shane12sblog · 6 months
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shane12sblog · 7 months
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@Stratford International School
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shane12sblog · 7 months
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#buwan ng wika 2023
#Stratford international School
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shane12sblog · 7 months
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shane12sblog · 7 months
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shane12sblog · 7 months
Watch "Media Information and Literacy || Camera Angle Shot" on YouTube
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shane12sblog · 7 months
Watch "Mil, indigenous media interview" on YouTube
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shane12sblog · 9 months
I have this quote "I will no longer Abandon myself For someone's vision Of who I could be" What I meant about that is don't change yourself for others to like you. You have your uniqueness and you are beautiful on your own.
Hi everyone, I'm Shanedy Claire but you can call me Shane for short. I have a lot of hobbies, like playing guitar and this is me playing my guitar, I love to sing cuz that's how I express what I feel that's how I love singing also badminton when I was in grade 8 I played in the cluster meet, I am the representative of our school back then and I got the 3rd place and I'm so happy that I'd got in the 3rd placer.
On the other hand, I am the middle child of the family I'm 17 years old turning 18 on October 1st, I'm a 2005 baby, I have 5 siblings also I have a cat named Lili. Let me tell you a story, When I was in high school I always did a lot of bad things like cutting classes, smoking, and disrespecting my teachers; I did all those things because that's how my friends are, Honestly, I'm not like that I do that for them to like me, I do things like that to be accepted by them and I forgot to be myself because of other people around me. Now that I'm mature I don't do such things I know myself now and I'm happy with what I am today.
Do not change yourself for others, be the best version of yourself.
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