thanks for this amazing update. missed this!
Ooc: You're so welcome! We had to get RL things taken care of, but we're back and going to try to get back to regularly updating this story. Thanks for sticking with us.
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Double Date || Samcedes & Joetina
When: Tuesday Night
Where: Rico’s Restaurant 
Notes: Samcedes & Joetina go out for a double date.
Sam: was really excited for this double date with Joe and Tina. Things were looking up for him and Mercedes, and this date just cemented that fact. After getting dressed, he went out into the living room to wait for Mercedes. She came out right when he was and he was instantly blown away by how beautiful she looked, "You're gorgeous, Mercedes. Wow..."
Mercedes: was so excited to see Joe and Tina again, and also to have this time with Sam. Things were looking up for them, and she could actually see herself giving herself fully back to Sam. She made sure she looked extra special tonight, and seeing Sam's reaction let her know, she did it right, "Thank you Sam, you look rather dashing yourself, we might be the hottest people in the room tonight." She giggled, grabbing her purse, "You ready to go?"
Joe: was all smiles during the drive over to the restaurant. It wasn't every day that they got to have a double date with Sam and Mercedes. The two had seemed to find their footing in the midst of all that drama. It was nice to see. "Are you excited for tonight, babe? I'm sure we're going to have a great time with Sam and Mercedes. I'm glad they are getting along again. They need to for the sake of their baby."
Tina: held Joe's hand on the drive to the restaurant, she was glad they got a chance to actually interact with other people, not that she minded staying in bed with Joe, but she needed to check on her best friend, and this was the perfect way to do that. "I am excited to see Sam and Mercedes, it's been too long since we hung out with them, but this time we have to promise not to ditch them." She giggled.
Sam: "We're the only people in the room right now, so yeah, I would hope we're the hottest people." Sam laughed, kissed her cheek before taking her arm in his and leading her out to the car. He helped her inside the passenger seat and took his place on the drivers side. "The last I remembered, they were the ones who ditched us. But I did remember ditching Joe at the restaurant. Poor guy." He laughed.
Mercedes: giggled and shook her head at Sam, he was being so silly and carefree, she liked that. "I meant once we get to the restaurant crazy man." She laughed again, getting in the car, and putting on her seat belt. She dropped her head at the memory of ditching Joe, "Yeah we did do that, and I think he was trying to pay us back when he and Tina ditched us, but I'm not mad though. As long as their happy, I'm happy for them." She looked out the window as they made their way to the restaurant.
Joe: nodded and smiled as he drove them to the restaurant. "No, I don't plan on ditching them at all. Once was enough. I think Mercedes would kill me if we tried another stunt on them." He laughed, although he was mostly sure that his best friend would murder him. He really wouldn't want to test that theory so tonight he was going to be on his best behavior. "Don't try to tempt me, alright? It would end up bad..."
Tina: laughed at how afraid of Mercedes Joe was, "Mercedes would not murder you, she seems too nice for that, but you're right, we shouldn't test it. Besides, I miss hanging out with Sam, he's good for a laugh every now and then." She didn't want to say that she was also worried about him, he didn't need to know that. She smirked hearing his last comment, "Well I'll try, but don't you do anything super sexy to tempt me either, you know the things you do." She licked her lips, and smiled at Joe.
Sam: smiled sheepishly at Mercedes. "Oh, I didn't think of that part." He laughed as he continued to drive them to their destination. "They did look pretty happy together. I never knew that Tina was capable of being monogamous, but I guess she proved me wrong. Good for her. I just want to see her happy, you know..." Conversation between them flowed until they got to the restaurant. Sam parked the car and took Mercedes' arm, leading her inside. "Let's hope they're not late."
Mercedes: could only laugh, Sam had this boyish quality about him that she found so hot and sexy, and the fact that he made her laugh was an added bonus. "I am glad that Joe could bring that out of her, he is such a good man, and he deserves to be happy. It looks like Tina does that for him, and I can's see anyone better for him than her." They pulled up to the restaurant, and Sam helped her out of the car and inside, "I don't think they will be too late, Joe is always very prompt."
Joe: "You don't know how bad her temper can be, babe. Trust me, I don't want to test that. Plus, she's pregnant, and you know how pregnant women can get when they are hungry..." He laughed. "I'm sure you miss Sam, that's why we're doing this tonight." He smiled as he pulled into the restaurant. After parking the car, they were on their way inside with their hands clasped together.
