sheltips · 5 years
Is perfect! Love it.
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A commission of @sheltips druid Deliadia! ♥u♥ commission info
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sheltips · 6 years
Me: *sets my alarm for tomorrow*
Phone: Alarm is set for 4 hours and 37 minutes from now.
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sheltips · 6 years
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Shelys glaives finally done!
Art drawn by Dis person! Made IC by Ted in House of Crows! @the-house-of-crows @ted-gorister
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sheltips · 6 years
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220K notes · View notes
sheltips · 6 years
Zombie apocalypses are curiously lacking a large array of common equipment that could neatly control the situation.
“But we can’t build walls to contain them!”
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Moves by truck, train or boat. Ridiculously common. And see those holes on the bottom? Mobile by forklift. Also, HEAVY, even when empty they’re in the tons. If you had some warning you could string these things end to end for miles and human bodies can’t move them. Plus they’re nice and wide so you can comfortably walk on top of them for patrols.
“But we don’t have easy ways to kill them!”
Put the shotgun down you fucking idiot.
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No tires to pop. Heavy and slow but inevitable. Climbing required to enter and thus, relatively zombie proof, especially if you spend like an hour to protect the glass.
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A lot of large farming equipment can destroy cars.
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Want to guess what it’d do to a decaying human body? It’s not pretty.
Now I know what you’re thinking. Merely flattening them with common construction equipment or farming gear isn’t enough.
How about a
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tree trimmer that can mulch a tree top to bottom in nothing flat?
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“But we need ways to move a lot of people that zombies can’t stop!”
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BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKER. Deer don’t have a chance and neither does a zombie.
“But that’s not good enough!”
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NOW it’s time to call our friend the military because this ride stops for no one.
Do I need to keep going or is it clear the movies are bullshit yet? Seriously a dozen prepared people with heavy equipment licenses could clear an entire street of zombies AND powerwash it after.
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sheltips · 6 years
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This made me so fucking angry I have to inflict it on all of you.
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sheltips · 6 years
I honestly really feel people here who want a way better storyline for their main character. Especially when the horde -finally- had someone with enough plot armor to at least theoretically prevent them from being thrown away. At the same time, barring some things, I can also easily see a lot of the story stuff sylvanas is doing as very in line with her character as its been. It’s just, we’ve done this before. And that sucks, but in the path they’re also finally fleshing out more horde leaders which they haven’t done in...gosh, ages. We even got at least one moment of lor'themar kicking ass and being happy he’s not doing paperwork. 
Sadly though, the direction they’re going seems pretty obviously set down a certain path. And I really, really can’t imagine a canon where sylvanas thinks she needs to redeem herself. So unless they have her do a grinch stole christmas esque heart growing 3 sizes as the horde (potentially?) turns against her? Especially with the potential red herring of her having the spriest artifact weapon at some point. Which I’d expect is more likely that she’d at that situation just say fuck everyone and go full on banshee. 
The other problem is that it often feels like the horde get forced into the villain role because really, almost -everything- the alliance does is reactionary and easily more justified by the average person. Orcs invade azeroth to steal it? enslaved. Slavers bad, stealing entire planet, potentially worse. Horde steals super weapon from dalaran after horde -just- nuked an entire city out of existence with another super weapon they used? Jaina goes outrage mode on them and says get the hell out -very- forcefully. 
Maybe in vanilla or even warcraft 1-3 things were more grey/balanced and complex. But it’s the running trend that the horde does something ‘bad’ and the alliance is given free reign to kick back twice as hard. Because at that point, you don’t blame the guy who shoots someone else 15 times after they got shot at twice, right? Though I will adamantly hold onto the fact that anyone defending the burning the tree is confusing to me.
