shashydhar · 5 years
this is another post of mine - https://shamelesslystealingpoetry.tumblr.com/post/174533880037/that-time-when-angel-and-satan-had-high-tea
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shashydhar · 6 years
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shashydhar · 6 years
an amazing fourth generation fighter jet. Wish India had more of these rather than those rafale jets :(
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Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker
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shashydhar · 7 years
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shashydhar · 7 years
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plz. help
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shashydhar · 8 years
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shashydhar · 8 years
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shashydhar · 8 years
those rainy days in emerald city #SLU
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Earlier this year I illustrated the cover jacket for “The Many Reflections of Miss Jane Deming” by Jillian Anderson Coats. (releases 2/28/17) The book tells the story of a young girl who leaves New York as part of the Mercer Expedition, the 1866 scheme to bring marriageable young women to the recently settled Washington Territory.  
Thanks to my art director Debra Sfetsios over at Simon and Schuster!
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shashydhar · 8 years
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Abandoned Skateboard - between Greenwich and West. Vestry Street
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shashydhar · 8 years
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Nikola Tesla, why u so camera shy? Why u no pose for my camera? (at Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St Sava)
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shashydhar · 8 years
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Walking Along west street. Inching close to Lower Manhattan
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shashydhar · 8 years
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#sorethroat creeping up on me. Best medicine - Yasai Ramen 🍵 #ramenya (at Ramen-Ya)
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shashydhar · 9 years
So I was listening to this all day. Literally, all day.
Music of this kind gives me goosebumps and makes the hair at the back of my neck standup. In the words of Hans Zimmer himself, one finds refuge in music as it transports one to a different place and time.
This whole game of sound. Watching it and listening to is such a great process of discovery for me. Discovering a small note after purchasing those Bose headphones, catching a note which I thought never existed. Watching new instruments unfolding to play what is a cogent piece of sound. Discover a part of the music that moves me. I forever get to discover things... But most importantly, discover that I can understand what the musician wanted me to discover and feel. This opportunity of spending just a few moments feeling something. Wow.
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shashydhar · 9 years
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Things got vividly #colorful yesterday..! #sugarspiceandeverythingnice
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shashydhar · 9 years
What about Lebanon and Iraq?
Not that we are competing here for tragedy but it’s very sad that the blasts in Beirut, Lebanon were hardly covered by nytimes. What about the suicide bomb blast in Baghdad, Iraq? Pakistan and India have suffered possible the worst scourge of terrorism but nytimes finds it convenient to look at India and Pakistan when it wants a story of womens and minority rights gone wrong.
It’s almost an year since 160+ children (all less than 15 yrs. old) were massacred in Peshawar yet it merited a small article in the corner of a large newspaper as if the article was put there as a distraction. I still remember the story that occupied major real estate on the front page of the nytimes that day. It was a story of how Sony Pictures got hacked by North Korea and how hollywood is the new “victim” of cybercrime.
Over 220 people were killed a few years back in Mumbai and it surfaced for a day in nytimes before slipping into oblivion.
However, one-off tragic incidents like murder of a person from minority group or a rape of a woman seem to capture the imagination of nytimes editors and these stories are hashed and rehashed several times.
India spent $176M and sent a probe to Mars. Instead of congratulating it on the feat, nytimes carried out an oped piece asking if India should really be spending that kind of money on Mars missions.
Oh and let’s not forget South Sudan. An year back, more than 400 people were forcibly laid out on the road and trampled by tanks. That merited a small, ten line story, tucked somewhere inside the newspaper.
Horrible and gross double standards when it comes to reporting. Either their definition of maslow’s pyramid is a fluid one which suits their convenience or some men are more equal than others.
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shashydhar · 9 years
और अब हिंदी में भी!
एक ज़माना था जब मेरी हिंदी बहुत अच्छी होती थी। ok, let's see. अभी भी आती है। चलो ब्लॉग करें हिंदी में। 👍🏻😁🙏🏻
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shashydhar · 9 years
dekha! slack bhi tumblr use karta hai. kitna awesome hai na!
Group Messages Come to Slack
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We’ve all been there: you’re late to your meeting with Judy and Tomiko and you need to quickly DM them at the same time to let them know. A week later, a different meeting with Jamal and Max and again, the same thing happens. Finally, to make amends for always being late you want to send a message to Judy, Jamal, Tomiko, and Max inviting them to lunch to say sorry. In Slack, there wasn’t an easy way to rope in a third (or fourth, fifth—the world is your oyster. Up to eight. The world is your octo-oyster) people into a direct message conversation until now.
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With this new feature, you can break into a private discussion with up to 8 other people (9 total, including you) whenever you see fit. The conversation will persist in your list of Direct Messages and you can return to that group at any time, or hide it when you’re done talking. Messages will show up in your searches and you can find group conversations in the Quick Switcher when you search for names (bonus: a new DM-only Quick Switcher view is available with the cmd-shift-k on mac, ctrl-shift-k on win/linux keystroke). 
Use it to discuss short-term matters directly with other team members, whether that’s
If a job offer should be made to an interview candidate.
When you all should meet up at the movies after work.
Hey Carl and Jake, check this photo—does this look like ice cream to you?
It’s up to you!
Private Groups become Private Channels
With the introduction of group DMs, which will cover many of the use cases that previously required private groups, we’ve transformed private groups into the brand new “private channels”.  Private channels will be shown mixed in with your existing open channels alphabetically, with small lock icons next to the private ones. When the time comes to create a new channel, you’ll find a new public/private toggle on the configuration screen.
And for those with lots of channels and a lot of scrolling to do, there are ways of managing your sidebar to make it feel a lot calmer (hopefully).
That’s all, really. Nothing else to see here. Talk amongst yourselves…
update: if you’re feeling lost after public and private channels have mixed we added a preference to change ordering back to how it was previously
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