shigarakicat · 2 months
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Welcome home little fella
She should be dead but
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shigarakicat · 1 year
I'm so sorry I'm so busy with life I don't have to to update on things.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
me when the character's masks and armour and coping mechanisms to distance themselves from others, but isn't actually their true self is working on the audience too
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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°○°☆°○🌙Date Night 🌙 ○°☆°○°
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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☆Tomura Shigaraki☆
Happy Birthday Adrienne ♡ @tenkoushimura​
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shigarakicat · 1 year
Ladies and Gentlemen... We got him.
@//thaeonblade is most likely our dear Anon Hater who kept bothering people who like MHA and MHA villains for a year now (pretty sure it's longer). Be sure to block him and enjoy the rest of your day!
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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evil baby boy
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shigarakicat · 1 year
Speak your mind or hold your tongue.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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Phinn wisdom (beta)
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shigarakicat · 1 year
Oh hey, I posted the story. It's on Wattpad.
In other news, I miss drawing, imma do that.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
The Evolution of BKDK looking at each other 🧡💚
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You can literally see how Hori sensei carefully develop their relationship. I'm so proud of them, especially to Katsuki. His growth and development are amazing. I also love how his soft expression is reserved only for Izuku 🥰
To anger/annoyed expression to soft and warm expression 🥺
P.S: The last sketch of Hori really pulls my heartstrings 🥲💖
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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shigarakicat · 1 year
I've thought long and hard about this and...The AU I'm writing wont be posted here.
1. Because I'm writing to much
2. It's better this way.
If you wanna read it, I'll upload it in wattpad or something.
Till then.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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shigarakicat · 1 year
Remember you: Beginning FINAL
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Phinn sat on the swings by himself. Thanks to Tensai, everyone one in the small village began to avoid him. He scratch his scar though the bandages on his nose. He hated how tight it was but his mom told him it was to help it heal faster.
He sighs as he looks up at the sky watching the birds head west.
'Man....I wish I could be like them....' he held up his hand and followed the birds movement slowly. 'I wish...I wish I had someone to call...a friend...' he felt his eyes water up.
He let out a loud sigh and hung his head down. "I hate it here!" He cursed under his breath. Soon he heard a creek next him and he shot his head up and looked beside him.
On the other swing was a girl with purple hair with blue streaks. She was looking down for a bit then looks at him.
Phinn quickly wipes his eyes and looks back at her. "You...I...." He looks away from her and felt his chest tightened. "I know...I've...I've been mean to you...and...I know you probably won't forgive me but...I...I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you."
"It's okay. I forgive you" she said looking at him. Phinn was shocked, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, she forgave him? After all the horrible shit he has done to her.
Phinn gritted his teeth then stood up. He turns to her and grabs the chains of her swing. "why....WHY!?! WHY ARE YOU SO QUICK TO FORGIVE ME?!? I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON! I HURT YOU! I CALLED YOU NAMES, I...I I EVEN PUNCHED YOU!!!" He didn't notice as his tears rolling down his cheeks.
Paruika looks up at him, her expression unchanged. "Because... I know that's not who you are. When ever it's just the two of us... you don't hurt me. You only hurt me when he was around..." she gently places her hands on the side of his cheeks and wipes away his tears with her small hands. "You were never a bad person, you just did bad things because of one bad person's approval..." she smiles softly.
Phinns mouth was a gap. He then began to break down and cry. He fell to his knees and cried in Paruikas lap. "I'm so SORRY!!" He cried as she pet his head gently.
"I-I promise....I promise to protect you from here on out! I won't let anyone hurt you!"
Paruika smiles, " And I promise to be your friend forever."
Phinn smiles as his tears continues.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
Remember You: Beginning part 3.
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A few days have passed, the same old stuff kept happening to Paruika, she goes to the playground, thinks she safe, gets bullied and cries to herself until it's time to go home.
She walked down the culvert and looked at the small stream. She let out a small sigh and looked up at the sky. It's bright blue color was vibrant, she smiled a bit, but wished there was some clouds to help offset the the color.
"HEY!!!" Shouted a voice. She quickly looks over and saw a figure running twords her. She squinted her eyes a bit but quickly went wide eye at the figure running twords her. It was a large shark boy running full speed at her. She took step back but quickly ran off into the near by forest.
