shigarakicat · 2 months
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Welcome home little fella
She should be dead but
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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°○°☆°○🌙Date Night 🌙 ○°☆°○°
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shigarakicat · 1 year
Speak your mind or hold your tongue.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
Remember You: Beginning Part 2
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It was a sunny day in the urban town. Paruika, a small child with magenta hair with a few blue streaks in it sat on a swing byself.
She was used to playing by herself, due to her being extremely shy tword others.
She looked up at the sky and noticed the bright blue sky was painted with clouds that looked like they where strokes of paint from a brush.
She smiled softly and closes her eyes as she swung a bit, feeling the cool breeze hit her face. She felt at peace, something she longed for.
For once, Tensai and his goons didn't show up today, maybe they had plans? She felt so free in the moment that she ignored her surroundings.
As she picked up speed in her movements, she could see over the horizon. Once she swung high enough, she could see the sea in the distance. It brought a smile to her face, but it was short lived as she felt someone grab metal chain of the swing causing it come to a stop.
She quickly turned and looked at a boy with a grin on his face. She gulped a bit as she quickly stood up and headed twords the exist. She stopped as the two boys blocked her path. She slowly steps back and quickly bumps into someone. Before she could react she felt a cold hand on her shoulder.
"My dearest, please...sit back down now."
She didn't want to, but she knew if she didn't, she would get hurt badly. Without looking at the boy, she turns and sits back down on the swing. Soon a boy joins her on the opposite side of her. She kept her gaze down not wanting to look at the boy.
"My lovely... why would you try to leave me...you know I love you..." He gently takes a few pieces of her hair and moves them behind her ear.
She felt his gaze on her and she shuddered from it. He quickly grabs her chin and makes her look at him. "My love...look at me....LOOK AT ME!!!" He demanded.
Her eyes shot wildly trying not to look at the boy in front of her. "Look at me or...I'll punch you in the stomach!" That threat alone cause her to stop and close her eyes. She inhales and shakily breaths out. He eyes slowly opened and looked at the boy.
"That's so much better. Look at those ocean eyes. So beautiful, I could get lost in them for ever." He said as his hand slowly went from her chin to her cheek. He softly began to caresses it and give off an uncomfortable smile.
Paruika began to tremble. She hoped he didn't notice, but his eyes quickly cut to her lips as he noticed it was quivering. He chuckles and removes his hand from her cheek. "Oh, come now my lovely. Do you really think I would hurt you?"
She nods slowly. She knew he was going to hurt her. He always did. His face soon soured as he rolled his eyes. "Typical... alright, if that's what you want then."
She blinked and gave him a confusing look. "W-what?" Soon she felt a sharp pain on the back of her head as she was flipped on to the ground. She gasped and groan. She slowly opened her eyes, it was blurry and hazy until she saw two boys standing above her. Her eyes began to water as she wildly looked around. "T-Tensai! P-please don't hurt me!" Paruika begged as her tears began to fall from her eyes.
Tensai slowly walks over to her and squats down. "You see, I'm not gonna get my hands dirty...that's what my friends are for." He gave her a twisted smile and stood up. He looks at the two boys and nods. "Make sure you hit on places where adults won't see." He said as he walked off.
As he left the park, he couldn't help but smile from her muffled screams of pain. 'Oh, how I wish I could watch...but I can't be a witness.'
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shigarakicat · 2 years
Shindauta dug up an old photo, (which is her favorite one btw) of her baby and kugo.
After Shinda lost her husband she asked her dear friend to help her raise her, only if he found time, he found time, even when he didn't have time. He would hold her hold, and take her everywhere, and pretty much be her phodad.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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this is a bit old, I drew it for a high school AU but scrapped it.
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shigarakicat · 2 years
Welcome home!!!!
They are older, newly weds or something, I just wanted to try something.
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shigarakicat · 2 years
On his off days, she would take him on a little trip to the country side and sit on a hill and just relax for a bit.
She cherishes every moment they spend together.
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shigarakicat · 2 years
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The hardest thing for her to do is wait for Shoji, she knows he's a Hero and it scares her he might return one day. But she pushes those dark thoughts deep down and just waits.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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Happy, honest(kinda), mysterious.
