setoslut · 3 years
Ahsja- bestie don’t make me flush 😳😳 hand in marriage 🤧🤧 <3
All of them! Or pick a favorite~
Hmm well I'll start off with my main, and second Oldest Oc. I'm not good at Art so I used this Picart here.
Vivian Knight
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The story is a fantasy adventure. Vivian was born as a legitimate child between and young elven woman and an unknown father. When she was little she seemed to be a normal eleven girl, but as she got older she began to grow horns. Afraid her mother left her in the forest hoping to get of the child.
Lost and afraid Vivian wonder the forest till she met another girl playing. The girls jasper lived in the church so when she met vivan she felt terrible for the younger girl so she took her to the church and begged the Head mother to take in Vivian till she became of age. The mother reluctantly agreed, and everything seemed normal till Vivian became distant and she appeared less and less. When jasper came of age she went to the head mother to ask her what happened to vivan. The mother told jasper that Vivian became of age and just left. Jasper was worries but she believed the mother. One day she got an anonymous letter telling her there was a sin in the basement that she needed to uncover. At first jasper she was reluctant to check the basement but she eventually gave in and went in. What she uncoverd shook her to her core. There laid vivan covered in cuts, Bruises, test tubes, and ivs. Mortified jasper helped her out of the basement and as she was leaving the church they ran into the mother. The mother tried to explain to jasper that vivan was a sin that needed to be tested on so that abominations like her could never exist again. When jasper tried to retaliate a bright light came from Vivian. When it all cleared nothing stood but Jasper in rubble.
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setoslut · 3 years
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All coloured and still looks trash 👍 this is what I get for using cheap colour pencils 🤧
All of them! Or pick a favorite~
Hmm well I'll start off with my main, and second Oldest Oc. I'm not good at Art so I used this Picart here.
Vivian Knight
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The story is a fantasy adventure. Vivian was born as a legitimate child between and young elven woman and an unknown father. When she was little she seemed to be a normal eleven girl, but as she got older she began to grow horns. Afraid her mother left her in the forest hoping to get of the child.
Lost and afraid Vivian wonder the forest till she met another girl playing. The girls jasper lived in the church so when she met vivan she felt terrible for the younger girl so she took her to the church and begged the Head mother to take in Vivian till she became of age. The mother reluctantly agreed, and everything seemed normal till Vivian became distant and she appeared less and less. When jasper came of age she went to the head mother to ask her what happened to vivan. The mother told jasper that Vivian became of age and just left. Jasper was worries but she believed the mother. One day she got an anonymous letter telling her there was a sin in the basement that she needed to uncover. At first jasper she was reluctant to check the basement but she eventually gave in and went in. What she uncoverd shook her to her core. There laid vivan covered in cuts, Bruises, test tubes, and ivs. Mortified jasper helped her out of the basement and as she was leaving the church they ran into the mother. The mother tried to explain to jasper that vivan was a sin that needed to be tested on so that abominations like her could never exist again. When jasper tried to retaliate a bright light came from Vivian. When it all cleared nothing stood but Jasper in rubble.
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setoslut · 3 years
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I’ve actually decided to colour it,, I’m hoping it’ll look better coloured 😃 with my cheap ass pencils lol ilyk when I’ve coloured <3
All of them! Or pick a favorite~
Hmm well I'll start off with my main, and second Oldest Oc. I'm not good at Art so I used this Picart here.
Vivian Knight
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The story is a fantasy adventure. Vivian was born as a legitimate child between and young elven woman and an unknown father. When she was little she seemed to be a normal eleven girl, but as she got older she began to grow horns. Afraid her mother left her in the forest hoping to get of the child.
