severthelibertarian · 3 years
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severthelibertarian · 3 years
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Free plasticine 🤡
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severthelibertarian · 3 years
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Just shut the fuck up!
There are no palestinian people, they are arabs! Go back to jordan or egypt..
There was never an arab nation called palestine ya ben zona
Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱
Zionism is inherently an anti-Palestinian racist ideology. And one of Zionism’s main focuses is trying to annihilate, suppress, and decimate Palestinians since its early days until this very day.
Zionism views itself to be endangered as long as the Palestinians remain, this is why it tries in all ways to incapacitate Palestinians as a society from functioning normally, and try to keep them at the bottom. 
One of the ways Israel and Zionism try to incapacitate the Palestinian society is by trying to fight their right to education. For long, Palestinians have viewed education as a life raft, and a weapon to ensure their survival and existence. Hence, Palestinians have become one of the most literate and educated population in the world. And with education, many Palestinians have managed to secure influential positions just like any other highly educated group. 
For instance, Palestinians with their education built modern Kuwait, for example Kuwait’s Ministry of Education was founded by Palestinian teachers, and Palestinians occupied influential positions in Kuwait such as judges, doctors, professors, engineers, etc.  And formed a strong lobby that influenced Kuwaiti politics and this influence is still evident to this day, even when Palestinians were expelled out of Kuwait after its US-led liberation, Kuwait still remains the only GCC country that didn’t form unofficial ties with Israel like Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar.  
Nevertheless, now that I have slightly babbled on about the Palestinians’ education and what they can do with it, I will shift now to how Israel tries to undermine it. Israel tries to marginalize Palestinians by taking away their education, this is evident in how Israel treats its Palestinian citizens. Recently, Israel has forced Palestinian schools in Jerusalem to adopt the Israeli curriculum or else they don’t get an increase in their funding, a move that Israel knows many Palestinian schools won’t take, not to mention that Israel already spends more than double on Jewish students compared to Palestinian students. 
Moving on, Israel has been denying Palestinian students in Gaza from attending schools abroad by denying them exit permits from Gaza. Many Palestinian students from Gaza would attain full scholarships abroad, including to Ivy league universities, and have all the necessary documents and paperwork done but would lose their scholarships since they couldn’t leave Gaza to attend school.
Another example is Israel routinely demolishing schools in the West Bank, denying hundreds of Palestinian children access to education. And also Israel revoking the citizenship of hundreds of Palestinian Bedouins in the Negev, denying their children too from accessing education since Israel claims no responsibility towards them since they’re not citizens of Israel.
Not to mention the economic hardships and restrictions Israel imposes on Palestinians that exposes them to poverty, making them worry about surviving from day to day, forcing some families to have their children to not attend school and put their education aside to help their parents in putting food on the table and obtaining a livable income by working as laborers at an early age. 
These are just brief glimpses into how Israel tries to incapacitate the Palestinian society, it wants it to be uneducated and to work as cheap and harmless laborers at the bottom to serve its Jewish population. 
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severthelibertarian · 3 years
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Six Senses Sharahut, Shaharut Negev Desert, Israel,
Plesner Architects,
Photography: Assaf Pinchuk
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severthelibertarian · 3 years
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severthelibertarian · 3 years
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Regions of Israel
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severthelibertarian · 3 years
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Road Trip 
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severthelibertarian · 3 years
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Regions of Israel 
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severthelibertarian · 4 years
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severthelibertarian · 4 years
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severthelibertarian · 4 years
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Jewish lesbian looks
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severthelibertarian · 4 years
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severthelibertarian · 4 years
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when the night comes
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severthelibertarian · 4 years
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90's anime vibes
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severthelibertarian · 4 years
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help me find you.
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severthelibertarian · 4 years
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don’t look back.
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severthelibertarian · 4 years
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Israel assistance rojava.
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