ser-alonne-blog · 8 years
You’ve all rolled badly, so lets have a five minute break while I figure out what happens.
GM (via outofcontextdnd)
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ser-alonne-blog · 8 years
To Awaken A Dragon
One could say Tatsuo was bred for destruction.  Raised by a family fixated with Apsu and his metallic dragons, the Shintaro clan spent generations devoted to becoming one with the dragons they served.  Through a combination of crossbreeding and the arcane arts, Tatsuo was born with inherent dragonkin abilities.  His family's experimentation and obsession, however, instilled in him a veracious appetite for power and knowledge which prompted Tatsuo to join the Dark Archive.  Tatsuo, full of vigor and resolve, vowed to never relinquish until he had achieved godhood as the dragon reborn.
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ser-alonne-blog · 8 years
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Into the Hall of Tempus
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ser-alonne-blog · 8 years
heart of the flame
Born among the tides of battle and the quaking earth, it was plain that Balgruf be destined by Torag himself to wield a hammer.  Balgruf’s earliest memories were the heat of the forges and the clang of his father’s hammer as he tempered steel into works of art.  His father, one of Trollheim’s finest blacksmiths, forged the swords that held fast the borders against the threat of Irrisen.  Balgruf had little memory of his mother, only that she had been a powerful healer.  She had been kidnapped and hauled away to Irrisen during one of the many raids against Trollheim.  His father never spoke of her disappearance and only spat at the mention of Irrisen and it’s fabled white witches.  When his father became to feeble to work the forges, Balgruf took up his hammer and found that he had an uncanny knack for forging weapons.  After his father’s passing, Balgruf had no desire to remain in Trollheim and set out to join the pathfinders.  He became obsessed with his craft and delved deeply into the artistry and pursuit of all manner of hammers, bringing the blessings of Torag wherever he went...
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ser-alonne-blog · 8 years
can’t keep a good dog down
Save for a Linnorm King himself, there are few Ulfen who can say they faced a Linnorm in single combat and lived to tell the tale.  Hjorunn was the exception.  Not once, but twice had he taken up the challenge, and twice he narrowly escaped death.  In fact, he had become somewhat of a local legend around Halgrim, and his fellow guardsmen had taken up to calling him Hjorunn ‘Twice-Killed’ in jest.  However, Hjorunn took a liking to his new title and seized his momentary fame to gain entry into adventures well above his station.  That was how he came to find himself fighting alongside White Estrid during the raid on the Arch of Aroden in 4704 AR.  The glory of his victory was cut short however, when a single arrow struck him in the knee bringing his days of linnorm hunting to an end.  After that battle Hjorunn took to fighting with as large a shield as he could find to compensate for his wound.  Having no desire to become a simple town guard again, Hjorunn ‘Twice-Killed’ took up his shield and joined the ranks of the Pathfinders to seek new adventure and glory..
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ser-alonne-blog · 8 years
Ness 4 life
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ser-alonne-blog · 9 years
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ser-alonne-blog · 9 years
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ser-alonne-blog · 9 years
I cast detect plot.
the inquisitor (via outofcontextdnd)
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ser-alonne-blog · 9 years
the Flight of the Adventurer
Koroku slipped soundly into the embrace of travel and enlightenment.  Always seeking new places and experiences, the call of the bard suited him well and he soon found he had a talent for song, storytelling, and subterfuge.  He spent much of his youth traveling to foreign lands and collecting all the philosophies, cultures, and stories he could fill his mind with.  In Koroku’s eyes, knowledge and language were an art of their own, worthy of the highest pursuits.  As his interests in history and the arcane grew, he yearned for greater minds to pick apart which led him to the Pathfinder Society and the wealth of scholars and entrepreneurs within it.  Seeking knowledge, fortune, and prowess, Koroku, now a bard of the society, set out to enact his own adventures and tales to be written down in the annals of history.  After some time among the society, Koroku became aware of an organization known as the Lion Blades and he became fascinated with their mysterious nature.  In order to divulge it's secrets, Koroku joined up with the Sovereign Court to gain access to information and knowledge he otherwise would not be privy to.  His plan was set in motion to one day align with the Lion Blades and learn their secrets for himself...
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ser-alonne-blog · 9 years
the Hunt and the Hunger
Hiroji was born into a family of merchants, though he had no desire to maintain his inherited vocation. For within the young Kitsune grew a desire for the hunt.  Blossoming in the land of Lingshen, Hiroji developed skill with his longbow and quickly matured as the provider and head of his house.  However, when his father grew ill, the great debt of their family fell on his shoulders.  In order to repay this debt, Hiroji became an indentured mercenary for the feudal lord who used Hiroji’s skill with a bow as a means to eliminate those who stood in the way of his rise to power.  As Hiroji honed his skills of infiltration and assassination he also awoke a desire to hunt more testing prey.  Under the guise of mercantile pursuits, Hiroji joined the Pathfinder Society in order to continue to work off his families debt and satiate his own hunger for greater foes...
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ser-alonne-blog · 9 years
Battle in the blood
Abandoned by his mother, Urzog spent his childhood on the streets of Deadbridge.  When he came of age, he took up with a band of pirates from the River Kingdoms, and among the motley crew he learned to fight, steal, and survive.  He did whatever the crew required of him, no matter how grim the task.  However, he began to grow wary of his companions and the constant fear of imprisonment or worse became more than he could handle.  He stole what things he needed to survive and set out to put Deadbridge far behind him.  It was in Tymon that the allure of the gladiator’s arena caught his eye.  Urzog took up with the pit-fighters and because of his natural skill with a blade, he quickly began to carve out a name for himself among the pit-fighters.  Just when the fighting and the money was getting good, his old crew caught wind of the young half-orc from Deadbridge and made a plot to kill the fool who double-crossed them.  After a few fights went south and a handful of other close calls, Urzog had the distinct feeling that someone was stacking the odds against him.  Fearing for his life, he set out to seek the Pathfinders Lodge and hopefully put the pirates behind him once and for all...
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ser-alonne-blog · 9 years
A Cleric Awakens
Amadrin never knew his parents, killed by revenants in the Fourth Mendevian Crusade, he was left to be raised by the Church of Iomedae.  Amadrin spent his youth in the capitol city of Almas, dreaming of becoming a mighty paladin and following in the footsteps of his parents.  However, in his youth, he naturally took to the teachings of his caretakers and it was seen that his true talents lie in his devout faith and reverence toward Iomedae.  When his appeals to join the crusade were turned down, Amadrin sought out the Pathfinders Lodge under the guise of becoming a astrologist, hoping to one day seek out the Worldwound and close the rift once and for all...
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