setchuumajo · 3 years
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having witch friends irl honestly sounds like a blessing.
Imagine doing all that weird occultish stuff with your friends that you always thought about doing.
*insert chef's kiss* the flavor be immaculate
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setchuumajo · 3 years
Bleeding Tongue Curse
A Curse to Silence Those Who Speak Falsehoods or Cruel Words
 A Red Candle
A Red Cloth Poppet
Needle and Thread
A Taglock of the Intended Target (a picture, their hair, their name written three times in black ink on a slip of paper, etc.)
A Knife
Sit alone in a room and light your candle.
Using the knife, make a slit in the back of the poppet and insert the taglock. Sew up the slit. (It doesn’t have to be perfect.)
Look at the poppet and say, “Your name is [Target’s Full Name].”
Cut a slit where the poppet’s mouth would be. Pour the red wax into the slit. Say “Your tongue bleeds every time you speak.” three times.
Blow out the candle and turn on the lights.
Hide the poppet somewhere it won’t be found. Cut out the taglock and burn the poppet once you wish to end the curse.
Safety tip: be careful when working with fire! Never leave a burning candle unattended, and make sure you have water or a fire extinguisher on hand. Be mindful of the sharp knife and hot wax.
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setchuumajo · 3 years
Library Services for Witchcraft Research
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(image source)
Hello, friends, enemies, Witches and Pagans. I have worked in a library for one whole month now! (Wow!) I have spent hours and hours checking out books, shelving books, and telling people about the amazing services libraries offer for free, partially because I am paid to do it but mostly so that I can see the astounded look on people’s faces. I was telling people way before they actually hired me to tell people things. Sue me. I love libraries.
Now, I can’t say that each and every library will have all, or even some of these services. A conversation with a fellow witch whose county is not even a half hour away revealed that their library has, full stop, banned any and all witchcraft and witch-adjacent topics in the library. Still, most libraries can’t get away with similar full-on bans, and it is 100% worth still checking out what your local library has to offer, witchblr.
Are you a witch? Probably! The library probably has stuff for you! Yes, you! Here is my list on the top ways to take advantage of services you might already have access to:
Keep reading
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setchuumajo · 4 years
Localizing Your Practice
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So much witchcraft emphasizes how important it is to honor and work with the Earth, but then teaches us spells with ingredients we basically have to import using locations we don’t have access to. It’s rare to find an existing grimoire or guide book that actually works with where we live. We can still use them, but it doesn’t enhance our connection to our local land, which to many can feel important. Here are some tips for localizing your practice and working with the land you actually live on.
See what nature exists around you. Explore your own backyard with a critical eye. What plants can you actually go and pick yourself? What are those plants associated with? Do you have access to a creek or river? What does your local land actually have on it? If magic correspondences for your local plants haven’t been written about, you may have to do your own research. Example: I grow several plants on my back porch which I can potentially use for magic.There are magnolia trees and rhodedendrons on the grounds of my apartment complex. My parent’s neighbors have chickens in the backyard, so I have access to some feathers when they shed. 
Check out local folklore, legends, etc. This is one of my favorite parts, but can also be the hardest. What are the stories of your area, both on a local and cultural scale. Example: A West Virginian may incorporate legends of the Mothman. Everyone says that one building on my old college campus is haunted (and they’re right.) People talk about that liminal-space feeling when you drive down that one road at night.
Find the magic spots. Sometimes the urban legends will tip you off to these (usually in a bad way) but other times you can find them on your own. A place where the energy is just right for some reason. A place you can go to be closer to nature, or a place you could host a ritual if needed. Sometimes it’s just a place where you can feel your mind open a little bit. Example: The shady corner of a public park. The tunnel downtown. That weirdly-perfect circle of trees in the woods behind Wal-Mart.