In no instance whatsoever is the notion of ‘killing hope’ a viable option for anyone not wanting to be a hitler esque villain. Enslavement of an entire people, even if she didn’t burn the tree would’ve been a huge problem but stopping a war? Just because peace might only last 5 years doesn’t mean it means nothing. The thought process blizz shoved into sylvanas head for that is incredibly flawed and stupid. Especially the other excuse of the kaldorei shipping azerite for the alliance. You know, the incredibly magically nature worshipping race that WOULD NEVER SUPPORT USING THE PLANETS LIFEBLOOD FOR WAR OR ANYTHING ELSE after they messed up so bad last time. 
...On the plus side blizz got people talking about their story, the downside is a lot of it is people complaining about inconsistencies or issues. The up side, I really do hope they use this to flesh out the horde leadership entirely. Even the like, 5 seconds interactions we’ve seen in the siege of undercity is more lore then baine has had in...years.
Kinda bad (but better than blizzard) attempt at re writing Sylvanas story from BFA.
Right so I hate how Sylvanas is written in BFA and I wanted to take a second to have a rewrite that doesn’t change much of the BFA plot.
Right so we start just before the burning of Teldrasil. Saurfang abandons the horde just before Sylvanas goes for the tree. Sylvanas holds the torch and states up at the tree. Then stops. What is she doing? What does this achieve this is cruelty for cruelties sake, and she remembers the horror of seeing Silvermoon fall and she begins to stop.
Just as she’s about to call retreat, Nathanos stabs her, burns the tree himself, leaves her for dead.
Nathanos using typical wow bullshit convinces the horde that he was named successor and BFA continues as normal. With him as the sole driving force.
Meanwhile Saurfang returns to the tree and helps Sylvanas the two of them working together in the background to kill Nathanos while not destabilising the horde during the war.
As this is going on Sylvanas teaches Saurfang about what leading the forsaken means, about Silvermoon and what it means to survive at any cost.
Sylvanas spends a lot of time working to become a better warchief, still cunning and vicious, but less cruel. She even interacts with Voljin and Thrall. Taps into the history of the horde. Parallels herself with Garrosh, but the difference is she tries to change. Seeks redemption and when she returns to the horde she kills Nathanos and leads the horde into an uneasy truce just in time to fight Nzoth.
This could create a lot of parallels between her and Jaina and create growth for both of them and allow them to find a common ground.
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sheltips · 6 years
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567 notes · View notes
sheltips · 6 years
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Amazingly lovely portrait done by this person! https://artistsnclients.com/slots/26774
Everyones been on a binge hitting this person up for their portraits at a very easily affordable cost lately in guild. And they’re so fast at it! This took maybe 6-7 hours! Really recommend them, or their higher tiers, they do good work.
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sheltips · 6 years
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someone PLEASE find the source on this and give that person a free pizza
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sheltips · 6 years
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Tagged by: No one! But it looked fun and I missed this last time.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it! But also, @thesnoreashan @emilia-duskfeather @xaevierthorne @dusketernal @monishadangelo Gosh there’s too many names, but all the people!
Secret gif game
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Select a single gif depicting a secret your character has that few, if any, know. Give zero explanation, be mysterious.
Tagged by: @twin-moons-ffxiv @wandering-ronin-xiv
Tagging: @yladri @shadowborne-ffxiv @yutikyis @rinoasdream @poe-lhyzeal @fair-fae @devil-you-know @ze-dominant-demon @sigridderioslainn @waitingrose @alred-briarthorne @dalanoth @amunguhn @yutikyis @hedgearcher  @zreakhai @zerhetttia-ffxiv @nebula1984 
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sheltips · 6 years
Consciousness pulsed steadily, weakly, the internal awareness of both entrapped demons able to feel the string beginning to pull backwards. A steady, slow sensation that had built up over the course of the day. It seemed to pulse faintly as she drew closer.
The timeless, endless void of twisted, unspeakable malformations and abominations had begun to take their toll upon her mind. It had felt like hours, days, years perhaps. For a while she’d managed to keep focused, to not think on where or what she was in that moment. 
