shirpshiro 5 months
I miss the beauty of the world I need to get lost again idk why I think I have to do this alone it always feels so lonely anyways, if I could just remember the reasons
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shirpshiro 5 months
im lost in a dream inside a nightmare, trembling at night to myself it seems u cant help me. i was breathing through it. action comes easy its the moments just before that are hard... i think i deleted a bunvh off this accounts because i was embarrassed :(
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shirpshiro 2 years
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currentlyyyyy non-existence (everything at once)
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shirpshiro 2 years
something cool on the internet
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shirpshiro 2 years
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love, you're just my mirror, you reflect all sides of me and i do the same to you... wanna talk about it? thee love, the one and only who i inherently always have in my heart no matter what timeline and heartline you belong on we will find each other again as out love is as infinite as mirror reflecting mirrors, you've seen that right, it's insane. so i talk to you as it's myself, it's not weird im comfortable in this writing simply because i know youre already with me :-) i think that's beautiful, why im not lonely why i am actively doing the best I always can be (sheds tear bc too passionate)
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shirpshiro 2 years
im thinking lots lately on truth and purity and what that means for me, I have a lot of space and time now im kinda a hermit and dont have a hungry or lonely void simply just is and thinking my thoughts on what I can do to be truth and take care of myself. I haven't found myself being religious much until this year as it now has found me differently when it was forced upon me from other carnates, and of course I never bode well to others implemented their ideas onto mine as we are all clay. I wanna be a stone, maybe like lapis lazuli that's a favorite
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shirpshiro 2 years
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got kicked off of this tree :( this doesn't make sense to me, though, how is the tree yours, it's a gift and i said thank you. what could be wrong here, me journaling in this tree to be told its not my property, hm thoughts about this
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