semajzion · 2 months
Full Moon in Sidereal Capricorn Lenormand Divination and Horoscopes
You deserve it baby, I promise
Table Reversed (Family) 
“Don’t linger at tables that lack sustenance, for growth, for change.”
-Table, Grandma Baby’ Black Gold Lenormand Too
A Full moon in Capricorn brings a contrast between Saturn and The Moon: 
The disparity between the containers of our environmental upbringing and the container that is the self and body arises. How we were responded to when transgressed, when we cried, wanted to be celebrated, or needed a meal all matters when dealing with who we choose to align ourselves with in adulthood. This Full Moon is an unlearning of the silence used to cope when our kin failed to bridge the gap.
Cross calls for a time of being asked to be explicit and truthful with ourselves about what we will and won’t accept from the people who raised us and those we call family. Under this lunation, our bodies give us the sensations, the insatiable desire, the signals as to where we have been neglected and told we are not worthy of acknowledgment or praise. Boundaries with yourself, family and broader relationships facilities the creation of the container you deserved as a child and today to thrive and feel safe. Boundaries are also the antidote to manipulation and self abandonment. What and who have been consistently hurting you that you give the benefit of the doubt? It's becoming clear how our bodies have been attuned to our feelings being ignored and disregarded. Cross comes through and asks the question if it's worth sacrificing yourself for relationships that leave you dry, depleted and without reciprocal understanding. 
Tower reminds us to feel the righteous anger, sadness and grief that comes with your people not having the tools necessary to equip your body for comfort and attention. Habitual and intergenerational neglect makes it difficult to expierence and perceive the body. It’s important to have a relationship with land, food and ancestors that affirms your body as worthy of having and loving. The blood, heart every part of us is finely tuned for our survival. Trusting the feelings our tool gives us like rage gives us the bravery required to walk into the fear of feeling, to confront what you would much rather ignore, it creates the courage needed to let things die and keep them dead. This is what we can cling onto knowing that a personal Revolution and Renaissance is possible, palpable and on the horizon. That the step we are most afraid of taking, is the one that will free us from being ashamed of the tools and feelings we inherit in our bodies.
Mice and Table Reversed highlight the lack of faith we have in the ancestors to provide what we ask for: relationships that fed us as much as we feed it. Table has made it abundantly clear that we’ve sat at tables, been in rooms and broke bread with people who didn’t care if we ate tomorrow or not. We are being asked to take our family and their emotional unavailabilty at face value. When we interalize the ways people have fallen short, it can lead us to believe nobody is equipped to get the job done right. It’s important that we recognize and acknowledge the needs of the people we love and that nourish us as we pray to be sat at tables that sustain us in ways we haven’t dreamt of before. We owe it to ourselves past, present and future to have the standards necessary for a comfortable life, to not accept any old thing, and call it gold.
Below are horoscopes for each Sidereal Moon and Rising Sign for the Full Moon in Capricorn
Cancer Rising and Moon 
Now is the time to schedule any appointments, or services you’ve been ignoring or putting to the side. Focus on the parts of your body that you’ve been neglecting and tend to them with touch, food and words of affirmation. What assistance from a professional could be of use to soothe the discomfort you feel in your body? Massage therapy for example is a way to gain control of muscles in your body that are tense by default.
How has the shame around overindulgence and addiction (drugs, sex, alcohol, food) in your family and upbringing made you conceal and repress your own tendency to overindulge? Now is a good time to have conversations about the impact addiction (you or kin) has on your ability to show up relationally. 
What does your partner/other people have to go without so you can have? In what ways do your feelings and needs take up most of the emotional space? How can you attune to the implicit needs of the people in your life and respond without them needing to ask? 
Leo Rising and Moon 
The responsibilities you take up at work should be the ones in your job description. Your bosses can make you overcompensate for the work you do because it is good work. Excessive effort at your job jepordizes your body and puts you at a disadvantage in the longterm. Preserve your body by utilizing solitude in your home to regulate your sense of self and self image. 
This could be a time where symptoms flare up that need to be checked out for you or your mother. Make sure you're aware of your gut health as well as knees, feet and ankles. Even if what you feel is not visible you deserve to be treated, if you don’t feel safe inside the medical industry now is a time to start investing in learning herbal, tincture remedies for your physical and emotional pain. 
Have conversations around your entitlement to your alone time to regulate. If it's possible for you to take a vacation or a few days off, use them now. Disrupt the notion of who your bosses think you are and what you will do for them. Who you have to be/look like in order to maintain any proximity to power is not worth the dysregulation.  
