shadexblu ¡ 9 years
“I try to find a quiet place, usually an observation deck or personal quarters. Sometimes a little carousing with the troops can be the best remedy to lift one’s spirit.”
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
1, 3, 6
“My name is Durhan Vorn. As far as I know it has no meaning.”
“I prefer to sleep on my back when I’m not in the field.”
“Now that’s an interesting one. To really travel in the Guard one must survive so they may see their next location. I pray to remain a traveler on this road the Emperor has set for me.”
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
Ask Me!
1: What is your name and does it mean anything?
2: How long have you known your best friend?
3: What position do you normally sleep in?
4: Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?
5: Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?
6: Do you wish to travel a lot?
7: Did you participate in any sports while in school?
8: Show a sample of your handwriting:
9: Have you ever given blood?
10: Do you like the way that you grew up?
11: Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?
12: How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?
13: Name one movie that made you cry.
14: Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?
15: Things about someone that you find attractive?
16: What song are you currently listening to?
17: Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?
18: A random memory from you childhood:
19: Where did you grow up?
20: What was the last thing you watched on tv?
21: Do you think you’d make a good parent?
22: Would you like to meet any of your Tumblr friends in person?
22: What was the last dream you remember having?
23: When is your birthday?
24: How many pillows do you sleep with?
25: Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?
26: What color is your hair?
27: Name 5 facts about your appearance:
28: What is your favorite soda?
29: What is a strange talent that you have?
30: How’s the weather right now?
31: Why did one of your friendships end?
32: Who do you miss right now?
33: Why did your last relationship end?
34: Are you still figuring out who you are?
35: Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?
36: What is your favorite restaurant?
37: What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?
38: Would ever adopt kids?
39: What is your favorite kind of pizza?
40: What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
41: When was the last time you got really really happy and why?
42: What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
43: How do you start a conversation?
44: What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?
45: Do you come from a family “of money?”
46: Do you have a bucket list?
47: What is your favorite series of books?
48: When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
49: Where do you go when you’re sad?
50: 5 random facts about yourself:
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
DARK REDEMPTION [Closed 40K Starter w/ Dictator-Class-Captain]
The lights were dim and the air was thick with the stench of packed bodies and the moans of the damned. All around, men and women in tattered grey jumpsuits sat on the floor. Some talked quietly but most were confined within the silent sanctum of their minds. Underneath what little noise there was, a chanting voice like a haunting bass supporting the melodic misery became louder and faster. The prisoners looked up. Many had hope in their eyes.
A scream. The chanting continued. There was a strange odor beginning to rise within the hold. The smell reminded them of the battlefield. Of las discharge. Another shriek issued from the spasming man whom the intoner was chanting over. A prisoner got up as another painful scream filled the hold and, as he drew near, the man quit his convulsing and lay as still as death.
“What the hell did you do to him?” penal trooper 02756, whose real name was Kraig Capaldo, demanded.
The intoner slowly drew himself up to his full height. He towered over Kraig, who took a step backwards, his previous courage gone.
“Bringing you your freedom,” the intoner sang, “And the freedom of every man and woman locked in here as well.” He stretched out his arms as if to embrace them in an all-consuming hug, “For We are all His children. He will send us an Avenging Angel to break the chains that bind us.” He looked down at Kraig and snarled, “Do you not believe my Word? Do you not believe in Him?”
Kraig wasn’t sure what he believed, but he knew the imposing figure before him was absolutely barking mad. And dangerous. For whatever reason, probably because he was suddenly terrified, he decided to play nice. “Sure, friend. I believe He will save us all, in the end.”
The screaming man screamed again. Except this time it wasn’t a scream or a shriek. In fact, as Kraig’s brain tried to fix a familiar object to the sound, he knew immediately it wasn’t human. The man was standing now, no, he was hovering. It was hovering. The penal troopers had fallen silent, their eyes wide with amazement. The thing spoke and Kraig wanted to cry. Its voice was everything he heard in his nightmares, yet it was the most beautiful and moving poetry, and when the intoner replied, Kraig felt the passion of an Imperial sermon burst forth from his heart and surge through his entire being. He will send us an Avenging Angel to break the chains that bind us. This must be a Saint indeed, Kraig thought to himself as previous notions of terror vanished to be replaced by complete love and loyalty for the intoner.
Enamored as he was, Kraig didn’t see the hovering thing float away to slice through the doors with its flickering claws. Nor did he hear the bloodcurdling screams of the guards stationed outside as it tore through them. What he did see was the intoner, towering above them all, his arms outstretched, penal troopers rallying around him with their fists raised.  The intoner uttered a single word that plunged the Penal Galley into chaos.
