serpentinesketches · 20 days
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Finally finished this after almost a month! Took me so long cause work has gotten crazy over the last couple weeks, but I finally was able to get back to this and finish it up!
These Aziraphale & Crowley designs are from the lovely @katiefrog217's Dragon AU! I'd been adoring all their amazing art with these designs, and I love me a good dragon, so I figured I'd give drawing them a shot. And I was absolutely right to - these boys were incredibly fun to draw <3
I love the way Katie's art of them always has them curling around each other, so I tried to keep that vibe. I think it came out well! :D
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serpentinesketches · 2 months
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Back with more saucy stuff for the @goodomensafterdark reddit server! Participating in their Smut War gave me a taste and now I can't get enough lol
Full version can be found on reddit here!
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serpentinesketches · 2 months
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I don't think I ever posted my original design for this character, but I'll share a light redesign anyway!
This is my Aasimar Paladin, Ophelia. She has a very strong sense of "justice", where if she's decided you're a good person, then you deserve the world and she would die protecting you, but if she's decided you're a bad person, then *any* suffering you endure is deserved, with very few exceptions. Obviously not the best outlook on life, but fun to play in a chaotic way lol
I did a thing for this where I layered clothing on top of the same drawing, to get a better understanding of how I want it all to work. I think it's a really fun & good way of designing a character (that way you have reference if you ever need to know what they have on under what you can see with their full kit on).
A fun fact too - I actually gave her the same face shape/jawline that I give Aziraphale, which is fun. What can I say, I have a weak spot for strong and powerful angels with a softness to them <3
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serpentinesketches · 2 months
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The fruit was the original Temptation, you say? righhhttttt.
(let's not kid ourselves, this is just me wanting to draw teeth & the weird things Crowley can do with his tongue)
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serpentinesketches · 3 months
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They finally got to go on that picnic, in a garden all their own <3
This is something of a redraw of this old piece I drew waayyy back in 2019 when I was first into Good Omens s1! I was very into wings back then --and who am I kidding, I still am-- but I think I've executed the concept a tad better this time.
Changed up the pose a tad & the camera angle, and we've even graduated from 'I think they're lying on a rectangle?' to an actual background! All jokes aside though, I genuinely look back on that old art with pride concerning how far I feel I've come. I hope in 2025 or whenever we're all graced with season 3 I'll have improved even more! :D
Oh, and fun fact, this was originally intended for the GoodOmensAfterDark 'Aftercare Week', but sadly this took way too long to complete for me to throw my hat in the ring. Still, adore the folks over there, and all the beautiful art and writing they put into the world, so I wanted to shout that out ^-^
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serpentinesketches · 4 months
Another attack from me before the @goodomensafterdark smut war is over ^-^
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The full saucy version is on reddit here, cause I fear tumblr's content moderation. Pretty please go check it out! <3
Oh, and there's more! This has a fic I wrote accompanying it as well - you can find that here!
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serpentinesketches · 5 months
(psst! This is a lyric comic, and the cut song is right there! <3)
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"... Imagine being loved by me"
Hozier has the best longing songs, and I've been wanting to do something GO related to one of his songs for a while now. And now with the Smut War going on with the lovely people at @goodomensafterdark, I was struck with inspiration!
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serpentinesketches · 6 months
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They like holding hands <3
Took inspiration from the weekly prompt in the lovely Good Omens Creator Collective discord server that I'm in to bop out a bunch of hand holding stuff without reference. It was a lovely way to wind down after a very stressful week, work-wise.
They're all meant to be Aziraphale and Crowley, cause I swear those two are all that I can think about anymore.
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serpentinesketches · 6 months
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"You really must try one, dear boy"
Ever since reading @lineffability 's absolutely incredible fic, Heaven on the Half Shell, the oyster scene has been living in my head rent-free. If you somehow haven't yet read their whole False Pretenses series, I *highly* recommend it, it's hot as sin with all the yearning I adore of the 'pretend this doesn't mean anything when it actually means everything' category.
This piece is my own slight variation on what all goes down at Petronius' place, because I'm a sucker for Aziraphale being a bit of a bastard <3
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serpentinesketches · 6 months
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"Aziraphale parted from their kiss just long enough to lift him onto the counter effortlessly. Crowley gasped, suddenly caught between the dual sensations of the cold countertop on his bare legs, and the heat of Aziraphale, everywhere. His hand moving to ruck up the hem of Crowley’s dress shirt, his lips sucking and biting at his neck, and his body a solid, comforting weight pressing into him.
“Ah- Aziraphale-“ Crowley panted out, one hand finding purchase in the short hair at the base of Aziraphale’s neck, the other pressing into the cold countertop for balance, which had the blessed side-effect of pressing his hips forward into Aziraphale’s plush belly, sending molten heat shooting into his abdomen."
The Biscuits Have Most Definitely Burned by Now on Ao3, by me!
Inspired by a pose reference I found, my brain ended up cooking up this whole crazy piece that took me forever, and a whole fanfic, when I don't normally write, like ever! What a week lol
Check it out and tell me what you think, if you like! <3
Oh, and you get a speed-draw as well, cause I'm loving that function in Clip Studio for these involved pieces ^-^
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serpentinesketches · 6 months
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"Aziraphale parted from their kiss just long enough to lift him onto the counter effortlessly. Crowley gasped, suddenly caught between the dual sensations of the cold countertop on his bare legs, and the heat of Aziraphale, everywhere. His hand moving to ruck up the hem of Crowley’s dress shirt, his lips sucking and biting at his neck, and his body a solid, comforting weight pressing into him.