Lost and afraid Vivian wonder the forest till she met another girl playing. The girls jasper lived in the church so when she met vivan she felt terrible for the younger girl so she took her to the church and begged the Head mother to take in Vivian till she became of age. The mother reluctantly agreed, and everything seemed normal till Vivian became distant and she appeared less and less. When jasper came of age she went to the head mother to ask her what happened to vivan. The mother told jasper that Vivian became of age and just left. Jasper was worries but she believed the mother. One day she got an anonymous letter telling her there was a sin in the basement that she needed to uncover. At first jasper she was reluctant to check the basement but she eventually gave in and went in. What she uncoverd shook her to her core. There laid vivan covered in cuts, Bruises, test tubes, and ivs. Mortified jasper helped her out of the basement and as she was leaving the church they ran into the mother. The mother tried to explain to jasper that vivan was a sin that needed to be tested on so that abominations like her could never exist again. When jasper tried to retaliate a bright light came from Vivian. When it all cleared nothing stood but Jasper in rubble.
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setoslut · 3 years
Uhm- lemme go look for my art book for you<3 bare in mind I drew it ages ago, it has no colour, and its really bad 😅 I’m not the artistic one in the family-
All of them! Or pick a favorite~
Hmm well I'll start off with my main, and second Oldest Oc. I'm not good at Art so I used this Picart here.
Vivian Knight
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The story is a fantasy adventure. Vivian was born as a legitimate child between and young elven woman and an unknown father. When she was little she seemed to be a normal eleven girl, but as she got older she began to grow horns. Afraid her mother left her in the forest hoping to get of the child.
Lost and afraid Vivian wonder the forest till she met another girl playing. The girls jasper lived in the church so when she met vivan she felt terrible for the younger girl so she took her to the church and begged the Head mother to take in Vivian till she became of age. The mother reluctantly agreed, and everything seemed normal till Vivian became distant and she appeared less and less. When jasper came of age she went to the head mother to ask her what happened to vivan. The mother told jasper that Vivian became of age and just left. Jasper was worries but she believed the mother. One day she got an anonymous letter telling her there was a sin in the basement that she needed to uncover. At first jasper she was reluctant to check the basement but she eventually gave in and went in. What she uncoverd shook her to her core. There laid vivan covered in cuts, Bruises, test tubes, and ivs. Mortified jasper helped her out of the basement and as she was leaving the church they ran into the mother. The mother tried to explain to jasper that vivan was a sin that needed to be tested on so that abominations like her could never exist again. When jasper tried to retaliate a bright light came from Vivian. When it all cleared nothing stood but Jasper in rubble.
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setoslut · 3 years
lol not me going through my own page and seeing this and remembering I drew the character- mind you it’s v bad as I have no artistic talent at all and it ain’t even coloured- pretty sure my art book is in my manga cupboard for some reason 😃 huh, the more you know,,
All of them! Or pick a favorite~
Hmm well I'll start off with my main, and second Oldest Oc. I'm not good at Art so I used this Picart here.
Vivian Knight
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The story is a fantasy adventure. Vivian was born as a legitimate child between and young elven woman and an unknown father. When she was little she seemed to be a normal eleven girl, but as she got older she began to grow horns. Afraid her mother left her in the forest hoping to get of the child.
Lost and afraid Vivian wonder the forest till she met another girl playing. The girls jasper lived in the church so when she met vivan she felt terrible for the younger girl so she took her to the church and begged the Head mother to take in Vivian till she became of age. The mother reluctantly agreed, and everything seemed normal till Vivian became distant and she appeared less and less. When jasper came of age she went to the head mother to ask her what happened to vivan. The mother told jasper that Vivian became of age and just left. Jasper was worries but she believed the mother. One day she got an anonymous letter telling her there was a sin in the basement that she needed to uncover. At first jasper she was reluctant to check the basement but she eventually gave in and went in. What she uncoverd shook her to her core. There laid vivan covered in cuts, Bruises, test tubes, and ivs. Mortified jasper helped her out of the basement and as she was leaving the church they ran into the mother. The mother tried to explain to jasper that vivan was a sin that needed to be tested on so that abominations like her could never exist again. When jasper tried to retaliate a bright light came from Vivian. When it all cleared nothing stood but Jasper in rubble.
