I believe so
this isnt a request but im lowkey stalking your page and i love your writing. i, too, am madly in love with takashi shirogane. thank you for being here
*crawls out from the depths of the sewers after centuries of silence*
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Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!!! My love for space husband will never die and I will also love you forever now❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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this isnt a request but im lowkey stalking your page and i love your writing. i, too, am madly in love with takashi shirogane. thank you for being here
*crawls out from the depths of the sewers after centuries of silence*
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Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!!! My love for space husband will never die and I will also love you forever now❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Looking For: Writers!
We’re back and we need your help! Our poor little soldier boi: Bastion, and our stabby gal: Mercedes don’t have writers! They need someone to bring them to life! We have the tiny little bones for their story but no one to flesh them out. And that’s where you guys come in! You can send us your application here! If you or anyone you know who might be interested, please apply!
Bastion Application
Mercedes Application
In order to apply to adopt these little beans, you need to:
Be 18 years or older (or turning 18 this year)
If you are under 18 (minimum 16), you must have parental permission and/or a way to receive money if we ever get it
If you don’t need/want money because this is just for fun, we might still consider it
Be willing to commit to a project that could possibly go on for a while
Tell us about your writing style
Send us a short story of 5000 words or less (although, if you must, you can have more) on any genre (fantasy/romance is preferred) 
This could have been previously written and just something that you’re proud of
That also includes fanfic if you want lol
We can’t wait to see what you guys send us!
~Skybrite Team❤️
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Meet the LIs!
Finally! The time has come for you to meet the five love interests for our upcoming game: Whispers Beyond the Rift!!
HUGE thank you to Cate for creating these beauties with her magical hands!!!
Now on to the best part! The LIs!!
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Akira Viles
Age: 32
Pronouns: They/Them
Race: Elf
About: Mysterious and flirtatious. A doctor who seems to have no reason to join you except for the fun of the adventure.
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Bastion O’karr
Age: 29
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Half human, half elf
About: Resolute and steadfast. A paladin of The Crest that has sworn a sacred oath to rid the world of corruption and to protect the innocent.
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Kelaira Zaedri
Age: 23
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Faerie
About: Stubborn and naive. A sheltered princess who yearns for the experience of freedom and to live up to her mother’s legacy.
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Mercedes Erato
Age: 20
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Human
About: Spirited and spontaneous. An orphaned vigilante who seeks to avenge her brother.
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Soleis Iulain
Age: 26
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Human
About: Desolate and taciturn. A quiet member of the Royal Guard who seems to know more than he lets on.
And that’s all of them! Again, a HUGE thank you to Cate! You’ve outdone yourself babe! 
Let The Thirst begin!!
~Skybrite Team❤️
(special thanks to Alex for creating the original Bastion!)
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Noooooo I’m not reusing the same tropes in all my WIPs, I’m just (checks notes) “creating an author brand”
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Hey my friend just made an arcana ask blog so if that’s your thing y’all should totally check it out cause they’re pretty neat
Follow them at @lucigucci
(they’re willing to write some crazy shit if you pay them lmao)
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Wanna make a rad VN???
Hey guys! So a while ago, a few friends and I got together to make a visual novel! It’s gonna be a LGBTQ+ fantasy-adventure game! Due to some personal reasons, we had to say goodbye to one of our writers. And another one is on temporary leave for an indefinite amount of time due to her mental health. So all we need is a writer for their characters as well as another writer for another character that we never found a writer for. We also need some editors. While all of the writers are essentially editors, we only really have one main editor who is very busy with other projects as well as life. We want to help her out a bit so you are welcome to apply to that as well. Unfortunately, as far as we know, we don’t intend to hire a lot of people since we don’t even have a source of income yet so the space is limited. You or anyone you know is still welcome to apply, though! Just DM me and we’ll see if you’re a good fit!
(BTW the reason why you might see this in your tag even if it’s not VN related is cause we decided to tag the fandoms that we’re a part of and have seen really good writers come from that fandom so yeah)
Hope to hear from you soon!
(Also it’s be cool if you guys spread the word a bit! You don’t have to though)
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I wish I didn’t have to say this....
This is my official goodbye. I’m so sorry but I’ve just lost all of my love for this show after season 6. I will always cherish the characters as well as all of you but I can’t do it anymore. I tried. I really did but I’ve lost all passion for it. I still love to write and I intend to continue. I’m actually working on 3 different writing projects haha. And one I will announce actually now cause we are looking for people to join in.