Virgo Rising and Moon 
What recent events have illuminated the ways your sexuality/gender/creativity has been neglected and repressed? Right now it's important to tend to your innerchild and teenager to access feelings that are stored in your body but cant recognize. Explore things you never got to do and still have a burning desire for. 
You are still entitled to your own time and dignity even when you need help to provide for yourself and children. If you have children or care for someone else it’s a good time to establish a relational support system of people you trust to meet the needs of you and your children/dependents. 
If you’ve been thinking about attaining a degree/certificate or entering a course to expand your work and sense of community, it's a good time for that. This could go for artists who want to develop themselves and skill or to help gain an audience. It's important for eyes to be on you doing what you love and are good at. 
Libra Rising and Moon
What agreements are being established between your parents to gain control of your home and housing? How are you seeing that the needs of your parents are synonymous with your own? 
How do the limits being imposed on your parents and home drive you to contribute to or sever from shared living spaces of your uprbring? Who can you depend on when you can't depend on your parents? 
What moral judgements have you placed on your interdependence? What does it mean for you to actually be stronger together than you are apart? 
Scorpio Rising and Moon 
How have you become aware of the impact of your family's emotional unavailibity? What is the correlation between the feelings they refuse to/cant express and the ones you reject yourself from experiencing? Bring to the surface what you’d much rather say ignorant of. Accept your feelings as they are about the harm/neglect that has been done to you.
What internal conflict arises when you are asked to play the role of son, daughter, worker, father etc… You sacrifice connections and relationships when you priotize knowing what's dangerous over knowing what's safe. Allow yourself to lean into playing the part people expect you to play with consent. 
Use tarot, oracles, and astrology to attune your world view and possibility of home. Your familiar and neighborhood are not equipped to provide you the space you need to have the best version of your life. Your work right now is faith in your lineage, ancestors and community to increase your territory physically, spiritually and mentally but also make a concsious effort to work toward where you imagine yourself thriving. Faith without works is dead. 
Sagittarius Rising and Moon
The limits and constraints being put around your finances, assets and belonging is challenging you conform your notion of what work is and how to acquire more. It's time to bring a disruption to the kinds of jobs you go for and what projects you believe youre capable of completing. If you always apply for the same kinds of jobs, go outside of the box. Rely on your relationships to put you in the rooms you need to be in. 
Right now is a good time to establish routines around your health and body. Target any symptoms of fatigue or pain that you’ve been experiencing to bring vitality back into your body. A change in diet will also help you experience your body in a new way. Use your appearance and glamour work to ritualize care for your body. 
What comforts must you sacrifice in order to gain control of your money and work? Continuing to indulge puts you at a deficit and as a result needing to borrow and loan from others or open credit cards. Your mother could also be depending on you to contribute in terms of shared living and material interdependence. 
Capricorn Rising and Moon
The physical pain in your body is indicative of the neglect you’ve experienced. How have you become aware of the ways you’ve attempted to control and suppress your bodys natural functions? Now is a good time to wail, scream and bring up stored pain that's asking to be felt and talked to. Also schedule any appointments with professionals that need to be made like doctors, readers, or chiropractors. Body work is needed to support you in starting to trust your bodys signals of distress you’ve spent so long ignoring. 
How can you invite play, fun and creativity into your appearance, gender identity and sexuality. It's important for you to see the potential in what you desire to bring into the world without needing the validation of an audience. What would it look like for you to write, dance, sing and play as if nobody's watching? 
What endings in relationships that had potential make you more aware of what/who you are attracted to? In what ways have your own emotional dishonesty played a role in allowing you to figure out how you want to behave in relationships? How has being hurt/hurting someone else reframe your desire to connect or sever? 
Aquarius Rising and Moon
What moral judgements do you place onto yourself when you experience symptoms of pain and discomfort in your body? Your sense of self and dignity should not be lost when you don’t have access to soothe your distress. Ignoring your pain and feelings will only make them worse. The best thing you can do is acknowledge what's happening in your body and respond with care and concern. You become unfamiliar and estranged from yourself and body when you ignore your body and what goes on inside it.
Who have you become aware of that you’ve been estranged from? Lean into connections with people who you forgot existed but never forgot you. Using solitude and isolation to regulate has its limits and can elicit periods of depression. 
What disruption to your solitude has made you rethink who/what belongs in your home? Your job, its position and duties could fluctuate based on your boss's needs. These factors drive you to focus on finding new ways to protect your home and self from any disagreements about your home and its aesthics.
Pisces Rising and Moon 
How has putting yourself out there to have fun for fun's sake remedy the guilt that has been instilled in you for your sexual/gender or racial identity? Accepting your bodys need for exploration and new experiences helps you take the risks necessary for unearthing repressed desires. 