Meet your land wights. Spirits of the local land. This could be the fair folk, but also house spirits, the spirits of the trees near you, the nature spirits of wherever you are. They’re there. Be good to them and they’ll be good to you! Note: Some spirits and wights will not be interested in working with you, and that’s okay. I generally think it’s good to at least leave a polite offering to just be on general decent terms even if you never work with them more directly beyond that. 
Check in with your Seasons. Harvest holidays generally don’t have actual lifestyle importance to most people reading this. The seasonal shifts other people write about may be from a very different climate than yours! Figure out a calendar that works for you. It doesn’t have to be detailed, but something that ties you to the seasons as you actually experience them. I also love working in any fun annual festivals nearby, if any.
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setchuumajo · 4 years
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Folk Names: Blue Gum Tree, Stringy Bark Tree, Gum Tree
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
There are over 700 hundred species of Eucalyptus, most of these being natives to Australia.  The generic name is derived from the Greek words ευ (eu) meaning, ‘Well’ 
…Magickal Uses…
Healing: Eucalyptus is an excellent ingredient in healing remedies & spells. The leaves are used to stuff healing poppets & are carried to maintain good health. Green Candles are used in combination with the Leaves & Pods, which are either included into the wax, or strung around the candle itself, & left to burn out completely to help relieve colds & flus. Eucalyptus Oils are also used for the same purposes, & to clear blocked sinuses & relieve blocked chests & airways, but should not be consumed as it can be toxic when taken internally. Placed underneath the pillow, the Pods are said to protect the sleeper from colds, the immature green pods are also strung around the neck to ease a sore throat. Branches of the Tree are also hung in the room of a sick person to promote recovery & good health. 
Protection: Eucalyptus is widely believed to effectively ward off evil and repel enemies. The Leaves are carried on the person or used in protection sachets. The Leaves are also said to help ward off our own personal evils such as addictions & ‘bad habits’ 
Purification: The Leaves are burned on Charcoal or made into Incense to cleanse & purify an area. The strong, fresh scent also repels insects like fleas, flies & mosquitoes. Leaves are placed around the house to prevent those inside from illness, & to rid the home of unwanted energies. 
…Medicinal Uses…
Eucalyptus is a great antiseptic. It has anti-infectious, anti-fungal, & anti-microbial properties that are commonly used in healing remedies to treat such ailments. The oil is used topically to treat bacterial infections & also to help ease muscle pain. As mentioned before it is also a great companion for those suffering with a cold or flu, as it’s strong, fresh aroma will help to clear blocked sinuses & airways. 
..Growing & Caring for Eucalyptus…
Plant eucalyptus in mid to late spring or fall, depending on your location and climate, making sure to water the Tree before, & after planting. Most species prefer full sun, & a well draining soil. Some variations of Eucalyptus will do well in potted containers, such species include; E.coccifera, E.vernicosa E.parviflora, E.archeri E.nicholii & E.crenulata. Eucalyptus Trees thrive in a hot environment & don’t like cold climates. Plant your Eucalyptus in a light place indoors, should you live in colder parts of the world. 
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setchuumajo · 4 years
For the Malicious and Gossiping Tongues
Fashion a poppet made from cloth. Fill it with Slippery Elm, bark and leaves. You may use Cloves too. Using black ink, write the name of the person. To strengthen it, you may include an object that represents the person inside the cloth doll. Before a lighted candle, begin your spell. Using a black thread and needle, sew XXX on the lips of the poppet as you chant:
“With thread and needle, your lips I sew. And silence your tongue that speaks of ill. No gossip from your lips shall flow. No malice from your mouth shall spill.”
Wrap the doll in black cloth and bury it far from your home.
- Written Secrets on Parchment
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setchuumajo · 4 years
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setchuumajo · 4 years
Daily Saining Water:
Saining water or holy water is a large part of my practice, I use different saining waters for different purposes. A simple daily ritual I do is to cleanse myself with saining water by dabbing it on each wrist, the back of my neck, and forehead before I leave my home and when I come back, as well as before I give any offerings.
