shale-to · 5 years
A Cold Start
Ishgard was a cold, shitty place. Full of pompous nobles, and poverty-striken street urchins.
Shale’to pulled his cloak tighter over himself, growling quietly as his tail flicked repeatedly from side to side.  The Runner had been docked for a while, and his hand was forced to make this trip on his own.  He had braved the skies on a rickety airship called the Spinner, which was horrifically accurate.  The thing spiraled in the sky.  It made him sick, and the thought of flying back on it?  It made him feel even worse.
He shook his head, sending his auburn and grey-streaked hair flying a bit.  ‘You need to focus,’ he muttered to himself.  Down the snow-spattered cobblestone he went, boots sounding loud and reverberating with hollow echoes that bounced to and fro, from building to building.  Before long, he exited the great city, and traveled down a beaten path.
It would not be long before a vast estate, with a lovely snow-blanketed mansion, greeted his sight.  Turning onto the stone path that, he would in time finally reach the door.  Shale’to glanced over it, before he finally gave three heavy knocks.  A timid looking hyur woman opened the door.
“Y-Yes, how may I help you, sir?”
A most charming grin spread across his features, and he offered a nod of his head.  His sea rat accent was dropped for something proper. “You should be able to help me, indeed.  I am Shale’to, seeking Olfort Trieveaux, lord of the house.  I am here on business, on behalf of the Neldawn clan.”
Her eyes lit up and she nodded quickly. “Please, come in!  He has been expecting you.  Make yourself at home by the hearth, I will see to it that the servants bring drink and food, you look weary.”
Oh, damn, he was so happy to be brought inside.  The fire was warm, and the food and drink brought to him were amazing.  Delicious, he dared to say.  He had eaten his fill, and drank only a small bit, before he sat down and resigned himself to wait.  The servant folk didn’t really interact, save for trying to push more wine on him, but he politely refused.
The tell-tale sound of fancy shoes clicking along the hall caught his attention.  Finally, the lord of the house was here.  Up from the chair he moved, quick to make himself look presentable.  There were a few stray crumbs here and there, quickly swatted away.
“Shale’to, good evening!  How was your trip?” The tall Elezen fellow seemed to just flow fluidly into the room, edges of his long coat brushing along the ground, almost effectively hiding his gait.  He was dressed in regal purple and black, with long white hair slicked back, and small glasses perched upon his nose.  He looked young, and old, all at once.  The Elezen were a strange sort, the Miqo’te mused.
“It was long and a tad bit cold, but I have been thoroughly warmed here in your home.  Thank you for meeting with me.”
Olfort nodded and bowed his head with a wide smile, and went to take up residence in a high-backed chair that was clearly his favorite, just opposite of Shale’to, who moved to sit back down as well.  He took up a glass of wine and sipped at it a moment.
“You have expressed interest in raising chocobo in the past, I have heard.  It is difficult to raise them here, the land is harsh and unrelenting.  There has been some success in raising them, but they are often limited to inner-city work.” Olfort raised a brow and hummed, nodding slowly.
“Indeed.  They are frail, and often saved for important events, and have to be brought back to the warm stables often, lest they freeze to the streets.” Shale’to gave a nod, now.
“Right.  There have been recent developments in Eorzea’s chocobo breeds, where larger and thicker-bodied chocobo have been developed.  Some of normal feather type, others more downy, and I believe if bred and raised in Ishgard, they could take to the cold like no other before.  They are very hardy.  The Neldawn clan would be willing to put forth a large sum of gil, to match your own, to break ground and get this started.”
Olfort looked intense, eyes widening, listening as Shale’to spoke to him.
“It would be a slow development in the beginning, for sure, but when the first few clutches hatch, grow, and begin to prove themselves…  The demand for these birds would skyrocket.  Not only nobility would have an elegant and sturdy riding chocobo that can withstand cold, the common-folk would have strong chocobo to help pull loads of coal, ore, and more.”
The Elezen stroked at his chin for a long moment, looking to the fire.  He brought the wine to his lips, draining a small portion, before he hummed and mused over his thoughts.
