shipperblocklist · 7 years
ya ya you might need to change a few urls, mine isn't the-coolest-shaladin anymore, it's hunklot
thanks for the news, you’ve been updated.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Another blog associated with greenlionguard and greenpaladinofnature. It's called angelicclown and apparently they are big fans of people they don't like killing themselves.
holy shit are you for fucking real,,,, how are there people out there petty enough and immature enough to think the death of other people over shipping disagreements is???? anywhere near ok?? yikes
anyway they’ve been added. thanks
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
please add greenlionguard to your list. Voltron shipper, trans fetish and yet anti-trans as well. side account of known shipper garbage human greenpaladinofnature/dangerouswithoutcoffee.
thanks!! their sideblog has been added.
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
What the fuck does your blog do? Besides annoy the hell out of 98% of this fandom
we work to protect the more relevant half from discourse and people like you!! 
have a nice day :)
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Add me. I'm an almost 40 year old adult woman. And apparently, people my age are not supposed to be in the fandom. Thus, I'd like to be left alone, thank you very much.
you’ve been added. have fun in your corner full of cp and abusive ships!
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Can ya add hopefultigercycle to the block list? Sheith is my otp. My blog, while it does collect gen fanart it's also shipping related.
sorry, forgot to respond, you’ve been added.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Oh, i just noticed fairymatsu was on the list. They not only harass us antis, but they harass shaladins too. So I think it'd be cool to just call them a fandom menace or something. Theyd attack anyone
h o n e s t l y
their tags have been updated though. thanks.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Can u like add all of my blogs; Captain-Shaladin (discourse, shaladin), Safe-shiro (its just shiro posts with no shipping allowed but its still my blog so eh), safe-shiro-ships (literally every shiro ship even the ones I don't ship or like at all /i only ship shieth and shitor of all shiro ships), fight-dad (allotor, sheith, huntor, keitor, heith, the occasional shlav shitpost, etc), and The-Real-Red-Gay (its a klance blog but)
they’ve all been added.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Uhh yea, i just wanna mention that im also piladin, lotordin,mattadin, galradin, welll basically everything. Oh shlavadin too!!
your tags have been updated.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
i'm a pretty bigoted shaladin, so i would love to be added. got some pretty yummy discourse on my blog
*yucky discourse. 
you’re on it. bye
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
yo can i be added to the list bc i kinda dont want any antis following me (i dont have followers in the first place buuuuut whatever) and i post a few things about shaladin from time to time so hmu with being on that list my dude
you’ve been added buuuuut whatever
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Hi, I ship Shallura so please add me to the list, thanks.
you’ve been added, thanks.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Tumblr media
if you’re a shipper then we’ve added you to the list according to our terms, and according to what we’ve seen on your blog. and, as a shipper you are denied access to the list, and as such if you’re on the list, your tags are also denied to you. this is a list designed for antis by antis.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
theworldendswithwonderland is a shaladin (sheith) shipper & a sheith shipper apologist as well
thanks, they’ve been added.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Hiya! Could you add me to the block list, I don't really post much about Shaladin (even though I ship Shklance) , but I really don't like getting involved in discourse or anything. And I don't really want to bother anyone if I choose to post about it. Thank you :D
thanks, you’ve been added.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Add me because I do ship klance shance and shklance, I hope with this I won't trigger anyone who can't look at shaladin content because it reminds them of their trauma, also I commend you on making this list so that way antis and such can know which blogs to not look at and everything can stay drama free
thanks for being civil, you’ve been added.
- mod space dad
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Can you add me and my sideblog @thacx because I don't want antis following or interacting with me. (Shance mostly, sometimes Sheith- sfw though)
you’ve been added.
- mod space dad
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