sherholm · 9 months
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merry christmas from the guys! 🎄
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sherholm · 1 year
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tfw he was very sincerely yours :,(
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sherholm · 1 year
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what i would give for a dreamless night
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sherholm · 1 year
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I'm a bit obsessed with this look ngl...
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sherholm · 1 year
i was so glad that his character was treated much better in the awakened than it usually is … even in past frogwares games watson would be treated with varying levels of care. for example in tdd he was barely present from actual gameplay as he was always “attending appointments” and whatnot. i understand in that game it was also for plot purposes, but i think his inclusion in those missed sequences would’ve actually been far more engaging (if not a little more technically challenging), but that’s for another post. they also just didn’t really let him speak outside of interacting with holmes… unlike ta watson. still love tdd watson he had his incredible moments.
and of course, general holmes media sometimes tend to construe him as unintelligent with a tendency to lag behind (both mentally and physically), or just treating him as a less important character overall. its rare he receives the true amount of agency and independence as a character that he deserves.
like you said, they really honed in on his best features and brought him to life, and granted him extra depth by really discussing what he went through. before the game came out i wondered if they’d comment on his disability in the game, since it’d be so close to him receiving his injury after all, but the insight we received on his experiences during the war makes up for the lack of its mention. i really really appreciated his sass and consistent caring nature … hopefully we’ll get some true snarky holmes-watson tag teaming against an arsehole in a case >:)
so glad he was given the development and care he deserves !!
Hot take (or maybe not?): I 100% prefer all the characters, but particularly Watson, in the recent Frogwares games compared to the BBC version (and in fact, compared to most versions).
The way they wrote him in Awakened was top notch. I love how sassy and smart he was - not on the same league as Sherlock, obviously, but still holding his own admirably. I love how tortured he was too by his experience during the war and his survivor guilt - and how spending time with Sherlock helped him grapple with it.
That crazy man took no shit from the most powerful man in the nation and perfectly retaliated with zero fear lmao
He was also super soft and patient with our poor Sherlock who pretty much had the worst time ever for the entirety of the game
I really, really loved him. I can only pray we get to see the rest of their adventures in the future !
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sherholm · 1 year
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At 221B
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sherholm · 1 year
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Semi based on my fic au where they're married and take long walks and are in love idk I need them happy or ill cry
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sherholm · 1 year
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sherholm · 1 year
i’m not sure if i want my next fic to be about a series of excerpts from mycroft and sherlock’s youth, primarily from mycroft’s pov (featuring some scenes in sherlock and jon’s pov), with emphasis on how mycroft felt about everything they were going through, specifically how sherlock changed over time...
orrrr a rather silly little rewrite of the ending cutscene in TA (which would hopefully include a far more uplifting, but still ultimately uneasy, ending...)...
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sherholm · 1 year
for the paintings -- i really do hope they continue including holmes’ mental struggles even if there is no “reason” to (i.e. not a game about losing sanity or confronting past trauma). i love having a main character who experiences complex mental issues and is still beloved and at the forefront, especially when considering how something like psychosis or dissociation is usually used as a plot point rather than incorporated into a non-”insanity” plot. i think it would be so interesting if it is also somehow used as partial reasoning to exactly why he is so clever (at least in frogwares canon), as he would have a very unique view of the world (though i personally believe his expert sleuthing is explained by a multitude of reasons related to his psyche, but this would definitely also be part of it). he describes himself as obsessive, and can see things that “aren’t there” sometimes (the investigation of barnes), and i hope this continues because it’d lead to great possibilities. it might interfere with his “logical” view of the world, but ultimately he would always conclude on the most logical option as that’s just how he is. or he wouldn’t, who knows!
for everything else, yes. i love this discussion!!
discussion of the ending cutscene in shta , spoilers !!