“All that scares me is the amount needed in the investment.  This is a massive sum of gil, that we both must contribute.  A long term investment, to boot.  There will be no immediate turn around.” “I understand your reluctance, but this is a market yet to be realized.  When business begins to boom, your name will be well known throughout the region.  Nobles from all corners of the land will flock to you.  Recognition, and gil, is a very appealing thing.  You would be in a marvelous position to elevate yourself, and your family, in society.  What do you say?” Olfort set his glass of wine down and leaned forward, offering a hand.
“We have a deal, my friend.  Let us sign the paperwork, and get financing in order.”
A wide grin spread across Shale’to’s face and he reached out, taking hold of the Elezen’s hand, shaking quite firmly.
“Wonderful!  I just so happen to have everything we need right here…”
A roll of papers was removed from beneath his own coat, and the string binding them snipped with his short claws.  Shale’to spread them out across a nearby table, and directed Olfort to several spots, gaining his signature in each area.
“I will see to it that this returns to the clan quickly, and is passed to the proper people.  It will not be long before I return, and when I do, we will be able to begin construction.  In the meantime, please look over the blueprints, and if you feel any changes should be made…  Send a letter my way.”
After a few more rounds of wine, chatter, and a bit more food, the sun was rising and Shale’to found himself departing.  The bitter cold bit through his gear, and he was back on the path to the terrible ship he sailed in on.  It was all worth it, though…  He achieved his goal.  It was a long time in the making, this whole plan.
He very much looked forward to delivering the good news to Tal’orei.
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shale-to · 5 years
Details: Shale’to
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Full name: Shale’to Tia Real name: Lihjah’to Saentus Pronunciation: Sh-Ale-Toe Tee-Ah (Lee-Jah-Toe Sayn-Toos) Nicknames: Shale, Mongrel, Stray, Bastard Height: 6′2″ Age: 42 Zodiac: Unknown Languages: He can speak most languages, though his words are limited.  Common is fluent, which is to be expected.
Hair color: Auburn with streaks of grey Eye color: Emerald green with flecks of aqua Skin tone: A sun-kissed russet Body type: Fit with moderate musculature Accent: Sea-folk Dominant hand: Right Posture: Often relaxed, rarely ever rigid, not even remotely perfect Tattoos: None Most Noticeable Features: The onyx gem affixed between his eyes to symbolize the fact he is someone’s mate
Place of birth: Black Shroud Birth weight/height: He was a large baby and was a difficult birth Manner of birth: Natural First words: Ma Siblings: Three brothers, one sister Parents: Lihjah Saentus [Mother] Kabor’a Halaris [Father-figure] R’akuri Nunh [Biological Father] Parental involvement: His mother was an incredibly cruel matriarch, and controlled every aspect of his life.  She only had him to use him as a pawn, planning to force him into an arranged marriage, in order to create strong Miqo’te hybrids to do her bidding and serve her clan.  He didn’t know his real father, and his mother’s mate Kabor’a, tried to treat him as kindly as possible amidst the hellish atmosphere she created, and later helped him escape.
Occupation: Smuggler, pirate, gambler(retired) Current residence: A little apartment on the Neldawn lands Close friends: Few Financial status: Working-class; low income, but somewhat self-sufficient Vices: Alcohol, sex, tobacco
Sexual orientation: Bisexual Romantic orientation: Demiromantic Preferred emotional role: submissive | dominant | switch | unsure Preferred sexual role: submissive | dominant | switch | sex repulsed | unsure Libido: Incredibly high Turn ons: Partners that are shorter than him, all sizes of breasts, plump asses, rough foreplay Love language: He is a gentle and tender lover, incredibly courteous and giving Relationship tendencies: Shale’to is loud and proud and won’t hesitate to show others how much he loves his partner, often in public, with lots of kisses and hand holding.
