shesbiochem4 · 2 months
But OA's reaction after Maggie is exposed to the sarin gas... it broke my heart. If I could, I would give him a hug. The way he wanted to rip the medical tubes from his body to go see Maggie and the way he begged Jubal... chef's kiss. I think the chemistry between the two of them is incredible. But like seriously, after all this, the FBI agents need therapy.
Another thing I can't help but notice is their feelings for each other. There is no way that their feelings are just platonic. The ending of the Episode 4x18 is a clear support for my theory. You can't react like that and say those words without having romantic feelings.
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
one of jake’s ex gfs noticing how protective he is with you and it causes an argument because he’s never that way with her😭
am i right to assume you were thinking of Flyboy Jake (because this was sent around the time of some protective flyboy Jake content and has languished in my drafts ever since; if it is not i apologise!) also, as I have said before - Flyboy Jake is definitely a bit of an ass, pining for someone while dating another girl. so don’t tell me and don’t read on if you don’t like it!
anyway, college flyboy!
“You are so protective of her,” the accusation makes Jake look up at his girlfriend who is seated beside him. He takes in the daggers in her eyes, lips pulled into a thin, grim line, and arms crossed tightly over her chest.
“I am not,” Jake mumbles, his hand reaching out for his pint of beer, taking a swig, his eyes floating across the bar towards you. He sees you laugh, throwing your head back, shoulders shaking with glee as you and a two of his team mates wait around for service at the bar counter.
“Your eyes have followed her since she left the table,” Jake’s girlfriend accuses again, and Jake places the pint back down on the table. He forces himself to tear his gaze away from you, to refocus back in his girlfriend.
“She’s been my best friend forever,” he says simply, the explanation saying it all, while managing to be slightly weak.
“Yeah, friend,”his girlfriend says again, emphasising the word, “try not to forget that?” She all but snaps, and Jake feels his brow begin to furrow. He opens his mouth to shoot out a retort when he hears raised voices from the direction of the bar counter, your direction.
He closes his mouth, head snapping towards you; only to find two of his teammates stacked up in front of you, staring down a drunk looking guy who is sneering at them both.
“What the fuck?” Jake mutters under his breath, as he pushes himself to a stand. A quick assessment of the situation tells him that it was probably a case of unwanted attention.
“Are you really going to her?” His girlfriend says, and Jake turns his head to look at her, the annoyance now written clearly over his features.
“Yes,” he says simply, tone cool and emotionless, eyes darting back to you as he sees you rub the side of your arm, while shrinking back against the bar counter, “you can either wait here, or, if you decide you are still going to have a problem with it, leave.”
Jake’s words are ruthless, but all he can think about in that moment is you. The legs of his chair scrape back against the floor, as he begins his stride over to you.
“Do we have a problem here?” His voice, hard, angry, breaks through, and his teammates shift in unison, maintaining their human barricade between you and the drunk, all while allowing Jake to step in, placing himself closest to you,m.
“He tried to get handsy with her,” one of his teammates supplies, the three men now staring down the drunk who is growing less aggressive and more hesitant as the second past.
“Apologise,” Jake demands, arms crossing over his puffed chest.
The drunk opens his mouth, as if to protest, when the other of Jake’s teammate sighs loudly, before speaking in a bored tone, “if you knew better you would listen to the man.”
“I- I’m sorry,” the words rush out of the drunk’s mouth, his Adams apple bobbing along the column of his throat as he gulps in a display of clear distress.
“Leave,” Jake orders cooly, as he takes a step forward; the drunk doesn’t need to be told twice.
“You ok?” Jake watches him scurry out of sight before he turns to look at you, gaze running down from head to toe, examining you for any signs of hurt.
“I’m okay,” you say, eyes locking onto his. You see the anger walled behind his eyes, so you offer a small smile, reaching out with a hand to gently brush your fingers against an elbow. Jake loosens the cross his arms have across his chest as he feels your touch against his skin.
His teammates grab their drinks, and yours, which have now been slid across the counter by the bartender. It allows Jake the freedom to slide his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side as the three men guide you back to your table. It must, you find yourself musing to yourself, be quite the sight.