Such time was almost a gift, allowing her to focus more upon the nature of the chaotic, twisted realm her consciousness drifted through. Witnessing many nearly un-explainable things being done with the magic. Some made her curious, as best as one could be in such a state. But still, her awareness felt something closing in.
Time seemed to slowly be wrapping around her as she felt her path diverting. For how long it had been she could not say, but things seemed to slowly be making more sense. Which disturbed the calm understanding she’d bared this burden with. The incongruous sensations mixed confusingly and made her more and more aware of the awful, unspeakable things around her.
Still, the void would not leave her with merely memories, nor nightmares. No, throughout the duration it was subtly nudging her towards an awe for the power, for the things that twisted and writhed, entire worlds snuffed out and rebuilt in new, horrible images in the blink of an eye. If she’d had eyes. Since her initial reaction wasn’t to break immediately, instead whatever beings pulled her strings decided they’d rather feed the desire for power within her. The spark of hunger that had always been there, slowly growing.
In the last seconds, eons, however her calm shattered and she buckled more and more under the insanity. Barely scraping by at all before she felt the thread yank harshly, forcefully, flinging her out like a grown man knocking away a child with his fist. 
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The transition was jarring, somehow, she’d grown used to not having a physical body. Within one heartbeat, wait, she had a heart? The sensation almost uncomfortable. She went from drifting sentience to being slammed back into a flesh and blood body.
Suddenly she wasn’t alone once more, she felt her connection, to others. To her demons, somehow even their connection to her soul felt uncomfortable. More so that she even had one. 
Fingers stretched out slowly, flexing one after another, as she drew upon her distant memories and felt her focus throb outwards. Taking in her surroundings, the bed, her room. Somehow she recalled when the changes had occurred to her body, feeling so much more...capable. And now as she took in her form it felt...lacking.
Distraught confusion shifted through her muddled thoughts as she half fell out of the bed. Catching herself barely, wings fanning out behind her. It wasn’t merely the bodily differences that made her uncomfortable. The body had clearly not exercised or moved much at all in the time it had been left vacant.
Stiffness ached in her joins, her bones, the mere sensation of stretching out her wings sent shivers down her spine as the nerves felt stimulation for the first time in a good minute. It was at this moment she realized she was quite naked, having not been dressed since the night. 
Chest heaving, the demon hunter forced herself into an upright posture with a struggle of effort. Unconsciously sparking heat along her runes, body glowing with a mix of void purple and fel green as the fiery chaotic magic burned heatedly in her veins. Smoke wafting off of her form as she eased out a mildly tired sigh.
Going through stretches, her frame flexed every which way and that as she worked the kinks out of her body. The burning fel sinking into her flesh and enhancing her muscles as it often did. Not thinking upon how much she was using, and clearly not as focused as usual. The texture of her skin shifted ever so slightly.
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Soft elven curves altered in shade somewhat as barely visible ridge formations began to grow in. Tiny scales bumping up along her arms and legs before she caught herself. Awareness sparking with mild discomfort as she reigned in her energy. Frowning her fanged expression towards the markings.
Blackened, sharp claws traced over her own arms as she inspected the damage the unrestrained chaotic magic had wrought. Not quite as smooth as before, but not overwhelmingly rough either. It seemed she’d stopped it before it went too far. But still, it was a failure none the less.
Magical sensed sparked out from her now that she felt a bit more rejuvenated. A couple thoughts coming to mind, aware she hadn’t eaten for a few days with some discomfort. Reaching for the shadows around her was an odd sensation, somehow closer then before. Tempting, promising. The first of whispers beginning to grasp at her despite the caution and protection of her runes.
Another perceived failure, but she’d made her peace with the error that made her...unavailable. Thoughts shying away from those memories, particularly the end. A new hunger now known as well, not physically, but more an internal maw of need. The combined urges of her body were distinctly unappreciated. Now not just hungering for fel, but for void as well. 
Drained, hungering for a number of urges, not the least of which being thoughts drifting towards the many things she’d not partook of for several days. Instantly aware of her satyr’s actions during her absence. Annoyance fluttered across her mind before being dismissed, at least now she knew how long she’d been gone. Already not excited for the thorough pouring over her memories the satyr desired strongly.
