shesbreathless · 3 years
Thank you for all the work you've contributed to the Schmico fandom <3
Aw! Thank you for reading my fics 🥺❤️
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Schmico recap :So, Levi and Nico started out the season broken up, Levi tried to reach out to Nico which led Nico to suggest a FWB situation for "stress relief". Emotions get in the way again but they are both trying to be better this time with Nico opening up more and Levi respecting his boundaries and not pushing him further than he is willing to go. All throughout this they are in this weird limbo of being a couple vs just having sex. Part 1/2
Schmico recap part 2/2 : Nico returned Levi's stuff which was in this small pouch. Nico says that it was in the way showing us that Nico still isn't ready to commit and is still very protective of his space. Levi confronts him about it saying that Nico giving him a drawer doesn't mean Nico would be tied to him for life. Nico in response realises that he doesn't want to guard his space from levi anymore, so he tells Levi he loves him and then asks him to move in. Levi panics and runs away.
You are incredibly nice for doing this, thank you!!!
Also this sounds so unnecessarily complicated that it’s making me mad and I haven’t even seen it yet. Yikes. Maybe I’ll watch it, eventually, but for now I have four exams to get through and also, um, your girl might have found herself a boyfriend. 👀
So yeah, I’m a little busy lol But I’ll write something sooner or later! Again, thank your for this and for everybody else who answered my post 😚❤️
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Hey! How’s everyone doing? I know I’ve kind of disappeared, but I’ve been sooo busy!
Is anything juicy happening with Schmico that might make me want to catch up? Lol
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shesbreathless · 3 years
you ever read a fanfic and just sit back and think...someone wrote something THIS good... and then just....published it on the internet....for free.....
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Wishing you lot's of cake
and a smile that's not fake.
Also, a bit of sun
that's good for fun.
May you thrive
in this live.
Even if you haven't got a clue
Happy Birthday to you !!!
Awww!!! This made me smile 😊 Thank you ❤️
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Thank you!!! ❤️
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shesbreathless · 3 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRECIOUS ONE 💖💖💖 sending you love and positive energy today
Thank you 🥺 I appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Happy (second in lockdown) birthday to me 🥳
I just wanted to say that I didn’t expect the replies to yesterday’s post but they are very much appreciated. As I said, I write for myself, but hearing from somebody that they read and liked something that came directly from my mind fills my heart ❤️
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Does it bother you that you don’t get that many people reading your works? Don’t get me wrong, I love what you write, but why don’t you write for a bigger fandom?
I’ll be honest, sometimes I look up the number of kudos or notes or whatever and I think “mh, not a lot of people liked this”, but at the end of the day it truly doesn’t matter. I write to make myself happy!
I have been thinking about writing for another fandom I’m in, but I don’t think I know the characters enough to write about them, as them. So maybe sometime in the future I’ll write about them, maybe I won’t, but I’ll always hold Schmico close to my heart because I get them and I love them. No amount of time spent writing about them is wasted to me :)
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shesbreathless · 3 years
schmico fic rec
~for crista’s anon~
disclaimer: I’ve been in fandom since the start, and read heavily for schmico in like 2018/2019. so it’s been awhile! i made an ao3 to read for this ship, but i did also read a lot before I had an account (s/o @orthoglasses for my ao3 invite). many of these authors don’t write for schmico anymore (rip), and Levi and Nico’s characters have def changed/evolved a lot since the time when some of these fics were written. some of these recs are also gonna be NSFW so please do mind the tags!
but!! they’re still my faves and some of the first fanfic I read so hopefully you like em too and i encourage y’all to drop some kudos/comments if you do <3 . gonna put the rec’s themselves under the cut
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shesbreathless · 3 years
"We cry, we laugh, (we fuck), we eat a lot."
An ending for episodes 17x07 and 08.
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Levi Schmitt is one of the best written characters in Grey’s (despite everything) and nobody can convince me otherwise. I love him so incredibly much.
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Trust Grey’s to make me sob my heart out at 2 in the morning right when I thought I was finally going to give it up for good. Honestly, fuck every single one of the people who thought this up. Obvious things aside (if anything, I loved hearing him speak Italian), Levi’s “I think I wasted all the time I was supposed to be happy” hits the most sensitive spot in my heart. I could literally hear my therapist talking me through that scene.
How do they write Levi Schmitt as if they’re reading directly from my mind?
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shesbreathless · 3 years
2:45am, horny, back-after-months-of-not-writing kind of thought:
“Levi fucks everybody* in the hospital” series - yes or yes?
Everyone in favour send me your most favourite Levi pairing and compromising situation, I’m open to anything (I didn’t forget you, comment asking me to make Levi get with Jackson. I think of you everyday.)
I’m doing this. I miss my sunsword and this is how I’m dealing with it. Anyone who wants to come for the ride is welcome 😎
*meaning, everyone I want to imagine him ~fooling around~ with. Don’t worry, I won’t have him make out with Webber. Maybe.
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Would you be interested in doing a dancing fic? I think Levi and Nico would look so cute together doing ballroom or salsa 😍 Also, it wouod be great fodder for your legendary fluffy pwp 😉🙈
Heh thanks! I just know absolutely nothing about dancing, but I’ve been discovering that apparently AUs don’t take as much effort as I thought, so I wouldn’t exclude it lol
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shesbreathless · 3 years
Pictured: ME HAVING A HEART ATTACK. Shirtless cooking??? Caption in italian??? (That’s not carbonara but hey I’ll take it)
Thank you Alex Landi for this gift 🙏🏻
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shesbreathless · 3 years
The house is warm and Nico looks nice in his “I never want to move again” outfit, as he himself called it. He fills the clothes really well, shirt wrapping around his biceps and pants tight over his thighs, hair flopping down on his forehead completing the whole picture.
So Levi is horny, sue him.
Or, alternatively, Levi lets Nico fuck him for the first time.
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