“Where is-” you begin to ask only for Jake to cut you off with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders that you feel because of your proximity to him.
“She had some friends to meet.”
“Oh,” you say, brow raising slightly in confusion, but let yourself be steered into your chair by Jake, who makes it a point to slide into the chair beside your, his knee bumping into yours, his jean covered leg pressing lightly against your own for the rest of the evening, arm slung casually across the back of your chair, a brand of casual dominance, Jake Seresin’s own brand of protection for you - something he always best achieved by letting the world know just whose girl you were.
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
worth it 
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a/n: yet again this was supposed to be short but sierra cannot shut up!! <3 thanks anon for this sweet request! i’ll get back to work on my 7 wips now. 🫣 warnings: 18+ for mild coarse language and some shameless thirsting. domestic!hangman is my fave. just super fluffy. word count: 1275 summary: Jake is far more attentive than you previously gave him credit for, but it sparks a big revelation.  pairing: jake seresin x reader
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
So I was rewatching CA:TWS I noticed how Sam tends to be to Steve’s right. That’s even how we’re introduced to him. Cap keeps saying “on your left.” 
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Then I noticed something.
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
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Male & Female Version of the Same Character 💪 Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008-)
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
Dad Jake had my heart forever ❤️
The Third-Generation Bradshaw - or, The Three Times Bradshaw Became a Problem and the One Time Hangman Learned to Live With It (Dad! Hangman x Reader)
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Pairing: Dad! Hangman x Female Reader
Word Count: 4500+
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Teenagers Being Teenagers, Romance, Still The Father-Daughter Relationship I Wish I Had
Author’s Note: A continuation of the Dad/DILF! Hangman series that you guys seem to not be getting enough of! Feel free to keep sending me requests. You can find my Top Gun Maverick masterlist here. Thanks for reading and all the lovely comments/reblogs!
If you haven’t already, I recommend reading at least Letting Go and Reunions prior to this one to understand the father-daughter relationship!
Turns out a near-death experience could work miracles, after all.
After the Maverick mission, Hangman and Rooster had learned to live with each other, understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses and growing to appreciate their partnership in the skies. Your families had remained close over the years, following each other around the world, Navy tour after tour.
On a good day, if you asked your husband, he might even call Bradley Bradshaw a friend. On a great day, maybe even a great friend. But his son?
Nicholas Bradshaw needed more than a miracle.
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
Don't we all need our own Jake Seresin?
Conversations in the dark | Jake Seresin x Reader Top Gun: Maverick - Jake Seresin x Reader Genre: uh idk - i think … angst (but not really) / hurt / comfort / fluff. Warnings: mentions of penetrative sex minors DNI; fighting; female reader. Length: Drabble / blurb
Summary: How you live your life with Jake - inspired by the song conversations in the dark.
A/N: As an FYI - this isn’t like anything I usually write or I have written. But this song always gets to me, although it sounds so happy.
Talk / Let's have conversations in the dark / World is sleeping, I'm awake with you / Watch / Movies that we've both already seen / I ain't even looking at the screen, it's true / I got my eyes on you
Jake enjoys the quiet of the night when he is with you. His life is normally hectic, roaring planes, near shaves with death, running from continent to continent, so the moments he gets to just be with you, are his favourites.
Whether it is running his hands through your hair, your head in his lap, the both of you watching a movie you have seen at least twenty times before; laying next to each other in bed, talking about everything and nothing; or you on his lap naked, taking in every inch of him, his fingers splayed across the bare skin of your hips, tongue swirling around the nipple of your bare breast - Jake loves it all.
So much of his life is spent is constant motion, perpetual uncertainty. Jake has to be “Hangman” outside, in front of the big, bad world - but with you, he gets to be just Jake.
And you say that you're not worth it / You get hung up on your flaws / Well, in my eyes you are perfect / As you are
Jake desires constant perfection in everything he does - the way he flies, the way he looks, the way the lines in his uniform crease. Anything short of those standards, is, to Jake - a flaw, his failure that eats him up alive.