Tina: smiled and nodded to what Joe was saying, he had a point, "Okay, I can see her being pregnant, and all, but we won't have to worry about upsetting her, because we are not going to ditch them." She sighed, "Yeah I do miss Sam, and I think us getting together would be good for all of us." They made it to the restaurant, and walked inside, "I know they're here, I saw Sam's car, but where are they?" She looked around and spotted them, "Oh there they are." She smiled and waved to Sam and Mercedes, before leading Joe to their table.
Sam: "They are good for each other, they balance each other out." He stated as they were shown to their seats. "Yeah, I'm sure that they'll be here on time. It's not Joe that I worry about, It's Tina. The girl is a sex fiend." Sam laughed before pulling up a chair for Mercedes and taking a seat right next to her. He had just pulled up the menu when Joe and Tina walked in. "Well, speak of the devil." He laughed, "We were just talking about you guys. Glad you two could make it."
Mercedes: agreed with Sam, they were good for each other, and she had never seen Joe more happier than he was with Tina. She laughed hearing Sam call Tina a sex fiend, "Well if they are late due to sex, then Joe wouldn't have objected either," She giggled, but then looked up in time to see them walking in. "There they are now." When they made it to the table, she got up and greeted them, "You guys made it, Sam thought you were going to be late, because Tina made you guys have sex before you got here." She sat down and smirked at Sam, knowing she just threw him under the bus.
Joe: smiled and scanned the room for his best friend and Sam. "I didn't even notice that they were here." He shrugged his shoulders and finally spotted them when Tina pointed them out to him. "Ahh... So they are here." He smiled and led Tina towards the table. "Hey, guys. Nice to see you to here." He leaned down to give Mercedes a kiss on the cheek before smiling at Sam. "How's it going, man?"
Tina: walked over to Sam and Mercedes and greeted them both, "It's so good to see you both." She glared at Sam, after hearing what Mercedes said, "You really think highly of me huh Sam? Not that I'm offended or anything, I mean who wouldn't want to have sex with this sexy man." She giggled and rubbed Joe's thigh, "But that's not what tonight is about, it's about hanging out with friends. So how's everything going in baby land?" She smiled and started looking at her menu.
Sam: smiled at Mercedes' best friend and nodded at him, "It's going good, man. Thanks for showing up and not being late. I know how this one can be..." He pointed at Tina, teasingly and then rolled his eyes. "God... See what I mean? She's hopeless." He laughed. Teasing Tina was one of the best things, she never took things to heart and he liked that about her. "The baby's growing and Mercedes and I are doing better together." He told his best friend while staring into Mercedes' eyes."
Mercedes: laughed at how Tina came back at Sam's comment, she loved it. "Well I have to agree with Tina, Joe is looking good tonight." She dusted off Joe's shoulder, "Usually I would ask you if you were all dressed up for a woman, but now I know the answer to that." She smiled hearing how Sam gushed about her and the baby, "That we are, and I couldn't be happier. It has been a long road to get to this point, but it's looking good now." She took Sam's hands, and stared back into his eyes.
Joe: beamed at both women. "Thank you, ladies. I feel like a million bucks sitting next to the both of you." He chuckled at Mercedes' remark, "Yeah, I wanted to look nice for Tina." He took Tina's hand and laced their fingers together. "Take it easy on Tina, Sam. She's trying to be good tonight. Right, babe?" He winked at his girlfriend. Joe couldn't be happier to hear that Mercedes and Sam were on the mend, that was all he wanted to hear. "I'm glad that things are working out. You two deserve to be happy too. Just like Tina and I." He looked at Tina and winked at her.
Tina: was so proud to be on Joe's arm, and hearing him say he dressed for her, just made her feel good. "Well mission accomplished baby, you look like a million bucks." She looked over at Sam and stuck her tongue out at him, "That's right baby, I'm trying to be good, but you all know, Tina and being good is rarely in the same sentence..." She blew a kiss at Joe, "and there's a good reason for that too." She smiled and picked up the menu looking over what she wanted to eat. "Yeah, you guys need happiness in your lives, especially for that baby of yours. Now enough of all this chatter, let's talk about the important things, what are we going to eat?"
Sam: felt his heart swell up at Mercedes' words. It was important to him that they work towards getting back together, not only for their baby but for themselves as well. He picked up Mercedes' hand and kiss the back of it. "We're getting back to that place, and we're happy." He said that to Tina. "Anyway, you're right, let's order. I'm starving! I don't know what I'm going to order yet, so let's just look at the menu."
