shdkrsk · 1 year
Observation about Muu and Rei
It seems like they both share a hobby of liking tropical fish. Perhaps this is a hint they used to be closer than they are in after pain/it's not my fault?
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shdkrsk · 1 year
Old After Pain theory I wrote during trial 1
It should still have some relevance!! (in fact, most of it still stands)
This is just a copy-paste from a drive document, so please excuse if the formatting is weird at times.
Things I’ll be referencing:
https://privatter.net/p/6558898 - translation of the blackboards
Muu’s profile, in particular these facts:
DOB: 5th of July
Age: 16
Japanese/Half French.
She’s prideful and whines and cries when met with opposition.
These voice clips:
“That’s right. I killed someone. But I couldn’t help it! If I didn’t, there’d be no way to escape. I’m… not the bad one.”
“Whether what I did was ‘bad’ or not, how can other people know that? The kind of bitter experiences I had to go through, there isn’t a person out there who’d understand them.”
And, of course, the MV :)
A few things to establish first:
There’s 6 main actors in the MV:
The girl Muu kills (I’ll be calling her Classmate) (UPDATE: we now know her name to be Rei, but just so I won't have to edit the whole theory she will still be named Classmate)
The bully trio
The girl who kills herself before the MV starts (I’ll be calling her Dead Girl)
A rough timeline of how it seems to play out (please click on the references to read about each part): Pre-summer vacation (around April):
Muu joins her high school class
Muu joins the Bully Trio
The Dead Girl kills herself due to bullying
The class turns on Muu, blaming her for the suicide of the student
Post-summer vacation (around October):
Muu gets bullied by the Bully Trio (MV)
Classmate sees Muu get bullied, but doesn’t react to it
Muu is fed up, runs after Classmate who rejects her again, and she stabs her
MV ends
The first elephant in the room is the timeline. It would be easy to say that the blackboards symbolize the start and the end of the story, but there are multiple hints as to why this isn’t the case.
The first blackboard is definitely meant for Muu. Reading the translation, this becomes very clear:
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She’s mentioned by class, last name and first name, removing any reason to believe it’s not about her.
It also references her background mentioned in her profile, including her being a crybaby and her parents being rich:
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The second blackboard, however, has several statements going against it being Muu. 
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Muu is not drawn to wear any special makeup.
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She comes from a rich family.
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The flowers refer to the flowers on the desk at the end of the PV, on the seat next to Muu.
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You could argue the flowers that Muu is holding are what they’re referring to, but I think combined with the other statements it’s safe to say that they’re directed at a girl who already passed (Dead Girl).
To add more proof to this being the way the timeline is supposed to be seen, there’s another detail to look at - the calendar at the side of the classroom.
In the first shot, we see this calendar:
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And in the second shot, we see this one:
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It’s hard to decipher the type of flower on the first picture, but the second picture seems to be the iconic Japanese flower, the sakura flower/cherry blossom.
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In Japan, these flowers symbolize spring and on a calendar, they would signify it being one of the spring months (March, April and May). Coincidentally, school starts in April in Japan, as opposed to Western schools that start after Summer break.
This means the second shot is taken at the start of the school year, either the first or the second year.
This part is semi-speculation, but due to how Muu’s birthday is placed, she would be 15 at the start of the year and 16 by the end of it. We know Muu is 16, but we have no clue of when Milgram actually starts. To me, it would make more sense for her age to be 16 during 1st/2nd grade, rather than 2nd/3rd grade, but it’s hard to judge by.
Sometimes, Japanese schools also mix up classes between grades. This is another reason I believe the blackboard is at the start of the 1st year as opposed to the start of the 2nd year.
Looking at the school uniforms, she also has a lighter version of her uniform at the end shot (showing her Summer version - maybe?)
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Compared to the outfit she wears most of the PV, which includes her thick sweater (Winter version?)
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They change uniforms on June 1st and October 1st. Of course, this is just speculation, but it would also suggest the bulk of the MV takes place after October 1st.
Muu was a bully, or was at least friends with them before.
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At around 1:24 in the song, we see her fallen phone with a conversation open. This is the conversation:
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As seen by this conversation, Muu is on a pretty friendly term with these girls, even going as far as to hang out with them outside of school on multiple occasions and giving them leftover makeup. 
The profile pictures of the girls match the Bully Trio we see in the MV:
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UPDATE post-trial 2 start:
With all the symbolism of Muu being a queen bee (referencing honey, her birthday art, etc.), I’m leaning more towards her being the leader of the group during “After Pain”. It’s still hard to tell though, of course.
Muu was ostrasized for causing the Dead Girl to commit suicide.
This one is also from the blackboards.
On the first blackboard, the one we know is aimed at Muu due to her name drop, we get comments like these:
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Especially comment number 10 and number 15 suggests that they think she has done something illegal or at least morally abhorrent to the extent it would warrant such a reaction.
Now the second elephant in the room is… who is Classmate?
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Classmate seems to have a big role in Muu’s life - or at least the PV - as she’s the only character besides Muu that has her face shown.
I considered briefly if she was Muu’s sister or twin, but one of Muu’s answers during interrogation busts this:
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The point where Muu kills her in the song (2:20), she sings twice: “anata ga suki yo”, translated to “I like YOU.”
This would suggest Muu has romantic feelings for, or at least very strong positive feelings, towards Classmate. It’s unclear currently how deep their feelings are, how close they are, etc. but due to her face being shown + the line “I like YOU.” I will be going by the assumption that Muu likes her romantically.
The reason Muu kills her is because she rejects her.
Classmate sees Muu being bullied (1:55), but does nothing to help her, just looks down at her as Muu lays on the bathroom floor. 
We see Muu looking up at her with the line “I love YOU.”, the circles and wide nature of the eye hinting at her being at her wits end:
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She runs after Classmate, desperate and grabs onto her, once again professing “I love YOU.” in the song:
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Classmate pulls away and it’s at this moment that Muu stabs her, to the surprise of both her and Classmate:
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To me, it seems either Muu’s confession or cry for help was rejected (maybe both?) 
It might even be as far as Classmate rejecting Muu’s cry for help and Muu misinterpreting it as a romantic rejection indirectly.
Muu definitely seems to think that something bad was done to her:
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Muu is a rich girl who joined a high school class when she was 15. Due to the nature of her person, being a person who values peace and having grown up being rich, she finds herself caught up with a group of three bullies that use her. They use her wealth to get extra makeup, but they also use her to help bully a girl into suicide. After the girl dies, Muu suddenly finds that everyone in class has been turned on her - calling her a criminal and such - and her old ‘friends’ are the primary bullies. 
Tired and fed up of being bullied by these girls day in and day out, she reaches out to the girl she likes (one she perhaps knew before?) and tries to ask for help. The girl rejects her, possibly due to Muu being a bully before, and tries to get away, but Muu snaps and stabs her, causing her to die and cause her Milgram Murder™.
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