serpvntines-blog · 6 years
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serpvntines-blog · 6 years
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* // was that really ADAIR CAVENDISH? it’s been a long time since that PUREBLOOD wore the SLYTHERIN colours around the halls of hogwarts. i suppose the whispers of muggle borns swearing they saw MILENA TSCHARNTKE were about them, which does make more sense. so tell me, is it true she works as a SECRETARY AT THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC? i suppose there’s no better way to make the most of their AMBITIOUS and CUT-THROAT nature. funny how time flies, i remember our first day and hogwarts and now they’re NINETEEN years old.
what up, i’m britt, i’m not nineteen and i never fucking learned how to do an intro ! kia ora koutou, ya girl is late to the game as always but i am super excited to be here, this place looks incredible, props to the admins bc  🔥 🔥 🔥, i suck at intros good god but i’m gonna try my best. under the cut there’s some info on my little evil babe. please feel free to hmu for plotting, i promise i’m nice and to those who already have --- i’m gonna reply asap. i’m also on discord at britty is shitty#6471 but otherwise just hit the like button and i’ll come to you !
* // about
adair has been my brain child for so so long, but this is my first time actually playing her in a rp !
tbh all you really need to know is that she is a truly awful human being and just a big ol snakey snake
she was born to emerson and amelia cavendish, though not part of the sacred 28, they were strong voldemort supporters and big believers in blood purity and all that jazz. her family is relatively well-off, emerson being high up in banking at gringotts and ever since they were born, her and her older sister were absolutely spoiled, nothing but the best
though it was power and not money that the cavendishs craved the most, wanting to climb up the social ladder, their family name held to as high regard as the averys or the lestranges
they installed the same ideals into their daughters, and saw them as tools to use to climb up the social ladder, the blonde haired, blue eyed girls batting their eyelashes to get their parents to mingle in with the best. 
the wizarding war gave them this opportunity too, adair’s father’s connections allowing him to support the death eater movement --- though never anything too publicly. they were notoriously careful in covering their tracks. there was little power one could have in prison.
for the cavendishs, it was family over everything
obviously adair and her family were less than pleased with the outcome of the war, though their hope in the dark lord and what he stood for would not be distinguished. fear could and would always control the masses
as her and her sister grew up it seemed clear that the best way for them to further push their quest for power amoung the death eaters was through marriage.
adair had learnt at a young age that men were stupid and simple, big blue eyes, and the right words coming from pretty lips could get you anywhere.
on the surface she may seem sweet, she is basically the epitome of “look like an innocent flower but be the serpent under it”
very sweet seeming on the surface, but if you ever asked her to cat sit she would rob you for all you’re worth and then kill your cats throat for good measure.
basically under that facade, she's incredibly cunning and ruthless, nothing and nobody can stop her from achieving her goal and she’d like to see you try quite frankly
got a secretary job after her last year at hogwarts using her father’s connections, but she couldn’t care less about it
she cannot wait to retire from working in a couple of years and live off her husband’s money, pop out a few kids before living in luxury, sipping martinis in her fur coat for the rest of her life.
mainly uses her job as a way to get information from inside the ministry and use it in whatever way she - or her family - wishes.
her ultimate goal is to marry someone from the sacred 28, so if ur rich and still a pureblood have fun trying to get rid of her !!! she especially wants to find a better husband than her sister and before she does bc a giant superiority complex
tbh it’s truly debatable she has a heart or any morals or is even alive, the only people she cares about is her family and everyone else can die tbh
* // wanted connections
friends - would have to be as horrible as her. though she seems nice on the surface if you’re not any use to her she’s never gonna bother to get to know you, maybe some slytherin dorm mates from her time at hogwarts? or any of her socialite friends
potential marriages - anyone eligible she will sink her claws into so i’d love to see that dynamic tbh. at this point she’s more attracted to power than anything else so
former flings - probably just people she used for information, could be at the ministry or before, up to y’all tbh 
honestly im open for anything
other ideas could be people who work for her father ???? idk im tired
pls just love me and love her even tho its hard
* // extras
i have a pinterest board for an older adair here
i think that’s it??? again just hmu or like this and ill come to yall <3
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serpvntines-blog · 6 years
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serpvntines-blog · 6 years
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serpvntines-blog · 6 years
Whats ur sexuality?
rich people
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serpvntines-blog · 6 years
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