I will miss you and I won’t stop loving Shiro. That will never happen haha. But as far as I know, this is the end of the road for me and space husband.
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unpopular opinion: it is completely valid to read your own fanfictions/stories. the main reason you probably wrote it in the first place is because you couldn’t find anything like it. it’s not weird. 
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Person: you’re an author?
Me laying in bed, eating a bag of chips, and watching netflix: sometimes.
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Espresso Love
Prompt: Idk what happened, I literally just answered it and it vanished haha rip but it was from @yasaeng-hwa who asked for a fem!reader AU where she goes to college and Shrio is her Japanese teacher. Also something about coffee, I forgot the details lol.
FIRST OF ALL, CAN I JUST APOLOGIZE CAUSE IT’S BEEN LITERALLY ALMOST A YEAR SINCE THIS WAS ASKED HOLY FUCK I’M SO SORRY! No but seriously though and you waited a whole year for this piece of shit haha. I’m not saying that it’s bad, but... not my best work. This has been halfway done for nearly a year now and I finally made myself finish it. Tbh there is more I could do and would like to do with this so if you’re not satisfied with it, please message me, call me dumb, and then tell me to fix it!
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Pairing: Shiro x Fem!Reader
Genre: Professor!AU, Cofee Shop!AU, Slice of Life
Word Count: 5,774
Warnings: Nothing except for my shitty writing haha
You were in your senior year of college. You were filled with both excitement and dread at the start of the new year. You were one step closer to graduation, to the real world. However, you weren’t particularly fond of the process that it’s going to take to get there. You looked down at your travel mug and sighed wistfully.
“Looks like you’re going to be my best friend, yet again, dear coffee.”
“Oi! What about me?” You turned your head to smile at your actual best friend, as well as your roommate, sitting in the passenger seat of your car.
“I thought it was common knowledge that you were my second best friend.” You said teasingly. Your friend let out a sarcastic huff as you both stepped out of the car.
“I hate you.” She said with a fake pout. You shook your head with a smile. Your best friend has always been a very bubbly and bright person. And she was also your dorm roommate in freshman year. You two have been inseparable since.
“I’m kidding, you know I love you.” You replied. Your friend smiled brightly before slipping her arm through yours as you two headed off to your campus side by side.
“You excited for senior year?” She asked.
“My liver isn’t.” You said with a laugh. Your friend laughed as well. “And neither is my mentality. I will genuinely be surprised if I haven’t completely lost it by finals.” Your friend nodded in agreement as you two continued walking.
“You know what classes you have?” She asked. You shrugged.
“You know, same old. Also mostly the same professors.” You responded before you remembered something. “Although, I do have a new Japanese teacher this year. I don’t recognize his name so he’s probably new in general as well.” Your friend looked at you curiously.
“Really? What’s his name?”
“It was… Shirogane, I think?” Your friend stopped dead in her tracks, causing you to stop abruptly as well. “What?” You asked.
“You got Shirogane?” She asked back. You raised an eyebrow.
“That’s what I just said. Unless there’s another new Japanese teacher that I’m unaware of.” You responded. You were very confused at your friend’s reaction. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt your friend tightly grab on to your arm and jump up and down in excitement.
“Oh, my god! You got Shirogane! Fresh out of college, muscle man Shirogane!” A bewildered look appeared on your face.
“I’m sorry, what?” Muscle man? You thought quizzically. “Wait, hold on, is there something that I’m missing?” You managed you get your friend to stop jumping but she was still bouncing on her toes as she looked at you excitedly.
“Well, I heard from a few people, who took a summer course, about him.” Your friend explained. “He’s super hot. And ripped to the fucking gods.” A sarcastic smile spread upon your lips.
“Good for him.” You responded, uninterested. Your friend gaped at your response.
“How could you not be excited! You get to be in the presence of a sexy Japanese man!” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh, my god, you colossal weeb.” You said jokingly. She giggled lightly. You two continued to chat before parting ways, making a promise to meet up for lunch and after classes. You looked down at your schedule and headed off to your first class.