To make this water gather water from a river or stream both the living and the dead have crossed. Natural spring water also works well. The water should be gathered in a non-metal container.
If you want, add a tincture made from any of the following: rowan, juniper, heather, rosemary…
Drop a hag stone (stone with a naturally formed hole in it), a piece of silver (a ring, coin, or necklace chain as long as its pure silver), or three beach stones (one red, one black, one white) into the water.
Blow on the water three times then recite one of the following incantations, speaking so closely to the water that your breath touches the surface of it:
Blessing of Brighde (Brigid):
Toradh, airgead, uisge         Pronounced- Tor-ug, air-eh-ket, ush-keh
Blessings of Brighde on this water
By silver and stane may the water be sained
In the name of them that can cure or kill,
This water shall cure all earthly ill,
Shall cure the blood and flesh and bone,
For ilka ane there is a stane
May they fleg all trouble, sickness, pain,
Cure without and cure within
Cure the heart, and horn, and skin.
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setchuumajo · 4 years
Using Eggs Shells for Protection
Raise a protective shell should your abode be threatened, by ill spirits or malign people or intentions alike. Instead of discarding egg shells, grind them to a fine powder, infusing your will into it with every grind. You may wish to add protection herbs and salt for added power. I would perhaps add rosemary and salt into the mixture. 
Circumambulate the place, forming a ring around your place, while sprinkling the powder:
“Around this place where I dwell, I raise a protective shell.”
Go the four corners of your home, saying this while your sprinkle the same powder on each direction:
“North to South, East to West, Safely guard my humble nest.”
Move to the center, point to the skies and to the ground, speaking:
“From sky above, earth below, A protection shield shall grow.”
Light a candle and sit in the middle of the ring and say:
“A protective circle here I cast, No ill shall enter, no ill shall pass.”
Snuff the candle. ‘Tis done. 
Created by Written Secrets on Parchment
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setchuumajo · 4 years
Hello if your spell requests are still open do you have a spell for making someone shut the fuck up about me? Or just prevent someone not say anything about me in a situation? I need to shut someone up because i am pretty sure they will going to tell someone about my beliefs in some topic that may even cause me get kicked out of school and destroy my relationship with my parents and only way out seems like witchcraft right now. I am so sorry if this request is too specific and thank you for answering!
Drive a nail through her photo and a pigs tongue into a tree. Walk around the tree thrice while saying:
Quoniam tamquam foenum velociter arescent: et quemadmodum olera herbarum cito decident.
Quoniam qui malignantur, exterminabuntur: sustinentes autem dominum, ipsi hereditabunt terram.
Et adhuc pusillum et non erit peccator: et quaeres locum eius et non invenies.
Gladium evaginaverunt peccatores: intenderunt arcum suum.
Ut deiiciant pauperem et inopem: ut trucident rectos corde.
Gladius eorum intret in corda ipsorum: et arcus eorum confringatur.
Leave it there to rot and their slander will stop.
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setchuumajo · 4 years
The Narrative of Accepted Magic
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The nature of folklore is that it creates a dynamic for evolutionary influences, filtering out weak ideas and impractical solutions to actual problems. An herb that has a pronounced chemical effect will be found in oral tradition much more often than a placebo. A method of purification, an element whose properties are ideal for certain functions, a word that spoken gives true power. These things tend to stay while the superfluous falls away over time.
From handwritten manuscripts handed down from collector and scholar unto the introduction of print many such ideas, both valuable and inconsequential, have been put to ink. From centuries of antiquarian and ethnographic study in hundreds of authoritative volumes over the past three centuries there has grown a substantial body of dross, useless material with no practical knowledge or understanding of the craft. The 20th century’s ease of printing cumulated in decades of uninformed and badly researched material becoming common in the archival record. Ill thought dissertations and sensationalist propaganda that moves now yellow paged pulp paperbacks off of shelves into the hands of naive inquiring seekers.
