rjlupinisms · 6 years
❝ i wish i could say that i am a LIGHT that never goes out,                   but i flicker from time to time. ❞
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was that really REMUS LUPIN? it’s been a long time since that HALFBLOOD ( WEREWOLF ) wore the GRYFFINDOR colours around the halls of hogwarts. i suppose the whispers of muggle borns swearing they saw JESSE WILLIAMS were about them, which does make more sense. so tell me, is it true HE/THEY ( DEMIBOY ) works as a STAY AT HOME FATHER? i suppose there’s no better way to make the most of their UNDERSTANDING and SELF-LOATHING nature. funny how time flies, i remember our first day and hogwarts and now they’re FOURTY years old.
i’m jinx, i also play hannah abbott i’m DETERMINED to make this shorter!! i am!! but i’ll start with some of a bio i have then ramble from there. edit: this is not shorter. houston we have a problem! i fucked up! this is ted talk number two! my grammar ( caps and no caps is also a mess because i’m too tired to adapt to either ) is a mess.
The story of Remus Lupin is one known by many people – his friends, his family, but what people don’t know is what’s in between the cracks. The man in the monster, the boy who he was and the person he’s grown up to be.
There was a time when Remus felt more boy than burden, though he can hardly remember it now and his family cannot either, there was a time. The Lupins were a happy family, they had moderate means, they weren’t the highest class in Wizarding Society but they weren’t the lowest and they made up for that in love – as cliche as it might sound. Remus had one foot in the muggle world, and loved it, Hope would take him on adventures ( having been an adventurer herself ), teaching him about feminism & muggle politics but be back in time to make dinner for when Lyall came back from work. For five years, that’s how it went, an easy, happy cycle that Remus grew up knowing as home. It was home, and his parents were so in love that Remus could only sit back to admire their own admiration for each other. They thought that they’d go on like this until Remus was in Hogwarts, and they’d talk about it for hours on end.
The night Remus was attacked was the night everything turned upside down. Remus’ life might’ve been saved, but ever since then he’s wondered: was it worth it? Was he worth it?
The guilt that Lyall felt propelled him to forget about what his family actually needed and instead, what he needed to forgive himself for what he had done to his son. It was then Remus knew he would have to take care of his family just as much as they would now have to take care of him. No matter how many days of the month would be normal, little Remus would wake up after that full moon torn apart, hurting, crying, confused, and the guilt that he felt was something he could only learn from his father. Hope, like her name, tried to keep the family alive and normal but Lyall refused to let things go back to normal until his son was back to normal. The truth was, even if there was cure, Remus John Lupin was irreversibly changed – there was a whole part of the Wizarding World he came to know at a young age that was not magical in a positive way. Sometimes, Remus still thinks ignorance might’ve been bliss, or maybe if they had put him down like the animal he was his family would’ve learned to move on but his father never did. Lyall could also never accept that Remus was what he was and would continue to be that. The Lupins, a once beautiful household with a life like clockwork were broken – and Remus knew it was all his fault.
Hogwarts, while a nice reprieve, gave Remus a sense of fear and he was determined, absolutely determined to keep to himself. He would not be an affliction onto other children, he would not burden them, he would not form relationships only for them to be embarrassed & repulsed by what he was. But he didn’t seem to have a choice – James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew chose him and never let him go. His brothers, his family, his soulmates, he never knew he’d be able to feel such love for other people who weren’t blood. It was with that love that he got that he started to return, it was then people found that Remus had a sense of humor but an even greater capacity to love – everyone but himself. When his best friends became animagi for him, he cried, he cried because he was relieved that he wouldn’t have to be so alone. That people cared enough about him to do also transform themselves into animals so they could be with him. To this day he doesn’t understand it & is convinced he never will, but it doesn’t make him any less grateful. Without them, he knew he’d be much more miserable than he was, without them, he feared he’d be nothing but a problem his father made him out to be. That he’d be nothing but a monster. They, along with friends he made, were his humanity and it’s why in the first war Remus was ready to do whatever it takes to win because he couldn’t lose them. He’ll lose himself, his mind, his soul, before he loses the people he cares about.