Mercedes: smiled back at Sam, "Yes we are." She was on the path of happiness again, and seeing Joe with Tina, and how happy he was, only added to her happiness. She giggled hearing Tina asking about the food, "You're right Tina, it's time to eat, enough of this talking." The rest of the date was as smooth as they all knew it would be, they had a great time talking and catching up, and even agreed to do this again real soon.
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"That's because I do Sam, I never stopped. Even when I was mad at you, I still loved you." Mercedes stated with a smile on her face. "I don't know how to turn off my feelings for someone, you have my heart Sam Evans, and although it got slightly broken, I am trusting you to heal it, and never hurt it again." She cupped his face in her hands, "Hopefully, neither one of us will have to live without the other." She dropped her head, and giggled, "You can't huh?" She didn't know what came over her, but hearing that he wanted to kiss her made her feel desired and wanted. She leaned in inches from his face, "There would be no slapping going on here Sam...so why don't I take a little initiative myself...." She kissed him sweetly at first, then deepened it. They made out for what seemed hours, and somehow Mercedes ended up on his lap, while their hands caressed each others bodies. They finally pulled apart, agreeing not to take it any further than that....for now, but the road to recovery was becoming a lot smoother than before, and nothing could be better for the both of them.  
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Backyard Picnic || Samcedes
Hearing that Mercedes loved him made him feel as though he could fly. “It’s so good to hear you say that you love me.” He smiled, “I almost thought that I would never hear those words again. I’m glad we’re moving past things. Because I really can’t imagine a life without you in it.” He chuckled at her next words, although he really couldn’t say much because being around her was a huge temptation and not to mention distraction as well. “I can’t resist you as well, but I am trying very hard… Like right now for instance, I really want to kiss you, but I’m worried that you might slap me silly for even bringing up the topic.”
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Mercedes never wanted to deny Sam of how she was truly feeling anymore, because if they were going to make a stable, and loving environment for their child, they had to work on them first. "I know you do Sam, and we are going to be alright. I love you too, and I know this baby is going to love you as well. We will get through everything together, and come out way better than we started. I want to be your friend Sam, not just your lover. I want us to like each other, because we already know we love one another. I just want to look forward to seeing you everyday, and that's already happening, so we're halfway there." She smiled when he kissed her hands, "And to be honest, I am finding it very hard to resist you Sam Evans." She giggled.
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Backyard Picnic || Samcedes
Sam wanted to jump from his seat, run around the place a few times and kiss Mercedes passionately for what she was telling him. She acknowledged the fact that he loved her, and not only that, that he was actually doing something to make the situation between them right. That made him feel like a million bucks. Suddenly full, he wiped his mouth and hands and reached out for her hands. Giving the digits a firm squeeze, he looked into her eyes and let out what he had been thinking all this time, “I love you, Mercedes, and I love our baby. I know that we still have a lot to work out, but I’m happy to be here. I’m happy to be given a chance to love work on making things right for us. Because I really do want this, I want you to be with me forever. I can’t picture anyone else with me, but you.” Smiling, he picked up her hand and gave the back of it a kiss.
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"Yeah, something like that." Mercedes laughed and finished her second piece of chicken. Everything was going so great, and it was such a beautiful day, she was just grateful that Sam got her out of her bedroom, and out into the fresh air, with this delicious food. Hearing Sam't question, she knew what he was asking, and she was going to be honest, "It is a mixture of me being grateful that you thought about this, and stepped up to try to get us back on track. And it it partly because I miss us being together, and just comfortable touching each other. My trust in you is coming back, because you show me everyday that you do indeed love me, and I see that." She gave him a warm and sincere smile.
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Backyard Picnic || Samcedes
“Oh… I don’t feel so bad now then. It must be old way of saying things.” Sam laughed off his stupidity. “But thanks. I’m glad that you liked it.” The day that he thought was already great, became even better when she complimented him for his initiative and not only that, but also kissed him. He felt a blush creeping up his cheeks. This was unheard of. He never blushed, but yet here he was acting like a virginal school boy when the woman that he loved kissed him. “Not that I’m complaining that you’re kissing me, but what was that for?” He asked, unsure if she was only kissing him out of gratitude for the picnic or if she in fact did it because she felt her anger and guard towards him being lifted.
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Mercedes laughed, "No it doesn't, but it's something my grandmother used to say when something was really good, but just know it's a compliment." She went back to eating her food, "It is delicious." She was so glad that Sam made enough, and she was going to enjoy all of this delicious food. She listened as he told her about how the weather was a factor, but he really wanted to spend time with her, and this was his effort of starting over. "We did say that, and I'm glad that you took the initiative and did this, I love it." She leaned over and gave him a small peck. She was getting more and more comfortable with initiating intimate moments between them, and that was a good thing.  
