#{v:molon labe}
shiapolux · 3 years
By the shores of Illyon
Leda had always taught her sons to think before they acted. It was a shame the both of them were a pair of rash idiots, with too much of Ares's blood to actually come up with a plan before throwing themselves into the fray.
It was the only explanation for how a prince of Sparta was disguising himself as a mere hoplite, trying to go unnoticed. And on top of that, not even with the Spartans themselves. Because that would never had worked. He was too young, for starters. And each unit was closely knit, he couldn't just hope they wouldn't notice a newcomer.
So now he was playing errand boy for the least favourite of his brothers in law. Because the Fates must have fun mocking him.
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shiapolux · 3 years
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Is this from our tabletop campaign? Yes, it is. Is this my canon ship for Pollux? Maybe.
Baby boy is just too pretty.
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shiapolux · 4 years
thoughts on menelaus
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“He… I don’t particularly like him, ok?. I find him spineless, cowardly and everything a Spartan king shouldn’t be. I hate how his brother seems to whisper into his ear. But, if he is what Helen wants, then I’ll endure him. I’ll be civil, even. Mostly”
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shiapolux · 4 years
“can I sleep with you?” (from smol hermione)
He raised from his bed with the ease of someone used to being attacked in the middle of the night and the struggle of getting half engulfed on those damned soft mattresses. At any other moment he would have gone for his sword out of sheer first instinct, but this time the familiarity of that voice restrained him to a tense half sat position for the few seconds that took him to shake Hypnos's gentle hands away and fully realize he was at his room in the palace, not out in the wilderness.
"...You should be sleeping already, you know?" It wasn't a chastising question, not with that amused half smile that invited to mischief. "Very well, come here." He opened his arms for her.
"Have you trouble resting tonight, little princess?" The voice he used for that question was one he had only for her; a soft, sweet tone, full of concern and encouragement, with a expression to match painted on his face.
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shiapolux · 4 years
thoughts on helen
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“How to explain something that is more in my own soul than in my mind or my heart? She is my twin, yes, but… that falls so short in what we are. Sometimes it feels as if we are two persons with differences as big as Pontos is wide. Others… it’s like we’re two specks of stardust shining within the same star. The only thing I know is that my blood sings when she laughs, and it burns when she is angered.”
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shiapolux · 4 years
thoughts on daddy zeus
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“I’m… conflicted, I guess… He imposed us on my mother without even asking. I get it’s supposed to be an honor, but if anything like that happened to my sisters… I would draw blood, god or not. I… don’t feel particularly linked to him, or divine at that. I’m not a Dyonisus, I’m not like our Great Grandfather Perseus. It’s just me. My forehead shines when there is a storm, wow... At least I guess I can count myself lucky his queen isn’t after my blood.”
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shiapolux · 4 years
thoughts on daddy tyndareus
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“I’ve spent my whole life trying to make up to the fact that I’m not his, even if I didn’t know it at the time... I’ve always wanted him to feel proud, to look at me and see a son of Sparta. But… Sigh... I guess it’s about time I give up on that.”
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shiapolux · 4 years
Helen has a question about his sex life: how come you don't have any
Ask my muse questions about their sex life
“I… Gods, sister! Of course I have a sex life, I’m… I’m just not public about it the way Castor is, okay? And at least I’m not like Herakles leaving a hundred bastards in my wake, am I?” He is not blushing, or embarrassed, stop looking at him damn you. “Just because you don’t see me winking at maidens and flexing my muscles doesn’t mean I don’t… well, partake in other things.”
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shiapolux · 4 years
“Oh, God, you’re bleeding. You’re bleeding a lot.” (Caduceusnocassandra)
Hurt starters @caduceusnocassandra
She couldn’t help but gurgle a laugh out, despite it making blood rush to her mouth. And hurting like all hells.
“Are you freaking out, healer...? I’ve had worse...” Well, it wasn’t a lie. She had died right after most times, but she had, indeed, been hurt worse.
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“At least it’s not ichor, right? That would be so inconvenient...” Considering the damn thing was poisonous to mortals, yeah, it would be. 
Was she delirious? Maybe. Was she going to stop babbling? Certainly not. That was her curse, having a mouth bigger than the Aegean. Well, that and the other thing, but no one had to know that. Right? 
Luckily, if she died, she wouldn’t have to explain to the poor girl how she had managed to get hurt like this when no one else was around. Ghost wounds that mirrored her twins? Madness, I tell ya.
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shiapolux · 5 years
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WTF, Zeus, WTF?
Also, can we mention how every single hero-turned-God son he has he made with one of his own damn granddaughters?
(and then there is the thing with Zagreus, the one he had with his goddamn daughter, reincarnating into Dyonisus, but let's not get started with the Mysteries)
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shiapolux · 4 years
"your cousin just got engaged! isn't that wonderful?", leda asks, with a smile on her face and all the ironic sweetness of any mother who brings up this kind of conversation with her son with the sole intention of asking him why he's still single.