But we all know how that turned out. So I’ll skip ahead for now because I don’t need to detail the pain, suffering, blame, isolation, etc. that Remus went through in the aftermath of the first war!! I really don’t!! Especially because his mother died RIGHT after it ended!! 
Finding out Peter had betrayed him and his friends.... i know i’ve said remus lupin is an emotional, soft pisces, but that RAGE. he really would’ve killed his ass! he would’ve!! on this blog it says 1/3 of the marauders because fuck peter pettigrew as far as remus is concerned!! 
remus’ BIGGEST fucking fault and negative trait is how much he loathes himself. it gets in the way of EVERYTHING. his own self hatred oftentimes clouds his judgement to who he really is. He is funny, his is intelligent, he is caring, he is loyal, but all he sees is that he is more of a burden than a man, that he is wasting everyone’s time when he transforms, that they should leave him be. He sees himself as the extra fat that needs to be cut off meat, he sees himself as an affliction to others and there are no kind words that stop him from feeling that way. Remus gets a reminder once month that this is all true, but with therapy that he’s been in the last two years, he’s really been working towards discovering who he is aside from who he’s told himself he is. questions about his gender have come up as well, he often wonders if him identifying as nonbinary/a demiboy is because he sees himself as half a human or because he truly feels detached from his gender in a way as well as feels he doesn’t quite always fit it. plot twist you asshole, it’s the second! see why i put him in therapy!
i think when remus was exposed as a werewolf .... it freed him in some ways. there was a certain amount of hiding he was doing, that he didn’t have to do any more. like, listen, he’s already a black human in this society, he’s not straight either, so of course his whole life he didn’t want ANOTHER thing to differentiate him out in the public, but. he’s always been really sarcastic, funny, if you get to know him -- he doesn’t hold back his thoughts either. his thoughts about himself, yes, but his overall thoughts -- no. he was mad and he felt like he had to leave, but that didn’t stop his ass from being a presence in his students lives. the first thing he did after he resigned was get a twitter and subtweet the shit out of the hogwarts administration & the ministry ( did they see it??? who knows ). not his fellow professors but uh, i’ll just say it, lucius malfoy and co.! he used it as a platform to rant, to educate and educate himself. lbr, he had a lot of time on his hands! so yes, he did offer tutoring services and still does to this day. but also, he gets into dumbass twitter fights it’s pretty funny imo. i can truly imagine him going to sirius asking for some advice on what to say to some of these assholes. also him and sirius visiting graves together! they had to make up time w/ each other somehow! bonding! please bring me the only marauder still ( maybe ) alive, i need it. 
the second war was difficult in a completely different way to remus -- the guilt he had over getting tonks pregnant, the guilt he had for being in love in a time of war, the selfishness he felt, aided to the reckless nature of his missions. he’d already let down harry for years by not being there, letting him be with the dursley’s, he felt the potter’s didn’t make him godfather because they’d thought he’d be an incompentent father figure ( newflash asshole, they loved you and didn’t think that at all ! ). he did everything to prepare that he could, and when teddy was born --- it redefined the meaning to live. to fight for something. he needed to make this world a better place for teddy, desperately. i wouldn’t say he got his shit together completely, but he stopped being as much as a fucking shit head because he didn’t matter anymore & he didn’t mean that in a self loathing way for once! teddy and tonks did. he meant it in a life has so much more meaning bigger than me way! which, wow, FINALLY, because the world doesn’t revolve around you and what you hate about yourself, remus! took this asshole like 38 years, but he got there!!
there’s no one he loves more in this world more than tonks and teddy. i could go on, but, the longer he’s alive, the more time goes on, he is even more grateful for them. he didn’t know if he’d find a family or love after the first war, after losing lily & james, sirius, peter, the other order members, everything felt lost & without meaning. his existence without meaning. but being a husband & a father redefined his world like never before. he’s proud to be a stay at home father, he’s proud to dedicate all his time to his child while tonks goes out and kicks ass. he’s proud to bake, cook, clean, tend to the house, go out to coffee with other parents, facilitate playdates.  it’s probably the happiest he’s been in his life. does he still face discrimination? of course. but Petty, Sassy & Sarcastic Remus Lupin deals with it with stride, quips, and laughter. the occasional prank. it doesn’t feel as much like additional ammo that he’ll later use against himself. just people being dickheads! 
