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[ FINISHED COMMISSION ] hi darling ! clicking in this post’s source link you’ll find #368 medium gifs ( 268x151 ) of jessie mei li in the show locked up abroad: panamania. the gifs were made by me from scratch, as a commissioned request. use them with love : do not redistribute or claim my work as your own. and if you find this content useful, please reblog it and give me a heart.
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Just a little reminder that if you’re coming from twt you can find me over by @shakespearedidnothavecumsh0ts this is the main blog which is dead so all follows come from here
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Holy shit 83 days?! Jfc no I suck fr
omg I’m private on Twitter but I got blocked by you idk if you thought I was a bot or something the only thing I have been doing is just liking the content you post….
I may have thought you were a bot I’m sooooo sorry and I never check over here- dm me your @ if you still feel like interacting with me after this mess-
Truthfully I have this insane fear of certain accounts cause one of my irl has over 300 twitter accounts and I blocked them all but every time we’re out for dinner he mentions that he has a lot of ai bots that he lets tweet so they seem like real ppl and it just made me block over 100 accounts! I truly am so sorry and I’m even more sorry it took me this long to reply
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omg I’m private on Twitter but I got blocked by you idk if you thought I was a bot or something the only thing I have been doing is just liking the content you post….
I may have thought you were a bot I’m sooooo sorry and I never check over here- dm me your @ if you still feel like interacting with me after this mess-
Truthfully I have this insane fear of certain accounts cause one of my irl has over 300 twitter accounts and I blocked them all but every time we’re out for dinner he mentions that he has a lot of ai bots that he lets tweet so they seem like real ppl and it just made me block over 100 accounts! I truly am so sorry and I’m even more sorry it took me this long to reply
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Teen Wolf? :)
aah, thank you! 
lowkey otp: … uh, Scira? I love Scira, they are cute and they HURT me. Also Corey/Mason. 
highkey notp: STYDIA. (just… don’t talk to me about it).
[softly] don’t notp … Tracy/Theo, Layden?
highkey otp but i’m scared of saying it because it’s not a very popular choice: …. Peter/Henry, Kate/Deucalion @shakespearedidnothavecumsh0ts
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it: MALEO. MALIAxTHEO, MALIA TATE/THEO RAEKEN
Shipping Meme
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Once a plagiarist always a plagiarist. There’s always a history- look at this message I received.
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Just takes some sniffing around and you’ll pick up a trail. Madi has continuously asked me not to attack Nail- she knows what I’d do for her ofc- but this is just disgusting.
On Plagiarism in Fandom
AKA the For Want of a Nail Situation
Please Note: This is Not A Witch Hunt. Do not Harass, Attack, or otherwise attempt to cause harm to the people mentioned in this list. This post is just to highlight and bring awareness to the plagiarism and pattern of behavior within the community, and to see where we should go from here.
On Plagiarism Itself
At the end of 2023, it seemed that the topic of plagiarism on the internet garnered a renewed vigor following the four-hour HBomberguy video on YouTube Plagiarism. The video was extremely well researched, calling out several instances of plagiarism on the site, and spent nearly half it's run time discussing the egregiousness of one specific content creator, James Somerton. Which I found interesting.
During the time of that video's release, coincidentally, in the academic world several high-profile academics – such as the ex-President of Harvard and former MIT professors – began facing their own allegations of plagiarism and improperly sourcing Wikipedia for their massive papers. There, of course, are several other instances of plagiarism in the publishing/book world.
Lauren M. Davis falsely accused a fellow author of plagiarism and faced the backlash for it (amongst other serious issues, but it started with the plagiarism.) Mark Dawson is currently facing accusations of plagiarism in several of his 20+ works. If you go back you can find a multitude of instances where plagiarism has been called out, and consequences are faced the perpetrators.
