sheswithme · 3 years
Hidden [Chapter 1]
Word count: 1000-ish
Mingi x Dragon!reader x San
This was actually just meant to be a San centred fic but Mingi has somehow snuck into this. Other members may appear.
I’m working off my iPad so forgive me if the formatting is wonky
This chapter contains : Cursing, Depictions of Drugs
Tuesday evening and you were passing by your favourite restaurant on your way home. Favourite meaning the only place you ate out.
You were running behind schedule an hour or two but fortunately the Thai place was open late. The familiar bell Chimed as you stepped in and made yourself comfortable.
“Just a moment!” A familiar holler from the kitchen made you smile. The indoor setting was comforting to say the least. The shop was and cramped with decorations, lights and bright colours as if to ward of any sort of darkness or unwelcome feelings. Your stomach let out a loud gurgle and right on cue, a head poked out of the beaded entryway of the kitchen.
“Well its about time you showed up! I convinced dad to not sell your extra duck when you didn’t show up like usual.” He yelled your order back into the kitchen as he stepped out to join you at the table.
“You didn’t give him too much trouble did you? I’ll eat practically anything-.” You were interrupted by your stomach again and Mingi shook his head in amusement.
“Why don’t you order anything else then?” He got up to grab you a bowl of snacks which you happily wolfed down. He watched you closely for a moment and you squirmed under his curious gaze. “You’ve never been late before. Seriously you’re here like clockwork, Tuesday at 6 and Sunday at 5.”
“Trust me I’m not so chuffed about it either.” You sighed and thought back on the day. A migraine had been creeping up on you all day and you had fallen back on your paper work for the first time since your career started. “Just a bad day I guess.” No matter how blunt or admittedly prickly you could be, Mingi could always be found smiling. It would almost be sickening if you weren’t completely convinced he was always genuine.
“Why do I only ever have questions for you?” Your face scrunched up at the absurdity and theoretical scale of his question. The kitchen bell dinged indicating your order was ready and Mingi was quick to grab it.
“Wh- I don’t know. That sounds like a you problem.” Your own words made you cringe, you were even starting to talk like him.
“What I’m trying to say is, you’ve been visiting for 6 months now. You know my name, I think it’s about time you shared yours… yes I’ve been counting.” You snorted as Mingi took your dinner hostage and dangled it above his head. Even your unimpressed glare couldn’t seem to shake him.
“You’re insufferable.” You sighed and lightly jabbed his ribs causing him to falter and basically drop the food into your arms.
“What? Are you in some sort of witness protection program?” He laughed as he straightened up again. There was a hesitant pause in the conversation before you spoke up.
“Calypso.” Telling Mingi your foreign name was a risk and you weren’t sure why you were taking it, but seeing his face light up seemed worth it.
“I forget your not from this empire sometimes, maybe you can tell me where in another 6 months.” He sing-songs the end of his sentence and you roll your eyes. You can’t help but smile as he laughs his heart out, taking it as a good note to leave on. You had almost stepped out the doors when he called out to you.
“Calypso!” It was the first time in a long time you heard your real name and you felt your heart swell in your chest. Mingi could have sworn when you turned around you were on the brink of tears but thought better than to bring it up.
“It suits you, thank you for sharing it with me.”
You wasted no time and dashed out the door faster than he could blink. The door bell chiming in the far distance as you cleared the block in no time. You tried to calm down but the flurry of emotions pulled you in all different directions. The migraine you had been fighting the whole day was now syncing up with the incredible pace of your heart.
You clearly weren’t focused on your surroundings and almost an over another pedestrian. You managed to get away with a big shoulder bump but couldn’t bring yourself to apologise, not in that state.
The unfortunate pedestrian stood in silent disbelief, you had come careening around the corner so fast there was no possible way he could have stepped out of the way in time. The thought of approaching you didn’t survive that long as he watched you make your way down the street at top speed.
Clearly you had somewhere to be.
San tried to continue in his own direction but couldn’t help look, something coaxing him to have another look.
“WAIT! CALYPSO-.” Again San was almost winded by another collision, although nowhere near as bad as the first.
“That’s gonna get old quick..” He grumbled and turned two his second attacker. “Mingi?” San was faster this time, immediately giving him a hand up.
“Ah sorry, I was trying to catch up with someone.” Mingi dusted off his jeans and apron. Again San found himself pulled in the direction you disappeared in.
“I don’t think you’re catching up.”
You arrived home in record time although almost ripping the front door of it’s hinges. Dinner was flung into the kitchen as you practically flew up the stairs, managing to reach the top in three big steps. Finally the bathroom was a quick swing to the left but you couldn’t help but freeze and look at your appearance.
Your eyes glowed amber and your skin glowed seemingly from within. Once out of your daze, you swung the cabinet door open to avoid your reflection and pounced for the unmarked box of pills. There was only four left but you took them all, unfortunately nicking a finger on one of the hyper extended canines.
As if to confirm the dampner was working, you brought the mirror back to watch. The Amber fading into black and the glow dying inside. You hadn’t even noticed your finger nails had sharpened as they reverted to a decent trim. Exhaustion loomed as you dropped to the bathroom floor.
Finally as your blooming heart began to calm down, you started to cry.
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sheswithme · 3 years
Lost A Little
• The 8th needed a medic
• There had been a rise in combustion cases and there was almost never a day where they weren’t called out to at least two locations
• Obi took it upon himself to visit Company 6 and ask Kayoko, Captain to Captain, if she had some staff to spare
• “I have someone in mind…”
• With a bit of hesitance she asked her assistant to call you into her office
• Kayoko explained the conditions of the work agreement
• You would spend two days at the 6th continuing your studies of medicine
• Otherwise the 8th could have you on for as many days you agreed upon
• The only condition : NO COMBAT
• Kayoko could be very intimidating when she wanted to be and Obi didn’t want to know what happened when he broke her one and only rule
• The tension in the room was broken by the sound of you knocking on the door
• Obi couldn’t help but stand up, almost tripping over air at the sight of you poking your head around the door
• You bowed as you stepped into the sunlit room, revealing you in your favourite day wear (mine is a sundress and oversized jacket if you wanted some ideas ;))
• Obi failed to really say anything, babbling nonsense as he stepped up to you
• “I uh-….. uhhhhhh.” (He’s so cute 😩) Kayoko had to step in to help
• “Y/N this is Captain Obi of the 8th Company, Captain Ob-“
• “Y/N…”
• Obi sighed your name you hear SIGHED. You felt your face heat up as you took his outstretched hand
• You couldn’t look away he searched your eyes as if they saw the universe in them (where is my ring dammit)
• Kayoko had to break the moment by clearing her throat, even so it proved almost impossible for you to pull away from each other
Should I continue writing this?
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sheswithme · 3 years
I haven’t written anything in a while but the way Akitaru Obi has my HEART. I just started writing whatever came to mind. Anyway Obi is just gunna be absolutely WHIPPED for you ok? Cos you deserve the adoration that he would give to you. Someone get me an Obi pls…
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sheswithme · 3 years
I’ve just realised that Gojo’s drive to dismantle the current Higher-ups stems from how they so horribly failed Geto (and just about every other sorcerer). Yeah, I’m gunna go sit with that for a while …
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