loves to reach out to former students, order members, dumbledore’s army members. always tells them him and tonks’ home is open to them. he’s getting to a place in his life where i think he’s becoming more and more open about being a werewolf, raising awareness, speaking, talking. erasing stigma, he’s trying SO HARD, because he knows he’s not alone. he’s always had that drive to educate people, to just let them know whats up? he was truly a fantastic fucking professor, often he misses that job, but he wouldn’t go back. he’s teaching on his own terms, living on them as well. he’s had to unpack a lot of the ..... debt he felt towards dumbledore and realize a lot of the idealization he felt towards him was probably not the best. dumbledore was another shady ass white man, he wasn’t just a savior, he was a lot more dark and complex than remus gave him credit for.
i know this seems too meta, but at this point, i imagine remus and hannah share baking tips, because hannah can’t bake edibles to save her life -- but remus? remus can. he was the world’s worst drug dealer in his youth, but weed helped him sooooo much after and before transformations. he’s lucky to now have wolfsbane along with this resource. but, yeah, you’ll catch hannah and remus having tea as well as hannah offering to babysit so some of her favorite people can have a night out. 
if harry names his damn kid fucking albus severus in this verse, remus will actually throw hands, js. like...RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS SALAD @ HARRY AND GINNY?? 
aight i’m gonna stop here because this is Extra™ but thank you for coming to BOTH of my ted talks and reading this!! if you’d like to plot, please like this, and i’ll come to you!! 
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rvdcard-blog · 6 years
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was that really DEAN THOMAS? it’s been a long time since that HALFBLOOD ( presumed muggleborn ) wore the GRYFFINDOR colours around the halls of hogwarts. i suppose the whispers of muggle borns swearing they saw ALFIE ENOCH were about them, which does make more sense. so tell me, is it true he works as a WANDMAKER APPRENTICE? i suppose there’s no better way to make the most of their EASYGOING and INDECISIVE nature. funny how time flies, i remember our first day and hogwarts and now they’re TWENTY ONE years old. 
hey y’all i’m jessie!!! i’m 18, she/her, from england, ravenclaw!!! i haven’t played dean since i was 13 which is rly fjgkhgf but anyways i’m so excited to write him he’s always been a Fave of mine in general ( he’s everyone’s tbh lbr ) && also !! my d*iscord is jessie#9716 if y’all wanna add me on there bc i’ll reply quicker there jdhg
[ pinterest board ]
we all know our fave (bi)con dean thomas tbh
there’s that whole background that u all kno but i’m gonna explain anyway oops
so dean’s father was a wizard but hid it from dean’s mother, who suspected anyway tbh, but anyways he was recruited by the death eaters and ran away when dean was like one years old to protect the family
he got caught and killed unfortunately rip elliot thomas
dean’s mother remarried when he was five & he’s older than his next half-sibling by six years and has a fairly good relationship with his step father, issa tight family
tho none of them are magical, dean has four little sisters ( felicity - 15 ; rebecca - 13 ; nora & rory - 9 ) and they’re all his faves & they all adore him back naturally
in terms of the war, dean was actually Very Clever and Careful about making sure his family knew absolutely fuckin nothing about the mess the wizarding world was going thru
it was to protect them mostly but also,,, they just ?? never got the magic thing & he gets that!!! they’re all muggles and magic has always been his thing, only his thing, and they all love him and think it’s fuckin wonderful and wild he’s a wizard, but they never got it
so he ran away for the final year and went camping for a year but we all know how that turned out yikes
in terms of after the battle,,, he remembered that ollivander mentioned to him once when they were staying at shell cottage that he had a good eye when they were talking about wandlore
and dean feels kind of lost after the battle, he doesn’t want to go back into fighting when he’s so tired but he wants to do something, and art is his saving grace, sure, but he’s finding it difficult right now to create something that doesn’t end up a mess of his feelings on the paper, and it’s too raw to show anyone like this
so he finds ollivander, who is frail and wavering and looking so close to death that it’s frightening, to get a new wand for himself and begins learning wandlore under him
he’s trying to rebuild tbh what would have been his seventh year was Hell from him running all the time and so many people he knows dying and it’s fhjdg a Mess 
he’s reconciled w his family mostly but they were Appropriately Fuming and like,, he gets that and they get that he had to do it but he feels guilty still and he missed out on over a year of all his sisters’ lives 
this got unnecessarily long i’m sorry wow dkjfgh
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susanbvnes · 6 years
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was that really SUSAN BONES? it’s been a long time since that HALFBLOOD wore the HUFFLEPUFF colours around the halls of hogwarts. i suppose the whispers of muggle borns swearing they saw KAT MCNAMARA were about them, which does make more sense. so tell me, is it true SHE works as a DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL MAGICAL COOPERATION EMPLOYEE? i suppose there’s no better way to make the most of their EMPATHETIC and RETICENT nature. funny how time flies, i remember our first day and hogwarts and now they’re TWENTY-ONE years old.