It was late in the afternoon and your final class of the day. You took another peek at your schedule and noticed that you had your Japanese class. You had to admit, you were curious to see this popular teacher of yours. Everyone you had talked to today told you more or less what your friend had told you this morning. He was the hot topic amongst the students. However, you had yet to see what it was that made them talk. You entered your class only to find that your professor was not there yet. You walked over to sit at one of the front row seats as you heard the excited chatter of students who were talking about none other than Professor Shirogane. You bent down to open your bag and pull out your supplies and lay them in front of you. Your pen fell to the ground and you bent back down to retrieve it when the door opened.
“Ko’nichiwa minasan.” You heard someone say in a deep baritone.
“Ko’nichiwa sensei.” The class responded by reflex.
“Ko’nichiwa sensei.” You said in a strained voice as you reached for your fallen pen. You grabbed ahold of your pen and smiled slightly in triumph as you quickly sat back up and brushed the hair out of your face with your free hand. You looked up in front of you and your eyes widened slightly in shock. What your friend had said was an understatement. The man was gorgeous. He had cropped black hair. Dark grey eyes that held fragments of silver was hidden behind a thick pair of black rectangle glasses. He had strong, handsome features and a sharp jawline. Your friend, however, was correct in one thing. The man, was in fact, “ripped to the fucking gods”. Standing, at the very least, 6’3, he had broad shoulders, a lean waist, and muscular arms that were hidden under his sweater vest. He looked quite young. Probably in his mid-twenties, give or take. As if he could feel your eyes on him, his eyes met yours but you quickly averted them with a small blush. Nope, not today, Y/N! He’s your teacher for christ’s sake! You mentally chided yourself. You looked back up to see Professor Shirogane walk up to the board. He quickly wrote his name in Kanji. You couldn’t help but appreciate his neat calligraphy. He turned back around and faced the class with a smile.
“Most of you probably don’t know who I am. My name is Takashi Shirogane. You can call me Professor Shirogane, Professor Shiro, Shirogane Sensei, and so on. It’s up to you.”
“Hai.” The class responded. Professor Shiro smiled again and started the class.
You walked out of your classroom only to be met face to face with your best friend. One look at your face had her smiling smugly.
“I knew it.” She said teasingly. You had a pretty good guess at to what she was referring to and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up.” You mumbled. You started to walk away from her but she caught up to you quickly.
“You owe me ten bucks!” She said with a smile. You stopped walking and twirled your head towards her.
“What?” You asked, surprised. “We didn’t even bet anything!” Your friend shrugged nonchalantly.
“I know. But I feel like I deserve it.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes yet again. You opened your mouth to retort but you were cut short by a deep voice behind you.
“Excuse me. Miss…. Y/N? Correct?” You turned around and locked eyes with Professor Shirogane. You were too caught up in his gaze to notice your friend silently gaping beside you.
“Y-yes?” You asked hesitantly. Professor Shiro held up a notebook.
“I believe you dropped this.” He said. Your eyes widened slightly in recognition at your notebook. You quickly grabbed it from his hands, your fingers brushing gently against each other. You jumped slightly at the contact before composing yourself.
“Oh! Yes, thank you.” You replied with a small smile. He returned it.
“Don’t mention it.” He responded. You stared at him in silence, not knowing what to say, before your friend coughed quietly, reminding you of her presence. Professor Shirogane quickly cleared his throat. “So I’ll see you next class?” He asked.
“Yup.” You squeaked. Professor Shirogane smiled again before giving a small wave and walking away in the opposite direction. You continued to watch him before your friend brought you back to reality.
“God, I would give him full permission to do whatever the fuck he wants with me.” You snapped your head to face her with a shocked expression on your face.
“I thought you were crushing on that pizza delivery girl?” You asked. She looked at you and grinned mischievously.
“Your point?” She asked. Your friend sighed dreamily before continuing. “It’s moments like these that I’m so glad I’m pan.” She said with a grin. You couldn’t help snort before you two started to laugh at her words as you walked away from your class.
You two walked towards your car. You opened the door and dropped your bag at the back seat.
“You sure you can walk home? I don’t mind dropping you off at the apartment first.” You said.
“It’s fine. I’m a big girl, don’t worry!” You smiled.
“Oh, by the way, I was thinking that we could go watch that movie tomorrow?” Your friend asked. You got in the car and smiled at her apologetically.
“Sorry. Can’t. I have work tomorrow. And every day this week.” Your friend groaned.
