sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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hey y’all, just wanted to say a final goodbye! I really had so much fun here and I’m grateful for each and every person I’ve had the honour of writing with. this was actually my first tumblr rp and it was a really great experience for me, I really loved junhyung and all the connections he had so thank you all for that! with that said, thank you for having us, take care and maybe I’ll see you around! 
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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Jaemin ‣ Esquire Behind
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
question meme your character just found a fat sack of gold on a bench. what do they do with it?
as privileged as this sounds (but well, he is privileged), junhyung is not the least bit short of cash. his wallet carries an array of credit cards signed under his mother’s name and he has no qualms about using all of them. he probably wouldn’t know what to do with actual gold, like the whole process of going to a pawn shop and pawning them, though that’s something he would consider, just because it feels like it’s the smart thing to do? but if there’s one thing you ought to know about him, it’s that he is one hell of a lazy guy and yes, he’ll lug the sack back home, for sure, he’ll just probably would leave it sitting in a messy corner of his room for god knows how long, until he remembers it exists a few months later, when he’s forced to clean up his room. so yea, basically just another one of those privileged rich kids who don’t deserve what they have. 
what was your character’s last good deed?
helping a freshman locate her classroom and walking her all the way there even though he was already late for his class. and then, offering to give her more help, if she needed it, by exchanging numbers. typical of junhyung, really. he isn’t exactly a samaritan but if there’s a particular type of good deed he’s used to doing, it’s helping girls out, or well, pretty girls, to be exact. can this even be considered a good deed? 
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
🎃, 😨, 🎂
question meme what is your character’s favorite holiday?
there’s something about christmas that made everything feel better. does it not feel like everyone is happier during christmas? is it the christmas songs that always sounded so jolly and merry? or is it the feeling of a burning fireplace warming him as he watches the snow fall outside, of which its contrast strangely brings him a sense of comfort? or maybe it’s the idea that yet another year is over, and that he did it, again, he made it through another year and now he gets to celebrate the end with good food, presents and well, his family’s obligation of spending the occasion together — forced but at least everyone was gathered together. after all, christmas is best spent with family, whether he likes to admit it or not. 
your character just broke wind in public. do they try to hide it or own up to it?
now, this depends on who he is with. if it’s a cute girl he’d really like to impress then well, you’d best believe he would hide it at all cost. at least, not until he’s sure he has earned a place in her heart, enough for her to find his release somewhat endearing. but if it’s a close friend, say, danbi, then he wouldn’t hide it at all. in fact, he’d turn his rear to face her before he lets out a big fart in her direction. even better if it stinks, the expression on her face is extra funny when that happens!
do they celebrate their birthday?
of course, that’s his only reason to get pampered for a day! there’s no way he would give that up, not when he can use it to get him things like a “birthday kiss” or well, “birthday sex”. he won’t deny that he enjoys the attention he gets on his birthday too, like there is an unspoken rule that he was king for the day and honestly, it feels nice, especially when he gets the attention from the people he likes. his idea of a birthday celebration is ironically simple, just his favourite cake (oreo cheesecake!) and alcohol. he doesn’t need anything fancy, in fact, he hated the fancy parties his mother used to throw him, again, out of obligation. he would much rather hit the club and party till the sun is up, that or work his bedroom stamina all through the night while having some cake in between and yea, both types of cake. 
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
question meme your character is moved to tears. what’s a kindness that another showed to them?
there was once he thought he had lost his dog, when she leaped out of his arms and skedaddled across the park, disappearing into the crowd. he had spent hours looking for her that day, unfortunately, to no avail. it didn’t help that she was so tiny too. the mere thought of possibly losing her was frightening enough to send him to tears so that could’ve already oiled his waterworks but when a stranger found her and returned her to him, he couldn’t hold back his tears. he was even more grateful when he realised the stranger had recognised him and dog because they were always at the park at the same time and so, they knew right then that they had to look for him.  
does your character want marriage or a lifelong commitment?
it would be a lie if he said he didn’t want someone to love him for life. though, he can’t help but wonder, do things like that actually happen? it’s appalling to even think about it, someone being able to love him for all that he is, the good and the bad. or for him to find someone he can love in all their etirety. however, if he did manage to find someone like that, someone he can love for the rest of his life and vice versa then, there’s no reason he would be opposed to waking up next to them everyday. in fact, if did find someone like that, he knows he would want to spend his life with them. the issue here isn’t the idea of a lifelong commitment (shocker, I know) but whether he could even find someone special enough to blur out the rest of the world and become all that he sees. 