I only mention these instances as a baseline to frame that both creatively and academically – plagiarism is frowned upon. Plagiarism isn't just stealing money out of the pockets of others – this is a story about fan fiction. We don't get paid. BUT at the end of the day, many fanfics are so extensively planned, written over the course of hours, days, months, even years. And these authors are dedicated to this hobby that they provide for free. It's so important to emphasize that these people are sharing their own ideas, thoughts, wants, and passion with people.
Which is why it's so disappointing when people steal these words to pass off as their own.
Archive Of Our Own, the largest platform for sharing fanfiction on the internet, provides tools to acknowledge other creators. Some people put their inspiration as hyperlinks in their Summary section, so it appears before you even click into the work. AO3 offers a section, when you upload, to denote if you've remixed, translated, or received inspiration from another work, which many authors use! Some even put their reference to their newest works in the end notes of their fics, especially if a specific section relies heavily on the source work material.
So there's no excuse to not reference the source material. There's no excuse to not give credit to the original work of others.
I think, as a fandom, it's important to credit other authors. Not only does it help to cultivate the culture – helping others find works they might not have found otherwise - but it's just the right thing to do. If we wouldn't accept this from YouTubers, Authors, or literally any other hobbyist in the world, why would we accept it from our friends or peers in the fandom space? If it's enough to vilify someone else, why would we make excuses for the person next to us?
Recently, with the growing trend of AI and its plagiaristic uses, fandom has more and more been calling out the use of AI. It is, afterall, essentially stealing works for other people to just mishmash into something uncanny. "AI Art" get's a lot of heat and push back from fandom spaces. In fact, in the Namori fandom, there have been several instances of resistance again AI-generated fanart. Bc people inherently realize the theft and degradation of someone else's work.
I think it's important to hold ourselves to the same standard as everyone else. If we're going to bash someone for using AI or stealing art – how is fanfic different? How is it different to use a machine that steals and repurposes art, versus using your own pen? Personally, there is no difference. Because at the end of the day, we're spitting in the faces of the people who have spent countless hours, days, months, and years honing their work. Even if it's just a single line, stealing work is to say "I don't care enough about this medium to put the work in."
If you love something, and you feel passionate about it, the work necessary to create your fan or original work is something you're willing to do. For every line. If you're passionate about something, you wouldn't want to diminish it's light.
I could not, in one post, talk about every single fan author who has ever plagiarized. I could not talk about Cassandra Clare and the hundreds of other instances of plagiarism in fandom spaces bc I'm sure eventually I'd hit the word-limit. There's simply too many cases of people smearing dirt on the faces of the fandom they profess to love.
But today, I want to address for-want-of-a-nail. I want to address them because recently (aka this week) they have accused of the very thing I find so abhorrent. I want to analyze them, their response (or lack their of), and show that this isn't something that just "accidentally happens". There are conscious choices made here, that I think are in-line with what a lot of plagiarist do, especially in Fan-spaces.
For Want of a Nail
@for-want-of-a-nail has been accused of plagiarism in the Shadow & Bone community.
The Discord Sever
Last year, Nail was removed from a large Darklina Discord Sever for plagiarizing major passages and lines from another user's (Ceris_Malfoy) work that had been published in the Discord-shared Google doc before making it to AO3. Nail published their fic first, leaving the original author to debate deleting her own work due to fearing being labeled a plagiarist. The author ended up posting her full story, with no changes, but provided her statement on the matter at the end.
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Nail never apologized to this creator. They never acknowledged this creator. They only said there was "inspiration" from other server members, without naming who they were.
This happened months ago. So you may wonder: "why are you bringing this up now?" I wanted to point out something that's been explored before, a notion about plagiarist that appears to ring true in this instance with Nail as well as with other plagiarist online:
The chances that someone only plagiarized once are low. The chances are, someone [like For-Want-Of-A-Nail] will have done this more than once, having rolled the dice time and time again, knowing or thinking that they wouldn't get caught.
