severusnape101-blog · 7 years
That awkward moment when OP grosses you out for his Snivellus use (using a bully’s nickname, not cool), and his moral righteousness, but on the other hand... Sneville?!? Didn’t even know this existed. I’m not a fan of invented pairings, sorry, don’t want to offend anyone here, but I suppose people can ship whatever they want, and calling real life people abusers just for an invented ship, now that’s problematic. 
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I have one question, and it is a big one: why on earth does Sneville exist? I mean, it’s more dysfunctional than Bellatrix and Voldemort, ok? Just stop. And I get it, people ship who they want to ship, and people can change and all that, but Stinking Snivellus and Neville? Stop right there. I refuse! That greaseball is not going near our pure Nev. Keep Snape away from him, Sneville fanatics!
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
Snape haters : “Snape is bad and I don’t want to know why he never learnt how to be good.”
Also, Snape haters : “Draco Malfoy was a dick because his parents were bigots, it was not his fault !!! ”
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
I personally don’t think Snape would have changed his behaviour with Harriet of one iota. So no, he would have still been unpleasant and an asshole. And no, for the love of god, he wouldn’t have tried to harass/force himself on her! 
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I think that, if Harry had been a girl, (s)he would have had a much better relationship with Snape. Snape would have looked at “Harriet” and seen Lily, not James. He wouldn’t have crushed on her (don’t be gross, people!), but instead he would have seen someone he wanted to take under his wing and protect - even if it meant dropping his double-agent role and directly confronting Voldemort. He could’ve been a real hero, instead of an antihero - if only that one detail in the plot was different.
(not respinsible for shitty photoshop job this time ~Taiga)
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
... Eh? Saying this headcanon is gross is not ok now?
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I think that, if Harry had been a girl, (s)he would have had a much better relationship with Snape. Snape would have looked at “Harriet” and seen Lily, not James. He wouldn’t have crushed on her (don’t be gross, people!), but instead he would have seen someone he wanted to take under his wing and protect - even if it meant dropping his double-agent role and directly confronting Voldemort. He could’ve been a real hero, instead of an antihero - if only that one detail in the plot was different.
(not respinsible for shitty photoshop job this time ~Taiga)
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
one of my favorite snape moments is really small, but it almost never gets discussed. his hesitance when killing dumbledore.
we know they argued about it, we know that snape vehemently did not want to do it (”and what of my soul, dumbledore?”). but what we also know is that snape is, above all, committed to the war effort. he’s given literally everything to it - and he has to know that dumbledore is right, that snape killing him is the best thing he could do to cement his place as a trusted death eater, to erase any doubts voldemort may have about him. and he also knows that dumbledore is dying anyway, painfully and slowly - that an AK is almost merciful at that point.
and yet. dumbledore has to ask him, dumbledore has to plead with him. snape hesitates. even knowing that he’s being watched by other death eaters, people who are almost certainly reporting his every movement and expression and slip-up to voldemort, he hesitates. 
for me, that moment is almost as telling as his self-hatred at not being able to save enough people, his disgust at harry’s fate. because what snape has, against all odds, is a distaste for killing, for death. he doesn’t want dumbledore to die, he doesn’t want to kill dumbledore, even knowing that it’s the best option for the war effort that he cares so much for and for dumbledore himself. he doesn’t want to do it so much that he slips up. he hesitates. and that little moment cements so much about snape’s character for me, reflects so much of what the bigger scenes imply, and i love it so much for that. 
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
Me: Wow look at this complex person, you can’t paint them black or whi-
Y'all: This character is horrible and deserves nothing but death, they are literally the anti-christ
Me: You know what fuck you this person is precious and beautiful
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
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Severus Snape appreciation month - Favorite Artwork by GENZOMAN
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
severus snape pretending he’s batman when nobody is watching
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
Where are the parts where Snape behaved like a dudebro, honestly? 
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I don’t understand the love for Snape. Sure he ‘protected’ Harry, but it was out of guilt because he got Lily killed. He reminds me of dudebros who say they’re Nice Guys and ~lament~ over the fact that their female friend won’t date them despite being Nice to them, like they’re entitled to sex just because they’re being decent to a girl, and then act all offended over being 'friendzoned’. Plus he hung out with people who wanted to exterminate folks like Lily and her family. How is that not a red flag?
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
SIGH. It was just ONE photo. A photo that not even Sirius gave Harry. How in the name of Merlin’s pants is taking a photo of your old friend creepy? Is literally everything Snape does ‘creepy’ by default now? I will never understand some people’s mulish obsession with Snape feelings, honestly. And tbh, I bet people would have found it way creepier if Snape hadn’t torn the photo and taken it as it was. I can almost hear the discourse. Ofc he wasn’t going to take a photo of his bully. As for Harry, I’m pretty sure at that point he had had enough of the kid anyway, lol.  
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Snape’s feelings towards Lily creep me out to today.
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
Wow this is literally so full of fake theories I don’t even know were to start (all courtesy of tumblr snape hate brigade spreading falsehoods people treat as canon): - Snape didn’t hate Neville because Lily wouldn’t have died; that is just a fanon theory. There’s no proof for this. - Draco grew up surrounded by DE... Exactly like Snape. So no, I’m not going excuse one for becoming a DE while shitting on the other who did exactly the same in the same circumstances. You can’t excuse Draco for becoming a DE bc ‘He was indoctrinated and young’ and say at the same time ‘Snape became a DE because he was evil no I don’t care if much like Draco he was indoctrinated and young’. This only shows your Snape bias, sorry. - Snape did many things out of selflessness. I’m so tired of this narrative tbh.