Practical occultism in the past two centuries has been dictated by the occultists who happen to also be writers. The majority of practitioners (be they witch, wizard, shaman, sorcerer, or priestess), whose practice is as idiosyncratic as the next, have little or no input in the historic record in a post ethnologic environment.
Historically, those who publish books get the say, those who are interested in being public individuals with books (and blogs) and a public persona are the ones that have decided what is and is not occult practice. Across the board witches who are engineers, labourers, musicians, painters, but not writers have had little or no input in the dialog of occultism over the past two centuries outside of secondhand ethnographic reporting.
The ethnographic folklore record is at best 300 years old. It was only in the 18th century that scholars began to gather the stories of common people and publish them. Crofton Croker, the Brothers Grimm, Lady Wilde, those names we associate with fairy tales were actually scholars researching the history of the magic of common people. They travelled the towns and villages, lending an ear to anyone who had a tale to tell. Collating the data and constructing theories about the archetypes of storytelling, about the ritual practices of pre Christian central Europe and the British Isles, about which creatures you should fear most in the night. These words are a solid foundation of knowledge, and the most direct from living sources in the wild. Yet they are still viewed through the mind of the writer who is the folklorist.
Thus the practice of all forms of occultism have been viewed almost solely through the lens of the written record given to us by exclusively history’s writers. Not the painters, not the farm labourers, rarely the words of women, the insights of possibly powerful yet totally illiterate, or antisocial, practitioners of the world having no historic recourse. The thoughts, rituals, and practices of those isolated magicians mostly erased from history. For centuries the narrative of accepted magic has been the domain of those who work in written words, not the smith who works in iron, nor the midwife or the ploughman.
In the age of the internet something new is being born, a kind of veil made of information through which it is seemingly impossible to see. The catalyst for dross that was initiated by the continually less expensive printing process in the past century has finally broken open with online social media. Anyone can write anything and claim it as authoritative, dismissing naysayers as uninitiated or lacking insight. The adage coined by Theodore Sturgeon that “90% of everything is crap” needs to be updated in this age of too much information and not enough knowledge to “99% of everything is crap.”
The internet provides a seemingly endless supply of information on the practice of magic. Cliques of authors and bloggers siding with various historic and ahistoric documents and their infamous authors of the past. The entirety of the grimoire tradition is available online in highres scans, not to mention bootleg pdfs of contemporary analysis and comparison of these historic documents.
Beyond the hallowed halls of accepted occultism lies and vast ocean of cliques and niches, filled with people of every demographic and a few you didn’t know about. Oft naive of any age they are all seeking something, all wanting, praying, believing in magic and witchcraft. These people come to the craft looking for something, often not sure what that thing is. “Power” is a word commonly used, and traditionally magic has been the tool of the powerless. Yet in the 21st century the idea of what power is has become warped. Where centuries ago magic was used to distort and disrupt the common way of things, bending reality to its will, today it is often seen as a path of achievement, as a tool for expanding one’s material gains, increasing one’s positive emotional state, and increasing one’s luck - all buying into the structures of a contemporary society it once sought to destroy.
The illusion of knowledge created by the excess of information in the internet age has birthed an endless stream of fantastical (and that is truly what they are, fantasy) fictions of an imagined practical magic. Adjectives strung together to form infinite new subgenera of occultism without so much as a wink in the direction of its own absurdity. Chain letter blackmail with a whiff of cosplay kneeling before an Esty bought altar of other people’s killings and chinese made shiny things. A Borgesian labyrinth of nonsense parading as a magic it does not understand, as a craft it can only write fanfic about.
You will not find it in books, nor the internet. You may look, and often incredibly good advise on what to do once you’ve found it can be found in that rare book or two, but it is not there in the written word. It is in the world. In the soil and the sea, in the air and the trees. It is that humming vibrant energy that imbues all things. You have to go out and hold it in your hands, breathe of its scents, know its horrors and its delights. Lie in its tapestries of meadow and field, of forest and shore. Listen long and there you will find it. Not even in the dusty pages of the oldest book is it found. It is a secret whispered by the world, you only have to learn to listen.
