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“Do you REALLY need that ridiculous thing?” Nagisa said as he pried off chattering teeth from his jacket. “And do you SERIOUSLY have to try it out on me!?” The vice-leader wasn’t in the best mood, especially now that he was used for target practice.
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( @tokoexpress​ liked for a starter )
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“Oh, it’s you.” The amount of disgust was quite obvious towards the writer. “The one that’s been helping out our latest addition...” Nagisa scoped out her appearance, but didn’t actually care what Demons look like. “Does it really fill you with such a determination when you two are teamed up like that? Fascinating...”
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“There’s no such thing as paradise! and I'm NOT A DEMON! D:
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“The two things Demons love to say rolled up into one sentence. You deserve some sort of prize... Too bad you won’t get one.”
((thank you for reading the rules!))
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( 詩 ) -          
       ❝ That’s where you’re wrong… You see, a seventeen year old           isn’t considered an adult. So, technically, I’m still considered           a kid… To them, at least. ❞
  No emotion was shown from her, as usual. A pale hand went to brush her   bangs away from the right side of her face, revealing her amber eye. His   anger didn’t frighten her in the slightest, if you give in… You’re just giving   them what they want.
       ❝ I thought you knew that… You are Li’l Ultimate Social           Studies after all, right ?? You must be a smart boy. ❞
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“I am, in-fact, quite knowledgeable. Thank you for noticing. I know a lot, like how you used to be the ‘Ultimate Poet’, if I’m correct. I know how you ‘teenagers’ are ‘not Demons’ and how you try to use that for your advantage so we don’t hunt you down. Though, you are almost Demons. Almost is close enough for us, so we call you ‘About-to-be’s. Nice ring to it, if you ask me.” Nagisa could feel the tension in the air. No doubt she could too. It was practically palpable. 
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❛  no worries ! no worries ! i totally understand why you’re curious of that, nagito-chan . after all – despair is kinda deep , riiiiiiiight ? ❜ with both hands clasped together  , she began to explain .   ❛ all you have to remember is that  when the adults despair , they’re tooooootally powerless ! cool , right ? it’ll be enough for all the soldiers of hope to kill as many adults as you want ! monaka-chan is with you, right ? ❜
she went ahead to kneel down to his height && whispered . ❛  do your best for her && big sis junko, mm’kay ? ❜
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“Absolutely! I will do my absolute best! One-hundred percent! I won’t let you down!...” The Vice-Leader paused for a second while looking at how pretty Big Sis Junko was up close. She was the Ultimate Fashionista, and she deserved that title, too. “But... Uh- Big Sis? My name is Nagisa... N-Not ‘Nagito’...”
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“What about them?”
She was firstly concentrating on sticking, yet more drawings that Masaru made her. Though she stopped in politeness to give the attention towards Nagisa staring him down with green orbs. “Is something the matter? You usually never want to talk to Monaca about Demons.”
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Turning her chair around to fully face him she tilted her head.
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“Well, considering how they actually managed to get through our challenge, relatively fast, she might be considered a serious threat to our preparations...” The Lil’ Ultimate felt really warm when Monaca stared at him... but yet strangely cold... “If you wouldn’t mind, could we send out some extra Monokumas? For- uh- safety reasons, really!”
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( @ultimctepoet liked for a starter )
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“You know, even though you looks like us, I can still tell you’re a Demon.” Nagisa glared at the self-proclaimed ‘angel’ in anger. “You loiter around with other Demons, so that was a very large tip-off...”
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( @childrenswar liked for a starter )
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Nagisa looked up hesitantly from the plate of cookies before him to Monaca across the table. “I really hope you made these cookies, Monaca... If the Servant made these I am not touching these at all. After those things he called ‘milk-shakes’ I wouldn’t trust him in the kitchen ever again.”
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“Uh... Big Sis Junko? I... I have something to ask you...” The Lil’ Ultimate shuffled up to his so-called ‘mentor’, nearly quaking in his boots simply in awe. “How are we supposed to kill the adults and get away with it? N-Not that I’m questioning your logic! It’s just... Wouldn’t somebody, per se, come in and try to stop us?”