hey guys ! i'm louise, the latest person ever with this intro but i never had a minute to breathe until now. i am so excited to play susan and i'd love to plot stuff with you all, please hmu !
okay so susan grew up with parents that were always looking over their shoulders to ensure that they were safe. her grandparents, uncle, aunt and cousins had all been killed by death eaters during the first wizarding war and the bones family were high on the list of families that were to be killed by voldemort's orders, so things were shaky and not... nice.
of course, as a child susan was never burdened by this knowledge but she could see the worried expression on her father’s face whenever aunt amelia ever visited. her mother took her on trips around england’s wizarding areas as well as muggle whenever things seemed tough and susan soon grew to love the sights that she had become used to in her adventures with her mother.
her father did his best for them and susan adored both of her parents and never asked for much. she always visited her aunt whenever she could, finding amelia’s tales to be exceptionally interesting. she would occasionally get to see her muggle grandparents, who loved her just as much as she loved them.
it wasn’t until susan was older and headed to hogwarts when she learned the truth of her family’s past with the death eaters. the fact that most of her family had been wiped out was horrifying and susan found it extremely difficult to understand how anybody could be so despicable to try and destroy an entire lineage, and the thought of them being murdered broke her heart.
as we all know, she was sorted into hufflepuff ! susan is an extremely kind, generous and understanding person. she loved her house and the people in it, and would honestly do anything for a fellow hufflepuff. she’s very loyal to those that she cares about and will stop at nothing to defend and protect them.
however, when growing up in hogwarts, susan struggled a lot with her shyness, and she was easily used as a doormat. people always got her to do things for them because she was too nice to say no, and was scared of what retaliation would lead to. susan was the type to stay out of the way, more of an observer than a participator. it took her an awful long time until she was strong enough to look after herself and to defend other people too.
her mother passed away in the same year as her aunt which was a heavy blow to susan. her heart was shattered and she essentially became a mess. people were constantly coming up to her and asking about her family, which only made things more depressing.
she thought an awful lot about her life and the way she was treating herself and letting others treat her. now, she has grown resolute in a way that only someone who has lost as much as she has, can. susan is now extremely independent, living in a flat in london, with a secure ministry job.
susan is now in a better place than she was, with a heart of gold and is closer to her father since he is now the only family that she has left in the wizarding world. she’s looking out for herself and anyone else that needs it, and hopes that now after the war finally being over, she can build a positive life for herself and pick up all the pieces that both wars shattered.