Now is a good time to consult any mentors or teachers to help you conceive of new ideas about pushing your work into the public. Who are the disadvantaged people your work is for? How can you attune to the needs of your audience/people who consume your creativity?
What beliefs about your neighborhood, family and familiar have been reframed by having time and space outside your state or country? How can your personality and personhood be changed by a genuine change of scenery? Use mint over yourself and pray for fresh beginnings. 
Aries Rising and Moon 
How have your parents imposed their inability to acknowledge and respond to their own feelings onto you? (lack of emotional accountability) The financial or emotional responsibility you take on because nobody else will leave you with the appearance that you can hold it all together even if you’re collapsing in on yourself. It's important to not mistake your parents lack of tools to care for you for you not deserving to be cared for. Ask for help where you need it. 
Right now is a time to save where you can as there could be more expenses you need to cover than usual. You could also be saving for an intentional big purchase as well as a gift to yourself, someone else or your home. 
Indulge in cooking food for yourself and children. There is an opportunity to become more dignified in meeting your own needs by witnessing how others respond to your care for them. Develop your home to be a space where you can decompress and make yourself comfortable. What do you need in your home in order to live well and take care of yourself and others? 
Taurus Rising and Moon 
Being deprived of the ability to travel to new places outside your familiar can restrict who you can belong to. It's important to imagine who you could be if you weren’t seeing the same streets and walls everyday. 
How is your sense of self and upbringing being recontextualized by discovering new information about your parents and ancestors? The way that they lived everyday and what they needed to survive can tell you vital information about the shame that influenced the ways they concealed and hid the truth about how they experienced themselves and life. 
Your family's belief about your identity and how you should present as your assigned gender/sexuality has influenced your ability to embody who you are. Who inside your lineage and family are you learning to share the same identities as you can support you in externalizing how you experience yourself, gender and sexuality. 
Gemini Rising and Moon 
How does having access to more funds reshape your desires and needs? Compare your relationship to your body and self when you do have enough and when you don’t. Now is a time where you get to spend more on things that you need but also on what feels good. You can mitigate the consequences of overindulgence by saving for a rainy day when you dont have as much access as you do now. 
Using social media to meet new people is important for finding space to embody the dignity necessary when living in places that don’t reflect who you are internally. Limits around your ability to travel outside your familiar neighorhood makes you be creative in solving problems of isolation. How can you form relationships that set you up to have roots beyond where you are currently? 
You could be planning to make a big purchase that you dont have enough for. Rely on your family and kin to bridge the gap with any debts, loans you need in order to cover expenses. Being inexpressive about the ways you feel like you fall short only further digs your hole. The antidote to shrinking, and the shame of asking is practing expressing to yourself before you express to anyone else. Are you honest with you about you?
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semajzion · 4 months
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“You your best thing, Sethe. You are." His holding fingers are holding hers. "Me? Me?"                                    
- Toni Morrison, Beloved
You’ll always lose the battle when the enemy is yourself. Wherever shame has taken root, unworthiness will thrive. When Strength shows up on my table, I ask myself “how have I been disowned, how am i continuing to disown myself?” 
Grace (noun) (in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings
a divinely given talent or blessing.
Being subject to living in a cycle of perpetual denial (of resources, food, acceptance, community) initiates us into a life of striving for necessities that are as inherent to us as they are to the earth itself. In the Tarot, Strength comes after The Chariot— where force is power. The kind of toil that creates pride in the heart and tough skin on hands. Ankles that bridges marvel at. The kind of work that your body feels and needs a break from. Strength appears offering a counternarrative— I deserve even when I cannot function. Even when I cannot move, even when i’m anxious, even when I don't have enough money, even when i’m depressed, I deserve in the midst of it all. 
Self Abandonment has many heads. Strength in the Rider Waite Tarot is depicted as a woman holding open the mouth of a lion. She is skillful and unassuming of any danger. The lion is obedient, but still a lion. They look at eachother with consent. I love the tarot because symbolism is a gateway to archetypes that exist in the ways we experience and engage with life. To think of strength as not how much force you exert but the amount of compassion you can exude for yourself while making it through. The Chariot and Strength juxtapose the narratives “I only deserve what I need after i’ve suffered” and “I deserve what I need because of the work of suffering through my survival.” 
Grace counteracts and defends against the guilt of failing to conform. Sometimes the battles we have fought on the outside last on the skin for years. Living in the flesh is hard enough, it takes real courage to manage it alongside that. 
It's easy for what I lack to overshadow what I have. Confronting the inadequacy that was imposed onto the way I see myself has made me stronger. My father is a man who had high expectations for having a son. I had to let him down with who I was. This is what strength is about to me: something has/will always want you to be someone you’re not. To reject identifying with the shame and rejection of not meeting somebody else's mark is to save yourself, is to be strong.