“Boring.” You chuckled in amusement.
“How about this weekend?” You asked. Your friend gave you a smug grin in response.
“Sorry. Can’t.” She said in a mocking tone. “Cause I’ve got a hot date on Saturday.” You snorted.
“Oh really? Who?” She sent you a knowing look and your jaw dropped. “No! Really? The pizza girl said yes?” She casually flicked her hair over her shoulder.
“What can I say? I have a way with the ladies.” You rolled your eyes before returning to the more important matters.
“Why did you just tell me this now? And also how did you ask? You have to tell me everything after you get back from the date! And remember, text me three flower emojis if you want me to get you out of there. Or, you know, if she end’s up being a madwoman and kidnaps you and you need to send me a non-suspicious text so that I can save your ass.” You said teasingly. She giggled in response before she bent down and gave you a small kiss on the cheek.
“Yes, mom.” She said sarcastically. You decided to play along.
“And be back home by eleven, young lady! No drinks or drugs, you hear?” You put on a mock-serious face.
“Yeah, yeah. Now go on and get to work!” She ushered you away with one final hug before you got into your car and drove off.
The familiar scent of coffee filled your nostrils as you entered the cafe. You had barely even set a foot into the door when you heard a voice from the cash register.
“Your four minutes late.” You heard your boss said gruffly. You glanced her way and smiled at her.
“Hello to you, too, Judy.” You responded. Judy rolled her eyes with a hidden grin.
Judy was basically an aunt to you. You two met in your freshman year when you were looking for a job when you found a little, hole-in-the-wall cafe with a help wanted sign. You were met with a tough-looking woman whose aesthetic was the exact opposite of the cute little cafe. Her hair was cut short with little, black, curls tied up by a red bandana. Her ears were covered in piercings as well as a stud on her nose while basically her entire body was inked. She reminded you of one of those punk, pin-up girls you saw on Tumblr and right then and there, you decided that you were going to get that job no matter what.
As you walked passed the cash register, Judy tossed you your apron that you caught with ease and tied it around your waist as you took her place at the cash register.
“It’s about damn time.” She muttered sarcastically.
“I apologize, Judy. It must have been so hard those four minutes, especially with the rush!” You said as you gestured to the small handful of people who was sipping away at their coffee. She affectionately punched your shoulder.
“So how was Mark today?” She asked, referring to one of your professors, as well as her husband.
“He didn’t spill anything on himself today.” Judy beamed in amusement.
“I’m so proud. Speak of the devil.” Her eyes brightened at the jingle of the door as her husband walked in. Your professor was, like the cafe, the exact opposite of Judy. While Judy was loud and in charge, he was shy and clumsy. He looked exactly like a stereotypical professor with his round-rimmed glasses and short, blond hair. Usually messy at the end of the day from running his hands through it so much. He was, what one could say, quietly handsome.
Unlike Professor Shiro- No! Nope! Again, He’s your teacher! You quickly, mentally, shook your head from your thoughts.
He was neither covered in piercings nor tattoos. (Although Judy said they have matching ones on their asses from when they were both shit-faced on their honeymoon. Just the thought of it made you snort silently.)
Judy walked around the cash register to welcome her husband with a small peck.
“Hey, babe.” She purred. Marks face immediately flushed red at the name.
“H-hey, Judy.” He glanced at you and waved. “Hey Y/N.” You waved back with a smile.
“Hey, Mark.” Judy turned to face you.
“It’s date night tonight. You don’t mind watching the cafe by yourself, do you?”
“Judy, don’t you trust me?” Judy grinned.
“Not at all.” You laughed as you shooed them away.
“Go, I got this. Have fun on your date!”
“We will!” Mark replied as he laced his fingers with Judy’s. They both walked off with a giggle and you watched them happily, musing on how cute they were.
A few hours had passed and the sun was starting to set, bathing the cafe in a warm yellow light. One by one the customers would leave only to be replaced by a few more. You were staring off into space when you heard the familiar jingle of the bell. You quickly jumped up and welcomed the customer a little too enthusiastically.
“Good evening! Welcome to Espresso Yoursel-” You cut yourself off in shock at the person who had walked in. Professor Shiro took in the small cafe with interest before his eyes landed on you and flickered in recognition. He walked up to you with a smile.