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setoslut · 3 years
Yusuke 🦋🦋
hi there !!
i saw the post about the heart candy game and i thought it’s such a cute idea! so i wanted to make a request ofc:
i would like to ask for banana and blue raspberry with yusuke from persona 5! 💛
Candy Heart Event
💛Banana: "I need you here to stay."
💙Blue Raspberry: "I love you more then you'll ever wrap your head around."
Aah ngl I'm really excited to write this cause I haven't had a chance to write for Persona 5 yet 🥺💕
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When you had first bought the candy you thought it would be fun to share it with the rest of then gang, but the more you thought about it the more you wanted to share them with just ONE person in particular. Yusuke was someone you admired from afar. However never got close to anything besides friendship because of his affinity Anne. Not that you minded being just friends with him, but you couldn't help for something more.
Shaking your head of those thought your grabbed your phone to send text to yusuke asking to come over, when the group went off. Joker called a meeting for mementos, he wanted to get some training in before the next palace. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity you made your way to LeBlanc.
When you got there everyone was there chatting away so before you all headed out you went up to Yusuke. "Hey Yusuke! I have a snack I want you to try." He looked at quizzically as you sat down beside him showing the candy hearts. "They use to be my favorite growing up so I wanted to share it."
He grabbed the bag from your hands and examined the bag and the cheese sayings. "I believe I have seen them before. Just never picked them up myself." He opened the bag, and delicately pulled out a yellow and blue heart. Not even bothering to read the text on them He threw them in his mouth. He grimaced slightly as he handed the bag off to the next person.
You waited for him to say something, and he did while he shook his head "I appreciate the thought (y/n), but I don't think that candy is for me." You shrugged and turned twords your leader as he began to speak trying to ignore the feeling of disappointment. Not even realizing the sneaking looks Yusuke would give you time from time.
Your trip to mementos was suppose to be simple. Grind a few shadows, help bolster your persona, and get a little extra cash for supplies. However, what no on was expecting was a strong shadow to come out of no where and attack from behind on your way. Normally it wouldn't have cause too much of a problem, but because you all have down there long enough you all were both mentally and physically exhausted. So unfortunately this shadow cause more of problem, espically since it's main attack was Agidyne which was a huge problem for Fox, and the shadow seemed to know as it's first attack was Agidyne straight at him. The first one knocked him down, but when it went for a second was when you panicked. So without thinking you put yourself between Yusuke and the attack effectively knocking you down.
As you laid on the ground you could hear the panic shouts of your friends, but really stood out was the desperation in Yusukes voice. "Come on (y/n)...keep your eyes open." He held you close as he tried to keep you awake. "I need you here to here to stay.....so I ca-" you didn't get to hear the end of the sentence as darkness took over all your senses.
When you woke up again it was already dark outside, and you were faced with the ceiling of your room. Confused you tried to sit up but the searing pain in your chest made you stop and hiss. "(Y/n)!" A hand landed on your shoulder gently getting you to lay back down "don't strain yourself, you gonna me it worse!" Your eyes trailed up the arm to see the panicked face of Yusuke as he searches you for anymore discomfort.
When he determined you were okay for now he let out a sigh of relief. His hand moving from your shoulder to cup your face. "You had me scared there for a bit....I thought I had lost you before I could tell you how I feel." Confused by what he meant by that you raised an eyebrow hoping he would continue. "I have liked you for awhile now, but none of my approaches seemed to work. So I asked Ann, and she helped me come up with a way to tell you. I was gonna tell you when we got back from mementos."
You looked at his clearly shocked. He liked you?? This must be a joke, or a dream. "What about Ann?" You mumbled unable to keep such a question to yourself.
He titled his head confused by that question "What about her?" You looked away ashamed for having question him like the two of you were already dating.
"I thought you-"
"Liked her?" He shook his head, and got closer to you "She is nothing more then a friend to me. At the beginning maybe, but then I met you. You who is beautiful inside and out, you who has been my inspiration of my recent pieces, and you who taught me what true beauty is." His other hand came to cup the otherside of your face making sure you kept your eyes on him so you could see how sincer he was "(y/n) I love you more then you could ever wrap your head around, and would love nothing more then to call you mine."
