seripatreon · 1 year
Uranus in Taurus
Is disrupting our current financial system.
When it enters Gemini, 2026-2027
It will change the way we actually communicate and transact. Information technology will go through a huge revamp.
Handheld devices, as well as how we do commerce.
Expect crypto adoption by that transit too (commerce).
Other things:
Voice technology 📈
Change in political conversation
A lot of little neat inventions (accelerated convenience & productivity) ⚙️
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seripatreon · 1 year
ETH on 5/28 ✨.
Ethereum will be receiving a lot of attention over the next several months. Starting this May and culminating into August.
Mars in Leo corresponds to this timeframe. And this leads me to believe that this transit is affecting ethereum positively.
Because in its next three lunar return charts in a row, Ethereum has chart rulers in Leo or the 5th house.
Ethereum has its mercury placement in Leo, meaning these Leo returns will be months where ETH also has increased media coverage within the crypto community.
In June, I expect ETH's price to have some sort of impressive volatility that makes it the center of conversation for a bit. The chart ruler of its June Lunar return is conjunct to Bitcoin's south node placement. So likely comparisons to what bitcoin did in the past.
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/28
Bitcoin has had an increase of over 6% since its lows 3 days ago.
Current price is: $27,600
I credit this to Venus transiting its first house. Also mercury being trine to its Sun placement.
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Uranus in Taurus is currently in a strong 60⁰ aspect to Bitcoin's Uranus placement in Pisces.
This is definitely bringing financial opportunity from the volatile aspect of Bitcoin.
Lastly, Venus is at a 60° angle to bitcoins Saturn placement. To which the Moon is currently conjunct today:
Overall, this means that new price structure is forming. as we can tell it's a positive rebound in Bitcoin's price.
Please read the previous several posts on this page to see my general sentiment around Bitcoin and altcoins during this lunar cycle.
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/25
Price hit levels as low as $25,900 today. Which quickly got bought back up though! ($25,000 = strong support)
This is a day Bitcoin does not appear to have as much value because it faces adversity to its price...
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Mars in Leo opposes Bitcoin's Mercury placement. (Mars = adversity)
Venus in Cancer opposes Bitcoin's Sun placement. (Venus = Value)
Jupiter in Taurus 90⁰ from Bitcoin's Mercury Placement. (Jupiter = Belief)
But this is secretly a good time to believe in Bitcoin...
Jupiter in Taurus is trine to Bitcoin's Pluto Placement.
I'm looking forward to when Jupiter makes a trine to Bitcoin's Sun placement. That's when it'll appear to be doing very well.
Like I said, there is a high likelihood of Bitcoin retesting is a $30,000 level, and perhaps even crossing!
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/24
The current price of Bitcoin is: $26,368. About a $1,000 drop since yesterday.
However the party’s just getting started. Like I said,
is the point of greatest support for Bitcoin. And where I’m waiting to make entries 😉
We talked about Bitcoin, we talked about ETH. Now let’s talk about ADA…
ADA had a solar return on Sep 23, 2022. And the Ascendant was in Leo ♌️
Meaning this year is a year where ADA should be getting more spotlight and recognition. It should stand out amongst the other altcoins.
June we should see that manifest, where ADA has a lunar return with Mars in Leo as the chart ruler.
More recently Cardano—ADA—had a Lunar Return. The day of the May 5th lunar eclipse to be exact.
The Ascendant was in late-Libra, conjunct to Cardano’s Jupiter placement.
Cardano will be acquiring a growth in users. A lot of things will be purged from ADA that ultimately held it back. And it’s poised to make a transformation that alters its course forever. Akin to when Ethereum had its merge moment. Believe me, something deeply transformational will happen to cardano this season.Some major work is being completed.
The good news is that cardano is at good prices. 35¢ and below is an excellent buy-in technically speaking. So I t’s time to rack ‘em up! (imo)
With potential to hit 53¢ a piece in the near future, ADA is a no brainer imo
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seripatreon · 1 year
5/23/23 - ETHEREUM'S "Mars return"
On May 9th, Ethereum had what's called a Mars return: which is Mars making a full cycle and returning back to where it was at ETH's genesis (also known as block 0).
This is its 5th.
The mars chart shows the strength of ETH, what it accomplishes, how it handles adversity during this cycle.
♑ ETH is ambitious this year. Manifesting some major unfinished changes. A lot of things are happening behind the scenes. A lot. I think ever since the merge, Ethereum has been keeping its developments private. And I can see with this chart, that they are major.
It's definitely competing for Bitcoin's spot. The moon and ascendant are conjunct to where Bitcoin's Sun placement is.
