shesandesu · 6 months
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shesandesu · 3 years
Google Analytics Academy Course 6 Unit 4 Assessment 4 (100% Correct)
1. Which three tags does Google Analytics require for accurate campaign tracking?
Medium, Source, and Campaign
2. Which tags are standard Google Analytics campaign parameters?
(select all answers that apply)
3. To quickly generate campaign tags, what tool should be used?
The URL Builder
4. Which formats may be used to add a custom campaign parameter to a URL?
(select all answers that apply)
5. Which are examples of Goals in Google Analytics?
(select all answers that apply)
Making a purchase
Signing up for a newsletter
Submitting a contact information form
6. When creating a Goal in Google Analytics, which are required?
(select all answers that apply)
Goal Name
Goal Type
Goal Slot ID
7. If the Google Merchandise Store sets up a URL goal of “/thankyou” and a Match Type of “Begins with”, which of the following pages on www.googlemerchandisestore.com will count as goals?
All of the above
8. Google Ads lets users advertise on which properties?
(select all answers that apply)
Google Search
Google Display Network
9. Enabling auto-tagging does what?
Adds Google Ads tags to campaign URLs
10. What Google Ads report in Google Analytics can show which bid adjustments resulted in higher conversions?
Bid Adjustments
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shesandesu · 3 years
Google Analytics Academy Course 6 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Activity (100% Correct)
1. Under Acquisition in the Google Ads > Campaigns report, which campaign had the most clicks?
AW - Accessories
2. Under Acquisition in the Google Ads > Campaigns report, which campaign had the highest CPC?
AW - Electronics
3. Under Acquisition in the Google Ads > Keywords report, which keyword had the highest CPC?
android shirts
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shesandesu · 3 years
Google Analytics Academy Course 6 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Activity (100% Correct)
1. Under Conversions in the Goals Overview report, what was the conversion rate for the goal “Purchase Completed (Goal 1 Conversion Rate)”?
2. Under Audience in the Geo > Location report, what country had the highest conversion rate for the goal “Purchase Completed (Goal 1 Conversion)” ?
3. Under Acquisition in the All Traffic > Source/Medium report, what source/medium brought in the highest number of goal completions for the goal “Purchases completed (Goal 1 Completions)”?
google / organic
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shesandesu · 3 years
Google Analytics Academy Course 6 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Activity (100% Correct)
1. Under Acquisition in the Campaigns > All Campaigns report, how many new users were brought in by the “AW - Accessories” campaign?
2. Under Acquisition in the Campaigns > All Campaigns report, what is the source and medium for the “AW - Apparel” campaign?
google / cpc
3. Under Acquisition in the Campaigns > All Campaigns report, which of these were top 10 keywords used in the “AW - Accessories” campaign?
(select all that apply)
google sticker store
google merch
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shesandesu · 3 years
Google Analytics Academy Course 6 Unit 3 Assessment 3 (100% Correct)
1. What setting must be enabled to view data in Demographics and Interests Reports?
Advertising features
2. What report would best help identify potential browser issues with website traffic?
The Browser & OS report
3. What report shows what mobile devices were used to view a website?
The Devices report under “Mobile”
4. Which Traffic Source dimensions does Google Analytics automatically capture for each user who comes to your site?
Source, Medium, Campaign name
5. Which “sources” are available in Google Analytics?
(select all answers that apply)
6. Which “mediums” are available in Google Analytics?
(select all answers that apply)
7. Which "channels" are available in the default Channels report?
(select all answers that apply)
Organic Search
8. What report can show how particular sections of website content performed?
Top Events
9. What report lists the website pages where users first arrived?
Landing Pages
10. What report should be used to check if users are leaving from important pages on your website?
Exit Pages report
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shesandesu · 3 years
Google Analytics Academy Course 6 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Activity (100% Correct)
1. Under Behavior using the Overview report, which of these Page Titles has the most Pageviews?
Google Online Store
2. Under Behavior using the Site Content > Content Drilldown report, which content section of the Google Merchandise Store has the highest percentage of pageviews?
3. Under Behavior using the Site Content > Exit Pages report, what is the percentage of exits from the shopping cart page URI “/shop.axd/Cart”?
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shesandesu · 3 years
Google Analytics Academy Course 6 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Activity (100% Correct)
1. Under Acquisition in the All Traffic > Source/Medium report, filtering by “referral” traffic, what website sent the highest numbers of users?
2. Under Acquisition in the All Traffic > Channels report, which three channels had the highest number of new users?
Organic Search, Social, Direct
3. Under Acquisition in the All Traffic > Referrals report, for users that came from the source “google.com” which referral path had the most sessions?
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shesandesu · 3 years
Google Analytics Academy Course 6 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Activity (100% Correct)
1. Under Audience, in the Demographics Overview report, which Age Group brought in the highest number of users?
2. Under Audience, in the Geo > Location report for the country of India, what region brought in the highest number of users?
3. Under Audience, in the Mobile Overview report, what percentage of sessions came from mobile devices?
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shesandesu · 3 years
Byaheros Express Lubao Advertisement
Blender 2.91 | 3D
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#blender #eevee #3d
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shesandesu · 3 years
Byaheros Express Lubao Advertisement
Blender 2.91 | 3D
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#blender #eevee #3d
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shesandesu · 3 years
Byaheros Express Lubao Advertisement
Blender 2.91 | 3D
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#blender #eevee #3d
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shesandesu · 3 years
BT21 Cooky 💜
AutoCAD | 3D Character Modeling
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#autocad #3d #character #modeling
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shesandesu · 3 years
BT21 Shooky 💜
AutoCAD | 3D Character Modeling
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#autocad #3d #character #modeling
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shesandesu · 3 years
BT21 Mang 💜
AutoCAD | 3D Character Modeling
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#autocad #3d #character #modeling
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shesandesu · 3 years
BT21 Chimmy 💜
AutoCAD | 3D Character Modeling
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#autocad #3d #character #modeling
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shesandesu · 3 years
BT21 Koya 💜
AutoCAD | 3D Character Modeling
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#autocad #3d #character #modeling
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