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Backyard Picnic || Samcedes
“You know, I’ve never actually heard that expression before. Put my foot into something… Must sound dumb to you, huh?” Sam laughed, peeling off the skin of the fried chicken before he bit into the crunchiness. “Mmm… Yummy.” He moaned in pleasure. “Eat up. There’s plenty for you, me and the baby.” He smiled. Her question was easily answered. “It’s the beautiful weather and the fact that I wanted to spend some time with you. We said that we were going to try again, so why not start now?” He smirked.
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Mercedes was loving this food, and hearing that Sam had actually made it, made her smile brighter, "You definitely put your foot in this chicken, cause it's delicious. I'm glad you have more, because I am going to need another piece." She finished off her first piece, and grabbed another one, "Yes, the baby loves it too. Sometimes we don't have to eat healthy, especially when it's as good as this chicken." She giggled, and went back to eating. She took a small break from eating to ask him a question, "So what prompted you to do this Sam? I mean was it the beautiful weather?"
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Backyard Picnic || Samcedes
Sam was happy to hear that Mercedes liked the food. It was good, he thought too. He wasn’t much of a cook, but he was glad that he didn’t screw up the fried chicken at least. “Yes, I did. I’m not the best cook, but I can definitely cook up some mean fried chicken.” He said in a laughing tone before he lowered his head to bite into his fried chicken. “Eat up. I made plenty. Our baby is going to need nutrition to grow.” He smiled, “I know it’s not healthy stuff, but hey, food is food, right?”
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Mercedes rubbed belly hearing Sam tell her all the food he had for their picnic, "Yummy, I can barely wait." She felt some rumbles in her tummy, "I think the baby likes the choices too." She chuckled, and sat back as he told her to relax, "Okay Sam, I am not the one to turn down being spoiled, so you go ahead and serve." She waited patiently as Sam set the food up and made her a plate, "Mmm, this looks amazing." She smiled brightly as he put the plate in front of her. She took a bite of the chicken, and her eyes rolled in the back of her head, "Oh my God Sam, this is so good, did you really make this?" She didn't even wait for his answer before she was taking another bite.
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Backyard Picnic || Samcedes
“I got us some Fried Chicken and all the fixings.” His stomach involuntarily rumbled and he laughed a little at that. “Sorry, I’m starving, running around has got me starving.” She wanted to help, and he really would let her, but he didn’t want her to have to lift a finger today. “No, I’m fine. You just relax. I’ll have everything done, okay?” He smiled before setting off to work to get lunch ready. Five minutes later, they were both enjoying their food. “How’s the food? Good, I hope? I’m so hungry, everything taste like heaven.” He confession, letting out a chuckle.
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Mercedes smiled, "It was a great idea Sam, I really appreciate it." She took her seat on the blanket, and got comfortable, "So what do we have here to eat." She peered over to see what Sam was going to bring out the basket, "Can I help you set anything up?" She was getting all giddy inside, but she tried not to show her emotions. It was times like this that she looked at Sam, and saw the man she fell in love with, and it was hard to resist him.
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Backyard Picnic || Samcedes
Sam beamed, happy that Mercedes had agreed with his suggestion. He wanted this to be perfect, and for that to happen, he had to have Mercedes be a willing participant. “Great. Let’s do this then.” He led her out of the house and to the back yard where their picnic was waiting. He didn’t have to ask what she thought of the picnic before she was complimenting his work. It made him feel proud that he was able to pull this in the short time that he gave himself. “I thought it was a great day for us to enjoy our meal outside.” He smiled, a little tingle traveling to his cheek as she kisses them. “Now, let’s eat.” He told her as he set up their meal.
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Mercedes was in her bedroom, watching some television, when she heard a knock no her door. She looked up and saw Sam walking in, and she gave him a warm smile, "Hey Sam, I am a little hungry." She was shocked to hear that he set up a picnic for her in the backyard, "Oh Sam, that is so thoughtful and sweet of you." She got out the bed and took his hand, "Lead the way." They made their way to the backyard, and she saw how beautiful everything was, "This is so nice Sam, and it's so beautiful outside" She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you for this, I really appreciate it."
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Backyard Picnic || Samcedes
It was a few days after the move and sun was shining. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, Sam used this as his chance to make a picnic for both him and Mercedes. He got the food, laid out the blanket and once everything was ready, he went to call for Mercedes who was in her room. “Mercedes,” He knocked, “Are you hungry? I cooked for us, we could have a picnic in the backyard..