(Paraphrased from HBomberguy's video)
I wanted to show that what occurred in the last month was not an accident, at least in my opinion. Like with Ceris_Malfoy, for-want-of-a-nail deliberately went and copied sections of text, barely adjusted it to fit her story, and refused to acknowledge or even apologize for her blatant theft of the work.
So what happened?
On January 1, 2023, @madismen posted the first chapter to Nordenfor Solen.
On December 5, 2023, for-want-of-a-nail published the 5th Chapter of Insider Threat.
It was noticed immediately by an anonymous user, who then commented on Madi's fic to reach out, bringing Madi's attention to the situation. And, of course, Madi noticed it immediately. Let's take a look from the screenshots below. (Nail has, allegedly, begun to change the original document. These screenshots were taken before Madi attempted to reach out.)
Warning for NSFW content below.
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As you can see, in some places, such as when Alina/Nina are requesting panties, Nail directly copied the line without changing it at all.
To me the most damning thing is rearranging and replacing facets of the dialogue to make it not exact. A clear intent is required there. An understanding that "this thing is wrong, but I don't want to create my own dialogue, so I'll just fudge it." To me that's the part that makes this blatant theft.
Now, at this point remember, we've just gotten to the point where this is pointed out to Madismen at the beginning of this year. She attempted to reach out to For-Want-Of-A-Nail, but Madi couldn't access their Tumblr. (I believe that Nail preemptively blocked Madi on Tumblr, as many others were able to access their profile at this time.) So she left the following comment on Nail's fic.
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Now, if you had clicked the link to Nail's fic, you may have noticed that this comment is not there. This is because for-want-of-a-nail deleted Madismen's comment, refusing to even acknowledge or deny the accusation at all.
Which lead to Madi posting on Twitter X about the situation. I believe both plagiarized works from for-want-of-a-nail have been reported to Ao3, but given their track-record this year I won't be holding my breath. And as of writing, that is the end of it.
for-want-of-a-nail blatantly stole someone else's work and refused to apologize and correct the situation. At least twice within the last year. Now I'm not going to go onto every chapter of every work of theirs to double check and attempt to find other instances of plagiarism. Twice is enough for me, personally, to know that they have likely done this before, and will likely do it again. In my opinion, I think that Nail is aware that what's they're doing is bad. They're aware that stealing is wrong, and that it would change the way their readers respond to the fics they post.
So What?
Speaking with other's in the Darklina community, as well as seeing how people react to other plagiarist on the internet, there's a clear line that is crossed. Consumption, especially in the Western world, is definitely connected now a days with Morals. And there is a large conversation about content vs morality and the lines you should draw from it. But, generally, a consensus has been drawn in at least one area.
Knowing that the work you're consuming is stolen, changes how you feel about it.
(Also paraphrased from HBomberguy, who put it much better than me.)
The worst part of all of this, to me, is the betrayal to readers. To those who genuinely enjoy the works being published and thinking that they are following someone who is creative and passionate about the subject they are writing. Only for them to be lied to. Because yes, when Nail responds to comments gushing over the work as if they wrote every single thing by themselves, they are lying to people.
They felt so entitled to Madismen's words, while going out of their way to call those invested in their story entitled for wanting more.
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I think, personally, this is just someone who thinks of fandom as a competition. Someone who is willing to lie, steal, and belittle any and everyone who isn't them. It's not what fandom is supposed to be about. Fandom is a community of people who come together to share and expand their thoughts and feelings about any property. Nail essentially went to Show and Tell, smacked someone else's story out of their hand, then held it up as their own.
Where do we go from here?
Now, like I said at the beginning of this post, I don't want anyone to go out and harass this person. I don't want anyone to bully them, or make us come out and defend them.
Just ignore them.
Madismen has said her piece. I've just chronicled it. We don't need to attack or bully this person, but now that we are aware, we don't need to give them any attention. Giving Nail attention lets them think they've won. It would normalize their actions. We don't have to do either of those things. We don't have to acknowledge someone who has proven they don't care about the people in their fandom. We don't have to do anything.