Strength prompts: 
What don’t I like about myself? 
Who in my upbringing shared this dislike?
Who do I believe myself to be when I'm not meeting my goals?
Why am I being so hard on myself?
Who benefits from my suffering?
How am I contributing to my body experiencing this suffering? 
What can I do to release myself from guilt? 
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semajzion · 4 months
June 6, 2024 there will be a New Moon in Sidereal Taurus and we’re planting seeds to belong. Jupiter, The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus will all be in Sidereal Taurus during this lunation. Venus took the stage May 1st with Jupiters ingress into Taurus after being in Mars ruled Sidereal Aries since April 21,2023. Venus reminds Mars that its work of self delinatation, separation, and differentiation is rewarded by finding the people who deeply align with you. Venus thanks Mars for reminding it what it's like to live without the necessity of a mask, and crippling self correction, that sacrificing a space where you’re approved of, accepted and seen as beautiful as you experience yourself is to cut yourself off at the knees.
This New Moon and stellium in Sidereal Taurus introduces us to the people we have the opportunity to meet and break bread with if we make space for them. What relationships, things you own, identify with, weigh you down, and make you feel estranged from belonging in your body? It takes just as much courage to belong as it takes to cut yourself off.
Below are horoscopes for each Sidereal Rising and Moon Sign. You can also apply this to your sidereal Sun Sign or any stellium (3 or more planets in one sign).
Taurus Rising and Moon
How are you seeking self approval by playing and being curious with your appearance, gender or sexuality? How have you been gaslit out of embodying your own attraction to yourself?
What labels and roles have you been made to conform to (Boy, girl, gay, straight, lesbian, mother, employee) and which roles do you feel comfortable and empowered taking on?
What cultural traditions and rituals do you find yourself eager and responsible to uphold? How does your connection to your appearance keep you grounded in a sense of self.
Gemini Rising and Moon
Seek acceptance, friendship and companionship from strangers and people you don’t know. This is a time where you could feel estranged from groups of people you have commonalities with. You can deal with this estrangement by making a concerted effort to interact with new people.
How can you embody the knowledge of your lineage and identity? What about your race, gender, sexuality etc are you learning to trust expressing?
How has being estranged from people who share identities with you (black, queer, disabled) influenced your beliefs around your right to belonging (in those identities)
Cancer Rising and Moon
Seek the approval of your audience, fans, benefactors and friends. Right now the people who want to help you can assist with the resistance you feel toward taking action toward materializing your career goals.
Who do you believe your art and creativity is directed toward? Who is your audience and who/what do you create for?
Pay attention to the conflicts bosses/superiors/your mother or parents impose on you, use who regulates or dysregulates you as a metric of who belongs and who doesn't.
Leo Rising and Moon
How does conforming to the expectations of your bosses, managers and mother allow you to gain more dignity and self respect than going against the grain? Does proving people wrong about who you are feel better than belonging ?
The shame of being perceived as incapable or weak can drive you to fein a facade of impenetrable confidence, being vulnerable about what you cannot handle/afford allow others to decide when and how they can help you.
Where are you being validated for your appearance, identity and art in public? Does the way your mother/parents perceive your beauty influence what you see to be beautiful about yourself? What about you did they perceive as ugly? How does that shape your own internal neglect?
Virgo Rising and Moon
Start approving of yourself and letting others validate your precision and knowledge of oracles like tarot and astrology. What customs, and cultural rituals are appealing to you that you're curious about? Build a ritual that pulls on the evidence, research and divinations you’ve acquired recently.
Now is a good time to start thinking about any certifications, classes or courses you want to be a part of. This will allow you to surround yourself with your communities of people who want to learn the same topics and share mutual interest. How do you get tangible evidence for what you've studied and what you believe in?
Make sure you and your identity is reflected in the work you do and what you create. Now you could be disassociating your sense of self from your workplace or career path to pursue learning something you're more passionate about.
Libra Rising and Moon
Your relationship to indulgence, sex and pleasure can jeopardize your autonomy by leaving you dependent on others to meet needs you could meet yourself. How does dependency keep you indifferent to your own autonomy and ability to sever? What beliefs around your own dependency keep you from identifying with your own autonomy?
Allowing your partner(s) to practice their own autonomy gives room for you to see how many other relationships you have. Witness how interconnected you are to your family, friends– allow this to let people embody their differences and show you how it's done.
Now maybe a time where you want to take out a loan, get a credit card, apply for grants to help you bridge the gap of what you have and what you need. Be realistic about your savings goals and pragmatic about meeting them to avoid falling into debt.