Kihon was born into a family of four. He is the second youngest child. His mom runs a sea food baking shop and his dad is a CEO of some type.
He loves his family and plans to...keep the family business going.
When his father passed he became the family heir after defeating his older brother in a duel and ripped his antenna off.
His family holds a dark secret, his mom does not know this, but her late husband was the leader of an under mafia, and when his four sons here born, he told them only one will rule when I passed. Kihon took that roll and became the leader.
On the outside world he is a simple accountant.
One day he met Shinda and saw she upset. Now being the gentleman that he was, he offered her help in her time of need. Of course he saw her confusion and told her he wanted her feel better. It didn't take long for the two to become friends.
Surprisingly, Shinda was the one to ask him out. It left him stund as he honestly didn't think she would like him like that seeing how he was older then her by 7 years,but he happily accepted her offer.
Soon there relationship would turn into something more and he would propose to her.
Unlike his mother, Shinda would kinda find out about his double life after seeing him, well, not dressed like him. She wanted him badly after seeing his double life style. And in that, it would result in her getting pregnant.
Because of his double life, he was a huge target. It didn't take long for someone to find out where he worked and took his life, by making the building he worked in explode.
He never saw his daughters birth sadly.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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Singer, scary, loving mom.
Shinda always dreamed of becoming a singer, and thanks to her quirk being siren, she learned how not to controll people while she sang. This blew up as she was becoming a rasing star.
She would often meet up with heros who where up and coming. She got closed to hero, Kugo Sakamata. Eventually, she and him would start dating.
Media broke out about there relationship and she didn't care, she was happy. But after seeing how well he was doing, she began to feel like she was holding him back and thus ended ther relationship. He didn't take it well, but understood.
After that, she stopped making public appearances and just focused on herself. Along the way she met Kihon. At first she thought he was just flirting with her to sleep with her, but soon realized he was just being nice.
The two of them would hang out a lot and she found herself falling in love with him. She didn't care how old he was he stole her heart.
The two would soon get married.
After a a couple of months Shinda would find out she was pregnant. She was happy and so was he.
But fate would soon take her husband away from her. She mourned for a while and gave up singing.
After her child was born she sought help from her old friend Kugo. She asked him to be in her child's life, be her father or uncle. Of course he agreed.
Now she's slowly making her way back into her singing career.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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Brave, strong-willed, klutz.
Ika was born as a female, but felt that was wrong. Once he told his folks, he thought they would argue but was shocked to see how supportive they where.
Overtime, he slowly began to change into the man he is today.
He works at the docks, where he father used to work. He often gets hit on by women, it makes him flustered.
He to his anchor tattoo to remind him of what he once was.
He's scared to be in a relationship in fear that his partner would reject him because he was not born male.
He loves his niece and tried to correct his mom's lies to her as best as he can.
He talks like a pirate(thanks to his dad) but speaks with slangs and urban.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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Himei Sakana
Pathological lair, nudist, and lewdist.
Himei does not get along well with others (mostly normal folks). She would rather trick and seduce young men and take there money.
Once she met her husband she changed her ways and only tried to seduce her husband, mostly in public.
Like her mom and her mom before her, having children is considered rare on her side of the family. So when she found out she was having twins she was over the moon.
When one of her kids told her that she wanted to be a boy, she was overjoyed.( she wanted a son)
She didn't like her daughters husband and told her to leave him for Kugo (Gang Orca).
Once her beloved husband passed she broke down for a long time until her daughters child was born.
From there on, she helped her daughter raise her child, and filled her head with nonsense that she still believes till this day.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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Tall, loyal, and friendly to all.
He was a wonderful husband/father. A friend he talks like a pirate!
Despite his scary face, he loved making people laugh and helping them when in need.
He loves his wife and children and would sacrifice himself to save them.
He also like hugging people he was comfortable with.
Before his passing, he approved of his daughter's marriage to her husband and to his son to his gender change( His son was born female)
As he laid there slowly fading out, he smiled to himself, seeing his loved ones surrounding him.
The only thing he regrets, was not meeting his granddaughter.
(He was dying from his own toxin)
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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Proto types of Paruika.
She's come along way from her old forms. And so has her parents.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
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