Slow blink. Tense silence.
"To whom?" It better not be some Athenian whiny dog.
Point totally missed, by the way.
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shiapolux · 5 years
💠 + daughters of Leucippus and pollux's son by phoebe
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Not gonna lie, I don't like that bit 😂
First of all, it makes no sense at all. Why would a couple of Spartan princes kidnap two... Priestresses.. To virgin goddesses? To marry them?
Spartans didn't marry until around 32. I, for one, headcanon them younger. And considering they are as old as Helen I'd expect at least some comment about how she was beautiful "for her age" or whatever. And yeah, they can't have possibly been raised like proper Spartans considering the thing with the Argos and how young they must have been, but I still think they should follow some of the customs. Including maybe a betrothal and such, dunno.
If you explore a bit of Leda's family tree, you'll find her sister. The sister is the mother of the dude whose life would end when some piece of wood finished burning whose name I can't remember.
That dude was married to some Cleopatra, daughter ooooooof... Idas. One of the cousins. The hunt of the Calidonean boar had to be when the twins were waaay young. Before the Argos because a lot of dudes that die in the Argonautic appear there. The dude from the burning wood dies right after, soo... How old is Idas when the twins kidnap the Leucippides? 40? 50? More?? How come he and his twin brother are both betrothed to a couple of way younger sisters?
It's... All very strange.
And then it comes that thing with a couple of PRINCES stealing cows just because??? SPARTAN PRINCES????
And the couple of idiots that were Idas and Linceus actually went to claim revenge when enough time had happened that the sisters had already given birth to Castor and Pollux's sons?
I mean.. No, it makes no sense.
I caaaan, maaaaybe, accept the sisters were, in fact, going to marry these old geezers, the girls weren't happy about it and asked the twins to "kidnap" them, no biggie.
I can see them having sex? At least Pollux, since I headcanon my Castor as strictly homosexual. And sure, getting them pregnant could happen, it happens.
I can't, however, see Pollux as someone that would leave their own son behind to go after Castor. The rest of the family maybe, because they either can take care of themselves or have other family member to do so. A son of his he would consider, like Castor, specifically his resposability.
And he'd pamper the kid, for fuck's sake. If you thought he was bad handling the adoration to his niece, a son of his would be 10 times that.
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shiapolux · 5 years
+ if pollux had been in the trojan war
Send my muse prying asks about anything and everything… please?
First of all, if it was up to him, there wouldn't be a damn war, but assuming he knew about it in the middle of it... Well.
He'd storm into the damn commander tent, punch the shit out of Agamemnon's stupid face and yell at him about how he had No FUCKING RIGHT to start a war with HIS Spartans. Completely ignoring everyone else, including Menelaus.
He'd take command of all Spartans in the war and either force them to go home or pull an Achilles until the commanders decide to follow his "advice" and go the fuck home.
Besties with Patroclus, probbly. Keeps asking him why he is "friends" with Achilles, tho.
He only talks with Odisseus to ask about "cousin Penelope".
Shameless flirt with Hector, tbh. What a man.
If he caughts wind Helen is not happy, he'll trash Paris himself.
What do you mean keeping the female prisoners around to fuck them? WHAT DO YOU MEAN KEEPING A PRIESTRESS AS A DAMN SEX SLAVE YOU GODDAMNED IDIOT HAVE YOU NO FUCKING SENSE?!!!
I swear to the gods Agamemnon leave that princess alone and DON'T CHEAT ON MY FUCKING SISTER.
Also, gently kisses Cassandra's hand.
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shiapolux · 5 years
👶+ 👪
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… 👶 as a child!… 👪 with their family!
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shiapolux · 4 years
𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒔  𝒐𝒇  𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆  :  𝒅𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒔  𝒂𝒏𝒅  𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒔  𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔
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adapted  from  this  post  !   bold for Saint Seiya, italic for One Piece repost  ;  do  NOT  reblog.
