sen-shii · 4 years
19 Days’ Mothers Appreciation Post
Zhan Zheng Xi and Zhan Zi Qian’s mother
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We don’t know much about her but she seems like a warm, caring mother. And really, all you need to do is look at her children to know that she’s done a good job being a parent. Both Zhang Xi and Zi Qian are responsible and caring. She seems like a mother who listens in on the kids playing while doing dishes or cooking and smiles a little to herself, savoring the moment and restoring it in her heart. Then she’s brought back by a little hand tugging on the hem of her apron and finds a pair of dirty chubby faces peering up at her. “How did you end like up this~,” she says and crouches down to wipe the little faces with a corner of the rough kitchen towel, wondering where on earth the kids had found - was that sand?
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Headcanon that one day after kindergarten Zhang Xi brought home a boy with messy wisps of fair hair, puffy red eyes, and scrapes on his bony knees. He was clinging to her son’s jacket sleeve and peeking at her carefully behind him. Gently, she disinfects the kid’s wounds and tells that she’s proud of Zhang Xi for standing up for his friend but violence is bad. Afterwards, munching on chocolate chip cookies dunked in cold milk, the little boy starts to open up. She smiles at his animated gestures and how her son seems very protective of this boy, Jian Yi.
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When she heard of Zhang Xi getting hurt - that he’s unconscious in the hospital kind of hurt - she could already guess what had happened. Years ago, he had told her about his promise to always protect him. She had kissed the top of his head - while the little boy had furiously blushed and tried to resist the affection - and never been more proud of him. But she had also been scared. And now she was here, trying to peel the apple to keep her hands from shaking. It helped how upset and scared Zi Qian was. Comforting and calming her down helped her to keep her own panic and worry at bay.
Jian Yi’s mother
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Anyone trying to come between this woman and her son should think twice because she will come at you with the ferocity of a tigress. She’s been through a lot and most probably dealt with a lot of dangerous people to protect her child. She’s smart and independent. She’s learned to take care of herself. Out there, she needs to be tough and intimidating, to carry herself with confidence but her son allows her to show affection and vulnerability.
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As a mother she’s had to make tough, no doubt painful choices between being the kind of mother she wants for Jian Yi but also keeping him safe. She hasn’t had the luxury of always being there for him, and every time she’s had to leave him crying after her, I’m sure the ache in her heart has been nearly unbearable. I’m sure she’s felt guilty about that many times.
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This woman demands respect and wouldn’t hesitate to fight even the gods themselves to keep her little cub safe. Unfortunately, the world she lives in doesn’t work like that. She knows it will catch up to her and Jian Yi eventually, so he needs to be prepared. I’m sure she wishes he could live a carefree life but she will make sure he’s ready.
Mo Guan Shan’s mother
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This woman has made sure that no matter what the world said about Guan Shan, she would never ever stop believing in him. No matter what happens, she wants him to know he can always come to her. It doesn’t matter if he gets in trouble, she knows how much good there is in him. If it hadn’t been for her, Guan Shan could have ended much, much worse.
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She’s worked incredibly hard to raise Guan Shan on her own while having her partner put away. I’m sure she’s missed the support of another adult countless of times. To not have that emotional place of relying on someone must have kept her awake on many nights. It’s also difficult to see her partner withering in prison. His shame and how much both the father and son miss each other must have pained her very heart. All the times she’s been to see her husband must have also been tough. The stigma must have burned her cheeks but she just squeezed the strap of her purse a little tighter and held her head high. None of it was fair but she couldn’t waste time thinking about that.
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Seeing her son have some friends probably made her incredibly happy and relieved. She knows Guan Shan isn’t easy to approach but she’s grateful for the kids who have managed to overcome his walls and seen what she sees.
He Tian’s mother (presumably)
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We don’t really know anything about her but her memory seems to be close to He Tian’s heart. Visiting the grave and picking a flower for her was something private for him. What kind of a mother was she? Did she give He Tian comfort and love in the world they lived in? Did she know he is afraid of the dark? And now his own darkeness? What would she say if she could see her son now? Would she be proud? Scared for him? What kind of a future did she want for him? What kind of memories He Tian has about her?
She Li’s mother
Everyone has a mother, even the antagonists. She Li’s mother is another character we know very little about but I’m curious about her relationship with her son.
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It seems the marriage is complicated and stormy. The family seems well off but all the money in the world could never make up for the presence and warmth of your partner. He says he’s working hard for them but is she deprived of him actually being there for them? Does she feel trapped in the expensive house? In her marriage? How well does she know her son? Has she lost touch with him? Could she even take her resentment and frustration out on him?
