shayochism · 2 days
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Killing is something Shayan isn't... Used to, but also not far from knowing about.
Because of her there's been three deaths, which to her she's feeling rather lucky about because she doesn't actually want to kill people (except maybe a few people from her past). Beating people up and pulling their teeth, albeit it being sadistic, is more her thing, and she enjoys that.
Deep down she isn't a bad person at all, just cold-hearted and with a bad history that's repeating on her at all hours. So killing isn't something she's entirely comfortable with, though knows has to be done.
She joined Rocket at sixteen and it was over a year later that she finally stopped rebelling and acting like a stupid teenager, getting beaten up and beating people up alike, deciding to then dedicate her life to getting recognized in a gang she knew very little about. So when they asked her to prove herself not too long after being noticed as a good recruit, she was all over it as gaining recognition was something she desired.
It was a simple request of loyalty. Do this or fail and forever be looked down upon and never advance. So she was very eager to prove herself. All she had to do was pull information from someone bound in a chair while being given access to all the equipment she could ever need.
To keep a long story short, she found the pair of pliers she would keep with her for the rest of her life, and pulled the man's teeth out one by one. He eventually spoke through a mouthful of blood and agony, but one glance from the watching superior, she knew how it had to end. And so wrapped up in the adrenaline of watching someone suffer at her hand, which would later help her realise she's a sadist and simply enjoys watching people suffer, she knew she had to end the man's life. She couldn't hear or see the superior after a few moments, completely focused on what she had to do. She went for a knife settled nearby, turned around, and quickly plunged it into the man's chest with all the might she could muster. But she didn't hang around, quickly walking to the door moments later before being given the chance to leave the room, of which those ten seconds waiting for the door to open felt like forever.
It was as though that, if she ignored the scene behind her as she left, she hadn't done it at all. She didn't see the man die. It was never confirmed he did, though she is aware he must have perished some time after. She just got her reward later of good praise and a promotion to agent, and continued her life. She didn't allow the sickness to overtake her, or the bad thoughts, or any negativity. She just hid them deep inside and dissociated herself from the entire thing for a long time to come.
Sure, it eventually hit her months later and she sobbed in her room for hours, but then she seemed back to normal the next morning. No guilt, nothing. And months after that was when she started to feel guilty again, but once more, she forced to not let it bother her, even coming up with scenarios and situations that demanded that the man must die, like he was a murderer or something, so it was justified.
The other two deaths were of grunts under her command on missions. A cave-in crushing one on one mission, and another killed by a rampaging Rhyperior in the wild. And once again she never stuck around to linger and confirm their deaths, though both times were pretty obvious. She simply returned to the base one grunt less, clocked in the statistics, and moved on.
If you don't see them dead, it wasn't your fault.
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shayochism · 5 days
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She isn't trans. She kinda??? understands not liking your body in a gender way. But she doesn't understand being trans.
However, she will pull all of a terf's teeth out for being a shitty being. Monch.
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shayochism · 5 days
// Shayan's voice claim is Natalia Tena!
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shayochism · 6 days
How terrible a monster you are, full of teeth and rage. How easily your own pain causes pain in others. How your fear starts fires you can't put out.
And oh how lonely you must be, with no one in the world left to care.
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shayochism · 6 days
Akin to the other and her Pokémon, Shayan need not say anything to her Fearow either. She had trained for various situations without needing words, especially where there were loud noises and lots of distractions, which was quite often. The pair had the hardship of the most arduous tasks where communication wasn't possible. Plus, she wasn't too in the mood to go into a full out hard battle, especially against a stranger. She usually saved the more difficult battles for enemies to really test her might. But maybe she would have to pay attention and act this time.
The Fearow had squinted at the sky as the Togekiss flew high and towards the sun, its keen eyes not able to keep track, but knowing that the enemy Pokémon was somewhere in that direction at least. Without reacting to knowing an attack was coming, the barrage hit it full on as though it dare not move - Or want to move, eyes squeezing shut. Pain enthralled its body, shoulders hunching up to withstand the brunt of the dazzling gleam and keep its mind steady, focusing hard, only seconds later its wings opening to the immense width as a loud caw echoed from its beak.