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setchuumajo · 4 years
🎄 Practicing Witchcraft during Christmas time 🎄
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Here are a few ideas to keep it magical, for the witches in the broom closet or those who have to celebrate around non-practicing folks… 
🎄 Celebrate twice: the witches’ sabbat Yule is on December 21st, and Christmas on December 24th. 
🎄 Craft a witch ball to put on your Christmas tree (a clear tree ornament filled with herbs, crystals, and sparkles). 
🎄 Enchant presents and greeting cards, to add an extra touch of love and protection to your gifts. 
🎄 Bake, bake, bake! Cookies, a Yule log cake, cinnamon cakes, anything that enables you to practice kitchen magic while making your loved ones happy.
🎄 Light candles to celebrate light in the darkest time of the year, and bring magic, peace and brightness to your home. 
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setchuumajo · 4 years
Foxglove Spell - Removing Obstacles
Best cast during a waning or new moon.
Powdered foxglove or agrimony, pine resin (to weaken)
Dolomite, kunzite, or zoisite (to help break down)
Frankincense (to burn away negative energy)
Coarse salt or iron shavings (for banishing)
Light a small fire in your cauldron or altar dish. Place your stone(s) on/around your workspace. Light the incense. Sprinkle the salt or iron into the fire to transform it to accept your intent. Picture the difficulties ahead of you and sprinkle the foxglove or other herbs into the fire while repeating:
“Decresce indevitatus obex meorum”
(Let the barriers before me diminish)
Extinguish the fire and bury the ashes by the dark of the moon.
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setchuumajo · 4 years
Pin the Mouth Shut
A curse for someone who likes to aggressively shove their opinions in others faces.
What you need:
- an apple or lemon
- pins
- cayenne or chili powder
- black salt
- a taglock, or a paper with the target’s name on it
- a black candle
Light your candle, you want it to melt a little so you can use the wax. Cut your apple or lemon into wedges. They look like little smiles don’t they? Good, you’ll need two of the wedges. Take the taglock or paper and push it into the wedge, letting the juice soak it.
Say, “your vicious words will sour on your tongue”.
Sprinkle the cayenne over the wedge and taglock. Say, “your mouth will burn more with each harsh word until you cannot bear it”.
Sprinkle the black salt over the wedge and taglock. Say “your throat will dry until you choke on each cruel word”.
Now take your second wedge and place it atop the taglock and spices. Carefully stick your pins into the wedges, making sure at least one goes through where the taglock is. Imagine the target’s mouth being clamped shut, unable to spew their vitriol. Lastly, carefully pour wax from your candle over the seams where the wedges meet (blow the flame out first!) and store it in a plastic bag in a dark place.
To break the curse, cut the wax and carefully un-pin the fruit, taking the wedges apart and bury it away from your property.
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setchuumajo · 4 years
Feed Your Enemy to the Crows 💀
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The academy I attend has a large murder of crows that gathers around it each and every day. It makes it convenient to utilize them for hexing after everyone has left for the day.
This hex is a long-term one, meant to gradually chip away at your target’s vitality, good fortune and prosperity. And it’s very simple. Feed them to the crows.
If you have a local murder of crows that hang around, you can very easily befriend them with some food. (Try not to do this in an outdoor gathering space, like a park, board walk or a picnic area, where the crows will become a nuisance to the locals, it’s rude). 
Take a bag of bird feed, or any bird safe food, such as:
Eggs and their shells
Unsalted nuts
Write the name of your target on the bag, imagine that the food holds the essence of the person you wish to drain. Now, whenever you take food from the bag, visualize yourself taking away the power of your target.
Throw the food to the crows, and ask that they carry your target’s gifts and happiness away as they eat.
Repeat every day or as often as you can until you are satisfied with your target’s demise. And be sure to thank the crows for their service.