He doesn’t show it to the world, to you, but you see it anyway from the way his eyes flash, his lips press together; from the way Jake returns home from the gym, his knuckles raw, and bloody, sweat plastering his hair to the sides of his face and nape of his neck.
You always make it a point to slide your hands on either side of his face, telling him “you’re enough”, while kissing him, lips, jaw, neck, face. You always taste the salt from his sweat, but you continue until you feel him relent, until you feel him let the tension go.
“You are enough Jake.”
I will never try to change you, change you / I will always want the same you, same you / Swear on everything I pray to / That I won't break your heart / I'll be there when you get lonely, lonely / Keep the secrets that you told me, told me / And your love is all you owe me / And I won't break your heart
Jake fights like he flies - he is brash, ruthless, and impactful. It is always loud, angry, hurtful and always ends with you both shouting at the top of your lungs, and you in tears. Jake is never violent towards you - but fighting with Jake hurts the both of you in a different way, it hurts the both of you inside.
After big fights, you end up sleeping apart, him on the couch and you in the bedroom. But Jake always comes back to you first, because while he won’t admit - it is lonely, with you. Your fights end with multiple whispered chants of “I’m sorry”, with urgent, desperate, needy, kisses, and Jake thrusting into like both your lives depended on it, a litany of “I love you” / “I fucking love you baby”, falling from his lips.
When you fight, you fight like hell with Jake, but you know he’ll never break your heart.
On Sunday mornings we sleep-in 'til noon / Well, I can sleep forever next to you / And we / We got places we both gotta be / But there ain't nothing I would rather do / Then blow off all my plans for you
On the Sundays he is home, you both always make numerous plans - whether to try something new, or go some place further; but you always end up making only half, or none of the plans - you both choosing instead to relish in the comfort of your shared bed, limbs, lips, hands, sheets, tangled up around each other.
Your Sundays pass in the same way as the earth spins on its axis, but there is no other way either of you would have it.
When no one seems to notice / And your days, they seem so hard / My darling, you should know this / My love is everywhere you are
You wear his love close to his heart, in the form of a necklace you never take off, and he wears yours on his wrist, a watch, the bracelet marked from years of use.
Jake loves you everywhere - feet on the ground or 10,000 feet above ground.
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
Worlds Collide CHAPTER FIVE // Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Song: “a soft place to land” by jessie mueller, keala settle, & kimiko glenn -> (Playlist) ♪
TW: near-fatal allergic reaction, childrens hospitals (minus the aesthetic), disassociation, panic attack
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↢ previous chapter
Days pass, and you settle into a routine, cooking, cleaning, writing, groecery shopping, and raising your children while Jake is at work. You take a few trips to the park, some to the ocean, using the beach behind the Hard Deck as Penny suggested. On occasion, you will even go over to her house, Amelia excitedly babysitting Jack and Carrie while you and Penny talk. She’s become somewhat of a mentor to you, especially with tips for child rearing; after all, she had a teenager, and she filled in after Carole died for you.
Another person you make sure to visit is your Aunt, Sarah Kazansky. Your Uncle Ice is always happy to have you, chatting using a computer, and Sarah is equally as excited for your presence. She fills the doting grandmother role instantly for Jack and Caroline, Ice acting much the same. Take today, for instance; you had had a luncheon with her and a few of the other officers’ wives and after had headed back to the Kazansky residence with your aunt. Jack is currently having “man” time with Ice, the two playing with model jets, while you and Sarah talk. You feed Caroline at some point, about two hours after eating, but it’s two hours too late. In just a few minutes, hives are breaking out across her now-rashy skin, her face and lips swelling up and her breath coming out in a troubled wheeze.
You’re panicking.
Thankfully, Sarah has the state of mind to call 911 for you, the ambulance arriving quickly. Since it’s only one other person allowed, you quickly get in, your aunt assuring you that she’ll take care of Jack. That worry relieved, your entire focus is devoted to your dying daughter, eyes and mind tunneling down to one.
As she’s rushed to the ER, you’re forced into a waiting room, trying to control your breathing and not spiral. It’s during this period that you have a flash of clarity, dialing your husband.
He doesn’t pick up.