So caught off guard by his speech you nodded your heard. That seemed to be enough for him as a charming smiled graced his lips and he got closer to you "May i?"
"Please." You whispered before his lips met yours in a sweet, but clumsy kiss.
After a few minutes of clashing teeth and clumsy kisses he pulled away one hand going to cover his mouth while the other went to his side, all the while his face was beet red. "My apologies I've never kissed anyone before this."
You giggled as you pulled him closer again "that's okay... we have plenty of time to practice."
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setoslut · 3 years
ryou: good heavens! gosh! blimey! blithering biscuits!
yami bakura, crying: please just say fuck
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setoslut · 3 years
ANSJAH ‘I am the lorax I speak for the heart of the cards’ PLEASE- BESTIE YOU’RE KILLING ME-
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hate crime dot jaypeg
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setoslut · 3 years
Oh yeah,, I also finished a character for that future fashion design s/o and uh- it made me realise how utterly stupid I am- I don’t take anything seriously so bare that in mind 😃 if you want crack headcanons then I’m your guy 😃
I be writing yandere and crack headcanons am I okay 😃 no seriously 😃 am 😃 I 😃 O 😃 KAY 😄
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setoslut · 3 years
Think I remember why I didn’t post it now 😃 IT’S TERRIBLE- might post it for shits and giggles though 🧐
Okay so y’all know that Yami Marik/Malik like, ‘possessive’ head cannon i made? You do? Ofc you do you simp. But I was going through my notes cause you bestie had idea’s and likes to plan yk what I’m sayinggggg
bUT SISSY HAS JUST FOUND A FUCKING “you meet Yami pissy baby, you hella badass, you pipe his interest, y’all date cause bb is tsun tsun” LIKE WTAF I FORGOT ABOUT THAT??? I can’t remember if I posted that half so stay tuned whilst I check my whole long ass fucking blog for this shit-
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setoslut · 3 years
Okay so y’all know that Yami Marik/Malik like, ‘possessive’ head cannon i made? You do? Ofc you do you simp. But I was going through my notes cause you bestie had idea’s and likes to plan yk what I’m sayinggggg
bUT SISSY HAS JUST FOUND A FUCKING “you meet Yami pissy baby, you hella badass, you pipe his interest, y’all date cause bb is tsun tsun” LIKE WTAF I FORGOT ABOUT THAT??? I can’t remember if I posted that half so stay tuned whilst I check my whole long ass fucking blog for this shit-
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setoslut · 3 years
Am I the only one who reads their own works over and over and thinks “damn that was really good, when this bitch next gonna update?” aND THEN REALISE OH SHIT, I’M THAT BITCH THAT NEEDS TO UPDATE- ahahahahahaha so sorry I’m lazy and am trying to get back into the swing of things 😩 college needs my attention 💔 aha- love you-
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setoslut · 3 years
It’s up 👀
Okay I have like, Yugis half of the general yandere yugi and teá hc,, so like, so I post it or wait till I’ve done teá? Because idk how long it’s gonna take for me to get the urge to write it aha- /gen
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setoslut · 3 years
Hello! Welcome to the yugioh x reader side of tumblr, I'm loving your stuff already!! When you get the time, could we please get some general yandere headcanons for Yugi and Tea/Anzu? I'd really love to see your take on them :D thank you in advance and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Characters: Yugi Motou
Time Period: Current
Warnings: Yandere themed? Nothing too bad
Word count:
Genre: General Yandere head cannons
Gender: Fem/Male/Gen
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Yugi is more of a sees you and is fascinated by you but doesn’t make any moves to know you personally, at least not yet. He’ll first be entranced by your smile, which his first encounter when you defeated Joey when he went round challenging every person in his site.