The lho wasn’t working. Whenever anxiety gripped him, the damn things usually put him at ease. Not now. Not when he knew in the not-to-distant future that he was participating in a boarding action. If he was honest, the idea terrified him, and there wasn’t a whole lot that terrified Commissar Durhan Vorn. But the void did. He wasn’t exactly sure why, perhaps it was the idea of being trapped in a tomb you couldn’t escape, of being sucked out of a ruptured hull with your blood boiling in hard vacuum, your eyes rupturing from the pressure, suffocating on your screams for-
“Um, sir?” the voice snapped him out of his pessimistic reverie.
He turned around, drawing deeply on his lho. “Yes, Tycho?” blue smoke trailed his words.
Vorn’s adjutant, Corporal Bhern Tycho, was standing about ten paces to the rear with the rest of Storm Squad. The young trooper shifted uneasily, “Well sir, it’s just that-OW!“
“The Commissar is disposing his lho stub before we head in, Trooper Tycho.” Storm Squad’s Sergeant, Serina Connette thumped the back of Tycho’s head, effectively saying, Don’t tell him he wasn’t paying attention. She was the only one who knew of Vorn’s phobia of space and that was an accidental discovery. She knew what was on the Commissar’s mind the second he began to suck down his pack of lho.
Vorn caught the look in Serina’s eye, nodding. “Last one,” the drag only seemed to exacerbate his anxiety. He exhaled, ashed the end with his finger, and tossed the stub into the waste-can he conveniently stopped next to. He walked back to his waiting unit, Tycho rubbing the back of his head and hiding a scowl. Vorn ignored his adjutant. Tycho was fresh to the Cyprian 15th, and perhaps because of his youth, came across as simple. But Vorn had seen the determined resolve in Tycho’s eyes, the kind that marks a leader. Vorn just hoped Tycho would live that long.
“Let’s look like we’re professionals now,” quipped Vorn. The troopers sniggered as they closed ranks and stood at attention, except for Tycho, his face a little too serious, took his place at Vorn’s side.
Vorn took a moment to calm himself and closed his eyes. Breathing deeply, he opened them, his trepidation suppressed. The Commissar punched in the code on the keypad and when the green light winked on, he straightened his cap and strode into the hangar.
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
Send “You’re not going anywhere” for my muse’s reaction to yours grabbing their wrist.
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
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RIP christopher lee
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
‘Ave Dominus Nox!’
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Concept Art by ukitakumuki
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
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NGC 7714
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
Sorry, you posted the Norse Headcanon thing, but I failed to notice it was a month ago apparently.
Lol! Ah yes I was a bit confused about that at first! :P No worries, still new to tumblr.
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
WH40K RP Introduction
“Commissar Durhan Vorn reporting for duty.”
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
It's about time for a Norse one...
Odin: What is your favorite thing to study?
Frigga: Do you want to get married when you're older?
Freyja: Are you more interested in a quiet life with a loved one, or adventure and risk?
Freyr: Do you like kids/want to have kids?
Thor: What is your favorite kind of weather?
Sif: Do you have a favorite food?
Loki: Has anything fun or important to you caused others to dislike you?
Sigyn: What do you wish to protect more than anything?
Hel: What's your greatest fear?
Sleipnir: What makes you feel powerful?
Fenrir: Is their anything in your life holding you back?
Jormungand: What is something you considered monstrous?
Idunn: Favorite childhood memory?
Heimdall: Is there a big event, good or bad, in your life that you could see coming?
Njord: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
Baldr: What's your aesthetic?
Bragi: What are your favorite kinds of music?
Skadi: What do you like to do on cold days?
Eostre: What do you like to do in the spring?
Nanna: What makes you happiest?
Sjofn: Are you in love with anyone (romantic or platonic)?
Lofn: Have you ever been close to someone you shouldn't have been?
Tyr: What makes you angry?
Vali: Is there anyone you wish you could get revenge upon?
Yggdrasil: Name nine of the most important things/people in your life
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
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Solar Eruptions - A Coronal Mass Ejection 
The swirling inner layers of our sun cause charged particles to generate magnetic fields. As charges accumulate on the surface, magnetic field lines readjust themselves and release huge quantities of matter and electromagnetic radiation into space. This particular Mass Ejection is traveling at over 900 miles per second and has an energy level equivalent to 160,000,000,000 megatons of TNT. 
Credit: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory/Goddard Spaceflight Center
Who else wants to leave Earth?
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shadexblu ¡ 9 years
Oppose this for our fellow Americans who will be persecuted if this goes through.
“Which “brand” of “Christianity” do 57% of them want? Catholicism? Lutheran?.Episcopalian? Methodist? Baptist? all of which drastically disagree with each other. Mega Church Evangelicals? Unitarians? Christian Scientists? Mormons? Jehovahs Witnesses? Bible Belt Fundamentalist Tent Preachin Holy Rollers? or one of the other 300 some “brands” of “Christianity ” in the US?”
Scott Wallin 
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