shadow-light501-0-3 · 6 months
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Some ideas for a weird creature city thing for "La Damareo" the current name for one of the continent/countries.
At the moment: They're weird little blob creatures that are used to create cities and homes due to the heat and difficulty it is to live outside of them in the actual nature of the land. This could change but this is the idea for the moment.
I wanna make these things relevant somehow so even if this isn't the final decision on how the little blob things, I want to incorporate them because they look so cute.
They become a little transparent depending on how wide their mouth is open. Not all actually have cities inside, some are just pretty nature, others could be a death wish to enter.
Idk still working on it. Should probably be in bed rn.
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shadow-light501-0-3 · 6 months
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shadow-light501-0-3 · 8 months
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Puro and Allete are both characters for "Project Puro". Which is just a small thing that stars these two as "homemade Yarnittuals" made for the purpose of providing they are really sentient and deserve just as much love and respect as other Yarnittuals dispite their difference in birth. The humans with them are their personal caretakers, Puro's is a woman named Rose and Allete's is a person named Selena.
Don't got much down for them yet.
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shadow-light501-0-3 · 8 months
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A Custom for Ceramic type Yarnittuals is that they make frilly cloths that come from "Rag moths" a Month that produces a great quality of silk and cotton depending on its mate. (Rag Moths typically mate with Spiders (Blossom Spider, Rag Spider, black Daisy Spider, and Mantis Spiders.))
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The tradition is that they go to a farm and gather the materials to make the cloth themselves and then use the cloth to make a dress that's typically varey fluffy, however some go a more simple style and use crystals and gems attached to small silver chains to make the dress pop. This is something both the women and men do, both make dresses for themselves, couples sometimes make dresses for eachother for this tradition. This typically lasts most of the winter because that's when Rag Moths are known to make silk.
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shadow-light501-0-3 · 9 months
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BTW if you comment before anyone on instagram does: The first name for her will be the first comment and her last name will be the saconed comment because I don't know what to name her. And thought this would be a cool way to do that.
More text\info on the image and species under the cut↓
This is some work on a Species called "Yarnittual", more specifically of one of the races I'm currently calling "Ceramic type's". (Might just be a placeholder idk yet.)
I'm still working on them all so, ✨things could change✨ but I'm pretty happy with how it's coming along so far.
I'm tormenting myself with the amount of Species and races that are going to be in this world. But it is actually important to the plot. Because our current main character is a researcher of sorts and is learning about all the people he can talk to. His name is ✨Fitzgerald✨ but I'm still working on his design.
"UnderNebula;DandelionFirework: StoryWorld" is just what it's kinda called for when I'm working on the world over all. I've called the Galaxy this takes place in (it's just really on earth) "Dandelion Firework" and the name I use for organization purposes is "Under Nebula". (could be more important name in the future?) so that's why it's called that. "StoryWorld" is just because this is specifically the Story/World building stuff. To shorten it I'm making it "UNDFstoryworld" it's just a bit easier.
I have a bunch of things to explore about this race before I start working on more than two. The other one I think I'm slowly starting to work on alongside this one is a sub Species for the Species I've called "Fauntida". Anyway I might post more information on them all as I "study" them.
For now you just get these.
Format might be a bit weird because this originally came from my Instagram account.
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shadow-light501-0-3 · 9 months
I'm a mess, anyway, hi- hello, this is where I plan on posting things if when I do.
This is most likely to have random bits of my projects
speaking of projects-
Hello! call me "Raymoon" or "May" idk.
I'm my own working project! learning about myself as I go. I will probably never have consistency in posting I'ma be honest, but I do sometimes try.
[This will act as the pined post for now.]
Currently working on projects (but aren't limited to):
[Just what I call the world for organization purposes] Under Nebula; Dandelion Firework
- basically world building is my main priority on this but you might see bits of wips for characters involved, race/species concepts, ect. This is a very slow progress atm.
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