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serpvntines-blog · 6 years
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* // was that really ADAIR CAVENDISH? it’s been a long time since that PUREBLOOD wore the SLYTHERIN colours around the halls of hogwarts. i suppose the whispers of muggle borns swearing they saw MILENA TSCHARNTKE were about them, which does make more sense. so tell me, is it true she works as a SECRETARY AT THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC? i suppose there’s no better way to make the most of their AMBITIOUS and CUT-THROAT nature. funny how time flies, i remember our first day and hogwarts and now they’re NINETEEN years old.
what up, i’m britt, i’m not nineteen and i never fucking learned how to do an intro ! kia ora koutou, ya girl is late to the game as always but i am super excited to be here, this place looks incredible, props to the admins bc  🔥 🔥 🔥, i suck at intros good god but i’m gonna try my best. under the cut there’s some info on my little evil babe. please feel free to hmu for plotting, i promise i’m nice and to those who already have --- i’m gonna reply asap. i’m also on discord at britty is shitty#6471 but otherwise just hit the like button and i’ll come to you !
* // about
adair has been my brain child for so so long, but this is my first time actually playing her in a rp !
tbh all you really need to know is that she is a truly awful human being and just a big ol snakey snake
she was born to emerson and amelia cavendish, though not part of the sacred 28, they were strong voldemort supporters and big believers in blood purity and all that jazz. her family is relatively well-off, emerson being high up in banking at gringotts and ever since they were born, her and her older sister were absolutely spoiled, nothing but the best
though it was power and not money that the cavendishs craved the most, wanting to climb up the social ladder, their family name held to as high regard as the averys or the lestranges
they installed the same ideals into their daughters, and saw them as tools to use to climb up the social ladder, the blonde haired, blue eyed girls batting their eyelashes to get their parents to mingle in with the best. 
the wizarding war gave them this opportunity too, adair’s father’s connections allowing him to support the death eater movement --- though never anything too publicly. they were notoriously careful in covering their tracks. there was little power one could have in prison.
for the cavendishs, it was family over everything
obviously adair and her family were less than pleased with the outcome of the war, though their hope in the dark lord and what he stood for would not be distinguished. fear could and would always control the masses
as her and her sister grew up it seemed clear that the best way for them to further push their quest for power amoung the death eaters was through marriage.
adair had learnt at a young age that men were stupid and simple, big blue eyes, and the right words coming from pretty lips could get you anywhere.
on the surface she may seem sweet, she is basically the epitome of “look like an innocent flower but be the serpent under it”
very sweet seeming on the surface, but if you ever asked her to cat sit she would rob you for all you’re worth and then kill your cats throat for good measure.
basically under that facade, she's incredibly cunning and ruthless, nothing and nobody can stop her from achieving her goal and she’d like to see you try quite frankly
got a secretary job after her last year at hogwarts using her father’s connections, but she couldn’t care less about it
she cannot wait to retire from working in a couple of years and live off her husband’s money, pop out a few kids before living in luxury, sipping martinis in her fur coat for the rest of her life.
mainly uses her job as a way to get information from inside the ministry and use it in whatever way she - or her family - wishes.
her ultimate goal is to marry someone from the sacred 28, so if ur rich and still a pureblood have fun trying to get rid of her !!! she especially wants to find a better husband than her sister and before she does bc a giant superiority complex
tbh it’s truly debatable she has a heart or any morals or is even alive, the only people she cares about is her family and everyone else can die tbh
* // wanted connections
friends - would have to be as horrible as her. though she seems nice on the surface if you’re not any use to her she’s never gonna bother to get to know you, maybe some slytherin dorm mates from her time at hogwarts? or any of her socialite friends
potential marriages - anyone eligible she will sink her claws into so i’d love to see that dynamic tbh. at this point she’s more attracted to power than anything else so
former flings - probably just people she used for information, could be at the ministry or before, up to y’all tbh 
honestly im open for anything
other ideas could be people who work for her father ???? idk im tired
pls just love me and love her even tho its hard
* // extras
i have a pinterest board for an older adair here
i think that’s it??? again just hmu or like this and ill come to yall <3
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parknsons · 6 years
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was that really PANSY PARKINSON? it’s been a long time since that PUREBLOOD wore the SLYTHERIN colours around the halls of hogwarts. i suppose the whispers of muggle borns swearing they saw HAYLEY KIYOKO were about them, which does make more sense. so tell me, is it true she works as a REPORTER FOR THE DAILY PROPHET? i suppose there’s no better way to make the most of their AMBITIOUS and CYNICAL nature. funny how time flies, i remember our first day and hogwarts and now they’re TWENTY years old. / bee , 19 , est , she/her
it’s bee again, back with my second Gay Daughter !!!