Scorpio Rising and Moon
Leaning into your differences will empower you when you are in conflict and when attracting professional and romantic relationships. You may feel challenged to leave or abandon a job or daily obligation even though belonging is beneficial.
Who do you have to be to gain access to contracts, leases and professional alliances? How is this person in conflict with who you are? You may be looking for new roommates or partners. Question your attraction and why you find qualities attractive in others. Are these qualities suppressed within yourself?
Make sure you’re getting any symptoms your body is feeling checked out by a professional. What daily habits and routines will support your health and autonomy?
Sagittarius Rising and Moon
Curate a routine and practice around adornment and dressing in ways that make you feel at home in your body. Put intention into some items you care about that you can wear for multiple purposes like protection, road opening and clarity etc.
You and your coworkers could be finding commonalities in the shared identity of employee and other shared beliefs around the work(place). Y’all could be unionizing or being made to conceal the truth of your intentions from your boss
How have you been made to conceal or mask your diagnosis or other disabilities at work and to your close family? If you have a disability that is not visible make it an effort to make accommodations for you to get obligations met. You have the right to identify creatively with your work.
Capricorn Rising and Moon
How are you using your body as a tool to be creative and have fun? Define some creative practices like yoga, stretching, or adornment that allow you to regulate and gain control of yourself.
Who do you have to be to meet the demands of children, or other things you’re making? Does identifying with the language of parent, author, poet, singer, actor etc help or hinder your own perception of your art, offsprings?
What action needs to be taken inside/around your home? You could be looking to move or put more effort into making your home feels safe to inhabit and be in. Who/what is allowed in and who isn't? What boundaries need to be implemented around who belongs where you live
Aquarius Rising and Moon
Focus on identifying with your home (the aesthetics of it, where it's located and the people who live in your neighborhood) and where you're from. How do you see yourself reflected in your home and living space?
Being abandoned or estranged from your families cultural values & personal spiritual practices leaves you vulnerable to being invisible to yourself and how you're perceived by others, who are you to the people you come from? What role do you occupy in your lineage?
What beliefs about your identity (race, gender, sexuality) did you have to mask in your home in order to be approved of?
Pisces Rising and Moon
How are you learning to identify with your kin, cousins and close friends and family? What about the identities of the people you come from do you resonate with and feel within yourself ?
Define the rites, passages and cultural norms of our family and relatives. What customs have kept yall together? How can you participate in upholding the rituals of communion in your family?
Right now you could be driven to find different or new sources of income or abandon some assets. It's a good time to donate or throw things away you no longer identify with or start or renew a budgeting plan.
Aries Rising and Moon
Create boundaries with yourself around indulgence, food and spending. Preserve yourself from not having enough by limiting what you decide to indulge in. This is a time to spend money on quality items that will last you instead of fleeting pleasures.
How are you identifying with your assets and things you own? This is a good time to create an altar or get back to maintaining yours if you've been neglecting it. The things you own have value and you get to assign what that value is.
What role does money/the optics of having it influence what you believe yourself to be capable of? If you don't have a certain amount of money, how is your self esteem affected? What is it about not having enough or needing help that makes you feel unworthy?
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semajzion · 2 years
Mercury Retrograde in Sidereal Sagittarius Horoscopes
The horoscopes in this post are for Mercury's Retrograde transit through Sidereal Sagittarius that began December 2, 2022, the day Mercury entered Sidereal Sagittarius 
Apply the horoscopes in this post to your sidereal rising and moon sign only
Instructions to cast your Sidereal Birth Chart:
What does it mean for Mercury to Retrograde?
Because the Sun and Moon are luminaries, Mercury is the fastest moving planet in the sky. Due to its literal small size and ability to complete its 88 day orbit much quicker than say, The Sun's 365 day orbit— A planetary retrograde from earth's perspective, is when a planet appears to slow down during its orbit around the sun. Every planet at one point or another does this, yet the impact of Mercury’s retrograde has become palpable even beyond conversations surrounding astrology exclusively.
This is especially because Mercury, as the fastest moving planet, is responsible for translating, amplifying, organizing, and categorizing as much information as possible. Mercury's retrograde can be thought of as the interruption of a steady flow of traffic; caused by a car going above the speed limit spontaneously braking. The cars (or planets) behind Mercury are instantly becoming aware of what they must do in the face of traffic being disrupted. 
Mercury's retrograde slows our capacity to process new information to make space for retracing steps that Mercury could have missed in processing the truth of our circumstances, feelings and relationships. Like planets, people can move so fast they missed what was right in front of them the whole time. Slowing down is where we get the grace and capacity to change our minds. To change what we believe once we are given new information about ourselves and lives. 
