#mycroft is TRYING
sherholm · 2 years
c1 mycroft is infesting the brain sm rn i want to write pages upon pages on how he was only 20ish y/o when he had to find a way to keep his family together after the death of his father and the mental deterioration of his mother, whilst keeping her invasive doctor in check, all the while trying to protect and offer a stable life to his brother... though still knowing the entire time that he didn’t do good enough and he’s always been alone in this struggle!
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jjjeremybrett · 25 days
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angryducktimemachine · 4 months
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Mycroft Doodles.
[ID: two pencil sketches of Mycroft Holmes. He's gesturing towards the right in one and holding a cigarette in the other. /End ID]
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ofbakerst · 9 months
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highlyincorrect · 4 months
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… why did no one tell me about twink Lestrade in that amazing gay 80s movie
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crazydaymycrazyway · 5 months
Mycroft: You're on thin ice-
Albert: I'm on the floor
Mycroft: It's a metaphor
Albert: It's a carpet
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luca-flowers · 3 months
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I've always been a paper artist, I didn't know digital art was that difficult, man 😭😭😭😭
ps: yes, it's Mycroft and Greg dancing to La La Land because I think "A lovely night" suits them ~~heheje
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afterthefeast · 3 months
i think despite all of his heinous, heinous crimes, to me the worst thing mycroft canner has done is consistently refer to his penis as a member
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onceinawhilemoon · 5 months
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I fuck up so badly i cause a literal political unrest in cordona and probably nullify years of his hardwork in keeping the peace and he still offers me another chance??????? please
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tinyglassearl · 2 years
You know,Mycroft x Albert is the definition of "Lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship"
But instead of them getting cancelled, Albert goes to prison and Mycroft gets cucked for 3 years.
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lesbonoi · 5 months
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jesus christ richter fucked her uppp did he hit her carotid artery or something
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atamh · 1 year
Hi Mycroft, I was having a debate with some people over what is your official position. So, to settle it, what would you call your official position?
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skyriderwednesday · 1 year
Posterior Observation
He was not really reading the newspaper. More than anything, it was a cover to track the incessant comings and goings from the room without anyone noticing what he was actually doing. Sherlock was arguably doing similar beside him, but he did not have a newspaper or indeed any object in hand, nor was he watching the tide of police officers. In fact, his eyes were fixed on one man in particular. Mycroft leant over with an air of disapproval. “Brother,” he said in a low voice, “if you will insist on staring at the doctor's backside--” “I am not staring at his backside!” Sherlock hissed. Mycroft was unmoved. “I am not judging, you may ogle your companion as much as you like, I could not care less in the slightest if that is the realm in which your proclivities lie. I only mean to suggest that you try to be a touch more subtle about doing so in public.” Sherlock flushed, “Is it really that--” “Sherlock, any sufficiently observant person would be able to tell quite easily what it is you were doing. Admittedly, that leaves you quite safe in the present company, but still.” He began to pick at his fingers. Mycroft looked out over the room to watch Doctor Watson, who was presently in professional conversation with the attending police surgeon. Idly, he stuck his hands into his trouser pockets and rocked a little on his heels. Beside him, Sherlock’s breathing hitched. Mycroft rolled his eyes. “Really, brother. I cannot rightly fault your admiration, the man has filled out rather nicely since the first time I met him, but you are honestly no better than a schoolboy!” Sherlock made no reply. His lips twitched. “This is not funny, Brother Mine,” Mycroft said sternly. Presently, Doctor Watson turned over his shoulder and, to his horror, he winked at Sherlock.  “Holmes,” he called, “if I might have you a moment, please?” “Of course, Doctor!” Sherlock smirked, and all but skipped across the room to join the doctor. Mycroft did not gape at either of them, but it took every ounce of restraint not to do so. Rather he buried himself in the newspaper with a performative huff, peering up in time to witness Sherlock raise a hand to the small of Watson's back. He sighed, these two, with their audacity, would be the death of him, he was sure.
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panicfable · 6 months
I don't know if this is reasonably going to get any votes but
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governmentofficial · 2 months
The hour was a late one. It wasn't so late that it was concerning, but it was certainly undeniable that Mycroft had lingered longer than he had said he would. Why exactly a man would do that while he was on a date was obvious, but was he going to admit to that? Of course not!
Instead of doing what any normal man would do and coming back to his friend's home, where he was staying for the duration of his current trip, with a smile on his face, Mycroft had decided to attempt to be covert. If he were dealing with anybody else, this would have likely worked, but this was Fish. Out of anybody, she was undoubtedly the individual with the greatest chance of catching Mycroft out when it came to any kind of behaviour. She simply knew him too well - and even if that weren't the case, she was a force to be reckoned with in her own right.
Having hung his coat up by the door and removed his shoes, Mycroft had made it into the kitchen, seeking to pour himself a glass of water, before he came across his friend. Immediately, the soft smile on his expression vanished as his self-conscious nature regarding the source of his happiness took over.
"Hello," Mycroft greeted, tone cagey as he eyed Fish with a look that, likely to her, clearly showed him weighing up exactly how secretive he was about to be. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"
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crazydaymycrazyway · 5 months
Trying to help the Holmes brothers make up
Albert: Now, hug each other for a minute
Sherlock, with a twisted face: You're joking, right?
Mycroft, frowning: Did you mispronounce curse with hug?
Albert: ....
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