Bonus round:
The mother in place of a mother
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The I-don’t-get-paid-enough-for-this mother
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sen-shii · 4 years
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Chapter 2: I Want to Change
Uploaded chapter 2 a few days ago and forgot to post and update here :') Yes, Im aware the quality for this chapter was not the best. Im still experimenting with this whole thing so please be patient ^^
It also seems like the hashtags dont work hmm
Read it here: https://mangadex.org/title/35071/vampire-beru-and-ghost-aki
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sen-shii · 4 years
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Chapter 1: I Am Going to Halloween
First chalter of Vampire Beru and Ghost Aki is up! I tried uploading the full chapter here but the images turned all blurry. :')
Read it here: https://mangadex.org/title/35071/vampire-beru-and-ghost-aki
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sen-shii · 4 years
I hope everyone is doing well! I am planning on translating a few chapter of “Vampire Beru and Ghost Aki” because it doesn’t seem like there are any english translations. Chapter one is about 2/3 done and I will be posting it soon! 
Also, because I now have more free time, I can read/translate more series. If know any good ones send me a message :)
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sen-shii · 5 years
@mtlasana has a new, updated masterlist so I will not be updating this post anymore. Please visit their page for more info! :)
Spirit Pact/ Ling Qi translations masterlist
Found several masterlists of chapter translations by some other tumblr accounts I had saved not long ago. So I thought I would create an updated one :D Sorry for all the tags!
Last updated: 4/5/2020
Spirit Pact Raws
Ch 1-89 by Fleeting Pheonix
Ch 90 / 91 by @sen-shark
// Manga Rock also has the translated version of ch91 but I am not sure if they will be updating regularly or not //
Ch 101-119  by @pact-your-bags
Ch 138-152 / 153 / 154-166 by @duanmujinghua
Ch 217 by @duanmujinghua
Ch 228 and to most recents by @nighty-amy
Ch 248 by @duanmujinghua
Ch 279 by @duanmujinghua
Ch 305-306 / 308 / 307 by @duanmujinghua
Ch 333 by @duanmujinghua
Ch 228 and to most recents by @nighty-amy
I think thats it... If you know anyone who had translated a Spirit Pact/Ling Qi chapter that is not currently on the list please tell me so I can add them uvu
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sen-shii · 6 years
Ling qi group for international fans!
There’s an english speaking fan group of Ling Qi now too,for fans that don’t speak Chinese. If you want like to join this group, it’s name is name “LingQi’s fans from oversea” and the number of this group on QQ is 823737210!
Credit for the info goes to @staciaanastaciaposts!
Isn’t it so nice of Pingzi to create a group for fans that don’t really understand Chinese? I wanted to be in the official fan group too but what’s the point if i don’t understand them. And maybe I’ll finally exchange my tickets into wallpapers…
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sen-shii · 6 years
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Chapter 91: Part 4
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sen-shii · 6 years
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Chapter 91: Part 4
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sen-shii · 6 years
It was a pleasure working with Nighty-Amy on the newest chapter! Go check it out ^^
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Chapter 362 is up and thanks to Sen-shark hard work, chapter 360 is now updated too!
Why is the chapter sounding so ominously, honestly…you can already guess bad things are going to happen soon. Xi said he wishes he’ll never see dr Sen again? Well, he’s sure as heck to see him soon, that’s one of the universe’s laws.
Also Jinghua, such a small amulet is nowhere near enough to protect Xi from troubles. This guy is a true doom magnet…
If you enjoy my Ling Qi translations please consider supporting my work! The link to my Ko-fi account is on my blog - thank you! :)  
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sen-shii · 6 years
thank you for filling up the gaps with translating soul contract. it's much appreciated. not sure why the other groups have stopped.
No problem! Im have school tho so Im still trying to figure out a schedule to manage everything. And I might also help @nighty-amy with the most recent chapters so be sure to check them out!
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sen-shii · 6 years
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Chapter 90: Part 3
//wheezes that took so much longer than I thought it would be ahahah
This is my first type translating/typesetting/etc. so bear with me. Tips on cleaning would be greatly appreciated. 
Im planning on continuing off where Fleeting Phoenix left off and filling in the gap to where @pact-your-bags started. Hopefully Ill have enough time and energy to keep this up ahahah 
And is the font too small...? :’D
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sen-shii · 6 years
translation masterpost
Chapter translations:
138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166
305 306 307 308
a small collection of YinYin
Duanmu Luoyue: the first xihua shipper
Xihua Kisscam:
217: In the Name of God
248: Pact Connection 2.0
279: Fading Sound | Unspeakable Things On A Grave
305: Fading Sound | Underwater Tango
333: There’s A Way To Demand A Kiss?
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sen-shii · 6 years
pact-your-bags translations
here is all the chapters i’ve done
101     102     102(2)     103     104     105     106     106(2)  107   107(2)
108     108(1)     109     110     111      112     113      114     115     116
117     118     119
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