttered to myself. As the night wore on and on and on and on, the Grand Counsellor still wouldn’t let anyone go to sleep (even though half the audience had already gone to bed) arguing that “It’S pOiNtLEsS tO tRy To sLeEp nOw”. I mean can you believe the audacity of this guy. “Crap” I whispered to myself, wishing that there were more people around so that I could sneak off and get some sleep, and also secretly cursing myself for being an idiot and not leaving sooner. The emperor was had fallen asleep against a pillar that was next to him and the Grand Counsellor turned to the empress and said to her “ShOuLd He bE SleePIng LiKe tHaT nOw ThAt DaWN HaS cOmE?” (Beyond me why he still keeps saying anything at this point). And the empress casually responded with “Quite so” while the emperor kept dozing away like nothing had happened. I wish I was royalty, fricken get to sleep while I’m over here thinking about how to destroy all of Chinese poetry. Then, later at some point, a girl came in with a chicken (like what?) thinking that she was going to take it with her later to eat. Being the genius she is, she tried to hide it close to her, but SOMEHOW a dog got ahold of it (don’t ask how the dog got in, I have no idea) and started chasing it making the bird squawk like there’s no tomorrow, waking everyone there up. Even the emperor was awakened demanding to know where the chicken came from. This made the Grand Counsellor quote some Chinese poetry about a sound like that even woke up the emperor (something like that, I stopped listening to what he said after what I think was 4am), which then made the rest of the audience suddenly wake up. I won’t lie it also made me chuckle a wee bit. Just a little. Both the emperor and the empress started laughing and talking about how appropriate the quote was making a particularly enjoyable moment. Then earlier tonight, the empress when to the emperors room and having been the one walking with her, I came out of my room to call a servant to come and call for me. “ArE YoU GoInG BaCK? LeT Me WaLK YoU BaCk” said the Grand Counsellor. Since I, a mere noblewoman, can’t say no to him, took off my fancy jacket on the changing screen and started walking. His suit almost glowed in the moonlight and made him look pretty good. Still was mad at him for making the lecture for so long, though. He walked like a penguin because he had to hold up his pants so they don’t get dirty on the walk. And he, being the gentleman he is, grabbed me by the sleeve saying “DoN’T FaLl.” And then gave me a slight chuckle by reciting a nice poem (that I actually liked) that went: The wanderer sojourns on beneath the late moon. Followed by “YoU rEaLlY dO LiKe PoEmS Don’T YoU” And a smile. But I mean come on, who wouldn’t like that, it's a beautifully crafted work of literature. Ask anyone.
Well guys that’s how my last two days went, I bet it can’t be worse than mine. If it is then definitely let everyone know down in the comments. Deuces ya’ll.
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seishonagan · 4 years
To be Liked or Not to be Liked, This is How it’s Done.
Alright guys, imagine for a moment if you will, being dislike by people (I can’t. Everyone loves me), I mean it's really worrying thinking about now having others like you. Do you know how absolutely insane you’d have to be for you just sit there and accept that fact that people DON’T like you. But its a reality that people (not me) have to face in the palace life, outside the palace life, and even with your parents and between siblings because they always have the one kid that they like and the ones that they say they like but we all know they don’t and if you think that your parents don’t like one of you then I have some rough news for you buddy. This is present in all levels of the social ladder. Everyone pays attention to the needs and wants of the kid that everyone loves and adores and is the apple of their eye. Obviously if there the kid is actually you know, worthy of this praise and a donation of everyone, then its only natural that he gets it, BUT its also not that bad to see parents give love and adoration to the other kid that, you know, isn’t anything great. They also give this out just because they’re its’ parents and it's their kid, without needing any other reason. What a wild concept. So what I’m trying to say is that: Yeah, its pretty great to be liked by everyone; from the guy passing you on the street to the people you interact with on the daily. Now go off and be loved by everyone my children. Deuces ya’ll.
