sgnjunhyung · 4 years
fmk jiwoo danbi yooa
“I’d fuck jiwoo. this is completely omitting the fact that she doesn’t swing this way and just considering the fact that I think tsunderes are hot. and that she is hot. honestly.
I would marry danbi because I know for a fact that I can live with her for the rest of my life though this isn’t the most ideal arrangement because we ain’t gonna fuck and I need... to fuck... 
and this, unfortunately, leaves yooa killed by default. for starters, we’ve already fucked before and I know she’d rather die than get married to me so... I’m just giving her what she would want.”
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sgnhansung · 4 years
all of the texts ^-^
                                        text meme!! -- status: accepting 
         DRUNK: for drunk texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 2:13 am   ⇁ HYNG WHERE R U  ⇁ i CAN’T SEE U ANYMORE Y IS IT DARK ⇁ oh ur rigt nxt to me why was it so dark though ⇁ wdym!!! my eyes were open the enrire time im not ttat dRUnk
        SAD: for sad/down texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡   ] — sent at 4:15 am  ⇁ i can’t sleep because i don’t know what to do. hyung, can you tell what i should do? it breaks my heart knowing that my parents are getting older and seeing them work so hard to make sure i can afford school tuition even with all these grants. i want to make them proud. but i don’t want to come back and take over the farm. i don’t want to sell it either.  ⇁ hyung help me. 
      MAD: for mad/angry texts from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 4:55 pm  ⇁ saw someone on twitter say psycho does NOT deserve soty ⇁ the audacity of some people????????? !!!!!!!  ⇁ like who else be doing it like red velvet??? next thing u know people are going to say on or black swan is sofy. LIKE um??????? no
         HAPPY: for happy/excited texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 7:24 pm   ⇁ HYUNG YEONTAN IS GOING TO BE OKAY!!!! ⇁ took him to the vet today because he hasn’t been eating for the past two days and i was worried. but everything is fine!!!! ⇁ just need to give him medicine!!!! but the vet i could feed him whip cream so of course im going to make the best whip cream for him!!! 
        TIRED: for sleepy texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 6:41 am ⇁ tf hyung uly btu why r u texting me so erly  ⇁ did u even sleep ⇁ go to sleep pls so i can sleep more too ⇁ it’s the weekend it’s a federal crime to be up this ealry
      BUSY: for slow/rushed texts from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 7:34 pm   ⇁ SORRY                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 9:34 pm   ⇁SORRY AGAIN got caught up with work ⇁ everything okay hyung do u need something 
         BORED : for disinterested texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 2:13 pm  ⇁ this random customer keeps coming in and trying to make conversation with me  ⇁ help me pls i dont care about her vacation to hawaii  ⇁ i just want to work in peace tf
        DRAFTS: for texts that weren’t sent from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡   ] — 1:10 am  ⇁ oFCOURSE I AM UPSET. when i asked you to pet sit, i meant u. U KNOW HOW YEONTAN IS WITH STRANGERs yet u still invited them over  ⇁ AND ESPECIALLY THEM how COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME 
      WHOOPS: for texts meant for someone else from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 8:34 pm  ⇁ did you run the model under the right settings?  ⇁ also the angles between each molecule needs to be manually set to 109.5 or else it’s going to end up wrong ⇁ oh yikes sorry hyung this was meant for someone else. SORRY
         SCARED: for scared/worried texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 1:15 am   ⇁ hyung if the anabelle doll shows up in my dorm randomly one day  ⇁ pls tell my parents i love them also i’m grateful ur in my life. i ly2  ⇁ my unofficial will is in that letter box under my bed pls make sure to give it to the officers if anything happens
        LOVE: for loving texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 2:22 am ⇁ IT’S SOFT HOURS TIME ⇁ im so grateful u joined that forum because if not we would have never met ⇁ sometimes u frustrate me when u don’t open up but ur the best best friend anyone could ever ask for ⇁ I HOPE OUR FRIENDSHIP LASTS A LIFETIME 
      REVEAL: for revealing texts from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 7:34 pm   ⇁ tf no i’m not jealous???? i don’t care that u cancelled our hangout to hang with him ⇁  like i get it it happens.                     ⇁ but really i see how it is u care more for him then me k that’s cool i’m cool  ⇁ i’ll eat all the cake MYSELF 
         REVEAL ME : for revealing texts from my muse about your muse.