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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we thought it was about time to unleash a QUESTION MEME upon the dash! REBLOG THIS POST IF YOU WOULD LIKE PEOPLE TO SEND AN SYMBOL BELOW TO YOUR INBOX. use this opportunity to have fun with your muses, but also to develop them and create new relationships, ideas and threads with others! also, please don’t forget to send some out if you reblog this post. let’s make sure that no one feels like the odd one out and we include everyone on the fun!
we’ll allow everyone to reblog this until SEPTEMBER 25TH, two weeks so that new members can join in as well. afterwards you are no longer allowed to reblog, but you can continue to answer if you like! ( and yes, you can send multiple to one person! )
Keep reading
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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moodboard meme @sgndanbi sent 📺 for a moodboard about my muse’s hobbies
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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photographer jaemin 📸 
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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moodboard meme @sgnjiwoo sent 👮 for a moodboard about my muse’s desired occupation
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
outgoing snapchat  ›  @sgnyooa​ 
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jnhyng: hi jnhyng: guess what  jnhyng: I dreamt of u last night... 😳 jnhyng: guess what it’s about 😏
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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jodumbi: SHUT UP i wouldn’t have to be if u cared more about this friendship jodumbi: and less about ur girls 😠😠😠 jodumbi: yeah of course it’s defined by more than a snap streak!!! jodumbi: …but also defined by a snap streak TOO jodumbi: pls 🙄 by now this nonsense is just funny… jodumbi: ppl really think i’m going to be settling for your nasty ass huh 🥱🤪
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jnhyng: pls u KNOW I always put u first 😒 jnhyng: what girls??? u’re my fav girl 🤪🤪 jnhyng: do u know how hard it is to keep up a snap streak??! jnhyng: n yet I’m doing it everyday just for u!!! jnhyng: SETTLING??!!??! excUSE ME jnhyng: u wld be lucky if I was ever stupid enough to CONSIDER u 😤😤
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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moodboard meme @sgndanbi sent 💛 for a moodboard about our muses’ relationship
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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♡♡ jaemin ♡♡
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
— highlight
( ... )
“you can be stuck with me somewhere that’s not here.” she laughs, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as she looks at his arm. granted he is probably the best part of her day while she’s here, and if she had to be stuck with anyone she was glad it was him, but hoping for him to come every time seemed selfish, like she was using someone else’s misfortunes for her own happiness. so she sighs, looking up at him again because the truth is that she is worried about him. “i just don’t want you to get hurt fighting people.”
she wonders for a moment if she’s out of line, if she overstepped whatever boundaries there were as a person who was supposed to keep quiet and treat his wounds, but she supposes she’s nothing if not honest. hyunjoo decides to stay quiet for a bit, focusing on the cut on his cheeks as she leans in closer to apply the disinfectant and the bandaid. she’s so fixated on it that when she’s finally done and her tunnel vision clears, she suddenly notices how close their faces are, eyes widening as her face flushes pink again.
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junhyung often finds himself in a dilemma, a meagre one but a dilemma no less — does he like spunky girls who wouldn’t entertain his antics or does he prefer innocent girls who give the cutest reactions when he teases them? well, it didn’t matter right then, for he was in the presence of the latter and a freakin’ cute one at that. an amused chuckle leaves his lips at her reaction, “you’re quite the naive one, huh?” he teases, lips curving into a playful grin. “cute.” as if her shy smiles weren’t already drawing him in, he couldn’t help but feel endeared by her guileless demeanour that only made him want to tease her a little more. 
it’s typical of junhyung to only infer whatever he wants to, conveniently ignoring any other possible context behind her vague choice of words. it’s not that I don’t want to see you? well then, it can only mean, “you want to see me.” he brazenly states, a small smirk lacing his lips. he wasn’t sure if it was his monstrous ego or strangely accurate gut feeling, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was right, that she did want to see him, just like how he wants to see her.
“I know I’m right.” he presses on cockily, but not too obnoxiously, lest he frightens her off and while that’s a little dramatic to think about, he wouldn’t be surprised if it did happen, considering how demure and... soft? she appears to be. like a lamb, or a little bunny. they’re cute and strangely kind of comforting to be around, like they give off a sort of healing power because of how endearing they are. 
at this point, he was barely concealing his obvious interest in her, having to physically stop himself from asking for her number and asking her out on a date right then. he will soon, just not right now, while she was still cleaning up his wounds. there’s nothing wrong about it, in his books at least (there’s never a bad time to ask a girl out!), but it just didn’t feel like the right time, yet. when the time is right though, he had decided to ask her out, on a date, a meal, whatever, with the foolproof excuse of wanting to “thank” her for all her help at the infirmary. well, at least there are some truth to his words — he is thankful for all the times she was there to help him.
he had already gotten it all planned out in his mind — he’ll ask her just as he was about to leave the infirmary, when she walks him to the door. what he had not planned though, was that she would make the first move — sort of. “I can?” he blurts out, jerking his head up to look at her. “like, on a date?” he asks with childlike eagerness, sitting up in his seat but not too vigorously as she was still bandaging his arm. “then, I’ll stop getting into fights and showing up with injuries, if you agree,” he proposes suavely, a boyish grin stretching across his face, “to be stuck somewhere else with me.” 