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙽   » toothy  grins, stories  around  the  campfire, clothes  covered  in  pet  hair, hot  temper, old  jeans, heartbeat  in  head, potatoes  and  steak,  beaded  jewelry, bruises  like  galaxies, mementos, backpack  stuffed  full, craigslist  furniture, spontaneous  road  trips, air  ripped  from  lungs
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙳   » homemade  bread, white  lies, easily  excited, trying  on  hats,  band  geek, pep  talks,  no impulse  control, sunsets, vintage  fashion, long  showers,  selfies,  following  dreams, rosy cheeks, song  mash-ups,  pink  lemonade  with  tequila, loves  easily, animated  storyteller, full  of  comebacks
𝙲𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲   » list  of  wishes,  biting  their  tongue, band-aids  and  neosporin, shoulder  to  cry  on, morning  sun, necklaces, trial  and  error, homemade  quilts, formal  clothing, astrology  fan,  messages  in  bottles,  pleated  braids, speaking  up  for  friends, feathers, motivational  quotes, vivid dreams
𝙳𝚁𝚄𝙸𝙳   »   bird  watching,  shy  kid, wind  chimes, trying  to  whistle,  summer  camp, apple  orchards, lost  in  their  head, glow-in-the-dark stars  on  the  ceiling, hoodies, thrift shopping,  saving  worms  off  the  sidewalk,  pig  latin, bare  feet, thunderstorms, numb  fingers,  braided  hair, naming potted plants
𝙵𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁   » goose  bumps, leather  jackets, adventure, chewing  nails, cares  deeply  but  can’t  show  it, bronze  locks, no  sleep, taste  of  iron, netflix  binges, never  forgets, combat  boots, stories  behind  scars, table  for  one,  official  soundtracks, sore  calves, trusts  themselves  the  most
𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙺   » always  trying  to  be  better, wanderlust, meditation,  sweat  pants, old   photographs, yoga, sleeping  in  hammocks, nostalgia, minimalist  design, breath  of  fresh  air, baby  animals, volunteering, perfectionist, doesn’t  care  about  fashion, healthy  snacks, noticing  the  little  things
𝙿𝙰𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽   »   school  uniforms, thick  jackets, sleeping  with  the  windows  open, logical  advice, scrapbooking, compasses, i  fight  for  my  friends, sculpture  gardens, cold  morning  air, big  soul, likes  routine, secret  romantic, last  to  get  jokes, sunflowers, practical  presents, misty  weather
𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁   » herbal  tea, smell  of  rain,  blinking  away  tears, camping  trips, collecting  bones,  swiss  army  knives, first  impressions, anxious  thoughts, bobby  pins, burnt  marshmallows, too  competitive, clotheslines, messenger  bags, holding  grudges, gets  along  better  with  animals than  people
𝚁𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴   » flirtatious  sarcasm, candid  photos,  lost  phone  chargers, adrenaline  rush, picking  dirt  out  from  beneath  their  nails, social  chameleon, clashing  clothes, self-deprecating  jokes, claw  machines, sits  in  chairs  wrong,  smudged  eyeliner,  has  too  many  sunglasses, eats  nothing  or  everything
𝚂𝙾𝚁𝙲𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚁   »  infectious  laugh, family  trees,  shivers  down  their  spine, lipstick  and roses, mood  swings, clumsy, believing  in  destiny, high expectations,  sleeping  in  darkness, collection  of  nail  polish, passionate, good  grades  but  never  studies, poetry  books, blowing kisses,  not  knowing  their  own  strength
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺   »   knowing  everyone’s  secrets,  backpack  covered  in  pins,  envy, being  in walmart  late  at  night, earl  grey,  selective  memory, conspiracy  theories  and  cryptids, keysmashing,  need  to  know  basis, can’t  cook, bags  under  eyes, experimental  art, flickering  bulbs, black  clothing  all  year  long
𝚆𝙸𝚉𝙰𝚁𝙳   »   piles  of  textbooks, cat  in  lap, keeping  a  diary, indecisions, scented candles, studying  alone  in  a  café, lingering  touches,  museum dates, unanswered  questions, taking  on  too  much  responsibility, collections, chalk  dust,  comfy  robes, unnecessary  apologies, coming  home  after  a  long  day
Stolen from: @chillin-at-partys-bar Tagging: @argivebeauty @caduceusnocassandra @protectheweak @worldsmostdangerous @spottedsoftpaws @godlivesonthemoon
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shiapolux · 5 years
hcs for pollux with his niece? c:
Send my muse prying asks about anything and everything… please?
First of all, Pollux loves all of his nephews and nieces as if they were his. Period.
Second, Hermione is his little darling in particular, since I basically assume Agamemnon would be a little shit and wouldn't want his children to be too close with the "bad influence".
Third, he totally ugly-cried when she took part on the rite from girl to woman.
Four, he is so proud of her. Like, so proud. Nothing she does is ever wrong or bad, period. She wants to fight? Fuck, yeah, queen, let's go for it, I'll teach you all the dirty tricks myself. She wants to like, weave, do more girly things and all? Fuck, yes, you go little one, I have no idea what to do with all of this, but I damn sure gonna learn in three days just so I can do it with you.
Five, he was soooo against the bethrodal to Orestes. First of all, bad idea, they're basically siblings. Bad idea. Second, the more the little idiot grows, the more he behaves like his dad. No thank you, one of them is enough to Pollux, and having his little darling married to him? No way. Knowing dear Ness has to share a bed with that is ver much enough, thank you.
Six, he probably growls at the dudes staring at her. He has gotten into brawls over it. Helen he let fight her own battles because he knew she was very damn capable of doing so, but after all the shit with Thesseus and Helen's suitors, he would be very protective of Hermione.
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