To practice astrology is to practice observation. Any interpretation of a planet should be derived from how it is seen in concert with other planets in the sky. From earth, the power of observing interactions between planets lies in the cyclical nature of time that we experience through ourselves and relationships. This is adverse to the Gregorian calendar, which obscures our relationship with time through its linear and ever-progressing orientation. Through planetary retrogrades, Astrology confirms for us that we must indeed go back in order to move forward. 
What does it mean for Mercury to Retrograde in Sidereal Sagittarius?
Mercury's transit through Sidereal Sagittarius began December 2, 2022 and due to its retrograde, won’t leave until February 6, 2023. What does it mean for us to have Mercury retrograde slow down our capacity to process new information in the sign Sidereal Sagittarius? 
Astrology is more about the interaction of planets than individual signs. Every sign belongs to 1 planet and Sidereal Sagittarius belongs to Jupiter. While Mercury is the smallest and quickest planet, Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and takes 12 years to complete a full orbit around the sun. 
Jupiter is the context. The water to the fish. The air we breathe. The taken for granted truths that reinforce what we believe to be true about the world. I don’t have to question if I'll see the blue sky again because that’s just the way the world works. Whether these beliefs are confirmed through natural experiences of life, learning from an institution, a specific religious doctrine, the cultural impact of where you were raised, the foregone conclusions we draw about the world, the taken for granted truths we don’t have to question are all ways we can expect Sidereal Sagittarius to show up in our daily lives.
Mercury Retrograde in Sidereal Sagittarius asks us to question the validity of our convictions. The questions below are written as a guide to be curious about the stories you’ve told about specific people and areas in your life that Mercury is highlighting for you. 
Apply the horoscopes in this post to your sidereal rising and moon sign only
The Horoscopes 
Sidereal Aquarius Rising and Moon
What convictions, opinions and beliefs did your mothering parent(s) internalize in order to feed themselves? How are those convictions affecting your ability to feed yourself?
What does your creativity mean to you outside of the opinions and judgments of those who will receive or consume it?
How has the pandemic impacted your housing situation? Do you live with those who are in solidarity with your erasure?
Sidereal Pisces Rising and Moon: 
How have the convictions of your mothering parent(s) undermined your ability to trust yourself?
What power and authority has a specific religious doctrine, spiritual or cultural belief had over your parents ability to see you clearly?
How have you seen the fruits of your creative labor become a resource for those around you?
Sidereal Aries Rising and Moon:
What circumstances of material interdependence have required you to find new ways to feed yourself and/or someone else?
What experiences of institutional indoctrination have reinforced your need for autonomy and solitude?
How has the pandemic impacted your relationship with your mothering parent(s)?
Sidereal Taurus Rising and Moon: 
What aspects of yourself must you preserve in order to belong safely inside of an institution or group? What aspects of yourself must you abandon in order to fit into an institution or group?
What opinions, convictions and beliefs have you depended on in order to gain access to food?
What connections and collaborations inside of institutions give you access to resources you need for survival?
Sidereal Gemini Rising and Moon: 
How has the pandemic impacted who you can trust to tell you the truth about your reality?
Whose judgements about yourself have you internalized in order to be certain?
How has lack of curiosity and ignorance toward your body's needs prevented trust between you and your mothering parent(s)?
Sidereal Cancer Rising and moon
What beliefs are you required to uphold at your place of work? Do they support or undermine your personal spiritual, cultural or religious convictions?
What professional must you consult in order to gain control of your body at this point in time?
How are you learning to trust the cues in your body as a valuable source of information and truth? 
Sidereal Leo Rising and moon
What beliefs and stories around your identity support or undermine your capability to be creative?
Can you discern the difference between relationships with people intended for pleasure/leisure and the people you depend on for material survival?
Make sure the people you share resources with are explicit about what they expect from you in return!
Sidereal Virgo Rising and moon:
How have the beliefs and convictions of your parents supported or undermined your ability to be curious about yourself and your needs?
What nuances about other people are you being asked to hold at this time?
What connections serve as a resource for expanding your creativity?
Sidereal Libra Rising and moon:
What convictions, stories and beliefs have you internalized to evade consequences in your family, kin and close community?
What larger communities outside your family, kin, and close relatives give you space to be curious about yourself and familiar surroundings?
How will you come into agreement, consensus and solidarity with those you share living space with?
Sidereal Scorpio Rising and moon:
What new perspectives are you allowing to influence what you eat and how you eat it?
What does it mean for you to be accepted for your differences? 
How do connections with your familiar, kin (blood or otherwise) help you gain a sense of control and belonging?
Sidereal Sagittarius Rising and Moon:
What connections are a resource for securing your ability to feed yourself?