pinterest board
so pansy’s still a new muse so pls be patient while i iron out the kinks
she’s a lot different than she was at hogwarts
at hogwarts she was like ??? used to getting everything she wanted and she was used to being in control
and after the war she was rly villainized for speaking out against harry during the battle of hogwarts and also her father was arrested for being a death eater so !! her family fell a LOT out of favour & pansy was getting a Lot of hate herself
so she took a couple years off to travel
dyed her hair blonde, kind of made a point of doing everything she wasnt supposed to cause tbh she didn’t wanna be who she was anymore
points @ this quote
she became confident with who she was, dropped all the bullshit, returned back to england with her own opinions and she was ready to call people out on their bullshit
she puts herself first, she always has, and she doesn’t try to hide that
she can definitely still be mean spirited sometimes cause that’s a hard habit to break ? but she’s matured and she is, above all, honest to herself and tells it like it is. she’s also pretty tough & doesnt let criticism get to her easily
gay AF !! she probably realized this when she was traveling lmao
she still has a fondness for material possessions and luxury – wears the nicest clothes, dines out at the nicest restaurants
this is a bit of a problem bc her mother has Cut Her Off and now she has to make money like the rest of the wizarding world lmao
cause she wouldn’t apologize for what she said during the battle of hogwarts and she wouldn’t deny that she sympathised with the death eaters bc that would be dishonest, she’s open abt her choices and defends them
like?? voldemort was saying he would kill everyone unless one person died, ofc she wanted to give that one person in and therefore live
but anyway pansy’s mother was trying to reclaim the family name and when her daughter didn’t fight this villainous image that was being painted of her, pansy’s mother disowned her to Prove that she didnt support that kind of Thinking
idk anyway now she’s a reporter for the daily prophet, pretty low ranking bc every fucking article she writes comes out biased LMAO
pansy just wants to write editorials but she isn’t gonna get that position anytime soon
anyway i’d love 2 plot with e v e r y o n e pls hmu i swear i will love u down
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chasingdragcns-blog · 6 years
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was that really CHARLIE WEASLEY? it’s been a long time since that PUREBLOOD wore the GRYFFINDOR colours around the halls of hogwarts. i suppose the whispers of muggleborns swearing they saw ALEX SAXON were about them, which does make more sense. so tell me, is it true HE works as a DRAGONKEEPER? i suppose there’s no better way to make the most of their PATIENT and DETACHED nature. funny how time flies, i remember our first day and hogwarts and now they’re TWENTY-SEVEN years old. 
Charlie was built like the twins, shorter and stockier than Percy and Ron, who were both long and lanky. He had a broad, good-natured face, which was weather-beaten and so freckly that he looked almost tanned; his arms were muscly, and one of them had a large, shiny burn on it. 
charlie is reconsidering all his shit still, even though he was under order orders to stay in romania and scout for allies during his days off he realised really fucking quickly how much he’s missed. while the circumstances are not the same he still gets percy’s guilt of not being there.
he’s been returning for a few months at a time over the past two years, crashing at mates and his siblings’ houses/flats. he does some freelance work for the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures in attempting to rezone and protect wild dragons across england. he begrudges most of their methods and often just does what he thinks is best.
Charlie was darning a fireproof balaclava. 
he was always pretty quiet as a little kid, helped molly with mending things, also insisted that he’d befriended the gnomes in the garden. some quick thinking from bill the summer before charlie’s first year meant that his left little finger that was bitten clean off by one of the little bastards was reattached easily enough.
goes drinking with hagrid in hogsmeade every time he’s back.