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
❝ — seongnam unsolved , ★°。
she’s so lost in concentration that she can barely hear junhyung’s response (or is it that it had been so hushed that her ears could barely pick it up?), focused on getting the perfect shot, encapsulating all of the eeriness that the room radiates. it’s his second statement that catches her attention, and her movements suddenly stop as it registers. at first, she’d just thought it was someone with really small feet, since people have made comments about her own feet before, calling them small, and she is sometimes able to find shoes her size in the kids section, but the footsteps she’s capturing are smaller than even her own, and that’s quite the feat (no pun intended) to achieve for an adult-sized human being (is it even human, who knows?).
“wah~ you’re right,” she says, voice full of awe and wonder. that wonder and amazement is quickly replaced with fear again, however, once the questions start filling her mind. why is there just this one set of footprints? what child would be in a place like this all by his or herself, without adult supervision? why did it seem like the child was only pacing along the walls, seemingly without a destination or reason? she stands up slowly from her crouching position, turning to look back at junhyung with a mixture of fear and confusion. she opens her mouth to say something, anything, but nothing comes out.
then comes a sound to pierce through the silence. it comes from neither of them, though, but rather from somewhere within the room. she sucks in a sharp breath, holding it there, as if her own breathing would disturb or anger whatever it was that made the noise. it was soft, seemingly muffled, like a baby crying or some kind of mewl. she slowly releases the breath she was holding, not because she’s suddenly gathered her courage, but because she couldn’t hold it any longer without passing out. “i— i think it came from the walls…”
she whirls around, panning her camera along the walls in search of any kind of sign, but the light from her camera isn’t enough to capture everything. her eyes then shoot up toward the singular lightbulb that hangs above them, and the cord attached to it. according to what she’s heard, this house has been abandoned for quite some time now; the electricity couldn’t still be running, could it? there’s only one way to find out, though, so she reaches up, attempting to reach the cord, but there’s one caveat—she’s too short. huffing at this turn of events, she turns to junhyung again, voice shaky as she asks, “can— can you try to turn on the light?”
there’s something that amazes him as much as it appalls him — how yoohyeon reacts to their bizarre findings with awe and not fear. how does she go “wah~” when all he wants to do is grab her hand and run out of there, pronto. but then, he recalls the person that dragged him into this abandoned building, that was, for the record, only getting creepier by the second, and it all made sense. she was not like most people — she thrived on exploring the occult, regardless of how terrifying their current situation was. in fact, to her, it’s probably the more terrifying, the better. 
junhyung is in a dilemma — does he hope for their little “excursion” (that he was starting to regret) to be a fruitful one, solely for the sake of the video, or does he secretly wish they’ll fail and get out of there safe and sound? the film student in him actually hopes for the former, because he knows how good it feels to gather great footage and he does want that for yoohyeon but hey, they’ve got to get out of there alive first, right? what use is getting all these footage and evidence of these... non-human entities, if they couldn’t even get out alive to share what they’ve discovered?
a sudden sound breaks the silence in the room and he instinctively grabs onto yoohyeon’s arm, pretty much hugging it with his whole being. he doesn’t say anything, unsure if it was safe to make his presence known to whatever company they have — if they even have any and this time, he’s really hoping that they don’t, and that it was just a sound that came from an insect or mice, gross but whatever — anything but that. 
he gulps, leaning in to whisper shakily in yoohyeon’s ear, “t-the wall? like, inside it or behind it?” whatever sense of logic he had clearly wasn’t active in his present state of mind but could you blame him? they were possibly (but hopefully not) in the presence of something horrifying and as if it wasn’t already difficult enough just standing in that room (which was starting to get a little cold or was it just him breaking out in cold sweat?), he was now tasked with switching on the light that again, looks like it came right out of a horror movie with its cord hanging down ominously. seriously, the lights always look like that in horror movies!
despite his internal struggle, he has decided to take on the task of switching on the light. well, he has to, he is the taller one, after all. and he did come here to help her so, it’s about time he stepped up and proved himself a worthy partner — with a condition, of course. “ok, I will,” he swallows before nodding bravely, “but you have to hold my hand. or let me grab onto your arm, whatever,” he adds, tugging her arm as he takes a small, meek step towards the light. “just as long as I’m not alone.”
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