How do the convictions, stories and beliefs of you have about your parents influence what you believe to be true about yourself?
How do your spiritual, cultural, religious or political views support or undermine your ability to have new judgments and opinions about a particular experience?
Sidereal Capricorn Rising and Moon:
How has distance from your familiar given you a new perspective on trusting what you’re capable of?
How have your beliefs, stories, and experiences been validated by those who are foreign to you? 
What does it mean to cultivate belonging far from where you were born?
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semajzion · 2 years
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Cast your Sidereal birth chart
Apply the horoscopes in this post to your sidereal rising and moon sign (Along with your lunar return rising if ya bout that life)
What it means for the Sun to transit the zodiac
The sun tracks our process of becoming aware. Through its progression in the zodiac it articulates what we are focusing on at any given time. While The Sun transits its home sign Sidereal Leo until September 16, we are focusing on themes of fathering, authority, influencing/being influenced, and being awakened (made aware of something) in a specific area of life.
The fill in the blank in Daynas (@peoplesoracle on twitter) 2022 Sidereal Astrology guide says:
Focusing on impacting and influencing _________.
For your rising sign and moon sign, think about this sentiment as I talk about topics you should look out for.
Authority, meaning someone/something has the power to influence/dictate how you regard yourself and identity.
All lights on you boo, Sun in Leo is all about the ways you handle your sense of authority along being impacted by authorities over you. Your relationship to your father/fathering, contending with someone having the power to influence/dictate how you regard yourself and identity in your workplace are themes for this time.
Focusing on impacting and influencing myself
How does the appearance of your body (what people can perceive you as) fall short in telling the complete story of how you imagine yourself?
How can you preserve your right to solitude at this time?
Who are the people that need to consult you right now? If you have clientele or are thinking of offering services to people, this is a time to accept offers or reach out.
Money, money, money, money…… money.. Sun in Leo is highlighting what’s going on with your source of food and income. Your mother could also be experiencing disruptions in their money that has to do with their race, gender, class or sexuality that makes it difficult to lean on them for what you need. Focusing on your source of food could have your body calling out for you to see eating as an act of nourishment rather than an act of getting rid of an annoying feeling.
Focusing on influencing and impacting my income and food.
Do you have access to funds that others need?
Do you need funds that require access to other people’s wallets? Who must you consult to ensure you are able to feed and be fed?
Who helps me secure groceries and cook them?
Sun in Leo is asking you to see how these circumstances of physical and emotional distance/estrangement can allow you the space outside of obligations you usually find yourself having to take up. 
Focusing on the impact and influence of emotional and physical distance.
How will solitude allow you to become aware of limitations regarding your creativity and pleasure?
Sun in Leo has Gemini focusing on observing how their words and ability to articulate themselves clearly supports or undermines their relationship with people most familiar to them (kin, social media or otherwise).
Focusing on impacting and influencing everyone familiar, cousins, siblings, fictive kin etc
What are the conversations between you and your kin (blood and otherwise) about right now?
What impact has your kin, social media community and private spiritual practice had on the reality of your material dependence?
Sun in Leo is talking to Libra rising about helpful people that support and favor your creativity. You could be becoming aware of how the reality of your housing situation is affecting how you come into relationship with those people.
Focusing on impacting and influencing mentors, benefactors, audiences and fans etc.
Who are the people your creative projects are for?
How are you making what you’ve created visible to people who need to be aware of you? From this you gain access to the proper tools that will help your vision come to life.
Sidereal Taurus is focusing on the impact and role fathering/their father has had in securing and dominating their housing. Right now, masking and concealing the authenticity of your needs (food, housing, shelter..) will prevent those closest and most familiar to you from being able to attune properly to your distress.
Focusing on impacting and influencing parents in general, residence, real estate, land, farming, natural resources
How are the people most familiar to you (kin or otherwise) connecting you to what your body needs?
How is conforming to what’s expected of you supporting or undermining your survival?
Sun in Leo is having you focus on partnerships and people in prominent positions in your life who are asking you to conform to the expectations of your assigned gender, sexuality, race or class identity. Such as bosses imposing more work than your status calls for, or your mother imposing the dynamics of yall’s relationship onto you. etc
Focusing on impacting and influencing my bosses, mother, and reputation.
How are other people’s expectations of you a threat to your survival?
What do those who have power over you want you to appear as in order to appease them?
Is the authenticity of your survival instinct moving those closest to you to act in accordance?
What does preserving a relationship while honoring my emotional difference look like?
Sun in Leo is asking Aries to focus on their creativity, gender + sexual identity and the ways they express those things. If you have children your relationship with them is highlighted as well.