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Chart ruler is in pisces. Whatever they are working on is vast, disordered and formless. And has something to do with organizing that information logically.
They are tackling challenging problems and unfinished changes behind the scenes.
Point is, they're working hard on an unfinished transformation. Ascendant is conjunct to ETH'S pluto placement . Pluto is retrograde.
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Mercury Retrograde is 90⁰ (Square) to Ethereum's Sun placement: One of the adversities they may face is the price returning to a previous level. And the public might attribute that to their productivity.
Remarkably, the Sun and Uranus are exactly conjunct in ETH's Mars chart, and the part of fortune is trailing not far behind: Regarding its price, Ethereum is sure to shock during this cycle. In fact, that is its greatest asset. Or strength, I should say (because mars hehe). They will certainly do so if they go public with some of their developments.
The North node shows ETH will deal with controversial reactions from their silence or delays, but overall they are striving to go public with some of their developments.
South Node in the 11th house: Ethereum may lose some stakers with the release of its "Shanghai" upgrade in 2023, which would allow people to unstake and sell their yield. This would correspond to a decrease in price. Up to this point, locked Ethereum has contributed to the inflated price.
That's all For now
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seripatreon · 1 year
Crypto on 5/22
Ethereum's Price is currently: $1814
Disclaimer: I do not know the future. Nor do I claim to be able to. I am merely speculating on cryptos with Astrology here on this page.
Astrology 🪐
Eth had a Lunar return about a week ago. Ethereum's May 10th lunar return Ascendant was in Sagittarius, opposing its part of fortune. Here's what it meant:
Something unpredictable and inexplicable could happen that leads to growth, optimism and increased attention for Ethereum. This could be in the making, as we speak. (Ascendant is in Ethereum's 12th house)
Jupiter is making a trine to ETH's Venus placement, Jupiter Placement and Ascendant. 🤩
This period is a great time of optimism for ETH's value.
👆 That is the value area for Ethereum at this moment. 👍
And that zone's where I have my buy orders.
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The orange zone is the current value area low to the previous range's point of control: the price where Ethereum most frequently traded at (Jan-March 2023).
In other words, this range has a high likelihood of holding as support, if not reversing!
This is what we look for as investors. 😁 To go LONG.
Ethereum had a Mars return on May 9th, 2023, just hours before its May 10th Lunar return we discussed today. We'll talk about that next time.
Next we will want to take a look at when we should SHORT (SELL) Ethereum.
Because it is way overpriced for what it's worth at this time! And that's where the real value will be at imo 💯
That's all For Now!
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/21
Current price: $26,900
Disclaimer: I do not know the future. Nor do I claim to be able to. I am merely speculating on cryptos with Astrology here on this page.
Astrology 🪐
Sun enters Gemini and makes a trine to Bitcoin's natal mercury placement.
Means it's generally a good time to make entries/longs on BTC.
Technicals 📈
The analysis/conclusion remains the same on Bitcoin today, please view yesterday's post to see it.
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There is a volume gap at $25,000-25,600 Bitcoin. Price tends to fill volume gaps. Below that, volume picks up drastically. So anyway, there is a HIGH likelihood we will retest and bounce from $25,000 Bitcoin in the coming 2-4 weeks.
Now let's talk about Ethereum.
We're pretty much ranging at the same price that ETH has most frequently traded at since March: $1,800.
In the crypto world, ETH is all the rage right now. Kind of like Tesla stock was all the rage in the 2020 stock market. As with anything overbought, things must come down... Drastically, at some point. In terms of accumulating ETH, I'm waiting for THAT moment to come. 👇
Sub-$1000 ETH likely!!
However, right now $1700 Ethereum is seeming like the good bargain if we are able to reach that... Below that, $1500 ETH would be a fantastic level to buy. Because if we start to uptrend (we've been in a downtrend) there is a high likelihood of ETH crossing $2,000 again within the next two months, in my opinion.
Ethereum has entered a Bullish Lunar return cycle on May 10th. We may talk about this next time!
That's all For Now!
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/20 💵
Price: $27,150
Top altcoins to pay attention to:
Bitcoin's Astrology
The Taurus Sun is trine to Bitcoin's Natal Jupiter:
Now is a good time to plant seeds of growth & abundance regarding investing into Bitcoin, especially as the price continues to decline.
New Moon was trine to Bitcoin's North Node:
This financially-related new moon will lead to increased participation in Bitcoin. And this will further Bitcoin's growth and destiny.
Venus opposes Bitcoin's Natal Sun:
Bitcoin doesn't have to prove itself at this time, for it to attract worth. The worse bitcoin seems to appear, actually the better the value/opportunity to invest. First comers are favored.