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setchuumajo · 4 years
a curse to inflict all the pain a persons caused back at them
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mint = visions, nightmares, paranoia
red pen = passion, hate, revenge, aggression, anger
rosemary = tainted dreams, nightmares, clouded vision
post it (sticky note)
a place to bury
tag lock : i used hair
write down an itemised list of everything the select person has done to you and/or other people
place the tag lock and herbs on top of the post it and fold it twice
place both hands around the post-it and repeat six times : you must know you have dept to pay, and your scorened will colllect one day. ( pass your magic into the post it)
light the post it on fire and watch it burn until it’s black but still whole enough to hold
take the matches used and post it note and bury them outside whilst praying to your dieties (for me theoi) or repeat the sentence
note : the pain they feel SHOULD finish once their dept is done and they’ve felt all the pain they’ve caused
friday 13th 2019: The person i cursed was complying of sleepless nights
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setchuumajo · 4 years
Writing a Practical Spirit Contract
Wordpress Version
Spirit contracts are formal agreements between a practitioner and spirits to get certain results in exchange for offerings. Contracts are best when something has multiple components that should play out a certain way to meet the goal the best, succeed in succession, or where there are multiple highly related requests. They’re unnecessary for simple goals, or to successfully complete just one part of a process.
For an example of a type of situation that warrants a good contract: let’s say you want to get a boyfriend/girlfriend. Well first you have to put yourself out there, if you aren’t already. And you have to make sure that you’re getting out at the right places: you’re more likely to score a date at a bar or classes than a grocery store! Then you must attract or meet the right people, and dissuade those you aren’t compatible with. After that you have to succeed on several dates.  So in this process, there are several components that must go right in succession.
On the other hand, if your goal is simply to “attract love”, then a spell or a simple offering to a spirit would be best. It is too broad and unfocused for a contract; there are many ways that attracting love can manifest.
Writing Spirit Contracts
Writing spirit contracts is timely, but relatively simple. Like a real contract, a spirit contract should have these basic components:
Writing a contract is beneficial to both the practitioner and spirit. For the practitioner, it can help you to solidify and focus on what, and how many things, should go right, and in what way is “right”, for you to manifest a long-term goal. For the spirit, it helps to clarify exactly where they should come in. It tells them what factors are out of the practitioner’s direct control, or where the practitioner has weak control.
Contracts should only be with spirits you trust: to not to harm you, and to actually manifest results.
There is no point in going through the effort of making such a lengthy and specific deal if you cannot trust the other spirit to not twist your words, and to actually bring the goals to fruition. If you have never been able to manifest a goal with clear communication of deadlines and ability limitations with the spirit you have in mind, then look to another. It’s better to hear “that is beyond my capabilities” than “wait” and “wait…”…but the goal never happens, or happens several years later when that length of time isn’t warranted. This should be a spirit that you have a practical working partnership with, not simply friendship.
Additionally this needs to be a spirit you can communicate with, clearly, directly, and truthfully. This should not be a spirit that:
You hesitate to question, such as a god or goddess
You cannot contact frequently
You struggle to communicate with clearly, whether it be through clairaudience or some form of divination
This should be a spirit that you can call up frequently to ask questions, check on progress, or provide information on what you have done on your side to bring the goal to fruition.
The contracts can be as formal or informal as you wish them, as long as the above components are included. Therefore, using first or third person to refer to yourself is up to you. But if you really want to be particular or formal, go with third.
Now, for more detail on each component of the contract:
I. Who?
A contract needs to list who both sides are. List yourself first. Whether you use your magical name or real name, or any other name or nickname to identify yourself is up to you.
My name is X, I am the requestor of this contract.
Then list your spirit(s). It is best to be as specific as possible, including their ranking or title if they have any.
For this contract, I am asking for the assistance of Librarian Spirit Y, who resides in the Library of Woah.
