#bitcoin astrology
seripatreon · 2 years
Bitcoin on 3/23 ⭐
Today we had a Rebound towards $28,500. But overall we're making a dowtrend in the daily buying strength (RSI), so a correction to $26,000s is likely in the coming days. We're also in a period following a New Moon, which can often be bearish.
My prediction was that we would face strong resistance between $28k and $30K at this time. Due to a conjunction that the New Moon chart of the 21st made with Saturn 🪐
Also, my call out of ~$26,900 ended up being a great entry yesterday.
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Our next target is $27,100 to as low as $25,700. (Anything at or below $26,100 is a steal for April imo)
That's all For Now.
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taratarotgreene · 24 days
Uranus Retrograde, Re-plow field of dreams
Deutsch: Maler der Grabkammer des SennudemEnglish: Painter of the burial chamber of Sennedjemالعربية: رسام حجرة دفن سننجم, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Uranus in Taurus turns Retrograde September 1st at 11:18 am EDT it’s annual review time for doing the backstep, retracing its’ revolutionary, slow plodding, dragging its hoofs energy, forwards movent over the next 5 months. Uranus turns…
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manifestdestinytarot · 2 months
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211/366 - me•mom•dad
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icryptobeing · 1 year
August Crypto Market Astrology Report is LIVE!!
https://www.patreon.com/posts/86990582?utm_campaign=postshare_creator Click link to Read August Crypto Astrology Forecast
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forgottenbones · 3 months
The Dumbest Alpha Male Debate on YouTube
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iastrobeing · 6 months
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astro-crypto · 11 months
I have analyzed the medium to long term trend of bitcoin using financial astrology.
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classborn · 2 years
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Crypto Astrology #Crypto #Bitcoin #btc $btc #Ethereum #XRP #Monero #Litecoin #Dogecoin #ShibaInu #HEX $HEX #PulseChain #PLS #PulseChain #Binance #BNB #astrology #Cardano #ADA #Polygon #Matic #Monero #FTX https://teespring.com/crypto-astrology
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saturniandevil · 6 months
April 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's April forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan and Diana Rose Harper (Austin is away on paternity leave). This is one of the most astrologically active months in the year. In addition to planetary movements, there's a comet that will be visible soon in the night sky and a nova.
We're going into the month right off the tail of a Libra lunar eclipse on March 25th. We're in "eclipse season," the time between eclipses, with much activity to report. Starting off, Baltimore's Key Bridge collapsed after a container ship crashed into it, which Austin called last forecast when he said that Mars's entry into Pisces (approaching a conjunction to Saturn) would involve a sudden halt in maritime trade. Astrologically it's quite on the nose, with a Libra (associated with trade/commerce) moon conjunct the South Node (symbolizing lack and decrease). We even have a chart for the opening of this bridge: it was an exact Mars return for this bridge, as well as its Uranus opposition and nodal opposition. Also on the Libra eclipse was the UN Security Council's vote for a ceasefire in Gaza. The April 8th eclipse will show us whether this resolution is successful, and a final Libra eclipse in October will tie these events together.
In celebrity news, we had obviously doctored photos of Kate Middleton prompting increasingly wild speculation on what the British royal family was hiding, culminating in Kate announcing her cancer diagnosis & chemotherapy plans on the March 22nd Venus(women, exalted in Pisces = royalty)-Saturn (slow illnesses) conjunction. She was also born on a lunar eclipse & announced this right before one. Just 3 days after the eclipse, on March 28th, Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX was sentenced to 25 years in prison, the newest development in a story that began on an eclipse when BitCoin crashed and revealed his role in one of the biggest instances of financial fraud in US history.
In smaller news, a nova in the T Coronae Borealis system will be visible as a new star in the night sky this year. This nova is visible every 76 years or so (the last time was 1946), and has been observed as far back as the Middle Ages. Add this to the eclipses and the comet, and Chris hasn't seen such an astrological buildup since forecasting 2020. As the eclipse hit his 3rd house Donald Trump published a book combining the Bible and the US Constitution, while in other news an orca was stranded in British Columbia, another dolphin & orca-related development in the (Mars-)Saturn in Pisces in cycle and Arizona announced Pluto as their state planet.