Focusing on impacting and influencing children, lovers, sex, pleasure and creativity.
What are the circumstances surrounding dad’s/other prominent mens money/ability to feed?
How is your identity being recognized and perceived in the relationships with your child/lover/creativity?
How is your current situation with income/being able to feed/be fed asking you to conform to your assigned gender, race and class?
What limitations do you encounter with your mother/people who have power over you in regards to your creativity?
This is a time where you’re becoming aware of information that’s been withheld from you about your workplace. People who are meant to help you could be proving themselves to be obstacles.
Focusing on impacting and influencing co-workers, employment, job description, work projects, workplace environment. Duties and obligations etc.
What does what I do for work say about who I am?
How is my workplace forcing me to cultivate self trust?
How is your work situation allowing you to see clearly the reality of people you actually need to seek help from? Who is helpful to you and why?
This could be a time where you are dealing with having to contend with institutions gatekeeping the resources you need access to.
This could show up by dealing with not being able to conceal and mask your convictions that come as a consequence of your race, gender, and class status regarding work and employment.
Material interdependence with kin ties (chosen or blood) for housing could also be a theme right now.
Focusing on impacting and influencing governmental, academic, and religious institutions.
If you need to move housing that requires travel, what information do you need in order to feel safe doing so?
What authority do intuitions have over my income/housing right now? Who must I lean on in order to feed/be fed/house myself?
How are my work projects highlighting ways I can protect myself from gatekeepers?
This is a time where you must materially depend on those who have what you need and a time where others are depending on you for what they need. At this time if you don’t have it, release the shame of asking and hold your hand out. At this time, if someone asks for it and you got it, it’s best to hand it over so it can be replenished. This is a good time for mutual aid requests.
Focusing on impacting and influencing material dependence, interdependence, communal and intergenerational living.
Who must I ask to receive what it is that I need?
Who is asking me for what they need? Can I provide it?
How has the pandemic affected who I am able to call family and share the burden of survival with?
The Sun in Leo is asking you to ensure you are not erasing or shrinking yourself in partnerships that require professional agreements. To read carefully the terms of contracts being signed during this time like leases to ensure you’re conscious of everything you’re agreeing to.
What do I need to consult other people for? This would be a good time to get a regular check up at the doctors, get a tarot/astro reading, or any other specific service you may need to elicit from someone.
What disruptions in your housing situation are causing you to see the reality of solitude, isolation, emotional and physical distance?
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semajzion · 2 years
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Depicted are two tarot cards From THE HOODOO TAROT. On the left is BISHOP C. H. MASON (The Hierophant) on the right is THE BIG HOUSE (The Tower) 
Tradition can be described as practices that are retained from generation to generation, as behaviors an individual takes part in that links them to the whole. For me, Tradition and belonging are topics that are inextricable. As Black diasporic people, specifically southern churched black people, our traditions have been warped by the necessity to assimilate into higher institutional levels of power. 
Obscuring the true nature of the praise house with class appearance, excluding or “othering” people who the doctrine demonizes, it no longer is a concerted effort to gather with and talk to spirits, but rather another space in which we are made to assimilate and replicate into the dominant culture for survival.
Bishop Charles Harrison Mason (1866-1961) was the first senior bishop of the Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee. Responsible for founding the largest Pentecostal church in the united states (COGIC), he had this to say about the holy spirit visiting him:
“So when he had gotten me straight on my feet, there came a light
which enveloped my entire being above the brightness of the sun.
When I opened my mouth to say Glory, a flame touched my tongue
which ran down me. My language changed and no word could I
speak in my own tongue. Oh! I was filled with the Glory of the
Lord. My soul was then satisfied.” (Mason, The History and Life
Work of Elder C. H. Mason and His Co-Laborers, 30)
Examining the roots of black churchy tradition allows us to see the true function of our praise: Spirit communication and consenting possession. The Hierophant in the Tarot as depicted by BISHOP C. H. MASON is all about the tools our heritage gives us. Reaching back into the original experiences that shape our belief systems are guides for those of us who’ve been pressured to survive under the threat of conformity. 
Being othered by our own kin has made Black queer people rightfully distrustful of our tradition and subsequent belonging. Being Black and queer is the act of occupying multiple identities that engender experiences of being rebuked or shamed. The Tower shown as THE BIG HOUSE calls for the decolonization (destruction) of what we’ve been able to be secure in. It begs us to not disguise our alienation from the whole as a mistake but a calculated encounter set by the enemy. Being rejected from belonging inside the group allows us to examine clearly the foundations of the black church. Blood or chosen, Spirit moves through relationship and our connection to one another. We are owed a safe space to commune with the divine in our lifetimes.
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