II. Terms
List your goals, ideal or possible methods of achieving them, and actions, events, or methods that should be avoided. It should be clear where the spirit should interfere, boost, or otherwise aid with their magical abilities. It may help to say where the spirit can use their own best judgement, though that’s not always necessary to include. It is beneficial to also include what you are doing on your side to try and bring the goal to fruition.
This can be in paragraph form, List form, or a mixture. Whatever you are comfortable with.
Example of Paragraph Form:
I am trying to study well to pass my Biological exam with an A. However, I struggle to focus due to the noise level of the library, and I am not certain what to study. Straight memorization is also not a strong suit of mine. I ask that you kindly aid in controlling the noise level in the library, whether it be by quieting other students or helping me to find a quiet study location, or other means. Please guide me to figure out what to study, by helping me figure out who I should talk to (How should I approach the teacher/TA? What classmates of mine know what they’re doing? Which tutors would be best for me?). And please use your magical abilities to boost my capacities for memorization as well.
List Form:
Goal: Study well to pass Biological exam with an A
Issues/Where Aid is Needed:
Control level of noise in the library, particularly where I study
Guidance on what to study; and who to ask about that
Boost my memorization capabilities
What I am doing on my side:
Studying for 1 hour daily, from 7-8 PM
Exploring the library more to see if there are other, less-popular areas I’m not aware of
Asking my older friends who’ve taken this class before what the exam was like
The purpose of rewards is to motivate the spirit to complete the task(s) successfully, of course. The reward should be an offering of some sort; whether it be at traditional offerings such as food or incense, or a service such as picking up litter.
For multi-part tasks, or tasks where partial completion is possible, I suggest having partial rewards. As the name states, it won’t be the same as a full reward; it will only be part of the reward, or an offering that is not as valuable to the spirit.
Bio is my weakest subject, so I usually get C’s on them. So rewards are as thus:
Full Reward: I receive an A on my bio exam
I will clean up some of the grafitti in the bathrooms I can access (ones made with permanent marker, pen, or pencil)
I will leave offerings of coffee and tea in my dorm room, daily, for one week
Partial Reward: I receive a B on my bio exam
I will clean up some of the grafitti in the bathrooms I can access (ones made with permanent marker, pen, or pencil)
No Reward: I receive a C or lower on my bio exam
IV. Timelines
All contracts need to have a timeline. This lets both sides know how long they are bound by the terms.
Consider the following:
Is there a specific deadline to your goal? “The exam is on March 31st.”
Is there a timeframe? “If you qualify for an interview, we will call you within the next two weeks.”
Or will it be a renewing, long-term service? “I seek your protection for a full year. This contract will renew each year on the Spring Equinox.”
V. Signature
First you must confirm with the spirit if they agree to the terms of the contract. This can be done by simply speaking with the spirit via clairaudience, or may be confirmed via divination.
Once both parties agree to the terms, both will sign it. On the practitioner’s side that’s easy, simply sign your name on the contract, or with a seal that represents you. For the spirit to sign is a bit trickier. If the spirits have their own seals or sigils, such as the demons from the Ars Goetia, then place that on the contract. If not, then ask the spirit if they have a signature of their own to use; whether it be a sigil or an actual signed name, and use that. Or, do automatic writing, with your hand guided by the spirit, to sign the contract on their behalf.
The Final Compontent: Starting and Working the Contract
The above was just writing the contract, here is how it’ll play out
You write your side of the contract, as much as possible
Summon the spirit, present the contract and discuss it. Ask if there are any changes it would like
Confirm and agree the contract with the spirit, and sign it.
Once the contract has begun, communicate with the spirit on the regular. Progress checks and informing of issues should be done on both sides. For example, if you have a yearly contract for protection, check in on a regular basis to ask if there has been any suspicious activity that has gone unnoticed by you.
When the contract has been completed, partially completed, or the deadline has passed, discuss the contract once more. What went wrong/right, and what rewards are justified?
Contracts are a useful tool that can help spirit workers to list and achieve what they aim in life, while building a practical and fulfilling relationship with the spirits they work with.
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