Hobbies to pass the time: Playing cards, drinking, smoking, sleeping, sex Mental illnesses: Mild PTSD Physical illnesses/disabilities: None Left or right brained: Left Fears: Seeing his mother again, being found not worthy of the Neldawn clan Self-confidence level: High Vulnerabilities: His mate and his son
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shale-to · 6 years
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The Baes
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shale-to · 6 years
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shale-to · 6 years
“The night isn’t dark; the world is dark. Stay with me a little longer.”
— Louise Glück, from “Departure,” in Meadowlands (via a-pair-of-ragged-claws)
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shale-to · 6 years
Body Language: Shale’to Tia
bold what you apply to your muse.
italicize what applies, but isn’t oftentimes established in detail.
DEFENSIVENESS : arms crossed on chest • crossing legs • fist - like gestures • pointing index finger • karate chops • the fig leaf position. • stiffening of shoulders • tense posture • curling of lip \ baring of teeth •
REFLECTIVE : hand - to - face gestures • head tilted • stroking chin • peering over glasses • taking glasses off — cleaning • putting earpiece of glasses in mouth • pipe smoker gestures • putting hand to bridge of nose. • pursed lips, knitted brows • peering into the middle distance
SUSPICION : arms crossed • sideways glance • touching or rubbing nose • rubbing eyes • hands resting on weapon • brows raising • lips pressing into a thin line • strict, unwavering eye contact • wrinkling of nose 
OPENNESS   &   COOPERATION : open hands • upper body in sprinters position • sitting on edge of chair • hand - to - face gestures • unbuttoned coat • tilted head. • slacked shoulders, droopy posture •  feet pointed outward • palms flat and facing outward 
CONFIDENCE : hands behind back • hands on lapels of coat • steepled hands. • baring teeth in a grin • rolling shoulders • tipping head back but maintaining eye contact • chest puffed up \ shoulders back •  arms folded just above navel • grandiose/theatrical gestures
INSECURITY   &   ANXIETY : chewing pen or pencil • rubbing thumb over opposite thumb • biting fingernails • hands in pockets • elbow bent / closed gestures • clearing throat • “ whew ” sound • picking or pinching flesh • fidgeting in chair • hand covering mouth whilst speaking • poor eye contact • tugging at pants whilst seated • jingling money in pockets • tugging at ear • perspiring hands • playing with hair • swaying • playing with pointer / marker • smacking lips • sighing • rocking on balls of feet • flexing fingers sporadically • taking apart pens/small items • twisting rings • short quick breaths
FRUSTRATION : short breaths •  “ tsk ” sound • tightly clenched hands • fist - like gestures • pointing index finger • rubbing hand through hair • rubbing back of neck • snarling • revealing teeth \ grimacing • sharp eyed glowers w/ notable tension in brow • shoulders back, head up - defensive posturing • clenching of jaw \ grinding teeth • nostrils flaring, heavy exhales • pacing
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shale-to · 7 years
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shale-to · 7 years
He felt old, and he felt tired.
The whiskey Shale’to sampled at that burlesque show was great.  Too great.  The headache that rattled about his brain was borderline torturous.  Slowly, he rolled in his bed, turning to face the desk that held his chronometer.
“Three in the fuckin’ mornin’...  Menphina’s tits, I coulda got another hour.”
A low growl escaped him and he pinned his ears, tail lashing in agitation.  He couldn’t drink as much as he used to now, that was certain.  Especially not high tier alcohol.  Rum and cheap wine, he’d have to stick to that.  That’s what his body knew and could deal with
Dragging himself from the soft expanse of bed and covers, he peeled away his clothes, leaving a trail of dirty laundry around to his bath.  Slowly, he turned it on, and let the water heat up.  Gradually steam would coalesce and rise, filling this corner of his apartment.  Into it he slipped, letting his body slide beneath the warm and inviting water.
As much as he just wanted to sit there for the rest of the day, he had to clean up.  It took a lot of coaxing himself, and a whole lot of effort, but he eventually put himself to task.  
He had to be at Vasir’li’s ship at first light, and time was a’wastin’.
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shale-to · 7 years
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shale-to · 7 years
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shale-to · 7 years
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shale-to · 7 years
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