You call again, and again, and again, nerves only worsening with each failed attempt. Horror stories fill your mind of people dying during training, especially the one of Mav and Goose. God, please no. You can’t lose both your husband and your daughter today—you can’t. Out of your mind with worry, you know better than to call Mav, so you decide on going higher up;
You call Vice Admiral Simpson directly.
Thankfully, he’s understanding, reassuring you that your husband is fine and was just in the air, that he had landed seconds ago. A family man himself, he promises to let Jake know about his daughter’s condition, and to give him the rest of the day off to go to the hospital, as well as informing Pete of the developments, as you try not to blubber on the other end of the line.
For more than a second, you entertain the thought that either Ice had already told him to do so, or that Sarah had told Mrs. Simpson about the situation, who had quickly briefed her husband. Mrs. Simpson was a kindly, fiery woman, who you had grown close to, and you have no doubt she would threaten him sleeping on the couch if it were her who informed him.
Thanking Cyclone, you hang up, tapping your leg against the floor and fidgeting endlessly as you wait for an update on Caroline’s condition, entirely alone.
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It’s been a few weeks since they started training, and it’s going… well, not well, but at least better. He thinks. No one has passed the course, but they’re starting to grow into some semblance of a team, despite the animosity between himself and Rooster. That’s been toned down, too, save snips at each other in passing and when both in the air. Each time, though, they’re forced to explain why they died, and Maverick makes sure to remind them that they won’t be apologizing to the teammate, they’ll apologize to wives and children, parents and siblings.
Each time, Jake’s mind drifts to his wife and his children, his parents and his siblings, his nephews and his nieces, and his resolve grows steelier. I’m not going to die on this mission.
He’s heading back to the from another failed mission, this time with Fritz and Halo as his wingmen. He pats Fritz’s drooping shoulder as they walk to the rec room, the fellow pilot moving to his buddies at the foosball table as his WSO takes a seat with Phoenix beside the radio. For his part, Jake collapses on the couch beside Coyote, noting that the next flight—Omaha, Payback, and Fanboy—had already made their way to pre-flight.
“Get your sweaty ass away from me,” Javy deadpans. Jake groans, sore from the G’s, and flips off his friend without care.
“You’re no Febreeze yourself, buddy.”
Javy snorts and shakes his head in amusement, going to respond, when the door opens and Cyclone walks through, everyone on their feet and at attention in the blink of an eye, no matter how sore they feel.
“At ease,” Cyclone calls, waving them off. “Go back to whatever you were doing. Hesitantly, confusedly, there’s a tentative return to do so, voices much lower now regardless. “Seresin.”
Jake’s head snaps back to the Admiral, the room so quiet you could hear a pin drop as everyone curiously waits to see what’s about to happen. Phoenix smirks, assuming he’s in trouble, while Jake racks his brain to think of why. “Sir?”
“Your wife called, she’s been trying to reach you.” Shit. You would know better than to call a Rear Admiral—what were you thinking? He forgets the presence of the other aviators, who are all—save Javy—looking at him like he’s grown another head. Hangman has a wife? “Your kid is in the ER. You’ve got the rest of the day off, go see them. Be back here on time tomorrow, though.”
The stares grow louder. Hangman has a wife and a kid?
“Yes, sir.” The response is rote as he stands there, unable to comprehend. Cyclone makes his exit as Jake tries to compute, frozen, glitching in and out of thought processes. He doesn’t realize he isn’t breathing until Javy is in his face, trying to get his attention. He blinks owlishly at his friend, slowly beginning to feel the cold in his hand. He glances down and sees ice melting, and when did I sit down?
“That’s it,” Coyote coaches, taking exaggerated breaths, “Breathe. I’m calling the missus, okay?”
All Jake can do is nod, managing to croak out, “Which… one?”
Javy gives him a sympathetic glance. “I’ll figure it out.” Turning to someone else, he says, “Take care of him for a sec while I call his wife.”
As his best friend walks away, Jake tries to keep himself in check. After all, you’re doing all of this alone. Shit. Does Mav know? He wonders.