As the opposing human spoke, a hand outstretched, it knew to finally act, but without moving to signal its understanding, eyes simply snapping open. Its opponent was strong so it had to do something at least. In its mind, it is pleased to finally have a good opponent, even as its body ached already.
But that was its key.
Pain fuelled it in many battles and situations, much like its master. So much of its life was using its own body to strike the enemy. It awakened something in it every time it felt an ache, a peck, a jolt, a stab, or a self-inflicted strike. Pain was its muse. Pain helped.
Almost instantly after the hostile human spoke, it heaves its wings up and then down, just once, to take off from the ground. With both wings shimmering bright, turning silver, each feather shudders and hardens as it becomes airborne, if only several metres from the ground.
Shayan watches on, standing as still as a statue, only her vivid emerald eyes moving to keep track of the battle before them. Much like having to read people, she had learned to not let people read her, expression passive, lips a simple line, stance passive.
The electric of the attack strikes the steel-coated wings, sparks and jolts lurching around them as rapid streams of energy, some getting to the gigantean Fearow's body and singeing the exposed feathers. More pain. More fuel. A berserker at mind, even as it hurts so much, it just wants to down the opposition no matter what.
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It shrieks but doesn't relent, wings taking it into the skies to be at level with the Togekiss. Fury in its eyes, beak gawping, it hears the call of its master from the ground below as it soars and reaches the right height, seconds later its agility kicking in on command, allowing it to move speedily through the air and at the opposition. It's body whirls with aims of striking the Togekiss using its hardened, steel wing to strike as it passes by. It doesn't care for the damage it may do to the other or itself. It simply has to prevail.
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   ☆ —— A monstrosity. Where Tomoyo was from, most Pokémon didn't grow to be so large, but she wouldn't be intimidated. After all, that old idiom rang true -- the bigger they were, the harder they fell. Togekiss tossed her a glance, and for a moment the two lacked gazes, as if communicating without any words. Tomo & her team functioned like that. They were able to, for the most part, know what the game plan was without having to announce it and give it away to the opponent. Sure, the Fearow was gargantuous in size, but that also meant that it was an easy target. It was harder to dodge when parts of you were simple to single out.
Again, without saying a word, Togekiss picked up on what his trainer was putting down, and his wings outstretched to carry him closer to the sun. He'd open up with a fly attack, the very light shining from above making him difficult to spot as his down reflected the latter and, briefly, caused him to camouflage with the great ball of fire in the sky. Once he was at peak altitude, it was time to open this battle up with an attack, wings ceasing to flap for the moment as Togekiss went into freefall, using the light to hopefully keep the Fearow from spotting it.
Once he was in range those majestic wings opened up again, feathers on full display as his charcoal black eyes let off a light so intense, that one could argue it rivaled that of the very sun he was using for cover. His body started to glow bright, and before the enemy had a chance to react, Dazzling Gleam was in full effect, only enhanced by the cloudless sky above. A powerful flash of light flooded the Fearow's side of the battlefield, mimicking daggers as the damage wasn't only to the Pokémon's eyes, but stabbing pains also sunk deep into its body. The light dispersed, and Togekiss was finally visible again, but Tomoyo's onslaught wasn't quite over yet.
"Now's your chance!"
The blonde called out, right hand aiming in the direction of her opponent with all five fingers outstretched. Togekiss took this in kind, those powerful wings flapping once again, but this time in the direction of Fearow. A jolt of electricity followed the trajectory of the Dazzling Gleam, aimed for the other flying type's wings in an attempt to disable them, if only for a few turns. The attack was brutal and relentless, showing the true potential of the fairies that the other trainer so disparaged. @shayochism
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shayochism · 6 days
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daily Pokèmon #0022: Fearow
i have only one memory when it comes to fearow and its when i got a shiny one literally right after i got a shiny drifloon in moon. thats it
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shayochism · 6 days
@dazzlinggleams // Appearances
She could see the other taking her words as hostile, seeing the thoughts processing, swirling around in their mind. Something she had learned over the many years was to notice things in people, to gauge reactions and what may come next. Sure, they're on a battle field for Pokémon and not people, but it wouldn't be the first time someone decided best to run across it and try and belt her across the face because of what she's said. But this other person... Naw. She didn't expect her to attack at all. The reactions, however, were on point.