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I understand people hating Snape and loving Draco, because while Draco was a boy with misguided thoughts drilled into his mind, he tried to be good when he had the chance; but Snape continued being a bully, hurting the kids he taught, and being an overall pain in the arse to Neville because he could’ve been the chosen one instead of Harry, and that way Voldemort wouldn’t’ve kill Lily. Everything he did was out of pure selfishness, while everything Draco did was because it was ingrained in him.
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
a list of things to love about snape, in no particular order:
“do not use that word!”
literal potions genius, making potions recipes 10x better at sixteen 
swishy cloak
chooses to spy on a terrifying dark lord not once, but twice
sarcastic af
“lately only the ones i could not save”
his Melodramatic Speech during the first potions class which u kno he probably has said to every first year class for years
always lurking
despite the darkness and horrors of his life, he’s still capable of producing a corporeal patronus
hates gildery lockhart with all his being #relatable
sends neville to hagrid instead of the carrows during seventh year even tho he’s being watched closely
like he’s mean but he’s really good at being mean he always knows exactly which insult is going to hit the hardest
saves harry’s ass like like 20 times
petty af
“but you were unsuccessful?” “obviously.”
so cunning that a mind reading dark lord didn’t even know he was a spy until harry told him
creates his own fucking spells what kind of genius
makes remus wolfsbane
“you have raised him like a pig for slaughter”
risked azkaban and death to try and save lily and her family
apologized to lily when he fucked up and called her a mudblood
brave af
gave harry vital war information as he was dying painfully
spent twenty years fighting the death eaters and voldemort
half-blood prince
tries to look after draco
so harsh and terrible and flawed and yet he can still do good things, even kind things
feel free to add
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
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Snape is my new muse :’) Trying different designs for him.
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
Yeah, how dare JKR teach people such a positive message, that you can fuck up and still do some good and maybe repent and remedy to your errors? No, you fuck up once, you’re branded for life. Go stand in the corner of life till death, please. 
H*rry P*tter sucks tho? And JK Rowling is kinda icky? Like who teaches kids that people like snape have any chance of redemption or anything to offer the world? Garbage people, that’s who.
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
One thing I really dislike about Severus Snape haters...
Is when they used the reasoning of “he stepped over James’s dead body to cradle lily in his arms and he ignored baby Harry!!” As a reason to show that he’s the “WORST MOST EVIL MAN AND A BULLY AND OMGGGGGG HES SO MEAAAAAAAN WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH”
I mean you’re in a war and you are completely aware that your mistakes was what got a family ripped apart one member of the family happens to be your old Best Friend who you still care for. Who TF are you gonna go to first? The guy who did nothing for you and hated you from the start or your old Best Friend?? If it was me like FUCK YES will I be heading over to cry over the body of my old Best Friend like wtf she /was/ my BEST. FRIEND. IF I WAS DEVASTATED, STRESSED AND JUST HAD MY ENTIRE WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN THEN OBVIOUSLY IM NOT GOING TO BE TOO CONCERNED WITH THE DEAD BODY OF MY FORMER BULLY NOW AM I?? (I mean yes I would be concerned later on after I’ve fully mourned my Best Friend)
If you’re going to demonise people who like Severus Snape and fill the “Severus Snape” tags with nothing but hate then at least get better reasons than this shit.
(Btw before the Snape haters come at me with pitchforks ready I just want to point out that while yes I do completely adore Severus Snape I do not support some of his actions through the books and movies. You can like a character and still not support their actions. So in other words Fuck off)
I usually TRY to avoid sensitive topics where the fandom is extremely split up on a single character and I usually TRY to understand and respect people’s opinions especially on the topic of Severus Snape. Was he a bully when he was a teacher? I’ll be honest I don’t think so. I’ve had REAL bullies for Teachers as in Teachers who made fun of me when I was pushed down three flights of staircases one after the other, Teachers who’d kick your water bottle or things across the room if you were unlucky enough to have dropped it in front of them, and Teachers who had no problem cussing you out and pinching your ear until it was red and had nail marks. But like I said it’s a matter of perspective. To me Severus Snape is snappy and sarcastic at best (at worst he’s grumpy 24/7 and sometimes rude and always sarcastic) and I’ll tell you the truth I love those kinds of Teachers. They push you past your limits and they tell you upfront wtf is wrong with you. But this isn’t about that it’s about YOU snape haters constantly FLOODING the snape love tags with your HATRED and NEGATIVITY. You’re being EXACTLY like the part of Severus Snape that YOU YOURSELF DEMONISE AND CONSTANTLY RANT ABOUT. Don’t tell me that your version of Severus Snape would not constantly sub tweet/text the marauders and everyone he hates and don’t tell me that he wouldn’t outright flood the tags meant for POSITIVITY with NEGATIVE THINGS. Fans of James Potter? Well too bad Severus is here with a billion posts of why James is an asshole. You want to hate Severus? Fine. I respect that. But don’t be a fucking hypocrite by being EXACTLY like the Severus Snape you crucify at every turn.
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
Can we just appreciate the fact that Snape was one of the most powerful wizards in the books ? :)
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