April Overview: with significant activity in Pisces, Aries, and Taurus simultaneously, we'll be getting hard aspects to every modality (and trines to every element)--everyone will be getting hit with some kind of change (but will have opportunities for growth as well). Chris makes a distinction between the challenging first half of the month, and a second half which will see more clarity.
April 1st - Mercury stations retrograde By time of posting this retrograde is in full swing: disruptions in communication, plans, travel and technology. Diana describes this as especially frustrating in Aries, trying to go one way but some huge miscommunication gets in the way. We may have to walk back on words spoken in anger and renegotiate situations where we identified the wrong target as our enemy. With the eclipse's ruler Mars conjoining Saturn on the 10th, anyone who travels for the eclipse and hangs around for a few days may run into blockages, likely due to rain and floods. Other general Mercury retrograde significations: people come back into your life, unfinished projects become relevant again, and situations from the past resurface. For example, Sagittarius risings often see the "duderang" effect where male lovers come back into their lives, as Mercury rules their Gemini 7th house. Mercury rx also brings delays and slowdowns, and is generally a good time for introspection and "emotional alchemy."
April 3rd - Venus conjoins Neptune This occurs right as she leaves the sign of Pisces. Venus-Neptune keywords: dreamy, fantastical, imaginative (especially with art), compassionate, and opportunities to find new avenues of enjoyment and pleasure. Saturn's copresence in Pisces can bring us some grounding and reality. This can also bring unclear boundaries, uncertain relationships, and idealizing one's lover--like using the soft lens. In events, AI images and videos and toxic synthetic dyes also fall under Venus-Neptune. Is the siren's call too good to be true?
April 4th - Venus enters Aries Chris hopes that Venus's copresence to the eclipse will mitigate some of its effects, but on the flipside this means she's left Mars and Saturn alone with each other in the Pisces chart of our house.
April 8th - Total Solar Eclipse in Aries This eclipse will be visible over much of the (particularly eastern) continental US:
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Diana calls it a chiron eclipse, so here's the chart with chiron:
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The Moon will eclipse the Sun at 19 Aries, which is where Chiron will be as well. Mythologically, Hercules brings back the head (North Node, Aries) of the hydra to Chiron, whose poison causes him incredible pain because he is immortal and cannot die from it. He eventually trades his immortality for Prometheus and Zeus puts him in the heavens as a constellation. Narratively, eclipses invert what we expect: it becomes dark in the middle of the day! Prominent people fall suddenly from grace and new rulers skyrocket to power during eclipses. Because the eclipse occurs in the sign of the Sun's exaltation, leaders and heads of state/organization/etc will be especially affected. A similar Chiron-influenced Aries solar eclipse occurred in 1968 when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. Nelson Mandela was sent to jail under an eclipse, but was also freed under another eclipse and elected to office under yet another eclipse.
For individuals, make note of what house this occurs in for you; this will be the end of one chapter and the opening of a new one in this area of life. Anything close to 19° of Aries will definitely feel it, as will any placements at that degree of Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn (hard aspects to the cardinal signs), while 19 Leo and Sagittarius (trine to fire signs) may feel some support. Generally, this series of events in Aries-Libra began a year ago, and will have its final eclipse on this axis in March of 2025.
This eclipse is ruled by a Mars (♓) who's just about conjunct with Saturn (♓), grinding things to a halt. Whatever's happening in the Aries and Pisces place is going to take some extra time. Other keywords: the end of a life cycle, matters of great importance & turning points in world history, major disasters as well as scientific discoveries. Eclipses highlight just how much is out of our control, like being on a teacup ride that's going too fast and being unable to stop unless something hits you. 6 months later, we'll get an eclipse that connects to some of these events:
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Diana also points out that there will be an influx of tourists to rural areas of the US, advising travelers to stay courteous and noting that many local municipalities advise residents to stock up on basic supplies so they won't be lacking when a small area is flooded with new people & their needs. Generally, the eclipse will be a very creepy experience, with the Sun going completely dark, colors becoming muted, and stars may even be visible--some cultures have warnings against going outside during eclipses. Back to metaphors, Chris points out that the small seeds of much larger events are often planted during eclipses. Sometimes you don't know until later just how important this obscured implantation is because, like the Sun, our vision is occulted. Take notes, even of subtle things.