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sherholm · 1 year
i think holmes did experiment with drugs before the final cutscene, but not for the same reasons that watson administered them. when he grabbed the sedative from edelweiss to "build his tolerance," i think that may suggest that he's either done this ("building his tolerance") before, or at least thought about it? though there's a wide difference in choosing to experiment with drugs for the sake of not being ambushed again versus being treated for his mental illness against his will (which would fulfill his deepest fear). of course this could just be hinting at his future tendency to build his tolerance to a variety of substances, though.
the more i think about it, the more i realise just what this could mean for watson's character. you and shadowstarkanada have made me start thinking more about watson possibly being darker instead of how we normally see him portrayed ... when i first saw the scene i didn't really think much in terms of what it meant for watson's character on that level, but now i am starting to see things. he showed hesitance even with picking up the vial and syringe, which made me think he was very torn up on using it at all (though i have no idea if this was still a more spontaneous decision or if he had been debating using the sedative for a while beforehand, as we aren't privy to this, though perhaps the game is suggesting the latter since it was already laying there on the table). then after injecting holmes with it, he immediately seems a little uncomfortable or possibly guilty about his decision, though of course he must've believed it was going to help / was the best option he had.
what if there were some more "sinister" motivations at play, though? i'm not trying to suggest anything too crazy, as after all it really was "just a sedative" and watson was just trying to help, but my brain is just swarming with thoughts right now!! you two have got the gears turning.
it's becoming more interesting to think about what "rely on" really means when it concerns holmes and watson's relationship. they rely on each other emotionally, yes, but could drugs also be linked to that? watson is who, whether he meant to or not, seemingly began holmes' tendency to fall back on drugs, and this strengthens this potentially unhealthy bond. holmes may begin to rely on him in a different way than we previously would've imagined.
(sorry for the long response lol)
discussion of the ending cutscene in shta , spoilers !!
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sherholm · 1 year
discussion of the ending cutscene in shta , spoilers !!
after getting a chance to discuss it, all that’s on my mind right now is that damn ending cutscene w/ holmes n watson!!! its really making me think and ponder about why watson would decide the best course of action would be to force drugs on holmes.
maybe i’m just thinking too much about the negative implications of his actions, since it could just be a doctor trying to help his patient, you know? the both of them just want holmes to be OK again. we know he was never truly OK, but after everything he’s been through, and the suffering that’s followed him through it... i guess we could understand why watson would resort to that (”resort” meaning forcing nonconsensual treatment, not just the act of using drugs, as drugs can help people, of course). but holmes’ reaction was just genuinely upsetting. 
take into account the role that drugs have played in his life up until this point. depending on the ending you chose in c1, drugs could be a very sensitive and rather traumatic subject for him. even if your ending had nothing to do with holmes’ potential involvement in his mother’s death, the treatment of the mentally ill is sensitive to him. he watched that as his mother was treated, she got worse and worse. he’s been able to observe how poorly the mentally ill can be treated at edelweiss. he has the constant fear of ending up like the rest of them, like the madmen he was chasing after, like his own mother. watson taking away his autonomy, giving him drugs he did not consent to, just like what he saw at edelweiss, and just like how mycroft felt that richter did to their mother.... its too much. 
with all of this bleak association he has with having a mental disorder and the treatment of it, all he can really do is protest, then falter as he realises it would all be futile. this is how it was meant to end for him, as it was the same fate he’s observed others suffer. as watson treats him against his will, he quickly comes to accept it, the only thing on his mind being how he’s going to become what he feared all along: “a lunatic, a man with softening of the brain, an idiot whose mind has lost its grip.”
then again, maybe i’m just thinking too much about the negative implications!
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sherholm · 1 year
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You are not his father, Mycroft— not any more.
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sherholm · 2 years
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Sherlock keeping Dilwyn’s hat, tho ;o;
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sherholm · 2 years
c1 mycroft is infesting the brain sm rn i want to write pages upon pages on how he was only 20ish y/o when he had to find a way to keep his family together after the death of his father and the mental deterioration of his mother, whilst keeping her invasive doctor in check, all the while trying to protect and offer a stable life to his brother... though still knowing the entire time that he didn’t do good enough and he’s always been alone in this struggle!
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sherholm · 2 years
I completely understand if there's no interest... but maybe a little something of Mycroft (chapter one)? I just adore him and would love to see you draw him. Please?🥺👉👈 (if not, it's totally okay. have a nice day btw!! <3)
I haven't drawn him so it's kinda difficult to capture his face oof
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Anyway big brother moment
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sherholm · 2 years
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I started this but then gave up
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