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( @fleurebirth liked for a starter )
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“You!? You couldn’t understand us even if you read a 200 page biography on us each!” The thought of the Demon trying to reconcile was distasteful at best. “You simply have no idea of what we went through! How could YOU sympathize with us?”
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( @brxkendramaqueen liked for a starter )
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Nagisa stared out the window of the Excalibur. He heard the light footsteps of Kotoko approach him, probably about to attempt to scare him. “It’s nice, isn’t it? Being able to be so high above all the Demons... Makes me know that I’m more powerful than them... What about you?” He turned to the fighter, looking for a response.
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“Monaca... May I have a word with you? It’s about the latest Demon we found.” The well-dressed boy shifted his weight while looking at the mage. Talking to her alone didn’t make him comfortable, it was like he didn’t feel safe... He had to converse with her, nonetheless.
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Send in an HC you have about my muse and I'll respond with a 👍 or 👎
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                      “Tch, My mun bugged a-asked me (For the millionth time)                              to do this: My name is T-Toko Fukawa. Ultimate writing Prodigy.                                a-and don’t get used to this..Friendly thing I’m being forced to do..”
                    Indie Toko Fukawa Blog // Rules <<        Please leave a like/reblog
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[hello hello! hannah here with a remade blog!
have you ever wanted your muses to have to deal with a child who hates almost every adult and is not afraid to let them know? who also happened to build monstrous robots that helped in destroying the world as we know it? and is also super, duper cute??
if so, then like/reblog this post to show interest in writing with a private & selective monaka towa of the dangan ronpa series, and i’ll make sure to check you out!]
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Kiyo only became more confused as the other spoke. What kinda game was he talking about? The sorcerer gasped and his ruby eyes widened in shock as he continued, hugging his spell book tightly. Nagisa… hunted people!? That sounded really scary the way he was describing it and the fact that he didn’t seem to be upset by it either.
“Huh? What do you mean by game? Its nice to meet you too though! W-wha!? I-I… I-I’m not a Demon! I-I wouldn’t hurt anyone… I-I don’t… I-I don’t want anyone to get hurt…”
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What the hell!? I knew it sap… I knew there was something up with him… Damn it… Its not a game either! How the hell could anyone just damn do that… Get out of here sap… I’ll make sure you don’t get hurt either alright? Kiyo shivered and moved away from the other, Ki growling protectively in his head. This wasn’t a good situation to be in…
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“I don’t expect you to understand. Me and the Warriors of Hope are the only ones who understand, along with the kids with similar pasts.” The young one stared into Kiyo’s tearing eyes. Demons never understood their motives, and never would. “Our goal is to make a paradise for kids, with no adults. We don’t want other kids to experience what we felt.”
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Kiyo tilted his snowy head as the other spoke to him, frowning a little. He’d been going to hang out with Mage when the other came up to him. The sorcerer didn’t really know what he meant by all of that and it kinda confused him. The way the child was looking at him made him uneasy too, making him hold his spell book closer as he pulled his white jacket more around his shoulders. Who was this person?
“Huh? I-I don’t know what that is… I-I don’t really have any normal family either…  Um… I’m Kiyo! What’s your name?”
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Uh… What the hell? Something’s up with this kid sap… Not just whatever damn thing he was talking about either… I’m getting a weird feeling from this one…Better be damn careful… Kiyo blinked at that and nodded, purring as he gazed at the other with some curiosity in his ruby eyes. What was going on?
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“You don’t seem to be marked for the game yet. Masaru probably forgot or something. Here, I’ll explain.” The Lil’ Ultimate Social Studies cleared his throat. “My name is Nagisa Shingetsu. My friends and I have a game where we hunt Demons. Demons being adults. Each Demon is marked and has a card to go with it. Understand so far or do I have to repeat myself?”
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