Mars opposes Bitcoin's Jupiter placement :
Bitcoin might face some negative emotions and opinions at this time. Or some sort of negative-driven price changes.
(Mars transit is about adversity.)
Technicals (the non-astrological standpoint)
Until we get below the 50% level of this huge green candle, we are at still elevated prices in my opinion. When the buying volume decreases After a big candle like this, the price tends to return to at least the midpoint of the candle. We're doing that now.
What is that midpoint price? $25,200
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That's the price where I'll start buying! Assuming we get there.
That's all folks
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/19
The price as I write this post is $26,868
Today is the Date of a New Moon in Taurus! Here it is against Bitcoin's chart. 👇
Don't understand astrology? Watch this video breakdown of what the new moon means for Bitcoin: https://youtu.be/UHKcYZZIgDg
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Today's Astrology 🔮
Venus is conjunct to Bitcoin's Ascendant.
Uranus has entered Bitcoin's 11th house.
Jupiter has entered Taurus.
All of these are extremely positive signs for Bitcoin's growth. That's why I will begin dollar cost averaging today, on the New Moon, and sowing my new "seeds" so to speak.
That's all For Now!
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/18
Yesterday, Jupiter entered Taurus. This is a great omen for the economy and investments—including cryptos—Taurus's ruler, Venus is conjunct to Bitcoin's Ascendant at this time! Tomorrow, we will also be having a new moon in Taurus.
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Bitcoin Prediction below.. 👇
I'm perplexed because the technicals seem to contradict the otherwise great astrology. Because for the past two months Bitcoin's price has been pretty much going sideways at an elevated level. Sideways is not good! Here's why: because flat price structure is usually followed by a substantial decline of price (where we will form a new price range). So the technicals seem to indicate we have more downside to go! Whereas the astrology looks great this month and June. 🤔
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Looking at just the current trading range, we are poised to form an accumulation after decline...
In other words, there is a high likelihood of us continuing to move sideways at 26.5-27k. Or two, we drop lower and then go sideways.
But sideways we go...
All i know is that $25k and below is juicy discount territory if it happens. And ultimately...👇
I think there is a high likelihood that we will return to $30,000 Bitcoin before September at some point.
Disclaimer: However, I do not know the future! Nor do I claim to be able to. I am merely speculating on cryptos with Astrology here on this page. 🤔🧠
As low as $21,400 is possible (and would be a steal) in the meantime.
There is an alternative scenario that I will bring up if the proper events play out. Either way, this month seems to be an important time to pay attention to Bitcoin. The opportunity to buy again may come soon.
The Question is has the decline already happened, or are we poised for more downside?
I'm waiting for 25k or below!
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/17
The current price is $26,750.
Disclaimer: I do not know the future. Nor do I claim to be able to. I am merely speculating on cryptos with Astrology here on this page.
Astrologically speaking, Venus is entering Bitcoin's 1st house. Which is a strong indicator of value, as Venus rules attraction and money. Bitcoin will have value during this transit (May 21st - June 21st). Secondly, the Taurus Sun is making a trine to Bitcoin's Jupiter Placement in late-Capricorn. Meaning growth will be recognized.
I think that given these positive transits, any negative moves to the downsides like we've been experiencing at this time are an opportunity. To buy Bitcoin or alts and sell higher later, imo. When the transits manifest. 👇
Structurally speaking, $25,000 seems like the next strong support zone for Bitcoin's price. It has been a resistance zone twice in the past. Once in August of 2022, and again in February of 2023. Where the price essentially was rejected at that level. Since we have been above that price for 2 months, it is likely we will experience a rebound from that level if we were to retest it from above.
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/16: Lunar Return Update
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Bitcoin had a Lunar return on 15, May 2023 - 15:48pm GMT
price was $27,400 USD
The Ascendant is in Libra. Which is about balance. Bitcoin is manifesting growth due to a shift in balance.
With Venus entering its first house, bitcoin is seeming to attract value during late may and the beginning half of June. It is manifesting more financial leverage and stability.
Although the scorpio south node in the 1st house of the chart shows Bitcoin's growth may be held back by a fair share of unfavorable economic factors.
With the part of fortune in Bitcoin's 2nd house, It could be yet another good month to make trades and take profits off of the table when logic says to.
It's not necessarily the greatest time to hold onto btc. Both the Sun and the Moon of the Lunar return chart are in malefic houses.
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 5/15 - (Mid-May Update)
Disclaimer: I do not know the future. Nor do I claim to be able to. I am merely speculating on cryptos with Astrology here on this page.