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 5:53  pm  ⇁ lol hyung let’s be real here. ur so emotionally constipated. took u forever to get ur shit together with haru ⇁ u are like the worst sometimes when it comes to these things ⇁ so if wan to get better FUCKING TALK TO ME or not even me just talk to SOMEONE about ur gd emotions sometimes 
        NAUGHTY: for suggestive/dirty texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡   ] — sent at 1:00 am  ⇁ so like.  ⇁ no head? 
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sgnyeeun · 4 years
. . . sending message to baekso (real brother) 
        ↳ is this baekso hello is this baekso baekso can u reply me          ↳ GUESS WHAT BAEKSO IM DRUNK AGAIN 🥳🍺🥳         ↳ i dont hv time for movies but id watch ur movies!!!! BEST FILM DIRECTOR I NTHE WORLD!!!!1!!11          ↳ ily big bro         ↳ men r TRASH!! but u r not trash u r good U R THE BEST!!!!!          ↳ do u want nEw SnKEaers   
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— ‘ out of the woods
« @sgnbaekso​ » 
 — ‘ ⋆ ˚。 this entire glamping-camping, whatever anyone wanted to call it, trip is stupid. sure it was better than traditional camping, accommodations were nicer and there were more interesting activities to do, but that won’t stop jiah from complaining mentally. it was either spend three days and two nights with her peers in the mountain side, or she could spend those days in her family home, trying to avoid her mother. she choose the former, but only because it was the last chance for her to follow up a few stories that she was almost done with. sure, running signed, wooyoo was a tedious task and took up much of her time, but it kept her busy and allowed her to not lose her mind when she had assignments upon assignments to do. jiah was not looking forward to a summer full of idleness. 
to clear her head from the previous night’s (or rather early morning) activities, jiah decided to forgo any sort of group games and set off into the woods herself. she needs some peace and quiet away from everyone, and as cliche as it is, a walk in the woods seemed to be a good choice for some peace. though she walks leisurely, she pays special attention to certain land marks to ensure that she can find her way back to camp. getting lost and left in the woods is not her ideal way to begin her summer break. after about an hour of walking, jiah sits underneath a leafy tree, closing her eyes and enjoying the fact that she’s alone. if only her peace would last longer than five minutes. she has half the mind to ignore the voice questioning if anyone was nearby, but she has a nagging feeling she knows who it is. and her suspicions are only confirmed when the voice gets closer. jiah sighs to herself. the peace was nice while it lasted. 
« baekso oppa?. is that you? » she questions, but makes no movement to stand. he can walk to her if he’s really that lonely. 
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sgnjoonki · 4 years
; look before you leap
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— “ dude, my calves are killing me. how can you stand right now ? ” wincing, the male leans down to rub the back of his leg, looking to the other’s cool composure with envy. following a rather painful workout earlier that morning, he’s pulled a muscle, and though he usually wasn’t one to complain he couldn’t deny the throbbing that couldn’t seem to disappear. once he stands upright again he’s facing baekso, and despite the pain, he meets the other with a tight grin. “ but don’t get me wrong ! i’m ready as ever for the next relay - these legs are made of steel, baekso. ” 
he’s evidently more relaxed than he is during practice, and the reason why is that the two are the only ones that occupy the large track. it feels odd, used to the whole team joining them, and having the sounds of running footsteps to keep his ears company. but today was an off day for the team, yet joonki and baekso had decided to kick back and do a little pre-competition planning. though ... they weren’t exactly as productive as they’d anticipated. “ do you think we should cancel practice tomorrow ? i heard it’s gonna rain pretty hard, but ... we need the practice, don’t you think ? ” the runner’s eyes then travel from his companion to the track in front of them, before a devious grin comes to his lips, clearly having an idea in mind. “ or ... if you’re up for it, we can battle it out on the track, like real athletes. ”
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sgnyeeun · 4 years
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↪ what kind of cell phone do you have?  iphone 11 pro in gold (512gb)
↪ how often do you use your cell phone?  honestly, not that much. she mainly uses her phone to check emails, stalk people on linkedin and listen to music on spotify. her average screen-time is around 5 hours and it decreases exponentially when yeeun goes through an especially busy period. 
↪ what is your phone’s lock screen photo?  a photo of a crown because it reminds her that she’s the fucking queen. 