The great thing about internet fandom is that we can choose who to follow and engage with. We can choose to consume fics that we love, written by people who didn't steal their words. You wouldn't read a plagiarized book. Or at least you shouldn't, because then you're supporting someone who has stolen wages on top of an idea.
There are thousands of works on AO3. There will be another one to read.
I don't want a witch hunt. I want people to stop stealing from other people. But, as I know that won't be happening, I think it's better to call out and learn to avoid these people. Like with the James Somerton situation (aka the HBomberguy video), I think it best that we just don't support this kind of behavior. Yes I'm on my soapbox a little, but it's also my blog and my personal opinion on the matter. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but please, don't go harassing these people, especially Nail. Just let them find out the consequences of their actions naturally.
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On Plagiarism in Fandom
AKA the For Want of a Nail Situation
Please Note: This is Not A Witch Hunt. Do not Harass, Attack, or otherwise attempt to cause harm to the people mentioned in this list. This post is just to highlight and bring awareness to the plagiarism and pattern of behavior within the community, and to see where we should go from here.
On Plagiarism Itself
At the end of 2023, it seemed that the topic of plagiarism on the internet garnered a renewed vigor following the four-hour HBomberguy video on YouTube Plagiarism. The video was extremely well researched, calling out several instances of plagiarism on the site, and spent nearly half it's run time discussing the egregiousness of one specific content creator, James Somerton. Which I found interesting.
During the time of that video's release, coincidentally, in the academic world several high-profile academics – such as the ex-President of Harvard and former MIT professors – began facing their own allegations of plagiarism and improperly sourcing Wikipedia for their massive papers. There, of course, are several other instances of plagiarism in the publishing/book world.
Lauren M. Davis falsely accused a fellow author of plagiarism and faced the backlash for it (amongst other serious issues, but it started with the plagiarism.) Mark Dawson is currently facing accusations of plagiarism in several of his 20+ works. If you go back you can find a multitude of instances where plagiarism has been called out, and consequences are faced the perpetrators.
I only mention these instances as a baseline to frame that both creatively and academically – plagiarism is frowned upon. Plagiarism isn't just stealing money out of the pockets of others – this is a story about fan fiction. We don't get paid. BUT at the end of the day, many fanfics are so extensively planned, written over the course of hours, days, months, even years. And these authors are dedicated to this hobby that they provide for free. It's so important to emphasize that these people are sharing their own ideas, thoughts, wants, and passion with people.
Which is why it's so disappointing when people steal these words to pass off as their own.
Archive Of Our Own, the largest platform for sharing fanfiction on the internet, provides tools to acknowledge other creators. Some people put their inspiration as hyperlinks in their Summary section, so it appears before you even click into the work. AO3 offers a section, when you upload, to denote if you've remixed, translated, or received inspiration from another work, which many authors use! Some even put their reference to their newest works in the end notes of their fics, especially if a specific section relies heavily on the source work material.
So there's no excuse to not reference the source material. There's no excuse to not give credit to the original work of others.
I think, as a fandom, it's important to credit other authors. Not only does it help to cultivate the culture – helping others find works they might not have found otherwise - but it's just the right thing to do. If we wouldn't accept this from YouTubers, Authors, or literally any other hobbyist in the world, why would we accept it from our friends or peers in the fandom space? If it's enough to vilify someone else, why would we make excuses for the person next to us?
Recently, with the growing trend of AI and its plagiaristic uses, fandom has more and more been calling out the use of AI. It is, afterall, essentially stealing works for other people to just mishmash into something uncanny. "AI Art" get's a lot of heat and push back from fandom spaces. In fact, in the Namori fandom, there have been several instances of resistance again AI-generated fanart. Bc people inherently realize the theft and degradation of someone else's work.