(And ultimately loosing most of them you know how it is-)
Poor yugi baby doesn’t even realise his eyes are constantly in your direction, and his thoughts plagued with you until Yami mentions it to him, and even then it takes him a few days to come to terms with it
(Which Yami is super confused about cause ain’t yugi supposed to be about oooo Friendship ooo duel monsters and the such?)
And if you thought that was hard to believe, he doesn’t even realise that he’s interested in you, like, at all smh
God help when Joey introduces you to the rest of the gang,, cause tri head over here will be all over you without even meaning to smh,, bb just wants you to be safe and sound with him and he ion even know why silly boy
(Does he even realise?)
And even after he starts to feel foreign negative emotions when he sees you get flustered from a comment Duke made
This boy deadass thinks everything he does that involves you is helping you in some way or is how you should be treated smh
My guy KNOWS that No guy, girl, or non binary person deserves you, so of course he finds it within himself to keep you tucked safely within his grasp<3
But you’ll need more than the Egypt gods to help you if you ever mention that he’s making you even remotely uncomfortable because sissy, it won’t work out in your favour smh
Bb takes it as he should do more so good luck talking to people for more than 2 seconds :D
Wants you to himself and no body else <333
Short stack over here doesn’t even let anybody GLANCE at you and live to tell the mofo tale I tell you 👏
Just don’t disobey him because he’ll love you in a painful way if not 😎
{ let’s ignore the terrible quality and long wait, sissy has no excuse and hopes this is okay-}. {I’ll try to get teá’s part out as soon and I get the motivation! Promise!!#
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setoslut · 3 years
Okay I have like, Yugis half of the general yandere yugi and teá hc,, so like, so I post it or wait till I’ve done teá? Because idk how long it’s gonna take for me to get the urge to write it aha- /gen
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setoslut · 3 years
Omg I loved that seto fic thank u 🙏
I really wanted to make like, a story part for it but my mind suddenly went blank I’m sorry 😩 if I have any ideas for it I’ll be sure to write it and tell you!!<3
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setoslut · 3 years
So... I recently came across this and literally the first thing that came to my mind was what if kaiba’s s/o wore it and went to show him while he was on a conference call (which they had no idea about)
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Character: Aged up! Seto Kaiba
Time Period: idfk when he’s legal?
Warnings: little fluff, little sexual hints
Word count: 320
Genre: hc/imagine?
Gender: Male/Female/Gen
You know this bitchass is acting so nonchalant about you walking in when he’s on a conference call cause boy has a whole mofo BUSINESS to run HAHSH
A little peeved that you came in because he knows you know he doesn’t like to be iNtErUpTeD when he’s working and having meetings smh,, (like you listen anyway-)
But this time you didn’t know 😩😼
You come in all happy and excited to show him cause he’s been working ✨ oh so hard ✨ lately
Kaiba is about ready to scold your ass when he’s having an important ass phone call but mAn oh mAn he didn’t expect you to look fine asf sheeeeesh
Although he’s mostly stoic, it ain’t hard to miss the pink layer that spans across his pale skin uhuh, you ain’t fooling no body sis, PERIODT 💅👏
But baby still loves you and seeing you excited about something makes him feel a weird emotion called happiness-
So you bet his ass he wraps that conference call U P
(Denying that he did that Ofc, he just found it BoRiNg LiStEnInG tO tHeM pAtHetIc CoCkRoAcHeS tAlK oUt ThEiR aSs AnY lOnGeR)
Smh stfu simp
pERSONally, i think kaiba isn’t super sExUaL but every man has their needs amirite 👀👀
This boy loves yo body so make sure to ROCK the absolute sHIT outta that set darlin 😩
From your Curves, to your s/m to anything else you may be slightly insecure about, there his favourite thing and you can’t even tell me other wise smh boy is a hardcore SIMP (although he may hide it;))
Manz makes sure the door is locked and curtains are drawn closed so he can actually tell you how stunning you look with more than just words 👀
IM NOT DEAD AHA- I really want to write like, a story ish thing to this but I currently have writers block even though I kinda know how I want the story ish bit to go?? Send help pls sissy NEEDS it
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