↪  what is your phone’s home screen photo? honestly, yeeun just found the photo on the internet and her favorite color is gold and the bed looks really comfy and it matches with her lockscreen so she’s been too lazy to change it ever since.  ↪ how many contacts do you have in your phone? somewhere around 700 - 800? she goes to a lot of networking events, and she knows that one of the key ways of making long-lasting connections is to continuously keep in contact, hence, the large number of contacts on her phone.
↪ do you customize contact names or enter as given names? if customize, what is their default ringtone?  for most people, yeeun enters their given name along with where or how she knows them. but for her close friends, she adds cute nicknames. hyunjoo is saved as “hyunjoo best girl”, danbi as “danbi cutie pie”, subin as “subin future husband”, baekso as “baekso my REAL brother” and junhyung as “junhyung (do not call or text!)” 
↪ do you have personalized ringtones for your contacts or does everyone use the default ringtone?  her phone’s on silent most of the time, so she keeps everyone as the default ringing tone. 
↪ how many alarms do you have set and why?  just one. she has enough self-disclipine to wake up immediately after the first alarm.    ↪ what are your top 3 most used apps?  linkedin, spotify and imessage.  ↪ what are your favorite apps? the same three as above. yeeun’s guilty pleasure is instagram though. it’s probably the one app she doesn’t mind wasting her time on (because she’s kind-of, really vain and likes posting pictures of herself.)   ↪ what are your last 3 google searches or the last 3 things you’ve asked your built in ai?  “best cocktails with high alcohol content” “jp morgan internship application” “how to answer ‘what is your biggest weakness?’ in an interview” ↪ do you delete your internet search history or use incognito mode? if so, how often, and why?  she doesn’t deletes her internet history nor does she use incognito mode because she has nothing to hide and so, she can easily search for useful websites she visited before but forgot to bookmark. ↪ do you download music or use a streaming app? if so, which one and why? she uses spotify religiously - has many playlists for different occasions.  ↪ what are the last 3 songs you’ve listen to on your phone?  1. illicit affairs - taylor swift, 2. august - taylor swift, 3. exile (featuring bon iver) - taylor swift. listen, she’s a huge taylor swift fan so the folklore album been on repeat for the past few days.  ↪ what does your photo album consist of?  a lot of selfies of herself and her outfits of the day, cute pictures of her friends, screenshots of text messages with people that infuriate her (she has a folder dedicated for them called ‘open only when mad’), pictures of lecture slides when she’s too tired to take notes, pictures of people’s name-cards, aesthetic food pictures ↪ what is your texting style? do you reply quickly or are you a slow texter? do you send several messages at a time or paragraphs?  yeeun normally replies rather quickly just because she doesn’t like having her unread messages. but if she’s busy, she might take a while to respond. and she tends to write long paragraphs.  ↪ what are the last 3 texts you’ve sent?  ✉️   ➞ @sgnsubin: pls don’t make me watch ‘too hot to handle again’ i think i lost half of my brain cells  ✉️   ➞ @sgndanbi: saw u in the lib the other day but you looked busy so i didnt wanna disturb you! let’s catch up!  🥺 ✉️   ➞ @sgntaeho: kinda miss ur annoying ass :/ wanna go eat something good again soon ?
↪ who do you text the most? @sgnhyunjoo, @sgnsubin and @sgnbaekso ?? ↪ what are your top 6 used emojis?  🥺 (yeeun may look like a bruh girl but she’s a big 🥺 girl), 🤮🥴🤪👁️👄👁️ ↪ how often do you call others? as little as possible, she rather text.  ↪ who where the last 3 calls made to and why? danbi to talk about the latest taylor swift album, her mentor to review her cv and how she could improve it, the chanel store assistant to ask when her favorite shade of lipstick would be back in stock  ↪ who do you call the most? probably her mentor because it’s hard to discuss career strategy and prepare for interview questions through emails and text messages  ↪ do you have someone blocked? if so, who and why? yup, she does have a few people blocked. most of them are guys whom she drunkenly exchanged contact with when clubbing and who turn weirdly aggressive/clingy even though yeeun promised them nothing. yeeun has also been tempted to block junhyung’s number because she has admittedly drunk-dialed and texted him a few times but she can’t bring herself to do so.  ↪ are you apart of any group chats? with who?  she mutes all her group chats but she’s mostly in chats for her study groups. 
↪ do you use the notes app?  sometimes? to jot down important things that she doesn’t want to forget. 
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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sgn task #01 — general full questionnaire here.