“Hey, hey.” Bob’s voice is soft and calming as he presses the ice into Jake’s hand, causing the latter to realize that that’s who Javy was speaking to. It takes a second for his eyes to focus on the glasses-adorned aviator, but he does. “You want to tell me about your kids?”
Jake can’t help but smile, eyes growing distant. “Well, there’s John, we call him Jack, he’s three; Carrie, sorry, Caroline, is a little over one; and my wife is pregnant, so we’ll have another one soon as well.”
Bob’s lips quirk in amusement. “Literally,” he quips, using Javy’s response to him that first night at the Hard Deck. At Jake’s look, he elaborates. “Two point five kids exactly, you’re living the American Dream, man.”
Jake chuckles. “I guess I am.”
“I’m sorry,” a voice cuts in—Yale’s, Jake processes. “Did you name your kids after the Kennedys?”
The Georgian blinks for a moment before grinning. “I guess I did. It wasn’t planned, Jack is named for my grandfather and Caroline is named for her grandmother.”
“How far along is your wife?” Bob asks, voice gentle as he works to keep from upsetting Jake.
“Seven months. It’s a boy, we decided to name him Charlie after my, uh, my brother.” Jake blinks away the image that brings, the picture in the wreath and the coffin being lowered, the sudden fear that one of his kids might end up like his brother; that he, too, will take after his parents and have the struggle of losing a child.
“Hey, hey, woah,” Bob soothes as it becomes clear that his breathing picked up. “Why don’t you tell me about your wife?”
“She’s perfect. Literally superwoman. I don’t know how she does it all. But seriously, she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. I’ve told her before that she should model, but she disagrees.” He chuckles. “She’s a writer, working on a screenplay right now. Again, I don’t know how she manages, she’s… she’s incredible. She’s growing a human being, raising two more, and managed to move into the base housing while I was here flying, all on her own. She’s amazing.”
“Do you have any pictures?” Phoenix asks, the first time she’s spoken since Cyclone’s appearance.
“So many,” Javy answers for him. He sends a grateful look to Bob as he crouches down beside the two. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” the WSO responds easily, one of the few Jake gets along well with.
Javy nods, turning back to his best friend. “Carrie had an allergic reaction and had fo be rushed to the ER. She’s stable now, Y/n said, but she’s not allowed to go back and see her yet.”
“She’s okay? What about Jack?”
“He’s fine, he’s with Sarah. Apparently they were at a luncheon for officers wives and then went over to Sarah’s house after, she stayed to take care of Jack while the missus went in the ambulance with Carrie. I’m going by to grab him after I get done, but you should probably head over now.”
“Right.” Jake nods, feeling horrible that he wasn’t there for you when you needed him, that even when he got the news he just shut down instead of racing out the door. He accepts his friends hand helping him up. “God, I’m a terrible father.”
“No, you’re not,” Coyote refutes easily.
“I froze up, Jav. We’re literally trained to deal with being shot at, I should be able to process and move.”
“It’s different,” Harvard pipes up. “You being in trouble versus your kid? Very different.”
Jake nods his thanks to the man as he grabs his phone and keys, not even bothering to change out of the flight suit tied around his waist. He gives a two-fingered salute to the rest of his squadron, no one commenting on how shaky his hand is nor how obviously fake the cocky smirk is, before making his way to his car to head to the hospital.
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It’s not long after Javy calls you that Jake gets there; you’re a bit worried that he set a new personal record for how high over the speed limit he’s gone with how fast he arrived. He’s frazzled beneath the well-maintained façade, glancing around the waiting room for you in what he tries to not let be a wild manner. When he spots you, he immediately begins moving again, making a beeline for you.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He pulls you in for a tight embrace, burying his face in your neck and inhaling the scent of your body soap as you run your fingers through his hair in a comforting manner. Your other hand rubs up and down his back as you hold back tears, forcing yourself to be strong for your husband.
When he’s sufficiently calm, he pulls back, taking a deep breath and looking you over. “You’re okay, right?”
“Yeah.” You blink quickly, forcing a smile on your face, an amazing actress if you do say so yourself. “I’m fine.”