“Good evening, Miss Y/N. I didn’t know you worked here. Although to be fair, I only found out about this place’s existence today.” You giggled nervously, trying to calm your racing heart.
“Haha, yup! What a coincidence. It’s a hole-in-the-wall but they have the best coffee in the city!” You said with forced enthusiasm and you cringed inwardly at your behavior. Professor Shiro grinned.
“I’ll take you up on that challenge.” He glanced up at the menu above your head for a few seconds before deciding on what he was going to order. A mischievous look flickered in his eyes before he spoke. “I think I’ll have an Americano, black.” You blinked rapidly a few times before you registered that he was speaking to you in Japanese.
“Uh, why are you speaking to me in Japanese, sir?” He shrugged.
“It’s good practice.” He replied. Continuing in Japanese. You raised an eyebrow in slight amusement before deciding to go along with it, forgetting your nervousness from before.
“And would you like sugar with that Americano?” You responded in Japanese.
“Sure, not a lot, though.” You picked up an empty coffee cup and a pen.
“And what name would you like to be called?”
“Shiro is fine. Do you think you can write that in kanji?” He asked with a challenging stare. You smirked.
“Of course I can.” You quickly wrote down his name and showed it to him. He nodded approvingly and you raised your chin in triumph. You quickly finished preparing his coffee and handed it to him. His fingers brushed a bit against yours and you jumped slightly at the contact.
“Thanks.” He took a small sip and his eyes widened in slight surprise. “Wow, you weren’t wrong! This is probably the best coffee I’ve ever had.” You smiled.
“Of course I am.” He chuckled lightly before handing you the money. He raised the coffee cup slightly.
“I will enjoy this.” He said before walking off to sit at one of the small tables, pulling out his laptop and working quietly. He stayed there for the rest of the evening and you couldn’t help but watch him work every once in a while.
A few weeks had passed since then, and Professor Shiro showed up every day, without fail. Ordering a single black Americano and spending the rest of the afternoon working at one of the tables, be it answering emails or grading papers. And every day, he had a small conversation with you in Japanese. He even insisted that you just call him Shiro, only outside of class, of course. It had gotten to the point where you looked forward to going to work, just so that you two could talk. After catching yourself staring at him for probably the tenth time, you sighed, defeated.
“Damn.” You muttered. “It’s only been a few weeks and you already have a crush. And on a professor, no less!” You noticed Professor Shiro look up and his gaze met yours. You nervously waved at him before diverting your attention to something else.
You later walked up to the door of your apartment, tired and in need of a shower. You opened the door to be met with the sounds of the TV. You walked into the living room and saw your friend sitting on the couch with a glass of wine while watching Rick and Morty. She glanced at you before returning her attention to the TV.
“Welcome back.” She said.
“Hey.” You muttered as you flopped down on the couch with a sigh. She paused the TV and looked at you.
“Something the matter?” She asked, concerned. You took the wine glass from her hand and finished the remaining contents before refilling it.
“No, I’m fine.” You took another sip of wine before continuing. “I think I have a crush on Professor Shirogane.” You glanced over at your friend. She was, unsurprisingly, gaping at your statement.
“I’m sorry, what?” She exclaimed. You sighed again.
“Yeah, I know. I don’t know how it happened I just found myself constantly thinking about him and looking forward to him coming over to Espresso Yourself and then I was like ‘fuck’.” She nodded sympathetically at your words.
“I understand. I felt the same about Pizza Girl. I gained five pounds just cause I kept ordering pizza in hopes that she would be the one to deliver them.”
“Why are you still calling her Pizza Girl, isn’t she your girlfriend?” She shrugged.
“Yeah, I know. It’s like a pet name now. Anyway, enough about me, what about you? What are you going to do?” You took another sip of wine.
“Deal with it, I guess.” Your friend huffed at your words.
“Come on, now, Y/N! You should go for it!”
“He’s my professor, F/N.”
“And it’s… morally wrong!”
“Why? He’s only, like, three years older than you.”
“Yes, but he’s also in charge of my grades and if people found out that we were a thing, they might not only accuse me of sleeping with him to get straight A’s but that he’s taking bribes!”
“You could keep it a secret. Forbidden love is hot.” You immediately burst out laughing at her words, forgetting your stress for a bit.
“You’re… just-” You sighed fondly at your friend. “I love you.”
“I’m taken, sorry.” She said with a grin. You playfully smacked her on the shoulder before grabbing the remote and pressing play.