"STOP!!! DON'T RUN!!!" The shark boy shouts at her. Paruika ignored him as her adrenaline was at a high. She was panting heavily not looking back. 'I have to keep running! If stop, he's gonna hurt me' she thought.
She took a quick glance back as the shark boy was closing in on her fast. "STOP RUNNING YOU IDIOT!!!" He shouts but this time there was panic in his voice. She questioned it and began to slow down a bit.
"Why are you-" He soon grabs her and throws her out of the way. She hits the ground hard and looks up at him. He quickly turns and screams. She gasp loudly and covers her mouth! "WH-HWAT HAPPENED-"
She jolts a bit. She looks at the boy infront of her. He was covering his snoot which was drenched in blood. She looked at his hands which was also covered in blood. She wanted to ask what happened but decided to run and ask later.
----3 hours before---
Phinn walked into his friends "club house" and noticed the boys looking over a large piece of paper.
"What are you guys doing? Drawing?"
"Ah, Phinn perfect timing! Come, take a look at this!" Tensai said as he motioned to Phinn.
Phinn cocked his brow and walked over. He glances at the paper and noticed a crude draw. "What is this?" He turns and looks at Tensai.
"This, is how we will end Paruikas torment on me!" He said with a grin. "I've set up a trap in the forest, nothing to flashy, just a piece of metal scrap I found. It's very sharp! I've set it up so when she walks by it, it will...cut her hair!" He explained.
Phinn looked over the plan and gave Tensai a concerned look. "...okay, you say that...but the image looks like...it's cutting off her head..."
Tensai looked up at Phinn and frowned. "Now...why would I want cut her head off? That would be considered murder and...I'm no murder Phinn...I just wanna scare her." He gave an off putting smile.
Phinn kept looking over the plan and then at the other two boys who where giggling and talking amongst themselves. "...Tensai...what exactly...did she do to you?"
Tensai looked at Phinn. He glared deep into his diamond pupils. "...I need you to chase her into the forset Phinn...can you do that for me?"
"...what did she do to you?"
Tensai slowly turned his gaze back to the plan. "She'll show up at in 3 hours, most likely avoiding the park...she'll probably be at the culvert-"
Phinn quickly snatches him by the collar of his shirt and growls. "WHAT THE HELL DID SHE DO TO YOU!?!"
The two boys quickly ran up to Phinn but stopped short when Tensai held up his hand.
"Easy...." He turned his gaze to Phinn and sighs. "I knew you'd ask eventually...just not this soon."
Phinn was a bit surprised, but still kept his grip on Tensai, " ...I don't like hurting others.. I just want to know...why? Why her inparticualer?
"....she hurts me...in away you couldn't understand... I love her Phinn...I love her more then anything in this world...but I want her to be obedient...i need her to listen to every world I say and see it as her law... and in order for that to work...I have to break her. Once she broken, it will be easy for me to train her." He soon had a big twisted smile. "It will be like how my parents met! How my dad trained my mom! And my mom loves him and she's so OBSESSED WITH HIM!!! I WANT THAT PHINN!!! I WANT PARUIKA TO BE JUST AS OBSESSED WITH ME!!" Tensai soon broke our in a manical laughter.
Phinn drops him and slowly backs away. "Y-you'er a monster....so.. you WHERE gonna kill her!?!"
Tensai laughs and nods, " if I can't have her...then no one can..."
Phinn was shock. " I won't let you hurt her!" He growled.
"Pitty... you where just some big dumb brute I took in because I pitted you.... all alone.... not a friend in the world... oh...you where so easy to manipulate..." He soon burst out into laughter. " but alas! You have no friends! And no one likes you PHINN!!"
Phinn began hyperventilating. He grabbed his chest and felt his eyes water up. "...I won't let her get hurt!" He growled before running out the door.
"Boss!!! He's getting away!"
"Oh no...he's doing exactly as I planned.
Tensai slowly walks from behind a tree and sighs. "Damn it...if I knew you where this fast I would have adjusted the plan a bit." He looks down at the shark boy trying to stop the bleeding.
"Bastard, I won't let you hurt another soul, ya'hear me!?!?" Phinn slowly stood to his feet and toward over Tensai. " From here on out, anyone you hurt and threaten...I will protect them from you! I'm going to become a hero and stop you!" He growled before turning around and walking off.
Tensai's eyes narrowed and he scoffs, "Oh Phinn...you should know to never play with fire..."
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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todoroki's VA signed my meme.
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