allthingsdarkanddirty · 6 months
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Tainted love
Dark Redemption Book 1
By Poppy Flynn
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/209076874/
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
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What to expect:
Dark / Mafia Romance
Irish Mafia
Forced Proximity
Enemies to lovers
Forbidden Love
Dark alpha hero
Damsel in distress
Emotional scars
kidn@pped bride
Surprise baby
Bad boy.
An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.
In this world that’s always how it works. Without exception.
Sometimes it’s deliberate.
A way to provoke a response.
Set a trap.
Start a war…
What none of us can afford to do is to turn a blind eye.
To do so is to show weakness.
And in this world, that kind of weakness will get you annihilated.
That’s why I’m here, preparing to abduct the woman who’s stupid enough to want to tie herself to the scum they called the Viper, on her wedding day.
I feel like an inmate on death row waiting to be escorted to my doom, but marriage to Vito - the Viper - Rossi is a fate worse than death.
My father, the one who sold me into this nightmare, is present… somewhere, but I have to be escorted down the aisle by a body guard in case I try to make a run for it.
Well, they’re not wrong.
I stare at my reflection for the few precious moments of peace and freedom I have left. I’m not sure I know the woman who stares back at me. It’s my eyes that strike hardest.
Blank. Desolate. It’s like all the life has been sucked out of them.
The door opens and any last chance of escape has finally passed.
Except it’s not my bodyguard who enters the room, but a masked man with an Irish accent.
He doesn’t need to abduct me, I’ll go willingly.
This might have been my happily ever after… until he’s forced to give me back.
For more about Poppy Flynn and her books:
@Poppy Flynn @DS Book Promotions
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joyffree · 6 months
Tainted Love (Dark Redemption) Dark Irish Mafia Romance by Poppy Flynn is Live!
Ciaran An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. In this world that’s always how it works. Without exception. Sometimes it’s deliberate. A way to provoke a response. Set a trap. Start a war…
Maricela I feel like an inmate on death row waiting to be escorted to my doom, but marriage to Vito - the Viper - Rossi is a fate worse than death. My father, the one who sold me into this nightmare, is present… somewhere, but I have to be escorted down the aisle by a body guard in case I try to make a run for it. Well, they’re not wrong.
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cyburg · 8 years
Dark Redemption by Sarah Marsh
Dark Redemption by Sarah Marsh SM_fiction #BlogTour + #Review @LifestyleAndLit
Available now!
Sofia Boon was ready to make changes in her life, but she didn’t see this coming… Taking a chance, she finds the nerve to ask out her handsome neighbor, but when he doesn’t show up for their date, Sofia knocks on his door and meets a man claiming to be his roommate, and she soon realizes she’s made a horrible mistake.
Eitan Kent…
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shadexblu · 9 years
DARK REDEMPTION [Closed 40K Starter w/ Dictator-Class-Captain]
The lights were dim and the air was thick with the stench of packed bodies and the moans of the damned. All around, men and women in tattered grey jumpsuits sat on the floor. Some talked quietly but most were confined within the silent sanctum of their minds. Underneath what little noise there was, a chanting voice like a haunting bass supporting the melodic misery became louder and faster. The prisoners looked up. Many had hope in their eyes.
A scream. The chanting continued. There was a strange odor beginning to rise within the hold. The smell reminded them of the battlefield. Of las discharge. Another shriek issued from the spasming man whom the intoner was chanting over. A prisoner got up as another painful scream filled the hold and, as he drew near, the man quit his convulsing and lay as still as death.
“What the hell did you do to him?” penal trooper 02756, whose real name was Kraig Capaldo, demanded.
The intoner slowly drew himself up to his full height. He towered over Kraig, who took a step backwards, his previous courage gone.
“Bringing you your freedom,” the intoner sang, “And the freedom of every man and woman locked in here as well.” He stretched out his arms as if to embrace them in an all-consuming hug, “For We are all His children. He will send us an Avenging Angel to break the chains that bind us.” He looked down at Kraig and snarled, “Do you not believe my Word? Do you not believe in Him?”
Kraig wasn’t sure what he believed, but he knew the imposing figure before him was absolutely barking mad. And dangerous. For whatever reason, probably because he was suddenly terrified, he decided to play nice. “Sure, friend. I believe He will save us all, in the end.”
The screaming man screamed again. Except this time it wasn’t a scream or a shriek. In fact, as Kraig’s brain tried to fix a familiar object to the sound, he knew immediately it wasn’t human. The man was standing now, no, he was hovering. It was hovering. The penal troopers had fallen silent, their eyes wide with amazement. The thing spoke and Kraig wanted to cry. Its voice was everything he heard in his nightmares, yet it was the most beautiful and moving poetry, and when the intoner replied, Kraig felt the passion of an Imperial sermon burst forth from his heart and surge through his entire being. He will send us an Avenging Angel to break the chains that bind us. This must be a Saint indeed, Kraig thought to himself as previous notions of terror vanished to be replaced by complete love and loyalty for the intoner.
Enamored as he was, Kraig didn’t see the hovering thing float away to slice through the doors with its flickering claws. Nor did he hear the bloodcurdling screams of the guards stationed outside as it tore through them. What he did see was the intoner, towering above them all, his arms outstretched, penal troopers rallying around him with their fists raised.  The intoner uttered a single word that plunged the Penal Galley into chaos.
The lho wasn’t working. Whenever anxiety gripped him, the damn things usually put him at ease. Not now. Not when he knew in the not-to-distant future that he was participating in a boarding action. If he was honest, the idea terrified him, and there wasn’t a whole lot that terrified Commissar Durhan Vorn. But the void did. He wasn’t exactly sure why, perhaps it was the idea of being trapped in a tomb you couldn’t escape, of being sucked out of a ruptured hull with your blood boiling in hard vacuum, your eyes rupturing from the pressure, suffocating on your screams for-
“Um, sir?” the voice snapped him out of his pessimistic reverie.
He turned around, drawing deeply on his lho. “Yes, Tycho?” blue smoke trailed his words.
Vorn’s adjutant, Corporal Bhern Tycho, was standing about ten paces to the rear with the rest of Storm Squad. The young trooper shifted uneasily, “Well sir, it’s just that-OW!“
“The Commissar is disposing his lho stub before we head in, Trooper Tycho.” Storm Squad’s Sergeant, Serina Connette thumped the back of Tycho’s head, effectively saying, Don’t tell him he wasn’t paying attention. She was the only one who knew of Vorn’s phobia of space and that was an accidental discovery. She knew what was on the Commissar’s mind the second he began to suck down his pack of lho.
Vorn caught the look in Serina’s eye, nodding. “Last one,” the drag only seemed to exacerbate his anxiety. He exhaled, ashed the end with his finger, and tossed the stub into the waste-can he conveniently stopped next to. He walked back to his waiting unit, Tycho rubbing the back of his head and hiding a scowl. Vorn ignored his adjutant. Tycho was fresh to the Cyprian 15th, and perhaps because of his youth, came across as simple. But Vorn had seen the determined resolve in Tycho’s eyes, the kind that marks a leader. Vorn just hoped Tycho would live that long.
“Let’s look like we’re professionals now,” quipped Vorn. The troopers sniggered as they closed ranks and stood at attention, except for Tycho, his face a little too serious, took his place at Vorn’s side.
Vorn took a moment to calm himself and closed his eyes. Breathing deeply, he opened them, his trepidation suppressed. The Commissar punched in the code on the keypad and when the green light winked on, he straightened his cap and strode into the hangar.
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