Months had passed since then and you were already nearing the end of the school year. The chilly weather was starting the lessen as spring arrived. You and Shiro had gotten closer since as you continued your “Japanese practice” and you found yourself falling deeper and deeper for the man, despite trying not to. You were taken out of your thoughts when heard the doorbell jingle and you looked over with a smile as you saw Shiro walk in.
“Hey, Y/N. I’ll have the usual.” Shiro said as soon as he walked in.
“Sure thing.” You quickly prepared his coffee and handed it to him. He pulled out his wallet to pay but you laid a hand over his stopping him. He quickly looked down at your hands with a faint blush before looking up at you, confused. You smiled softly.
“On the house.”
“Also this.” You interrupted as you pulled out a slice of chocolate cake from the dessert stand. “Happy birthday, Shiro.” He looked at the cake then back at you again even more confused.
“How did you know that it’s my birthday?” You shrugged.
“Mark told me.” His eye twitched slightly.
“Who’s Mark?”
“Oh, right. I meant Professor Hendricks.” His brows furrowed a bit and his jaw was slightly clenched.
“Why… why are you on a first-name basis with Professor Hendricks?” He asked. He felt oddly nervous for some reason and even a bit jealous, though he denied it.
“Cause his wife is my boss.” You responded as you gestured to Judy who was wiping down one of the tables. He looked over at Judy and his eyes widened surprise.
“Good for him.”
“Yeah.” He rolled his eyes at your repeated responses and you grinned back.
“Still, I feel like I should pay for this.”
“Nope, it’s on the house.” He sighed desperately.
“At least the coffee.”
“I said no- Hey, Judy!” You called out, reverting to English. She looked up from her cleaning and faced her attention towards you. You pointed at Shiro with your thumb. “Tell Shiro that the coffee and the cake are both on the house because it’s his birthday.” She shrugged and turned to Shiro.
“It’s on the house.” She then returned to cleaning and you grinned at him in triumph.
“Judy’s word is law around here.” Shiro sighed and pulled out his wallet again.
“I literally just said-”
“Don’t worry, I’m not paying for the coffee or the cake. It’s just a tip.” You rolled your eyes and relented letting him hand you the money. “I need to get going now, I have papers to grade. Thanks for the coffee and the cake.” He said as he quickly walked out the door.
“But you usually grade them here…” You called after him. But it was too late and he was already long gone. You glanced down at the money in your hand and your eyes widened in shock and you had to force yourself to suppress a smile. His tip consisted of the price for the coffee and the cake, as well as a few extra dollars. You rolled your eyes as you looked out the door where Shiro was once was. “Clever move, Shirogane.”
It was late. Your final customer had just walked out into the rainy night as you sighed, slightly disappointed. It was your turn to close up shop but you still had ten minutes till closing time so you decided to wait it out.
Shiro’s always here after school… did something happen? You thought. You immediately shook your head. Well, it’s not like he has to be here every day. You sighed softly. Still, it feels weird that he didn’t come today. You checked your watch and noticed that there were only three minutes left before you had to close. You decided to give up and sighed again in defeat. You started heading for the door when you heard a loud jingle of the bell. You quickly looked at the door to see Shiro, soaking wet from the rain and panting slightly. He took a few more deep breaths before he looked at you with a grin.
“I still have…” He glanced down at his watch then back up to you with a charming smile. “two minutes, right?” You stared at him in stunned silence for a few seconds before you burst out laughing.
“Yeah. Yeah, you still have time. The usual, right?” You asked as you walked towards the coffee machine. You heard him snort from behind.
“Obviously.” You smiled to yourself in response while you continued to make him a cup of coffee. Not long after, you handed it to him with a grin.
“I must say, I’m surprised. For a second there I thought you were gonna be a no-show.” He rolled his eyes as he took the cup from your hand.
“Meetings.” He explained. “Ran late.” He took a sip of his coffee. A confused look appeared on his face. He looked up at you with a raised eyebrow. “Is this decaf?” He asked.
“It’s nearly midnight, Shiro. Plus, we need to start working on your caffeine addiction.” You added playfully.
“I have nothing of the sort.” He said as he continued to drink. You leaned over the counter and rested your chin on your head.
“Says the man who ran in the pouring rain late at night just to get his daily cup of coffee.” He rolled his eyes yet again.