I think it's important to hold ourselves to the same standard as everyone else. If we're going to bash someone for using AI or stealing art – how is fanfic different? How is it different to use a machine that steals and repurposes art, versus using your own pen? Personally, there is no difference. Because at the end of the day, we're spitting in the faces of the people who have spent countless hours, days, months, and years honing their work. Even if it's just a single line, stealing work is to say "I don't care enough about this medium to put the work in."
If you love something, and you feel passionate about it, the work necessary to create your fan or original work is something you're willing to do. For every line. If you're passionate about something, you wouldn't want to diminish it's light.
I could not, in one post, talk about every single fan author who has ever plagiarized. I could not talk about Cassandra Clare and the hundreds of other instances of plagiarism in fandom spaces bc I'm sure eventually I'd hit the word-limit. There's simply too many cases of people smearing dirt on the faces of the fandom they profess to love.
But today, I want to address for-want-of-a-nail. I want to address them because recently (aka this week) they have accused of the very thing I find so abhorrent. I want to analyze them, their response (or lack their of), and show that this isn't something that just "accidentally happens". There are conscious choices made here, that I think are in-line with what a lot of plagiarist do, especially in Fan-spaces.
For Want of a Nail
@for-want-of-a-nail has been accused of plagiarism in the Shadow & Bone community.
The Discord Sever
Last year, Nail was removed from a large Darklina Discord Sever for plagiarizing major passages and lines from another user's (Ceris_Malfoy) work that had been published in the Discord-shared Google doc before making it to AO3. Nail published their fic first, leaving the original author to debate deleting her own work due to fearing being labeled a plagiarist. The author ended up posting her full story, with no changes, but provided her statement on the matter at the end.
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Nail never apologized to this creator. They never acknowledged this creator. They only said there was "inspiration" from other server members, without naming who they were.
This happened months ago. So you may wonder: "why are you bringing this up now?" I wanted to point out something that's been explored before, a notion about plagiarist that appears to ring true in this instance with Nail as well as with other plagiarist online:
The chances that someone only plagiarized once are low. The chances are, someone [like For-Want-Of-A-Nail] will have done this more than once, having rolled the dice time and time again, knowing or thinking that they wouldn't get caught.
(Paraphrased from HBomberguy's video)
I wanted to show that what occurred in the last month was not an accident, at least in my opinion. Like with Ceris_Malfoy, for-want-of-a-nail deliberately went and copied sections of text, barely adjusted it to fit her story, and refused to acknowledge or even apologize for her blatant theft of the work.
So what happened?
On January 1, 2023, @madismen posted the first chapter to Nordenfor Solen.
On December 5, 2023, for-want-of-a-nail published the 5th Chapter of Insider Threat.
It was noticed immediately by an anonymous user, who then commented on Madi's fic to reach out, bringing Madi's attention to the situation. And, of course, Madi noticed it immediately. Let's take a look from the screenshots below. (Nail has, allegedly, begun to change the original document. These screenshots were taken before Madi attempted to reach out.)
Warning for NSFW content below.
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As you can see, in some places, such as when Alina/Nina are requesting panties, Nail directly copied the line without changing it at all.
To me the most damning thing is rearranging and replacing facets of the dialogue to make it not exact. A clear intent is required there. An understanding that "this thing is wrong, but I don't want to create my own dialogue, so I'll just fudge it." To me that's the part that makes this blatant theft.
Now, at this point remember, we've just gotten to the point where this is pointed out to Madismen at the beginning of this year. She attempted to reach out to For-Want-Of-A-Nail, but Madi couldn't access their Tumblr. (I believe that Nail preemptively blocked Madi on Tumblr, as many others were able to access their profile at this time.) So she left the following comment on Nail's fic.
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Now, if you had clicked the link to Nail's fic, you may have noticed that this comment is not there. This is because for-want-of-a-nail deleted Madismen's comment, refusing to even acknowledge or deny the accusation at all.