The source of the commotion was revealed as they entered the garden and saw that Bill and Charlie both had their wands out, and were making two battered old tables fly high above the lawn, smashing into each other, each attempting to knock the other’s out of the air. Fred and George were cheering; Ginny was laughing, and Hermione was hovering near the hedge, apparently torn between amusement and anxiety. 
loves his siblings to bits but he knows they can take care of themselves and isn’t overbearingly protective, he won’t interfere but he’ll let them all know he’s there for them if they do need him.
he’s actually pretty clever and quite a laugh but he was always just very single minded about magizoology and of course, rather more specifically, dragons so his close mates and his family are the ones who mainly know this of him. 
gets restless if he spends too long inside. is one of those people who suggest a gentle hike and you end up mountaineering then you’re suddenly doing actual fucking bouldering before you know it.  
doesnt even acknowledge his name as charles, only exception to this rule being molly coming at him wielding a hair cutting charm. 
so im really REALLY fuckin late huh sounds about right. this is rushed garbage but if you wanna plot at all hmu or like this if you’re feelin a bit shy and i’ll come to you!
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tvnksing · 6 years
question: what are you? answer: to define is to limit.
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was that really NYMPHADORA TONKS-LUPIN? it’s been a long time since that HALF BLOOD wore the HUFFLEPUFF colours around the halls of hogwarts. i suppose the whispers of muggle borns swearing they saw VELLA LOVELL were about them, which does make more sense. so tell me, is it true she works as an AUROR? i suppose there’s no better way to make the most of their DEPENDABLE and CHAOTIC nature. funny how time flies, i remember our first day and hogwarts and now they’re TWENTY SEVEN years old.
it’s mar again, with her second nerd! before i start my intro, i have a pinboard for tonks right here and a fact sheet here! once again, i’m going to separate stuff in canon and post-battle stuff!
pre battle of hogwarts !
if you asked certain people, nymphadora tonks should not have been born. but she was, and she’s been pretty unapologetic since. the first eight years of her life were spent in fear: there was a war raging on, and her mother and father had painted targets on their backs, simply by loving each other, by marrying and having a daughter. they lived quietly, in a cottage protected by spells. tonks wasn’t isolated, though: she entered the muggle world plenty, the wizarding one every now and then, and had plenty of little meet ups with other kids her age. 
still, the constant reminder that they had to be careful was part of her youth. and tonks hated it. tonks was rambunctious, restless, hyperactive, quickly angry: she inherited most of these traits from her dad, but there was definitely some of andromeda in her too ( that stubbornness, mostly ). tonks didn’t want to be careful, she wanted to kick the world and explore it all. 
she decided to go by TONKS when she was six, by the way; she found nymphadora way too long, didn’t like writing it, either. she found it so unfair that her dad was called ted, when her name was about the same length of a novel. and so she became tonks.
while her parents weren’t part of the order, there were sometimes members that came over the floor, bloody and panting and sweating, and while her mother always ushered her to her room, tonks always tried to take a peak. these people were heroes in her eyes, faceless people who fought the right fight!!! man. she was so intrigued. probably questioned sirius about it for years
she still remembers the day the war ended very clearly. she was taken to the celebrations for about an hour, saw fireworks and squealed harder than she’d ever had. she saw her parents cry, and she thought they were just happy, but they’d also lost people. and then the next day, sirius was arrested, and she couldn’t comprehend it. this influenced her greatly so MORE about this later.
life went on after the war, and tonks eventually went to hogwarts and was sorted into hufflepuff. she loved hogwarts. oh. my god. she loved hogwarts! it was so good. tonks was a p eager and hyper student, continued to be her rambunctious self and just .... took to the castle as a hurricane. 
the idea of becoming an auror slipped into her mind when she became a little older and began to understand what had happened during the war a little better. she and her classmates were all kids bred during war, and she knew know that there was so much she hadn’t known. those bleeding order members were not just heroes, they had been fighting for the right to live. those tears from her parents might have been from grief too. so much fell in its place, but one thing continued to chew at her: sirius. 