“That's just because I’m a loyal customer to Espresso Yourself. And for your information, I drove here. It’s just that the parking lot is very far away from here.” You giggled softly.
“The fact that you said that Espresso Yourself with a straight face makes me want loose respect for you.” He chuckled in response before downing the last bits of his coffee and pulling out his wallet to pay.
“Well, thanks for the coffee. I’ll see you next week in class?” He asked. You smiled as you put the money in the register.
“You know it.” You replied. He grinned. He started to head for the door before he stopped abruptly and turned around hesitantly.
“You said that F/N was out of town for the week, right?”
“Yeah, she’s coming back tomorrow.”
“Isn’t she using your car?”
“Yup.” You replied. He looked back out into the rain before looking back at you.
“Do you… need a ride home?” He asked. You shook your head politely, trying to ignore your skipped heartbeat.
“I’m good, thanks. I’ll just call an Ub-” You were cut off short by the shriek of lightning. You jumped slightly in surprise. It took you a second to register that the lights were off as well. “Christ.” You muttered, reverting to English.
You pulled out your phone and turned on the flashlight. You walked over to the light switch and tried to turn it on a few times, confirming your thoughts. You sighed in annoyance before a thought immediately popped into your head. “Oh shit.” You said before you dashed for the door. You tried to pull it open but it wouldn’t budge.
“Are we locked in?” You heard Shiro ask from behind. You sighed again and rested your forehead against the door in defeat.
“Yup. These doors lock electronically.” You looked at your phone screen only to see it fade out along with the flashlight. “Aaaaand my phone just died. Great.” You turned to look back at Shiro. “Can I borrow yours?” He shrugged apologetically.
“I left it in the car.”
“Well, then I guess we’re stuck here for the time being.” You walked towards the lounging area and flopped down on one of the couches. Shiro soon followed and sat down next to you.
You both sat in silence, the only sounds that were heard were the heavy raindrops that fell against the building and the occasional clap of thunder. You fiddled with the hem of your apron, keeping your hands busy as you tried to distract yourself from the man who was sitting only a few inches away from you on the small couch. Shiro clicked his tongue a few times awkwardly before finally deciding to speak up.
“So… how long do you think the storm will last?” You continued to fiddle with your apron.
“Uh, I’m not sure.” You heard Shiro let out a sigh.
“Right.” You both fell silent, unsure of how to keep the conversation going.
Why is this so awkward? You mentally groaned. Things were fine a few minutes ago. “So, um…” You spoke up after a few more minutes of silence. “Why did you decide to be a professor?”
“Why?” He repeated.
“Yeah, I mean… you’re young, you graduated college yourself not too long ago. What made you decide that you wanted to teach?”
“Oh, well… to be honest, it’s because of my father.”
“Your father?” He nodded.
“My father was a professor. He went to Japan to teach English and that’s where he met my mother.” You stayed silent, listening to his words. “When she told him that she was pregnant, however, he immediately left. Turns out, he was having an affair with my mother while he had his own family back in Sweden.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” You said. He shrugged.
“I… well I planned to become a professor so that I could meet him and just… ask him why.” He sighed. “I had found out that he recently became the dean of a university in Sweden. I applied for the job and got accepted… but… I just couldn’t do it. I was a coward.”
“No, you weren’t.” You immediately replied. He looked at you, a little shocked at the forcefulness of your words. “It’s not your fault that you couldn’t. The real coward in this story is him. He left you and your mother because he couldn't handle his responsibilities. He doesn’t deserve your time or energy. And the fact that you even considered giving it to him makes you brave.” Shiro smiled gratefully at your words.
“Thanks, Y/N.” You smiled back at him and nodded.
Suddenly, ripping you from your thoughts, another abrupt shriek of lighting occurred, temporarily illuminating the cafe in a blinding white light, causing you and Shiro to both jump instinctively closer to each other. You both felt each other’s hands brush against the other and quickly pulled away.
“A-ah, sorry about that,” He stuttered.
“It’s fine…” You mumbled, hating the loss of warmth that you felt when you pulled away. You both continued to sit in silence, though neither of you moved back to your original positions. If you leaned slightly, you could feel Shiro’s warmth radiate off of his body. Your mind was spinning with multiple questions at what had just happened. What you did know, however, was that it felt strangely right to hold his hand. That you wanted to do it again. Before you even realized it, you were inching your hand closer to his and landed softly on top of his hand. He flinched slightly at the contact and you finally realized what you had done.