Which lead to Madi posting on Twitter X about the situation. I believe both plagiarized works from for-want-of-a-nail have been reported to Ao3, but given their track-record this year I won't be holding my breath. And as of writing, that is the end of it.
for-want-of-a-nail blatantly stole someone else's work and refused to apologize and correct the situation. At least twice within the last year. Now I'm not going to go onto every chapter of every work of theirs to double check and attempt to find other instances of plagiarism. Twice is enough for me, personally, to know that they have likely done this before, and will likely do it again. In my opinion, I think that Nail is aware that what's they're doing is bad. They're aware that stealing is wrong, and that it would change the way their readers respond to the fics they post.
So What?
Speaking with other's in the Darklina community, as well as seeing how people react to other plagiarist on the internet, there's a clear line that is crossed. Consumption, especially in the Western world, is definitely connected now a days with Morals. And there is a large conversation about content vs morality and the lines you should draw from it. But, generally, a consensus has been drawn in at least one area.
Knowing that the work you're consuming is stolen, changes how you feel about it.
(Also paraphrased from HBomberguy, who put it much better than me.)
The worst part of all of this, to me, is the betrayal to readers. To those who genuinely enjoy the works being published and thinking that they are following someone who is creative and passionate about the subject they are writing. Only for them to be lied to. Because yes, when Nail responds to comments gushing over the work as if they wrote every single thing by themselves, they are lying to people.
They felt so entitled to Madismen's words, while going out of their way to call those invested in their story entitled for wanting more.
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I think, personally, this is just someone who thinks of fandom as a competition. Someone who is willing to lie, steal, and belittle any and everyone who isn't them. It's not what fandom is supposed to be about. Fandom is a community of people who come together to share and expand their thoughts and feelings about any property. Nail essentially went to Show and Tell, smacked someone else's story out of their hand, then held it up as their own.
Where do we go from here?
Now, like I said at the beginning of this post, I don't want anyone to go out and harass this person. I don't want anyone to bully them, or make us come out and defend them.
Just ignore them.
Madismen has said her piece. I've just chronicled it. We don't need to attack or bully this person, but now that we are aware, we don't need to give them any attention. Giving Nail attention lets them think they've won. It would normalize their actions. We don't have to do either of those things. We don't have to acknowledge someone who has proven they don't care about the people in their fandom. We don't have to do anything.
The great thing about internet fandom is that we can choose who to follow and engage with. We can choose to consume fics that we love, written by people who didn't steal their words. You wouldn't read a plagiarized book. Or at least you shouldn't, because then you're supporting someone who has stolen wages on top of an idea.
There are thousands of works on AO3. There will be another one to read.
I don't want a witch hunt. I want people to stop stealing from other people. But, as I know that won't be happening, I think it's better to call out and learn to avoid these people. Like with the James Somerton situation (aka the HBomberguy video), I think it best that we just don't support this kind of behavior. Yes I'm on my soapbox a little, but it's also my blog and my personal opinion on the matter. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but please, don't go harassing these people, especially Nail. Just let them find out the consequences of their actions naturally.
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Ulla floats, unlike her grandfather who drowned.
@paletmblr event 19: ulla morozova, blood of the bonesmith, half-sildroher
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Bren feeding me my crack nature is healing
Perfection | Helstar - Alina Starkov x Matthias Helvar
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Author's Notes: Look i didn't set out to write this. I just missed Matthias so much. It's been a while since I wrote him and my throuple (Helstarova) If you know my ao3, you know i write for the shadow and bone fandom. Giving Alina what she deserves. I don't want no comments about this from antis please. I can ship and write what I want. (link to my helstarova work at the bottom. I also mainly write darklina) Thanks to anyone who reads this :)
Pairing: Alina Starkov x Matthias Helvar
Tags: Blowjobs, PIV sex, Dating, Modern AU, Romance
Summary: Alina is Matthias perfect little girlfriend.