April 10th - Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces We expect the two malefics to bring us challenges: their conjunctions in late Capricorn & early Aquarius heralded the first COVID lockdowns, and other hard aspects brought new variants and similar pandemic news. In 2022 a Mars-Saturn conjunction occurred with an epidemic of ebola. However, note that these are all airborne viruses, and these movements occurred with Saturn in the air sign of Aquarius. What will this look like in Pisces, a water sign? Chris predicts that existing Saturn-Pisces issues with water pollution and maritime trade/travel will have destructive moments as Mars comes in, while Diana thinks about water as a vector of disease, such as cholera & sewage treatment. Now that deep permafrost is melting due to climate change, we may also see new pathogens or substances released, as well as complications from farm water runoff. We'll definitely see the effects of this Baltimore bridge collapse, and, with the outbreak of dengue fever in Latin America, may see developments around diseases borne of insect bites. We may also hear about the ill effects of microplastics, lead, and asbestos as a result of this conjunction. More generally: pollution, ocean, liquids, extremes of hot and cold, feelings of constraint (and literal constraint), and spiritual or emotional burnout. Pisces is a sign of inescapable enmeshment with each other, so we'll likely deal with compassion fatigue and emotional isolation (especially involving social media). Questions of whether or not something is "real" remain relevant as ever.
On the positive side, Mars-Saturn brings discipline and self-control. Sometimes Mars and Saturn can temper each other to give us self-sustaining focus. We can combine hard-won wisdom with the drive we need to achieve it, like a martial arts training montage. Do we have the belief and conviction to achieve mastery? With determination we can reach heights we once only imagined. There's also stamina, resilience, and rigidity. Overlapping with the Mercury retrograde, we can also see delays and obstructions. If there are boundaries you've been meaning to enact, now is the time. We can see potential pitfalls, but beware of pessimism and not believing in yourself. Resentment and pent-up anger can also come into play as Mars's impulse butts up against Saturn's inaction, but incremental progress adds up.
April 11th - Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury (Cazimi) This marks a turning point in the retrograde. Diana uses a spelunking metaphor: during the retrograde we're diving into the cave, and at the cazimi we've found our treasure...but we still have to make our way back out. Our personal eclipse stories may become clearer during this time as well.
April 19th - Sun enters Taurus, Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus Venus will help sweeten communications during the last week of Mercury's regression.
April 20th - Jupiter conjunct Uranus This brings freedom, liberation, and sudden rapid growth--completely different from the Mars-Saturn activity earlier this month. This may also set us up for the Jupiter-Mars conjunction later this summer. The Uranus in Taurus story has brought labor organizing and unions to prominence, so expect those stories to intensify during this conjunction. General keywords: technological breakthroughs and scientific discoveries, sudden revelations and growth, revolutions, rupture, and unexpected shifts. This conjunction takes place every 14 years, so Chris expects new discoveries, optimism and "quantum leaps" or new precedents in some fields. In Taurus this is related to food and agriculture--in addition to new technologies we'll likely see further developments with the farmer's protests in India and Europe. Finance and money is another Taurus signification, so disruptions in banks & questions about decentralizing currency may arise. Freedom, rebellion, and general eccentricity become important. We'll feel like anything is possible, but in disregarding the rules and refusing to compromise we may make rash decisions.
The comet Pons-Brooks may also start to become visible during this time. It comes by about every 80 years and is named for its 18th century discoverers. Ancient literature on comets is similar to that of eclipse: an ominous phenomenon heralding the deaths of rulers and falls of kingdoms. However, they note the color and appearance as indicating some positive effects when associated with Jupiter, and the planets whose path it crosses are relevant as well. Pons-Brooks passes closely by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, putting an exclamation point on the planetary significations.