A brow perks as the Togekiss comes into view.
"I dunno. I look at yer and just assume y'got fairy types 'n whatever. And I were right. An' yea, did y'go for that because it's cute or somethin'?"
Taunting words, she smirks a little. Getting under people's skin is her specialty.
But ah, damn. She hadn't expected to get into any proper battles today, proper meaning in an arena and all that, meaning she can't really use two of her main 'mons because they'd be considered illegal, and who knows what this person would do when finding that out. It's not like the Pokémon can hide their illegal statuses, either.
A hand reaches under her jacket and to the belt on the right, going past the first two Poké balls - The illegal ones - and to the next.
"A'ight then."
The common Poké ball sits between fingers and thumb, idly held at her side for a moment.
"This'll be interestin', yea?"
Holding the ball just to the side, so casually, so... Uncaring about the situation, a tap of the index finger has it pop open, the monstrously sized Fearow of hers appearing in the arena, standing on the ground. It lifts its head after a few seconds of materializing, beady eyes glancing around. Wings still folded, it takes in the surroundings, spending a moment to observe the Togekiss above before looking back to its trainer.
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"G'on. S'just a fairy bird."
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shayochism · 7 days
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   Art by Zynthex
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shayochism · 7 days
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"Y'all have the illusion of choice. Choice doesn' exist. Higher-ups control our fates."
Thought for the day.
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shayochism · 8 days
Don't try to change me Leave me alone now I will not swerve from My own ambition
I'm loyal to my hate
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shayochism · 8 days
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The barista gave her the wrong coffee order. Day ruined.
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shayochism · 9 days
         i have scars on my palms and the insides of my fingers.                    there is blood in my mouth and staining my clothes.                             i have died too many times to count and come back again stronger.
                 ( are you proud of me, momma? are you proud of me, pappa? )
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shayochism · 9 days
@splicedskies commented on a post: Stares back...
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Stares harder.
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shayochism · 9 days
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Stares @ u.
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shayochism · 2 months
She has no idea what MewTube is. She won't even bother asking because it's probably of no interest and no doubt some media thing, and she isn't into all that.
"I bet. I er--- Don' watch TV an' all that so yea, only saw when passin' some store with TVs in th'window that y'were doin' somethin'."
Damn. How does she congratulate and fuss someone for being so good? She feels she has to at this point, but has absolutely no idea what to say or do.
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"... So go on. Who's ya best 'mon? Not like fav'... But strongest."
“— yeah. I really did. You can watch it on MewTube an’ the news.”
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They feel like they should be vaguely offended that Shay doesn’t think they’re the type. They dedicated a lot of hard work over the last few years to this. But — Shay isn’t all that into this sort of stuff. So they’re not surprised.
“… thanks. My team worked really fuckin hard for this.”
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shayochism · 2 months
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shayochism · 2 months
Won the Alolan thing? Huh. Now that's surprising. She didn't expect Ree to be such a great trainer, but what does she really know about them, anyway? Not much, actually.
"Fuckin' 'ell. Y'really did?" A brow perks high before an expression akin to amusement and shock crosses her features. "Didn' know y'were that great a trainer..."
She knows she should praise them because this deserves a compliment, but it's usually beyond her to tell even her own colleagues they did well, even when they did the best thing in the world. Then again, she just expects them to do that without a fuss. So maybe she could, y'know... Be nice...?
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"... Grats. Y'did well."
“I mean… I was on TV for a lot of reasons. Interviews, and my battles were televised, and…
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I’m … the reason I’m on TV right now is ‘cos I was in the alolan championship tournament. And … I won. I’m alola’s newest champion.”
God, it feels weird to say, but also… nice, somehow?
“I won against our last champion. So I’m the strongest in Alola, now.”
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