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seishonagan · 4 years
A Stroll With Her Majesty (and others)
So get this guys, there day I was walking with her majesty and some other people and as I was talking to one of the others, or it may have been because of something her majesty said, either way we were talking and I responded to someone saying: Well, when I feel like I don’t matter and the world is about to end and that I just wanna die; I sometimes come across some of this really nice and fancy paper with a reeeeaaalllllyyyy nice brush, or even some decorated paper OR especially nice Michinoku paper, I feel like everything isn’t that bad and like I have time to enjoy the artistry. Even when I unroll a nice, crisp scroll of Korai matting, finely woven with a beautiful black and white design on the edges, it only reminds that there is beauty in life and that I should keep going for a little longer you know? But as soon as I said that her majesty says “Oh how the simplest things make you happy.” I know right can you believe her! But what am I gonna say she’s the empress, so I just stood there and took it as you do. And then once the empress started teasing me, it gave everyone else the green light to go ahead and start teasing me. So after a nice long day of casual ribbing from the girls I went home. A little later into the day a servant from the empress came bearing gifts. He came with 20 sheets of paper (like who writes anything anymore, we have technology for a reason emperor oldy-locks. Man I’m funny) saying that the empress hopes that this is good enough to write the Sutra of Longevity on. And guys you have no idea how happy that made me. I would have loved it if some rando off the street, but coming from the empress made it feel waaaaaaaay better. I was so excited that I told the messenger to take this message back to her telling that it also may be a wee bit of an overreaction:
Most inexpressible
My gratitude to one on high
Whose god-like paper gift
Has granted me anew lease on life-
The cranes renowned longevity.
I was sitting in my dining room and gave the messenger a gift for the awesome gift he gave me. I thought it would be a great idea to throw myself into my work, like any normal person would, and make an exquisite bound book with the sheets of paper that were given to me. Two days later some dude came into my place saying “Here ya go” while handing me a mat. He did this with way less enthusiasm and pizzazz than the paper delivery man did the other day, which was disappointing to say the least. Then the maid came in yelling “AND WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE COMING INTO THE ROOM LIKE THAT” at him which made him put the mat down and find somewhere to hide. I told someone to find out who he was and who sent him and the gorgeous Korai mat with an equally gorgeous border. I think all things considered, it was a pretty good few days if you ask me. Got to do some writing and got a sick mat, I would say it has been a very productive week. Let’s see how this next week goes. Deuces ya’ll.
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seishonagan · 4 years
How Angry Can People Make You? Read Below to Find Out
So I had a really infuriating encounter today with someone and it got me thinking about all the things people do that get me mad; and since I am a big fan of lists, as you all know, here is a list of things that infuriate us all (if you have anymore, just add them in the comments to see how annoying people are):
When someone comes over and doesn’t stop talking when you have something suuuuuper important to do, but if its someone like your parent or loose acquaintance, you can’t just send them away, you have to listen to them drone on and on
When a hair gets on your paper and your pen keeps writing over it creating this little gap in a few of the letters
When someone gets sick and you try to get ahold of the doctor but every time you try to call you get put on hold for a really long time or he’s not in the office at the moment
When someone is being really dumb but they aren’t aware they’re being really dumb
When you’re out camping and that one person comes over to the fire and hogs all the space around cause they’re trying to warm themselves up and you can’t say anything cause they’re really liked so people just defend them.
When guys are out drinking they keep forcing another drink on someone and acting like idiots
When someone is always complaining and crying about their life, but then go and criticize others about their lives
When you’re trying to listen to something but then a louder noise comes out of nowhere and blocks what you were trying to listen to and now you can’t
When you’re trying to be sneaky with the guy you brought over but he’s being super clumsy, knocking this and that over, making noise, letting everyone know that you had someone over
When you’re all comfortable in bed and you’ve found that awesome spot in bed and you’re about to go to sleep, but then a fricken mosquito starts buzzing by your head and all you hear is the buzzing and can’t get it to shoo
Driving around and hearing someone else’s brakes be really loud and you think to yourself “how can you not hear that, everyone else can”
When you’re telling a juicy story, or any story really, and then someone else just barges into the conversation and gives away the ending you building up to. These have to be some of the worst kinds of people.
When you made a big deal about having some kids over and you treat them all nice and great the first time and then they keep coming over expecting the same treatment
Or how about when you’re faking a nap so you don’t have to see someone that came over because you don’t like them, but then someone comes and wakes you up to go see them and is mad at you for being asleep (like I was asleep for a reason bro)
When some new person comes over and tries telling me how to run my house like she owns the place
This is one that really grinds my gears, when your man starts talking about how great and cool his ex was or how she did this or that and you just sit there and say nothing trying to play it off cool (like if you like her so much then go marry her)
A loud sneezer, other than the owner of the house you’re in obviously, is also very annoying
Don’t even get me started on fleas, always jumping around under your clothes like they’re trying to undress you (like at least take me to dinner first, sheesh)
The super creepy feeling that a group of dogs howling gives you like an omen of death or something. No thank you.
OH MAN, people who leave the door open when they leave the room, like have you no respect for others, close the door behind you; were you raised on a barn. Learn some manners.
If any of you guys are angry right totally let it all out in the comments below so we can all be mad together. Deuces ya’ll.
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