“I-I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking. I-” You weren’t able to finish your sentence when you felt Shiro grab on to your hand as well and squeeze it slightly when you tried to pull away. You hesitantly looked down at your connected hands before looking up to be met with Shiro’s gaze. His face only a few centimeters away from yours. You stared back at him silently, unsure of what to do. His hot breath tickled your skin as he drew himself closer, resting his free hand against your cheek.
“I… um…” He trailed off. He glanced down at your lips for a split second before sighing. “Ah, to hell with it.” He muttered before planting his lips against yours. You were stunned still for a second before leaning into the kiss. You reached your arms up to wrap it around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Your mind was blank except for the only phrase that repeated in your head.
‘Holy shit.’
Shiro wrapped his free arm around your waist, bringing you closer to the point where you were basically sitting on his lap as he parted your lips with his tongue and tangled it with yours. You let out a soft moan that was swallowed by his kisses. He trailed his lips down to your jaw, then your neck, before returning them to your moth. You both didn’t even realize that the lights had come back on until you eventually parted for a breath.
The cafe lights woke you from your haze and you looked down and realized what position you were in. You quickly got off of his lap and smoothed down your apron.
“Oh my god, this is insane! We shouldn’t have done this! You’re my professor! This- we… I-” Shiro stood up and faced you, lightly placing his thumb over your lips. You looked up at him, your face flushed and your breathing still ragged from your previous activities.
“Do you… do you regret it?” He asked. You opened your mouth to speak but no sound came out. You saw the anxiety in his eyes and you sighed.
“…No… no, I don’t.” You averted your gaze from his. “But you’re my professor and I’m your student. If people found out…” You trailed off.
“Who cares about what they say?” He placed his hand underneath your chin and directed your face so that you were facing him. His face was also heavily flushed. “I… I care about you, Y/N. A lot. I… I think that - I know that - I’m falling for you. Hard.” You gasped silently at his words as you felt your heart expand with joy. “You were the first friend that I made here. Every day I come here, hoping that you have a shift, just so that I can talk to you. And when you don’t I get disappointed. And when I walk into class and I see you sitting there, I immediately feel better. At first, I wanted to ignore these feelings because, as you said, you’re my student. But I… I want to be with you.”
“… We could get caught. You could get fired.” You whispered. He smiled as he tucked a lock of hair behind your ear.
“I’m willing to take that risk.” Finally, you smiled as well as you both leaned in for another, gentler kiss. You both regretfully parted from each other before Shiro reached down for your hand. “Come on, I’ll drive you home.” You smiled again and nodded, both of you heading out the door hand in hand.
A/N: Yup... so anyway I’m back-ish? I have some other fics that I’m done with but I’m gonna upload them every two weeks just so that it’s spaced out and I won’t stress lol. Again, I’m sorry for making you wait a year @yasaeng-hwa and like I know that this was a college au thing but there’s barely any mention of college haha it’s mostly a coffee shop au. So again, apologies.
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Laptop charger? Delivered
Laptop? Charging
WIPs? Secure
Me? Happy
Hotel? Trivago
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Okay.. so suppose you’re a fanfiction writer…. And I’m a fan of your stories… would it be alright to bribe you with a fanart that i made, so I can read the next chapter? 
:) just asking…. but srsly tho… can you bribe a fanfiction writer with fanart of their stories?
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how to beat writer’s block
1. work around the part you’re stuck at! skip forward and work on future chapters, future concepts, or future outlines.
2. take a break! breaks are SO important to making new ideas. you can’t just overwork your brain on one concept because it WILL get burnt out.
3. start writing something else! it could be based on your current WIP or something completely different. just writing something could give you ideas or fuel for what you are stuck on.
4. use that different work to... oh this is actually pretty good?
5. maybe i could just start writing this instead
6. oh wait now i’ve written more in this than my original WIP
7. shit now i have two WIPs that i’m stuck with writer’s block
8. maybe just repeat steps 1-3
9. Great. now i have 20 seperate ideas and WIPs
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Charger for my laptop broke and all of my WIPs are on there and my laptop just died and I can’t buy a new charger in the near future....
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It’s fine
I’m fine
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