shady-cinderella · 4 years
I wanna pick her up and squeeze her!
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shady-cinderella · 4 years
Hey yall didnt mean to fall of the face of the planet but just in case anybody is still paying attention to this blog I just want to let you all know that I'm okay, a little bored and frustrated being inside all the time but otherwise good, I've been really lucky when it comes to current circumstances so all is good
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
What exactly are they doin
Rabid BB shippers are annoying af
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
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I love thinking of the V5 fight in the reverse AU if only because it’s a reminder that Ozpin’s forces are half Raven’s family.
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
I dare you to look up the rwby tag on fandomlife-confessions
I know of the curses that exist on there, no thank y o u
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
I hate when people are like "ugh those wuhluhwuhs complain too much, weiss and ruby interact loads!! Did you see the way weiss looked vaguely in Ruby's direction last chapter, why would you want more than that??"
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
Oh! Christmas is over time to change my icon again
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
ive realized that anyone with “salt” or “salty” in their bios is probably someone to stay away from
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
I didn’t think this was out of character for yang, this is the girl who canonically said that sometimes breaking rules and breaking bones is the same thing. Don’t know what it’s got to do with Nora?
i watched. it’s done and just: my heart. i am underwhelmed that it was only 15min, i feel like RT could have given us a bit more. i am so happy that weiss got to speak to her mom and that we/her got to find out more about her life/how her mom has played into everything. 
the JNR scene was great. Ren smiling? A++++++++++++ qrow refusing alcohol? A+++++++++++ (I AM SO PROUD) whitley getting more development was also good and THANK YOU RT FOR RECOGNIZING THAT HE IS NOT HIS FATHER<3 he is a victim too! ..s.fasdfma;sdf i need a scene with all 3 schnee siblings, STAT so they can resolve all their pent up bullshit and be their own family
yang had her brief moments, but i am not going to lie. that stupid counterpoint comment irked me. there are vast differences between yang and nora, and for the way that RT has been devloping yang so far in the later seasons, that just seemed unlike something she’d say. idk, maybe its me and it could be. but just because nora spoke her feelings in the last episode and got to be adorable in this one doesn’t mean that RT should place her character traits elsewhere.. 
yay episode<3
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
Once upon a time, 6 years ago I hated Weiss Schnee
Now, she’s queen and all you fuckers bow to her
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
Is this about Nora? Because I’ve seen a lot of people claims she has death flags lately and I honestly don’t see it but everybody saying it has made me very worried about her
People are really abusing the term "death flags" lately I noticed.
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
I think this is interesting because M&K specifically said that they’re always trying to find the balance between plot and character and that not every character is going to get the attention that their fans want them to get because they only have so much time to do everything
Here’s a screenshot of the interview:
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I know a lot of the loudest rw/by crit comes from bad faith and just plain old rw/de but how do you feel about people saying that the writing seems to be prioritizing plot over characterization a little too much? Lately it feels like the characters are behaving more like vehicles just to move the story forward.
I’d say I somewhat agree and disagree. On the one hand, RWBY has always had a problem with moving the story along before the characters can really catch up. Ruby hasn’t really gotten the emotional catharsis a lot of people (me) wanted her to from Penny’s resurrection, Oscar isn’t being given much focus to deal with the whole Oz situation, and Yang and Bake are just kind of coasting at the moment. It’s a problem that I mostly associate with RWBY’s limited run time and MK’s fear that if nothing is happening then people won’t like the episode. 
On the other hand, I think the characters that deserve focus are getting that focus. Ruby, as the main character, is dealing with the biggest internal and external conflict, lying to Ironwood, being a leader, and the Oz thing. Weiss is developing a conflict with Winter and her father. Ren and Nora are actually getting a conflict (which tbh I am conflicted on but I’ll save those words until I see the outcome), even Penny is growing into her own three dimensional character. 
All of those conflicts, while introduced through the plot, are a natural progression from what we’ve already seen. The characters are actually allowed to ruminate on these issues, which allows them to grow as people. 
In short, it’s a valid complaint. I’d say to what degree it’s a problem is up to personal preference, however, since I think that this has been something RWBY has always done, you’ve just gotta ask yourself “which characters are getting development this season, and which are being put on the back burner?” Because if you asked that last season, Weiss was just kind of…there. While Blake and Yang had a lot of focus. And now it’s just the opposite. 
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
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“I really hope Cinder gets a redemption and becomes good friends with Neo”
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
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It’s December, and you all know what that means! Time to set fire to Christmas trees with Cinder!
Or… wait…
Christmas icons of the infamous Fall Maiden, as requested by Anonymous~
Free to use, no credit required~
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
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The sequel
Get your filthy dudebros hands off my good bois
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shady-cinderella · 5 years
Like/Reblog if you think Bumbleby is valid
Hoping to prove a point here
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