Matthias gripped the edge of the table. His knuckles were white. His head bent back, eyes closed to the ceiling. His pants was unbuckled, sagging at his ankles, underwear pulled down to his knees, t-shirt ridden up where hands were now roaming his defined abdomen. He sighed on a particular good thrust that made Alina choke. He surpressed a grin at the sound, soothing through her hair.
"It's okay. You can take more, my love," he coaxed her, driving his thick cock to the back of her throat once more.
Drool dribbled down her chin. She nodded her head, eager to please him. On her knees she was gorgeous like this. Tears pricking the corner of her eyes, black hair mused from his rough fingers, lips red and eyes staring up at him as she did her best to take all of him in her mouth. Her brown eyes were glossy. Reverent. Appreciative. She'd say thank you after this. Matthias had taught her manners. Her throat was raw now. He had been going at this for nearly an hour. Slowly coming to full hardness from the little licks and laps and letting himself ease into her mouth before fucking it without worrying whether she could handle how hard he was thrusting. She moaned around him. Small body shivering as she let him use her. He could tell by the way she was rocking forward that she wanted release. He wasn't going to give it to her. Not yet. She first had to finish him. He was taking his time with it. Savouring it.
He relished in the feel of her mouth on him. On the way she swallowed down, the soft flesh of her mouth, the lap of her tongue on the underside of his cock. Licking at the spot that made him groan and his hips rock forward. Her mouth was small but perfect. She was so good at taking him. So obiedent. He was going to praise her and set her on the table with her legs over his shoulders and show her just how much he was thankful for her. His grip on her hair tightened and he pitched forward on a moan.
"Ah, Alina, you're doing so well. Gonna cum in your mouth. Want me to fill you with cum, sweetheart?"
She moaned in reply, redoubling her efforts to make him get there faster. He was teetering on the edge. Praises flew out of his mouth as he spilled inside her.
"Swallow," he commanded and she did.
He wiped her eyes with his thumbs and cleaned over her tear-stained cheeks. He scratched her head like he would a kitten, telling her how good she was. He tipped her chin up and leaned down to kiss her messy mouth. She moaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"My girl," he murmured between kisses. "I love you so much."
"I love you, too, Matt."
"Now, come here. Need to sort you out. You must be so messy down there. Let's get you out of these clothes, yeah?"
He picked her up, stripping her of her tights and underwear. He was right. She was soaked. Matthias bent forward, nose running over her sensitive folds, making her shiver. He inhaled her and licked a flat stripe from top to bottom.
"Perfect mouth. Perfect cunt."
Alina flushed and covered her face in her hands. "No, I--"
"You do have the perfect cunt. Want to kis it all the time."
Matthias lapped at the swollen, wet flesh and sucked her throbbing clit in his mouth. She moaned so prettily for him. He couldn't get enough of the taste of her. He couldn't get enough of her scent, of how she felt on his tongue. He loved the way her hips would rock into him as soon as his tongue found his way inside her. He fucked her open with his tongue, holding her hips down so he could set the pace himself. She was too greedy today. He slowly lapped at her, curling and touching her in the way she liked. He knew how to do this. Knew what would bring her close to the edge. He took it his time with it. Let himself enjoy each muscle twitch of her thighs next to his face, every soft moan that she made. She was shuddering and breathless once he finally pulled away.
"No, no. Please. I need you."
"Tell me what you need, hm?" Matthias asked. "My fingers or cock?"
She whined, frustrated. "All of you. I don't care. I just wanna cum."
He clicked his tongue. "You can't have it both ways. I'm not gonna touch you until you tell me exactly what you want."
She sighed. "Please, Matthias. I need your cock. Need to cum on your cock. Wanna feel you inside of me."
"There. That wasn't so hard, was it?"
He opened her legs wider. He yanked her body forward, legs dangling over his shoulders. His cock nudged her entrance and before she could even say anything he slid inside. She cried out. Her body trying to stretch to take his big cock. He inched inside her little by little.
