shestheram · 9 months
some fans with the idea of Olrox adopting Richter: Olrox would be a good dad
me with the idea of Olrox adopting Richter:
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shestheram · 11 months
Examine a pretty dress
You know it's fancy, because it's a vibrant shade of red. Red dyes, to your knowledge, are rather expensive. Otherwise, there's no lace or anything like that. It's probably made of satin or some other silky material, and would look good on someone taller and more slender than you. Still, it is your dress for the event Sekhmet is holding. You do know that it's red. You kind of wish it was a darker shade, though. That way, should you need to feed, the inevitable stains wouldn't ruin it.
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shestheram · 11 months
Send “Examine!” and an item or person and I’ll write an RPG description of it/them.
(For example, a stormtrooper mask:
 “A white mask with a black visor on the front. Putting it on, you realise that the visor isn’t even transparent. How are you expected to do anything competently like this?”)
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shestheram · 11 months
Also, gonna work on a sideblog for Juste @grumpygrampshunter if you wanna follow
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shestheram · 11 months
Muse for Tera low, should've known this would happen.
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shestheram · 11 months
Kinda sorta face reveal under the cut! dw it's just a Richter cosplay.
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shestheram · 11 months
Send 🐾 + a question about my muse, and my muses Pokémon will answer it!
If you’re asking a specific pokemon, make sure to specify! If not, mun chooses who responds.
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shestheram · 11 months
"Oh... well, can I get you something?" She asked. "I can imagine it's quite the hike out here."
She hasn't forgotten that something seemed to be distracting him, but it would have been for the better not to press him about it.
"And yes, I've noticed that more monsters have been attacking lately, as well... I'm frankly rather worried about that, so I appreciate you coming to check on us."
[continued from here with @shestheram]
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His attention snapped back to Tera sitting beside him. Mizrak shook his distraction from his head and decided to focus on the task at hand.
"The Abbot had instructed me to this area of the village for my night patrol ever since the number of monster sightings have increased. However, you're the only house this far out from the village."
It seemed hardly worth patrolling the entire area if only two people lived out here. Mizrak found it suitable to guard them up close, instead. Only now...that meant making his presence known.
"Please, pardon the intrusion at this hour."
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shestheram · 11 months
Can you fight god?
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This is what she gets for sleeping with a priest, she guesses.
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shestheram · 11 months
Nobody asked for this analysis but is it just me or does Nocturne focus a lot on the idea of having (or not having) a choice?
Like, the first scene has Julia apologizing for sending Richter to France, to which Olrox tries to tell him "there's always a choice".
It's established that Tera told Maria that she fled from Russia because she didn't have a choice, and when Tera tells the real reason, she admits that not having a choice was the simple version.
We don't get an explicit "I have/don't have a choice" for a while, but Annette goes into her time as a slave and her decision to run away and even join a revolt, marking a choice she made when she seemingly didn't have one.
A bit later in the series, Olrox gets "there's always a choice" thrown right back at him, though eventually, Richter kind of has to use the book that Olrox stole and gave to him and his friends.
Edouard tries to encourage the other night creatures to embrace the memories they had as living humans, and chooses to stay in the abbey when Annette offered him the chance to escape. Jacques even says that he liked what Maria said, and the last time we saw him, Maria said he was at the revolutionary meeting.
Towards the very end, when the gang runs away from the abbey after Tera sacrifices herself to Erzsebet, Richter says "we didn't have a choice", then hesitates and adds "did we?".
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shestheram · 11 months
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Indie RP blog for Soma Cruz from Castlevania
Crossover, AU and OC friendly
10+ years of tumblr RP experience
Mutuals only
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shestheram · 11 months
Green for a friendly starter
"Are you quite alright?" She asked, sitting down near him. She was going to pour him something warm to drink, but...
"You have that face you make when something is troubling you."
After her time spent at the abbey in her youth, she had learned how to notice the admittedly subtle changes in Mizrak's expressions.
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shestheram · 11 months
color-coded starter call!
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shestheram · 11 months
Totally not saying this because I want Tera to smack him over the head with a skillet in a crack thread, noooo~
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shestheram · 11 months
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Happy Castlevania Nocturne day!! ⚰️🦇🌙
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shestheram · 11 months
I'm feeling like writing Pokeverse Tera.
I just need an excuse to throw her at someone
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shestheram · 11 months
Examine: That weird blue monster woman.
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She doesn't even have blood.
That said, she does seem to understand your situation well enough. Or at least the part of your situation where you need to feed on blood. You've figured out that she's a monster of some sort, but you're not entirely sure you want to find out what exactly she is.
The least you could do is greet her.
"Hello, Freia."
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