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WHY , HOW , WHEN , WHERE , and FOR WHOM ...? Questins we've been asking since we started realizing what's going on around us, and we'll be asking them as long as their answers matter.
I keep asking a lot of questios : Why do we exist ? Why shitty things come in such a pretty sequential manner ? Why the slightest sparkle of HOPE keeps us trying and longing for better future , new chances , and a constant rest...? One more question that I keep asking all the time in a sarcastic way "Why this's happening to me?" a question that come from a lifetime grief and unfairness .
How we are supposed to deal with such a huge and unbearable amount of pressure , bad luck , absence of back up , and lonliness (feeling like an outsider though you're surrounded by people) . Don't we need a kind of special training before going through all this unavoidable torment ?!!
When is it meant to be for the pain to end , the dreams to become true , the life to wear that beautiful colorful dress which is adorned with love , happiness , affection , justice , and innocence ? When is it the time for the tired people and the broken souls to rest and start living more than existing and fighting ?
Where will we flourish , enjoy , spreed positive energy , and live fully ? Do these things require a special place ? And if so how does this place look like ? What makes it the right place for our evolution ? And how are we going to distinguish it when we get there ?
For whom all the suffering is for ? Do keep living in this shitty mess that we call life for ourselves worth it or we have to do it for the ones who would be hurt if we stopped existing by ending our own messy life ? Do people we know help us in our wretched journey , or do they just add fuel to the fire ...?. WHY , HOW , WHEN , WHERE , and FOR WHOM are we asking all these questions ? 5/14/2019 6:00 AM
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