Darkness pooled up and over her body, swallowing over her steadily in a now intimately, uncomfortable familiar sensation. Grasping, clinging to every inch of flesh as she channeled her focus and the magic into her desired wishes. Before with a throb and a spasm her form rippled once. Shadows fracturing and breaking apart into a swarm of illusory bats that scattered away, leaving her room empty.
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sheltips · 6 years
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Moseby has lost it…
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sheltips · 6 years
Day reblog~
Within the depths of some odd shadowy realm beyond her knowledge, Shelys mind continued to be flung. Time long since lost its meaning in this place, even moreso then she’d thought it could’ve at the start. Somehow so far the endless, vast, empty void occasionally flourishing with cosmic horrors she couldn’t even comprehend hadn’t shattered her sanity yet. 
The warped perspective of time gave her plenty of chances to think upon what occurred, and so many other things. Shock having since weakened enough that she could be aware of the here and now, admittedly the before was oddly difficult to focus on. The many lessons from her teacher and Satyr both meditated upon, as much as Shely could in her present state. Serving out her time in recompense for ‘stealing’ from the void.
Meanwhile, the empty shell containing her soul and the two demons bound to it lay within her bad in the tower. Moved there by a friend, it had managed to mend after time passed. Natural regeneration combining with the efforts of the first night and leaving her mostly whole. Save for the lack of a sentience. 
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Inside the satyr stirred, mentality testing, examining the state of her form. The runes kept him from breaking out, not that he’d want to. The nathrezim itself seemed to have tested and decided it was better to save its energy moments before. The shadowy, deeply cowled and robed mental image of a creature pondered the opportunity before it.
Given the opportunity, he began to reach, stretch. Starting with the sight, recalling his intimate examination of every magical thing she’d learned since he’d been bound to her soul. Even still the runes interfered massively, but like a nearly blind person squinting through glasses. His surroundings slowly became visible. 
Attempting to move was infinitely harder, like being weighed down by tonnes of water. His attempts at maneuvering her were useless for the first day or so. But he would not likely get another chance to examine through his own ‘eyes’ as it were.
Speaking was weird…everything was weird, it’d been several years since he’d been freely moveable. Though the nathrezim observed his experimentation, it merely continued to exude a constant malice. Having long since learned of his lack of loyalty to the legion.
Interactions were at best hostile, and those he managed to speak to seemed distrustful and doubtful. Forthright and honest, he found their reactions confusing. Though any demon possessing its host would be frowned upon, he supposed.
Expending most of his effort, he’d barely made it an hour before he felt the weight of the ocean growing oppressive. Dragging the empty shell back to her bed, he’d fallen into the covers with a weighty thud. Consciousness dipping back into the mental space she used to visualize her internal mind. 
As another day passed, he felt the thread of magic slowly beginning to pull backwards. Hopefully this meant she’d return soon, he’d thought to himself rather wistfully. 
Been rolling a bit for shelys handling some mad realm, gotten some insanely good rolls so far. But still one day left, so who knows! But it was fun to toy with the internal demon character a bit as a change of pace.
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sheltips · 6 years
Within the depths of some odd shadowy realm beyond her knowledge, Shelys mind continued to be flung. Time long since lost its meaning in this place, even moreso then she’d thought it could’ve at the start. Somehow so far the endless, vast, empty void occasionally flourishing with cosmic horrors she couldn’t even comprehend hadn’t shattered her sanity yet. 
The warped perspective of time gave her plenty of chances to think upon what occurred, and so many other things. Shock having since weakened enough that she could be aware of the here and now, admittedly the before was oddly difficult to focus on. The many lessons from her teacher and Satyr both meditated upon, as much as Shely could in her present state. Serving out her time in recompense for ‘stealing’ from the void.