"You've done this before. You know how this works. Breathe, baby. You can do this."
He pushed foward until he was all the way in. She was whimpering, tears again rolling down her cheeks. Matthias was big, he knew. But Alina was made for him. He moaned as her cunt clenched around him.
"So fucking perfect for me. I don't want anyone else. Don't need anyone else. Fuck, Alina, my beautiful girl."
Alina moaned and pulled him forward so that his lips met hers. He kissed her slowly as his cock fucked her hard and fast. His tongue swirled in her mouth, picking up traces of himself in the kiss. It didn't matter how many times he had her, he would never tire of her. Her perfect body. The way her small breasts bounced as she moved with him. The way her face looked when she was close. Matthias came a second time into Alina's body, this time Alina following with him.
if you'd like more alina x matthias and also with aleksander, then you will like 'The Passion's Double Amplified" - poly college modern au (p.s everyone is bisexual)
Summary: Aleksander smirked and looked her in the eye. "Oh, sweetheart. I'm not going to stop until you come on my face. Then when you're done, I will make you come again."  He went back in to plunge his tongue deeper inside of her. She strained upwards with a broken sob. "There you go. Be good and let yourself come on his tongue," Matthias whispered as he nipped at her flesh.
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MAKE ME CHOOSE Jeffrey Dean Morgan Edition
Ike/Vera or Jason/Alicia
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN & OLGA KURYLENKO as Ike Evans and Vera Evans on Magic City
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Gina Torres on Claws 1x04 (Fallout)
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"Why did you come looking for me? After all this time.”
“Family is all we have.”
“Is that why you keep our mother in a cage?”
Aleksander & Ulla Morozova, Blood of the Bonesmith. The Heretic and Songstress
dialogue by @shakespearedidnothavecumsh0ts
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What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?
The Morozovas - Baghra's Children
inspired by @thatbluebox's amazing edits!!
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this is stunning
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She is water. Powerful enough to drown you. Soft enough to cleanse you. And deep enough to save you
Ulla Morozova * Sankta Ursula
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It hurts my heart to see the hate that you and other authors have been getting! But most of all you after that horrible "Society scandal"!! You're so talented and doesn't deserve this!
I usually use anon here because english is not my mother language, but this whole situation has pissed me off so much that I felt like not hiding!!! That is the same reason why I sometimes don't leave comments on fics (trying to change that!), because there's so much I want to say that sometimes words escape me (also the corrector (is that the word?) tests my patience!) and since I don't have such a deep knowledge of canon I can't do these in-dept reviews that I wish I could, and I feel like only leaving something like 'amazing', 'so good' is not enough to express how much I loved the chapter!!
Also wanna say this weekend I'm gonna read beacon again! Because there are no words to describe my love for it!
Sending you all my love!!❤❤
Please never feel like you need to hide again!! This made me smile and warmed my heart as I am *also* re-reading beacon and getting back into the swing of things of writing the behemoth that it is.
I hope you know even the smallest comment is appreciated. but you coming in here means the world. thank you so so much and while unfortunately whoever decided to write that decided to tag me as a character, I'm by far not the only person to get hate. or to deserve people coming just to my works.
i myself am behind on reading but my biggest thing is--hey every author deserves a right to be here. toss them a kudos, throw them a comment saying I really loved this!! not just me. especially not just me. i try to be as inclusive as possible and get so excited to chat with other writers whenever they decide to reach out to me. and sometimes. yes, I'm in their DMs being like, we are going to be friends.
everyone is doing their best in the world. we all probably would get judged for loving something so nerdy, which is why I'm tried to come to this space with warmth, friendliness and kindness. so go out there and give maybe a new writer some love. maybe someone doesn't have a lot of kudos, a lot of comments, but its the most vulnerable thing to be putting one's work out there into the world.
(it's my goal to start doing the same once i get a handle on this next chapter :))
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