He gives you a look, not buying your bull. “Yeah, right.” He pulls you back into an embrace, this time with your head flush with his chest. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”
“You got here when you could, and that’s enough,” you answer.
“No, it’s not,” he whispers, more to himself than you. Somehow, you struck a nerve, not meaning to. Either way, he shakes it off, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m here now, okay?”
“More than,” you say in a quiet tone, allowing yourself to melt against him and let the worries you had held on to, even after hearing your daughter was okay, fade away, even if some hang on and you know won’t go away until you see her with your own eyes. Even then, you know you’ll carry this with you for the rest of your days, almost seeing your daughter die right in front of you.
Eventually, you two go back to the seats you’ve snagged, sitting and waiting together for the doctor to come call your names. When she does, it’s a struggle on both your ends to walk at a normal speed, hands clasped tightly between you as you follow the doctor to the room that Caroline is in.
When you go in, it’s like an exhale. The swelling is mostly gone down, she’s breathing normally—she looks far better than she did earlier. Jake looks a little green for his part, and you remember that he didn’t see her before, so this is her looking definitively worse to him.
“It’s good, Jake,” you whisper. “She looks much better.”
He shakes his head with a self-deprecating laugh. “I still should’ve been there. And honestly, I don’t want to think about how bad she must’ve been if this is supposed to be good.”
Your hushed conversation is interrupted by the doctor, who gives you both a sympathetic smile before explaining to you how your daughter is doing, what can be expected, how to care for her following this, etcetera. You’re given an estimated time you can take her home—tomorrow; they’re keeping her overnight for observation—and a list of allergens to look out for, as they went ahead and tested her extensively. In addition, you’re both taught how to use an epipen, and told where to get one. When you look it up, you’re suddenly very glad for USAA.
Your husband being in the military definitely has its perks.
At some point, Javy stops by, bringing Jack; Maverick stops in as well to check on you two and Caroline. Sarah was planning on it, but you updated her and she decided to wait until the morning, to help you get Carrie home while the others are back at training. Too soon, though, Javy takes Jack back to your house, promising to stay the night there and watch his godson, and Pete has to leave as well. Jake, despite your pleading for him to go home and get a good night’s rest, refuses steadily, prompting you to threaten for him to either take the cot or you will keep yourself up all night. Reluctantly, he complies, sleeping on the hospital cot and failing at persuading you to join him.
And so, holding your daughter’s hand and curled up in a plastic chair with a blanket, your husband on the floor beside you, you fall into a restless sleep, praying for morning to come and prove this whole thing to be a nightmare.
next chapter ↣
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Worlds Collide Taglist
@nosuchthingasabeautifulgoodbye @anthonyedwinstark @scott-mccall-could-lift-mjolnir @masset-fotia @pricklepearbloom @sopheeg @wishingwell-2 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @beaner-life-23 @imagineyneyjr @belledawnidk @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @townley-29 @candid-confetti @fangirling-4-ever @kcthewifitheif
Jake “Hangman” Seresin Taglist
@ireadthensuetheauthors @midnightdevotion @blindedbyyourgrace17
Top Gun Taglist
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
It Takes a Village (Dad! Hangman x Reader)
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Pairing: Dad! Hangman x Female Reader
Word Count: 3200+
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Teenagers Being Teenagers, Still The Father-Daughter Relationship I Wish I Had
Author’s Note: The Dad/DILF! Hangman series seems to be doing pretty well, so as long as I continue receiving requests I guess I’ll keep writing them! You can find the masterlist here. Thanks for reading and all the lovely comments/reblogs!
A series of vignettes involving Hangman, your daughter, and the Dagger Squad.
Since the day she was born, your daughter had the entire Dagger Squad wrapped around her pinky finger, adored and spoiled by every single aviator. Despite the fact that many of them had kids of their own, she was the only girl - a precocious, loud, opinionated little girl - who quickly made herself the center of everyone’s attention. 
And knowing that she was the apple of Jake’s eye, the Dagger Squad did their best to make sure they never did anything to upset her overprotective father.
Well, for the most part.
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
A bigger shower? | A Flyboy Blurb
Jake Seresin x You
Context: Flyboy (can be read as a standalone)
A/N: I imagine the real estate agent here as Michael from Uncoupled.