“Ah- Aziraphale-“ Crowley panted out, one hand finding purchase in the short hair at the base of Aziraphale’s neck, the other pressing into the cold countertop for balance, which had the blessed side-effect of pressing his hips forward into Aziraphale’s plush belly, sending molten heat shooting into his abdomen."
The Biscuits Have Most Definitely Burned by Now on Ao3, by me!
Inspired by a pose reference I found, my brain ended up cooking up this whole crazy piece that took me forever, and a whole fanfic, when I don't normally write, like ever! What a week lol
Check it out and tell me what you think, if you like! <3
Oh, and you get a speed-draw as well, cause I'm loving that function in Clip Studio for these involved pieces ^-^
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serpentinesketches · 6 months
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This started as a simple idea, and very quickly got out of control, but I'm quite happy with how it turned out! I quite like the idea of Crowley turning into a big snake and curling around Aziraphale, both doing what they like best (sleeping and reading) together. It's part of the future I envision for them, once they get their cottage <3
I actually did something new this time too and took advantage of the timelapse function in clip studio, though I forgot to start it until I was almost done with the lineart.
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serpentinesketches · 7 months
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A Delayed Reunion (part 3 of 3)
(first part) (second part) (final part (you're here!))
The final part is here, and with a whole extra page! (fun fact, my last-minute additions made this comic an even 50 panels across all the parts :D)
I hope this wrapped up the way you all wanted, it was an amazing journey for the first long-form narrative comic I've ever done, I cannot thank you all enough for the kind words on all these parts, they've really kept me going! <3 I think I'll be doing comics like this more in future, I already have a few ideas, (though most of them less ambitious than this one was) so look forward to that if you enjoyed this!
A Delayed Reunion Comic Taglist: @actual-changeling , @khlara , @we-are-the-multitude , @peregrintook , @raptr-rambles , @six-of-snakes , @sharkbait-33 , @halcyonfawn , @elviri
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serpentinesketches · 8 months
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Finished this silly little thing between working on my comic, love the idea of Crowley just draping himself over Aziraphale whenever the heck he wants to <3
The name of this clip studio file is 'POV: You're trying to buy a book', hence why Azi is so nonplussed lol
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serpentinesketches · 8 months
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A Delayed Reunion (part 2 of 3)
(first part) (second part (you're here!)) (last part)
Seems like it takes me about a month to crank out each one of these, so expect the final part in around that timeframe! I've been absolutely tickled pink by the response to the first part of this so I hope y'all like this and how it eventually wraps up! ^-^
I feel like most of us understood pretty quickly Crowley's reasons for acting the way he did during that final 15 minutes, but Aziraphale's goals and feelings took a little more thinking about (or at least they did for me). They definitely feel very layered.
That's part of why I wanted to dedicate the last few pages for this part to letting Aziraphale talk through his reasoning. He wasn't just 'rejecting Crowley' so simply, he had a lot of reasons for his choice, some of them good, and many of them obviously grounded in trauma, or simply wanting so terribly for the universe to be a kinder place. I felt it was important for him to own the fact that, while he had some good reasons, he still hurt Crowley deeply.
I honestly have enough thoughts on that last 15 minutes to turn into several pages of writing (at least), and I only had so much space per panel, so I had to be relatively brief. Hopefully it all still makes sense. (plus I wanted to make it sound reasonably like how Aziraphale would think about it in his own brain in retrospect)
Once again, if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this comic please let me know! It made me so darn happy to see people asking to be added on the last part, thank you all so much!! I simply don't have the words for how much it means to me that people like my silly comic <3 <3
A Delayed Reunion Taglist! : @actual-changeling , @khlara , @we-are-the-multitude , @peregrintook , @a-raptors-ramblings , @six-of-snakes , @sharkbait-33 , @halcyonfawn , @yogaduck
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serpentinesketches · 8 months
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A Delayed Reunion (part 1 of 3)
(first (you're here!)) (next page) (last page)
Finally! After working on this in my free time for what feels like forever, Part 1 is done! In case it wasn't obvious, this is my take on their needed emotional conversation after all the world-saving business in s3 is done. I started on this shortly after s2 came out cause I had waaayyy too many emotions about the ending.
This comic will be exploring how I personally interpreted everything that was said (and not said) between them in those dreaded last 15 minutes of episode 6. And don't you worry, it will come to a happy ending. I couldn't bear to leave these two angsting, my heart couldn't take it.
(p.s: I don't know if art taglists are really a thing on this website anymore, but if you'd like to be tagged in the next parts of this comic please let me know! It would mean a lot to know people are looking forward to seeing this get updated <3)
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serpentinesketches · 9 months
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"Are you afraid to love people, Crowley?"
Finally finished with this one! I went full painterly here, which was a very welcome break from the repeated lineart of my big comic project I'm working on (first part of which will be out soon!!)
Based on the trippy scene from helluva boss s1ep6 (the screenshot I based this on is under the cut if you'd like to see it ^-^)
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(keen viewers will note how I tried to preserve the composition with very different designs, hence Crowley's wings in my version mirroring where Blitzy's horns rest in this screenshot <3)
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