April 23rd - Scorpio Full Moon
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We're finally out of eclipse season, so things are starting to calm down. However, this lunation (04♏) squares Pluto (02♒), bringing some conflict in. It'll be stabilizing, but not necessarily comforting. Acceptance is bittersweet medicine. The full moon illuminates the deep transformative experiences Pluto brings to the early degrees of fixed signs in our charts. We're really getting to the bedrock of things. When Venus enters Taurus she'll square Pluto, and Mars will trine Pluto when he enters Aries. With those personal planets in domicile, it'll feel like coming home, but home is a little different. Pluto will retrograde soon and Chris predicts this station will bring major events in AI and related technologies. Mars is also quickly nearing his conjunction with Neptune, bringing the weaponization of these technologies.
April 25th - Mercury stations direct
April 28th - Mars conjunct Neptune (typo in image) Aside from weaponization of AI and social media, Mars-Neptune also connotes the manipulation of reality for political purposes. Revealing that a shocking news story was actually false wont necessarily diffuse the feelings it arose. Even if it didn't happen, you may still hold resentment towards the wrong target. Think the "fog of war" or shadowboxing. Other keywords include conflicts in or about water, idealism & ideologically-charged conflicts, confusion, acid, corrosion, lethargy, sapped vitality, and unnecessary martyrdom.
April 29th - Venus enters Taurus She immediately squares Pluto. Venus in domicile brings us to the election for the month:
April 29th - Selected auspicious election (not pictured)
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Set the chart for about 12:55PM local time, which gets you Leo rising with the Ascendant ruler Sun in the 10th whole sign house in Taurus, where it's copresent with Jupiter, Uranus, and Venus. This chart is good for 10th house matters like career, reputation, social standing, overall life direction and accomplishing goals. The Moon is in Capricorn, applying to a trine with Jupiter, bringing support. Mercury has stationed direct, bringing us away from some of the delays and issues we experienced earlier. Even the Mars-Saturn conjunction is about as far away as we can get, and a day chart Jupiter conjunct Uranus brings creativity to our efforts. Diana associates the 10th house with the gestating parent and thus recommends doing something nice for your mom now.
April 30th - Mars enters Aries Entering firey and decisive Aries, Mars is no longer encumbered by slow Saturn and diffuse Neptune. This complete chapter change comes with a sextile to Pluto--the tone shift will feel like getting our oxygen back. This opens us up for a lot of quick movements through Aries and Gemini in May.
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the-empress-7 · 1 month
I think her utter lack of morals / shamelessness and especially her black hole of avarice has to be the most disgusting thing about her. Deceit and thievery are always M’s first instincts and it’s so vile. She’s literally a protected criminal and it’s sickening to witness. At this point she is no different than Bernie Madoff or the bitcoin scammer (nor is she as intelligent or capable to begin with) or any other mega con artist, but every single one of them eventually got caught and got their just desserts for what they did, yet nothing ever happens to her. I’m so frustrated and sick of waiting to see justice. She has genuinely got to be the greediest piece of shit on earth. A thieving and daft amateur grifter actually got away with conned the BRF via marriage to an idiot and it’s still not enough. What the fuck is wrong with her? She loves money and herself and that is it. How sad.
Not to get all astrological but that black of avarice is Rahu conjunct her Sun and Mercury. Rahu can never be satiated and it's referred to a black hole for that reason for that reason because that's how immense its hunger is. When it comes to her ego (Sun) and her need to speak (Mercury), nothing will ever be enough. And since all this is happening in her second house (the house of money and self worth), it's amplified even more. She is someone who is never satisfied and never at peace, and that's her Karma for this life. To live a life not knowing real peace or contentment.
She is 100% a scam artist, and yes she will never see the consequences of her action. Remember when she perjured herself in court?
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seripatreon · 2 years
Bitcoin Astrology 3/9
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The Full 🌕 Had Quite the Bearish effect on the price of BTC.
Full Moons tend to be correlated with relative lows in the price.
Saturn is also conjunct ₿'s Venus 🐻
Jupiter is Square to ₿'s Sun 🐻
All three of these transits are exiting 👆
But now we are approaching critical levels of support.
@ ~$21,400 bitcoin.
I'm loading up on Altcoins & ETH at these lows.
My prediction is that Mid to End of March will be much better for Bitcoin.
Because of its bullish March 23rd Lunar Return ✨
The Lunar ascendant is in Sagittarius ♐
Jupiter is conjunct to ₿'s midheaven.