“What is the piping situation behind there?” Jake points to the end of one of the shower walls, which has the shower head attached to it.
You don’t think much of his question, eyes scanning the spacious bathroom, your hand loosely clasped in Jake’s.
“Well uh,” the real estate agent rifles through his notes, scanning the pages of the binder she has in her hands for a moment before she responds, “you should be able to re-jig the piping behind that wall if you wanted to. Are you thinking of knocking the wall down?”
Jake hums his confirmation as he sticks his head past the open glass door of the shower to squint at the shower head.
“It isn’t the most spacious shower stall we’ve seen today, but it’s sizeable.” The agent offers his view as Jake ducks his head back out. “Could I ask why you are thinking of knocking it out?”
You don’t make much of his question, but the squeeze of Jake’s hand which you feel in yours causes you to turn to stare at him, a slight feeling of foreboding gathering in your mind.
“Well,” he starts, and the tone of his voice coupled with the glint in his eyes tells you all you need to know. You open your mouth, attempting to call out his name in a warning, but Jake beats you to the punch, “my wife and I like our showers a little bigger. She has a penchant for surprising me in the shower in the mornings.”
He winks at you, and it causes blood to rush to your face, your cheeks heating as you groan Jake’s name out loud, barely attempting to disguise your horror, the innuendo in his words clear.
It only causes the agent to laugh out loud, not bothering to contain his amusement as Jake tugs you towards him to brush a kiss against your temple while you cover your face with a hand.
“My husband does that too,” the agent says, his voice tinged with laughter, unable to help himself, in what you are sure is not a characteristic reveal for a showing. It only makes Jake laugh louder before he speaks again.
“Shower sex, the best start to anyone’s morning.”
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
Reunions (Dad! Hangman x Female Reader - Sequel to Letting Go)
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Pairing: Dad! Hangman x Female Reader 
Word Count: 2400+
Warnings: Fluff, Still The Father-Daughter Relationship I Wish I Had
Author’s Note: A second part to this one-shot was highly requested, and thou shalt receive! Still falls in the same universe. Thank you so much for all of the comments and reblogs on everything Hangman (especially Dad/DILF!Hangman). I am still accepting requests while also working on my longer fic so let me know if there’s anything specific you want!
When Jake left, you’d hoped this deployment - somehow unlike all of the others before - would avoid an extension.
As usual, the Navy never failed to disappoint. 
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
Reunions (Dad! Hangman x Female Reader - Sequel to Letting Go)
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Pairing: Dad! Hangman x Female Reader 
Word Count: 2400+
Warnings: Fluff, Still The Father-Daughter Relationship I Wish I Had
Author’s Note: A second part to this one-shot was highly requested, and thou shalt receive! Still falls in the same universe. Thank you so much for all of the comments and reblogs on everything Hangman (especially Dad/DILF!Hangman). I am still accepting requests while also working on my longer fic so let me know if there’s anything specific you want!
When Jake left, you’d hoped this deployment - somehow unlike all of the others before - would avoid an extension.
As usual, the Navy never failed to disappoint. 
Keep reading
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
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Kiss me baby
Mmmmh, it feels good
Hold me baby
Well I'm off to love you like a lover should
Oh you’re fine, so kind
Got to tell this world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine
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shesbiochem4 · 2 years
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5K notes · View notes
shesbiochem4 · 2 years
The extended version of "Great Balls of Fire"
I love his dance at the end and they should have left it in! 😍
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611 notes · View notes
shesbiochem4 · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick Masterlist
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Old Friends
Poor Timing
Ready When You Are
Fight Through the Pain (Part 1, Part 2)
I'll Come Back
Livewire (Part 1)
Hold My Hand
Time (Part 1)
Come Home
..... More Coming Soon!
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At Long Last
Worth the Wait (Part 1)
Too Much
..... More Coming Soon!
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Waiting for Someone
A Mistake
I Thought I Lost You
..... More Coming Soon!
Great Balls of Fire (Rooster Dancing) Great Balls of Fire (Bob)
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