Meanwhile, the empty shell containing her soul and the two demons bound to it lay within her bad in the tower. Moved there by a friend, it had managed to mend after time passed. Natural regeneration combining with the efforts of the first night and leaving her mostly whole. Save for the lack of a sentience. 
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Inside the satyr stirred, mentality testing, examining the state of her form. The runes kept him from breaking out, not that he’d want to. The nathrezim itself seemed to have tested and decided it was better to save its energy moments before. The shadowy, deeply cowled and robed mental image of a creature pondered the opportunity before it.
Given the opportunity, he began to reach, stretch. Starting with the sight, recalling his intimate examination of every magical thing she’d learned since he’d been bound to her soul. Even still the runes interfered massively, but like a nearly blind person squinting through glasses. His surroundings slowly became visible. 
Attempting to move was infinitely harder, like being weighed down by tonnes of water. His attempts at maneuvering her were useless for the first day or so. But he would not likely get another chance to examine through his own ‘eyes’ as it were.
Speaking was weird...everything was weird, it’d been several years since he’d been freely moveable. Though the nathrezim observed his experimentation, it merely continued to exude a constant malice. Having long since learned of his lack of loyalty to the legion.
Interactions were at best hostile, and those he managed to speak to seemed distrustful and doubtful. Forthright and honest, he found their reactions confusing. Though any demon possessing its host would be frowned upon, he supposed.
Expending most of his effort, he’d barely made it an hour before he felt the weight of the ocean growing oppressive. Dragging the empty shell back to her bed, he’d fallen into the covers with a weighty thud. Consciousness dipping back into the mental space she used to visualize her internal mind. 
As another day passed, he felt the thread of magic slowly beginning to pull backwards. Hopefully this meant she’d return soon, he’d thought to himself rather wistfully. 
Been rolling a bit for shelys handling some mad realm, gotten some insanely good rolls so far. But still one day left, so who knows! But it was fun to toy with the internal demon character a bit as a change of pace.
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sheltips · 6 years
The Price of Power
Her consciousness drifted, aimless, empty. Entirely disconnected from anything physical, anything real. Shelynas thoughts occasionally flickering back to a recollection of what had occurred. Warnings given in the past, ingrained in her by many teachers. Her satyr, her husband, others still. The void gave, and the void took. She payed a price in energy every time she asked it to bring something physical into reality. A price only sufficient enough to borrow, never fully keep. As that would cost so much more, for a permanent gift from the twisted realm of darkened magic. 
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The prior night, day, year? Time didn’t seem to pass wherever her awareness was. Not that she could tell, perhaps it flew even faster then normal. Recollection recalled her error, in a moment of haste and need she’d beckoned her magic into a humanoid form to act quickly. Shoving someone out of the way of...something, her thoughts were fuzzy. Only really remembering that whatever it was had consumed and destroyed her creation quicker then a heartbeat. Before the world was torn apart in a blaze of fel and void combining and rippling outwards.
She remembered feeling...broken, shattered, more pain then she’d felt in quite some time. And severely paling in comparison to the sensation of something tearing at her while she lay in a heap. Tendrils of void ripping past her flesh, into the veins of energy in her body, into her mind. Devouring energy, but the price was greater then merely energy. A humanoid form was much more potent, flexible, useful. She felt a yank, and her thoughts blacked out entirely.
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Her body left behind, a cage fortunately unbreakable easily in the hopefully short time that the demons would be left bound to her soul, locked within the runes that covered nearly inch of flesh. The consciousness lapsed away with the shock of the drain, leaving her body merely a shell containing her soul and those tied to it.
Aimless, the thread of magic that was her sentience drifted through horror filled realms, barely aware of what transpired, or how long it lasted. Unaware even that her physical body was being tended to, she would not be able to be pulled back unless someone intervened, or her ‘time’ paying recompense ran out.
“You should be more careful with what you borrow.” A quaking presence chided the nonexistent insect of a being. Before her awareness fluttered away once more, and she continued to float along.
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sheltips · 6 years
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