selaofromulus · 2 years
germanic and romance languages:
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What are the most frequent letters in each language? This is a simple list.
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selaofromulus · 3 years
I just watched the next generation season 4 episode 6 aka legacy and … wow I have Thoughts.
Seeing the crew’s journey from anxiously waiting to see if Ishara is actually Tasha’s sister, to watching each of them have some sort of moment with her until she ultimately betrays them, is heartbreaking. From Worf having a casual conversation with Ishara about Starfleet, (in a friendly tone he never uses for strangers) Riker risking his life to save her, and even Picard by allowing himself to get emotionally involved. (The only ones we don’t get to see are Dr. Crusher, Geordi, and Wesley which is a bit disappointing because I would’ve loved to see insight into what their respective relationships with Tasha were like but we move) Deanna’s more cautious approach might seem aloof to some but I think it reinforces Deanna’s role as the ships counselor and how she isn’t afforded the same luxury as the rest of the crew when it comes to allowing themselves to be swept up in their emotions. It’s excruciating to watch the team fall into the trap and be emotionally manipulated because they want so badly for Tasha to be with them again. Ishara weaponizes the entire team’s grief, and teases the idea of joining Starfleet which in turn, allows them to fantasize about “Tasha” being with them again.
But it’s Data that carries the emotional heart of the ep, which is ironic because at this point, he doesn’t have his emotions chip, and as he reminds us many times throughout the episode, he can’t feel. In their first meeting, Data immediately remarks on Ishara’s similarities to Tasha after she shyly looks down which is so ….. insert gif of child throwing a tantrum on the floor. He also mentions that they were close in this first meeting (and also multiple times throughout the rest of the ep lol) which leads Ishara to pick up on his vulnerability as she manipulates him into giving her what she needs.
He falls for Ishara’s deception the hardest. He holds Tasha so close to heart, and goes as far as to stick up for Ishara to Picard (which Deanna rightfully calls him out on). He goes above and beyond for a stranger. But from the moment she did that same smile as Tasha, he was a lost cause. And he continues to ignore the red flags and allows himself to be emotionally compromised until it’s too late. After Ishara reveals her evil plan lol and is back on the enterprise, she’s escorted to the bridge, and we have one of my favorite scenes. Ishara walks in and tries to catch Data’s eye, which he pointedly ignores. He’s hurt. After Picard asks him to escort Ishara to the transporter, he still refuses to talk to her until she asks him to say anything. He expresses (hello !!!) that he’s never felt so taken advantage of and they have a real moment before she goes back to Turkana. And to finish the episode, we get a sweet scene between Riker and Data after a few weeks have passed and they talk about how they’re still reeling from the pain Ishara inflicted on them.
The entire episode is raw and explores grief in such a natural way that the episode itself feels heavy. And it’s episodes like these that help me understand why this show is so highly revered in pop culture. Science fiction is a backdrop to tell real human stories in a fun setting, and none prove this idea more than this episode. Anyways, I’m cutting myself before I continue my rant aha. This episode destroyed me in the best way possible and i miss tasha <3
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selaofromulus · 4 years
One thing that bothers me about Yashahime is that it's mentioned several times that the Inu no Taisho and Kirinmaru teamed up to destroy the Grim Comet 500 years ago, right? We're also told that he died protecting Izayoi and newborn Inuyasha 200 years before the start of the series. So how is it possible that he uses Tetsusaiga - the sword he created specifically to protect Izayoi with - to destroy a comet presumably hundreds of years before she could have been born?
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selaofromulus · 4 years
German girl here who watched inuyasha in german when it aired in tv: i think it's good, older anime usually have a good dub here, the newer animes have some good and some really terrible ones (naruto was the first one with a real horrible dub in my opinion). Though it could also be my nostalgia speaking, but i would give it a try!
Thanks, anon! I'll definitely check it out 🙂
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selaofromulus · 4 years
all I wanted was a little background on what happened to rin before her ass got stuck in a tree and instead i'm gonna have to listen to some desperate courtesan cry for ten minutes because she couldn't claim that dog dick 😔
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selaofromulus · 4 years
@any german speaking inuyasha fans
Do you guys know if the German dub is good? I don't expect it to be on the same level as the original, but is it about as decent as the English dub at least?
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selaofromulus · 4 years
hope you're doing well ❤! for the art requests, maybe more of your sela au? or ro laren?
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thank you!! i am doing well i hope you are as well <3 i could not resist my emotional support niche au
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selaofromulus · 4 years
I know most people who like sessrin really want this to happen, but honestly I'd prefer if they didn't have a son. It just annoys me how so many people are set on them having a boy because Sesshomaru needs a male heir. I get it, the show takes place in the feudal era and they were all about muh sons back then and even today to an extent. But, c'mon you guys 🙄 The twins are enough for me and look how strong they are. Why can't they be considered Sesshomaru's heirs? Because they are daughters? Sorry, I don't accept that.
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selaofromulus · 4 years
, anyways u guys wanna hear my au for sela? from tng? the underused romulan? sorry u r hearing it anyways
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basically, tasha grabs her and RUNS.
ramblings/handwriting translation under the cut LMAO
Keep reading
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selaofromulus · 4 years
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A Commander Sela study (human/romulan hybrid). She has human as her base species and thus resembles her mother way more than her father.
Below is a comparison of human and vulcan hands, with two hybrids showing some characteristics not found in either base species, such as the increased length of the talon (leftmost digit) and the presence of claw-like nails on all fingers (humans have flat nails and vulcans/romulans have blunt hooves on the two middle digits).
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selaofromulus · 4 years
occasionally i get this all consuming urge to give deep space 9 a watch but i know that i wouldn’t be able to tolerate all bajoran spiritual mumbo jumbo that show seems to love. there’s also an irish character that sings Jerusalem which is quite frankly unforgivable.
please i just wanna watch ferengi shenanigans, gay lizard man, and dominion war drama.
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selaofromulus · 4 years
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I think they know where you are…..
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selaofromulus · 4 years
Some very mild Star Trek: Discovery spoilers here, I guess. So, one of the episodes is called Unification III and I am dreading it. I love Spock, but I couldn’t stand his role in the original TNG Unification two-parter. They turned him into this Vulcan messiah who feels the need to guide the culturally backwards Romulans into the light of Vulcan logic. I just know that they’re going to reveal that Vulcans and Romulans have undergone reunification and it makes me sick. The whole concept of reunification as shown in TNG seems based in ignorance.
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selaofromulus · 4 years
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im in my deanna x tasha feels
(click image for optimal quality!)
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selaofromulus · 4 years
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I dreamt seeing this post on here, so I decided to realize it!
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selaofromulus · 4 years
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Something wicked this way comes.
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selaofromulus · 4 years
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