it just made no sense to tonks? she knew that maybe she had just been disillusioned by sirius, because she’d been a kid, and he’d been cool and like a weird kind of older brother, but she felt like it was not just that. it made no sense. it made no sense. she saw what turning her back on the black family had done to her mother, and so could imagine what it would’ve done to sirius. andromeda had found a new family, and she imagined sirius had, too, with these friends of his --- it MADE NO SENSE. for a long time, she felt very disillusioned and naive and betrayed, even, but she just couldn’t let it go --- she had little family, as her father was an only child and sirius had been the only family member of her mother’s side that had been in their lives, and so she couldn’t let it go, especially not when she heard about how his case had gone, how he’d not even gotten a trial --- tonks was a puff, was fair, was just, and she was angry, at the lack of explanation, the lack of anything. this all factored into her wish to become an auror, too. to understand more. to make sure things would be fair and just. it didn’t even matter if sirius was guilty or not, that she would never know ( at least, so she thought LOL ), it wasn’t 100% about that: it was about the fact that there’d been no trial. 
as we all know, tonks ended up becoming an auror! and it’s rad! and she’s clumsy but she makes it through training! and she’s so proud of herself and she loves her job, even though the ministry is corrupt, bc she can let go of her energy there, but also use her brain! and then a year later voldemort returns and she’s invited to join the order of the phoenix by moody and she says yes, of course she says yes, and before she knows it she’s part of an underground organisation
when the order is reinstated, she also meets sirius again, and she feels so relieved that the feeling that it did not make sense was right, and she’s also damn hyped to have more family! she meets more people, like remus -- husband material, tbh -- and some more peeps we all know ‘n love. being part of the order is hard work and it’s serious business and it’s scary, sometimes, but tonks is dedicated and determined and she’s not going to back down, that’s for sure. 
somewhere along the line, she fell for remus, and he fell for her, and it took a while but they found each other and suddenly there was something light among the dark, which only made it harder. because it was hard. it was really hard, but it was worth it. they got married, and tonks cried, and she didn’t wear a dress because fuck that. and then she got pregnant, and she was scared and angry and scared --- she knew that bringing a child into a war was possible ( her parents did it with her, after all, and she turned out okay ), but she didn’t know if she wanted to do that, too, not when she and remus were fighting tooth and nail.
tonks was a lot to be around when she was pregnant. she was angry and emotional and impatient, and oh my god, i think everyone let out a sigh of relief when teddy was finally born. and tonks was too, and he was perfect and beautiful and she named him after her dad and!!! wow. tonks felt so happy --- she had a family; a son and a husband and two parents, and a weird kind of uncle/cousin guy on the side, and she was just. weeping.
she wasn’t going to fight in the battle, just in case something would go wrong. but then she went anyway, because tonks was not going to let remus fight on his own ( not that she doubted that he was capable, but she felt wrong not being on his side ). and they made it through ( fuck u canon! ) and they won the war, even if they lost a lot of things, they won, and teddy wouldn’t have to grow up during a war, and tonks laughed and cried into remus’ shoulder when it was done, and cried for harry and all these kids that fought, and she cried for all the kids whose parents didn’t live and she cried, because they won, but also because there had to be a fight in the first place
post battle of hogwarts + ramblings!
tonks just? kept on working? she arrested death eaters and was not going to stop, not for anything. but above all, she dedicated herself to remus and teddy: her family. tonks loves them so much, holy shit; her whole instagram is basically pictures of teddy? and remus? she’s so happy. will go off about them.
i can imagine tonks definitely spending some spare time having helped out rebuilding hogwarts, and there also talking to students who fought/went through shit? she’s eager to help, tbh, and would just be there!! running around!! stumbling over loose rocks but probably lifting spirits and stuff.
she’s such a millenial i swear. to. god. 
tonks is queer as hell, btw. she doesn’t really like labels, doesn’t really care for them; she mostly just calls herself queer, but she’s attracted to everyone, and feels like gender is just a construct and doesn’t really adhere to it? she does feel like a woman/girl, and so doesn’t mind female pronouns, but she definitely also sometimes doesn’t feel like one. she’s just like! gender is fake everyone! 
very dedicated to her work, esp now that the ministry is becoming so much!!! better!!! she’s so glad to see so much change, to see things move forward -- finally. -- and she’s def working hard to contribute to this all.
doc martens + plaid + leather jackets? aesthetic. mood. yes.
idk man tonks is a mess, an emotionally driven, eager to help, mess of a person, who somehow is also a good mother and works her ass off? probably breaks a glass twice a day! 
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