The current price as I'm writing this is $27,500.
In terms of price trend, we are currently in monthly downtrend (peak to peak) 📉 although on the weekly timeframe we are in an uptrend.
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And on the smaller timeframes, peak-to-peak, we've been in a downtrend/distribution pattern (negative).
It's just important to note that at this time, Bitcoin and Altcoins have some serious downside potential given how elevated we are since the lows of last November.
I've already cashed out most of my positions at around $29k-30k. The remaining I will do this week.
Chiron is conjunct to Bitcoin's midheaven at this time, so Bitcoin could have some sort of fall from grace. Midheaven is status, and chiron is teachable moments.
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As a matter of fact, Chiron will be there for months as you will see in the chart of April 2024 👇 (it'll still be there! At apx 20⁰ of Aries)
April 2024
A remarkable month to look forward to for cryptos is April 2024. Jupiter will conjunct Uranus in Taurus. There will be a great shift of wealth to altcoins around that time (because Saturn will have entered Bitcoin's 9th house).
Due to the astrology my prediction is that a lot of wealth may ease out of Bitcoin over the coming years and into newer projects. Altcoins will grow in dominance in the next bullrun. Growth in Bitcoin will noticeably decelerate, until Saturn enters Aries in 2025-2026. And overall, it will never again rise as fast as it did in 2017.
By 2027 Bitcoin will have established a lot of status and reputability as a store of value, however. Saturn, will enter its 10th house.
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 4/29 - Astrology
In the chart of current returns for bitcoin, we see that trade and speculation is leading to increased value (Venus in Gemini). As of April 18th.
As of a few days ago, Mars entered Bitcoin's first house in Cancer so the price is more likely to make emotionally impulsive moves at this time.
Venus is in A Square aspect to Bitcoin's Saturn Placement until May 5th. There could be resistance to Bitcoin's price until then.
Uranus in Taurus is in a sextile aspect to Bitcoin's natal Uranus placement. This indicates opportunity from volatility. Perhaps shorting the market at this time (imo).
I think we're bound for a correction upon this upcoming eclipse on May 5th
That's all For Now. Thanks for reading.
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seripatreon · 1 year
Bitcoin on 4/28 ✨
Disclaimer: I do not know the future. Nor do I claim to be able to. I am merely speculating on cryptos with Astrology here on this page.
Alright so it's been a while since I've been on here, but like I said in March, Bitcoin above $30,000 seemed like it would be good selling point if it happened... And it did.
In late April, bitcoin dipped to the 27,000s range from its peak at nearly $31,000 USD confirming that thought. However now it is back to the mid $29,000s. I told you guys though, I am in good profits and I'm no longer buying. I haven't been since $25K.
The next transit that concerns us is the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th. The last time we had a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse was in May of 2022 and corresponded to the collapse of Terra Luna. This period was a terrible one for Bitcoin. In the subsequent weeks, bitcoin plummeted to the $20,000s.
Funny enough, we were at similar price levels then, as we are now. ~$30k
The Eclipse is opposing Uranus in Taurus: So Expect financial volatility in May. The Eclipse is in a trine and sextile to Bitcoin's Sun and Ascendant. These are positive aspects. So perhaps economic volatility will have positive implications for Bitcoin. For instance, when several major banks collapsed this year, many people began seeing bitcoin as an Alternative to the system.
🔮 Despite, major volatility, I actually see May as quite a positive month for Bitcoin! Venus enters its first house in the latter half of the month.
Since $30,000 was reached in early April, we have entered a period of heavy speculation for Bitcoin. Given the Lunar return it had in Gemini on April 18th, the speculation and trading is leading to inflated valuation in Bitcoin's price. This is why I'm not buying bitcoin atm.
On the other hand this is particularly a good time to accumulate altcoins. Many of the good ones will begin popping off in the coming weeks (imo).
I'm not going heavy on Bitcoin or Alts unless we approach $25,000 USD btc though (Alts will follow). That technically would be the killer discount at this time. Other than that, I am keeping my hands off of bitcoin as it ranges near $30,000. We are at a critical turning point/moment right now approaching the eclipse.
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seripatreon · 1 year
Crypto on 4/13
With bitcoin reaching $30,000 recently, Right now is time to buy alts (imo)
Many of the following have 100% gain potential in the coming weeks (imo)
If Bitcoin's rally sustains. Or we have an alt season.
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BNB is poised to outperform ETH. And when it does KCS and other exchange tokens will do crazy as well.
NGL, link is my favorite pick atm. It's been accumulating for months between $5 & $9.
It will have serious boom in the next bull market.
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