Venus in ₿'s 10th house.
We have yet to have high buy volume candle since January 12th.
If we don't have any strong buyside pressure in the coming days or weeks. This downtrend could continue, and the $25k relief rally could be over.
Volume over 3.5k bitcoin (bitstamp) 👆
I think for the coming days, we will drag sideways from here. And eventually get a bounce from as low as $21,400 bitcoin.
It's important to note we are still in an RSI uptrend since June of 2022! (Higher lows).
Retest of $25k level is still a possibility!
I think that's extremely bullish for the price of Bitcoin.
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taratarotgreene · 4 months
Mars in Taurus, Bull Market slows down
Say Bye-Bye to Mars in ARIES where the red planet’s, been in army camp home since April 30, which seems like a terribly long time ago doesn’t it? Mars enters Venus’ home earthy sensuous money hungry, creative and body indulgent sign of Taurus June 8 at 9:35 pm PDT/June 9 at 12:35 am EDT, 4:35 am GMT until July 20. A nice 6 week slot to temper those aggressive fires. Bull Market slows down…
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manifestdestinytarot · 2 months
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206/366 - male•female•union
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icryptobeing · 2 years
Oct 19 -25 2022
Oct 19 -25 2022
Oct 19 -25 2022 Astro Crypto BTC Forecast Astro Crypto BTC Forecast Oct 19-25 2022 By iCryptobeing | Astro Crypto | 19 Oct 2022 DISCLAIMER: I am not a Financial Advisor, this is NOT Financial Advice, Do your own Research, this is for Entertainment purposes only. I am not a professional Astrologer and the info in this report should not be taken a financial advice. Note: I am using Western…
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cupidastrology · 2 years
𝐣𝐨𝐛𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲 ☿ 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 ༺
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please do not repost or copy.
this post is for those whom have mercury in the 6th house. associate your placement below.
you may book a reading through my pinned post or through messages.
– ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ –
mercury in aries in the 6th - you may do well in areas where there is constant new starts and beginnings; construction or involvement of the army or going into a physical career like wrestling or boxing.
mercury in taurus in the 6th - career or work is around money, financial understanding, accounting, or business direction. guidance around fashion or physical related aspects with beauty is common here.
mercury in gemini in the 6th - work or business has to do with constantly staying on the move; car salesman or getting in touch as a flight attendant or taxi driver. you can do well in numbers; involvement with bitcoin or as a numbers' analysts. writer or poet.
mercury in cancer in the 6th - baby sitting or a career around producing product or information for children and families. social worker or going into charity work. volunteer or event organizer for saving families and homelessness.
mercury in leo in the 6th - involvement in beauty or showing off stage persona; communications have to do with hair styling or becoming a fashion buyer or stylist. work in the world of makeup or music.
mercury in virgo in the 6th - herbalist or gardener, someone who is involved in creating new formulas in math (a career that mainly involves mathematics), mortician or a doctor that specializes in physical therapy or emergencies.
mercury in libra in the 6th - production assistant or a window designer, involvement with graphic design or editor of movies or photography. stylist or a sculptor, a person that assists with adding design or a producer.
mercury in scorpio in the 6th - handler of money, sex work or getting in touch with deep conversations with others through therapy, psychology therapist or a person involved with the deeply disturbed.
mercury in sagittarius in the 6th - work or job has to do with planning vacations for others, hotel attendant, working for the airport, a professor for a high college or a scientist. developer of text books and a writer for non-fictional topics.
mercury in capricorn in the 6th - lecturer in business and higher knowledge, learning how to defend yourself so a job that has to do with taekwondo or learning self control like yoga instructor. negotiator of stocks or the one to make the big choices.
mercury in aquarius in the 6th - the astrologer, the gossip, the one who gives news to the public or the online media. the job is always centered around the youth and also the future; the planner of new technology, toys, and designs for the upcoming generations.
mercury in pisces in the 6th - work in mediumship or aura reading, career will span across man different subjects that have to do with the system of the person's intention and personality. getting in touch with mental health and understanding the changes that are happening in the environment. spiritual and devotional work.
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iastrobeing · 6 months
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