— what are the last 3 texts you’ve sent? danbi » you want the ones with wings?? should I get the overnight ones too? baekso » hyung THANK YOU 😭 you’re a godsend I swear seokwoo » hi do you want to watch howl’s moving castle with me tonight hahha
— are you apart of any group chats? with who? quite a number of them. a few friend group ones like one with sunwoo and danbi, some school-related group chats with the cinths, photography club members and project group members. oh and there’s a family group chat that we hardly ever use, it’s basically just my mom sending pictures of herself.
— do you customize contact names or enter as given names? mostly given names, unless they change it themselves (in this case, danbi changed hers herself). at most, I’ll give them an emoji or two, especially if I relate a certain emoji to them.
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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sgn task #01 — general  a look inside junhyung’s phone!
— what kind of cell phone do you have? iphone 11 pro max in midnight green (512 gb). for the camera, of course.
— how often do you use your cell phone? an average screen time of 7h 13m. I text girls and use social media a lot.
— what is your phone’s lock screen photo? a picture of an alien someone sent to me. something about how I look like that when I get wasted at parties. I thought it was pretty funny and accurate so I made that my lock screen.
— what is your phone’s home screen photo? a picture I took of the sunset and city skyline, my favourite view. 
— how many contacts do you have in your phone? 1034. probably should stop asking girls for their number.
— do you customize contact names or enter as given names? mostly given names, unless they change it themselves. at most, I’ll give them an emoji or two, especially if I relate a certain emoji to them.
— do you have personalized ringtones for your contacts or does everyone use the default ringtone? default ringtone for everyone but my ex. I haven’t changed it back but I guess there’s no need to either.
— how many alarms do you have set and why? one. because I abuse the snooze button instead of setting multiple alarms.
— what are your top 3 most used apps? 1. instagram 2. imessage 3. spotify
— what are your favorite apps? fimo — you can try out different film filters with this app and its pretty close to the real thing. artemis pro — recommended by baekso hyung! he knows the best video apps, really. spotify — can’t go a day without listening to music.
— what are your last 3 google searches or the last 3 things you’ve asked your built in ai? 1. funniest tinder pick up lines 2. why does my dog keep humping the cushion 3. portrait photography classes near me
— do you delete your internet search history or use incognito mode? if so, how often, and why? no, I don’t bother to, which is also why I have way too many tabs. as for incognito mode, I only use it when I’m browsing material that isn’t... family friendly.
— do you download music or use a streaming app? if so, which one and why? I stream on spotify. one of my exes used spotify and I wanted to make a playlist for her so I started using it too and haven’t stopped since then.
— what are the last 3 songs you’ve listen to on your phone? 1. silvertongue — young the giant 2. chelsea dagger — the fratellis 3. why’d you only call me when you’re high — arctic monkeys
— what does your photo album consist of? a whole lot of sunsets, skylines, scenery, pictures of my dog, screenshots that I don’t clear, pictures of lecture slides from classes because I’m too lazy to write notes and some photos of my family, friends and myself.
— what is your texting style? do you reply quickly or are you a slow texter? do you send several messages at a time or paragraphs? I’m either extreme ends, if I’m interested in you or our conversation then I reply really fast and isn’t afraid to double text but if I’m not then I either reply really slowly or just ghost entirely. I usually send several messages at a time unless I’m talking to someone I’m not close to like a professor or distant relative. 
— what are the last 3 texts you’ve sent? danbi » you want the ones with wings?? should I get the overnight ones too? baekso » hyung THANK YOU 😭 you’re a godsend I swear seokwoo » hi do you want to watch howl’s moving castle with me tonight hahha
— who do you text the most? it’s a tie between danbi and whichever girl I’m interested in that week month.
— what are your top 6 used emojis?  😏😍🤤🔥😤🤪
— how often do you call others? hardly ever, unless it’s for something urgent.
— who were the last 3 calls made to and why? 1. a photography school — to enquire about their portrait photography summer classes. 2. my grandpa — to ask him if he prefers seolleongtang or samgyetang so I can get it for him on my way to his house.  3. riya —got in trouble and needed her to get me out of it again.
— who do you call the most? I don’t even know myself. there’s no fixed person since I don’t call people very often.
— do you have someone blocked? if so, who and why? a few. usually clingy and overly-attached exes when they spam call or text me. otherwise, I don’t bother enough to block anyone else.
— are you apart of any group chats? with who? quite a number of them. a few friend group ones like one with sunwoo and danbi, some school-related group chats with the cinths, photography club members and project group members. oh and there’s a family group chat that we hardly ever use, it’s basically just my mom sending pictures of herself.