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Another Episode || Samcedes
When: Wednesday night
Where: Samcedes’ new home
Notes: Mercedes witnesses one of Sam’s mental breakdown
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Moving Day || Samcedes
Sam smiled when she took his hand. He led her out of the room and continued to speak, “I have no doubts about us. We will make things work because I want to make things work and so do you.” They watched the movers for a while and he chuckled at her comment, “No, it’s a little sad actually, but I’ll be fine.” He sighed, taking comfort at her touch, “Yeah, let’s go. It’s time for us to go home…” They both headed to the car and although he was still a little sad about leaving his old home, he was looking forward to starting a new life in his new one, with Mercedes and their unborn baby.
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Mercedes was glad they had that talk, and they both agreed that they were going to be alright. She felt better about the move, and was so ready to go. "I think we will Sam, I really do." She took his hand when he offered it to her, "Yes, let's get out of here, I'm ready to move and start our new life." She followed him out of the bedroom, and the movers had finished loading the truck, "Wow, I bet you haven't seen this place this empty since you moved in." She smiled and put her hand on his shoulder, "It's going to be fine Sam, let's get out of here." She led him down to the car, and before she knew it, they were heading to their new home.
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Moving Day || Samcedes
Sam nodded his head. Although he wanted more, he respected her decision. He didn’t want to force the situation. Things had to progress in due time, “Of course. I’m here, I’ll wait. We’ll get there eventually.” He smiled at her before standing up because being so close to her without touching her was literally killing her, “I’m ready to start moving. If you’re ready, let’s get out of here.” He took a lasting look at the room, a smile playing on his lips. “Now come on. We have a lot going on today.” He offered his hand out to her and waited for her to take it.
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"Yeah I know, but we'll make it work, I'm sure." Mercedes smiled, then bit her bottom lip waiting on how Sam was going to response to her sleeping question, but hearing it gave her a sense of comfort, "I think I would like it if we did have our own rooms for now. As much as we have grown, I still think we have a long way to go." Saying that was hard for her, especially sitting that close to Sam, he was so fine, and she was still very much attracted to him, but she had to stand strong, and do this the right way. "Thank you for being so cool with this Sam."
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Moving Day || Samcedes
Sam was relieved that Mercedes didn’t judge and that she understood where he was coming from fully. “Thank you. It’s a little scary, you know…” He squeezed her hand back, finding comfort in her touch. It was always a good feeling to have when Mercedes was trying to comfort him. It meant that they were moving in the right direction. “I’ll be okay though. I’m sure it won’t always be scary, especially with having you in my life.” Her question about their sleeping situation didn’t catch him off guard at all, he expected it because although they were moving in the right direction, they weren’t completely solid yet, it was understandable for her to have questions, “If you’d like your own room, you can have that. I’m not going to force you, Mercedes. We’ll go at your pace, alright?”
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Mercedes understood what Sam was saying, she felt bad for leaving her home as well, but there was no way she was going to stay there after everything that went down. "I understand that, leaving is hard, but change is good." She smiled and took his hand in his, "You are moving on from your bachelorhood to fatherhood, it's a big transition." She squeezed his hand, "But I'm sure that you are going to handle this transition with ease like you do everything you put your mind too." She had to a question that has been nagging her, "Um, Sam, we never discussed the bedroom situation, how are we going to do that?"
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Moving Day || Samcedes
Today was a bitter sweet day. He was moving out of his penthouse, his bachelor pad and moving into a new home that he would co-own with Mercedes. It was exciting, yet gut wrenching as well. Today signified the end of his bachelorhood. It wasn’t that he was afraid of commitment, he was afraid of not being good enough, or being able to be there for his family. That was his biggest fear in all of this. “I am, but I’m a little sad as well.” He smiled at Mercedes before looking around the barren room, “This was my first home. I’m always going to miss it just a little bit, but I am also happy that we’re going to be doing this. It will be good for us, and our baby.”
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Moving Day || Samcedes
Mercedes couldn't believe that today was the day, that she and Sam were going to move into their new home. It was so beautiful, and everything that she wanted to in a home, this house had to offer. The movers were already putting things in the truck, and she was directing them to where they were everything was and needed to go. She walked into the bedroom where Sam was and sat on the bed next to him, "Are you ready for the move? I mean, are you as excited as I am?" She smiled, "I can't wait to get everything in the house and set it up just the way we want it."
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Do Your Job || Paula & X
When: Thursday Night
Where: Sunset Motel
Notes: Paula and X have a meeting about his findings on Sam
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