— do you use the notes app? occasionally, to jot down random things like phone numbers, passwords etc. but because of how random and disorganised they are, I tend to forget what most of my notes are about.
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sgnhansung · 4 years
— * sun and moon
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     with his rather exuberant personality, it’s no surprise that hansung has quite a few friends. he gets along well enough with those he encounters. save for the few who believe in the rumors about him and now have made it clear that they want nothing to do with him; he knows who won’t be getting strawberries as a welcome back to seongnam gift now.  though, they’re not quite rumors because they are true. he’ll give it to whoever is running that gossip blog, he’s not sure how they found out about his old habit, but he’s thankful that they posed it more that left room for speculation. plus they did mention that he seemed like he was trying to change. which is true. so far he has not caved, so he mentally pats himself on the back for that.
     though he understands why some of friends did leave him, he knows that there will always be a few people who will have his back. his cousin dawon, his best friend jiwon from daegu, and of course, his favorite hyung in the whole wide world, baekso. ( @sgnbaekso​ ) said hyung is sitting next to him right now and won’t tell him just who he’s making his bracelet for. (hansung hopes it’s him, but maybe he should make a matching one for himself in case his friend is actually making the bracelet for haru). “hyung!” he’s all but whining at this point. “at least give me a hint. i already told you who i’m making it for!” well, kind of. he is going to make a bracelet for dawon and jiwon, in a later class. but right now, he’s putting in all his effort into making the best friendship bracelet for baekso. but he wants to know why his hyung is being so secretive over who will receive his bracelet. 
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sgnhansung · 4 years
— * this is how we stew it
he grew up in a household full with love from his parents, grandparents, and then back to parents, so it’s no surprise that his own heart is overfilled with it. it bubbles out from his core, reaching to the very tips of his body: his long nimble fingers to his wiggling toes. it manifests itself into to his affectionate words and his thoughtful actions. this is especially true when it comes to his beloved hyung, who, now that he thinks about it, probably has yet to eat at this point. and while his own eating habits are questionable at best, he’ll be damned if he lets his hyung go hungry.
fortunately for baekso ( @sgnbaekso), today is one of those rare days where he decides to try his hand at cooking since he wasn’t in the mood to go out or order food online. his concoction is nothing fancy, just a simple stew of items he already had in his refrigerator, but at the end of the day, so long as it tastes good, who cares if it’s not made of boujee restaurant quality ingredients. of course, with his heart full of love and affection, he’s going to share his masterpiece with the older. hansung pulls his phone from his pocket, unlocking the device and pulling up the familiar texting thread.
                             [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 6:26 pm  ⇁  hyung! ⇁  hyungie! hyung! hyung! ⇁  answer my texts!!!!! ⇁  come over for dinner! i know you haven't eaten yet. ⇁ i made stew. ♡
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— ‘ got you where i want you
» » @sgnbaekso 
 — ‘ ⋆ ˚。 friendship had no particularly special meaning for her. she’s inherited the brains of a lawyer father and professor uncle but the word remains foreign. friendship. f r i e n d s h i p. what was the point? her father taught her to not carry the burden of facing the world alone. but he left her. and so atlas was relieved of his burden, only for twelve year old jiah to inherit his punishment. her mother however taught her that acting in solidarity would lead her to a greater and better life. in fact, it would only become a burden to herself if she opened up to others. and maybe there was some truth to her words. maybe if she didn’t accept that she had love for her father it would have hurt less when he left her.
now, quote unquote friendship was a concept that she could understand. she inherited manipulation and a flawless facade from her actress mother. friends were not necessary. but “friends” were. batting of eyelids, a deep conversations, hugging during difficult times, earning trust so that these people will do whatever you ask them to? that’s what “friendship” is all about. she needs it. if not for the purpose of weaseling out information and wrecking havoc, then to get the distinct pleasure of knowing the pain she causes when she performs her disappearing act. poof. she’s gone.  
“friendship” is what she has with son baekso. he’s far too trusting, far too happy, and most importantly, far too careless. but that only makes her job easier, so in an uncharacteristic show of her personality, she thanks whatever deity out there for making him clueless. it is rather exhausting to be on the receiving end of his sunny disposition, at least this makes up for it. « baekso oppa, » while her lips wear a small shy smile, she’s shouting on the inside. she despises that word, but it gets on his good side.  « it must be tiring being our captain. have you been taking care of yourself? »
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