shishi-neraoiba · 18 hours
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Ink sans??.. oh he’s a little fucked up actually
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
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"Oh! Oh! Jail for Soundwave! Jail for Soundwave for One Million Years!!!"
This was a lot funnier in my head
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
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gay baby jail
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
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So ah…ahahshdj More of the Snow bots au I guess~
Based on this post
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
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I just now noticed the ES Quintesson Judge has hands.
The Judges typically only have tentacles.
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Except for the time the CV Quintessons had Appmon Plugs for tentacles.
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So the judges having hands now is funny to me.
So what becomes of the Quintessons in EarthSpark going forward? Heck if I know as of typing. EarthSpark has been a poorly written slog that doesn’t know what to do with itself, just like everything else that’s defined the current crop of so called modern kids cartoons…
Provided it’s not another cut concept in the next batch, the Quintessons appear to be set up as the next antagonists. They have abandonment issues, an axe to grind with Papa Quintus, and seek to abuse the power of a Prime. Be it the Emberstone (which was their original target) or the Cyber Sleeves (as the Executioner rebooted with its power).
For all the people grumbly about the Quintessons being here and thinking they don’t fit/aren’t interesting; I’m sorry to say that they were an inevitability. Quintus Prime’s only defining characteristic is that he’s the creator of the Quintessons, as a reverse homage to G1 where the Quintessons created the Transformers. For a show themed entirely around Quintus and his relic, it wouldn’t make sense to NOT finally explore this idea especially in an era where the Quintessons are gaining more relevancy again.
The problem before is there wasn’t time or reason to explore this concept in Prime, WFC, or Cyberverse. WFC implied the 80’s cartoon origin, while CV instead made the Quints into Dr. Who meets The Matrix villains, completely dodging Quintus. I’d argue yet again you could’ve squeezed it into RiD15, with the Quintessons coming to harvest relics on Earth after the Great War for a future strike on Cybertron, with Bumblebee’s Autobots standing in their way. I’m not sure how the Emberstone or Quintus himself would factor into this off the top of my head, but I could see a TFA homage where the stone makes Wreck-Gar out of the junk in Denny’s scrapyard.
As for what ES could do. My guess off hand is such.
Quintus’ lesser known thing is he created Space Bridges, and IDW MetroTitans are depicted as having built in Space Bridges to travel around…
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Ergo one plot could be the Quintessons trick the Decepticons into reactivating a potential space bridge already built into Terratronus, under a false promise it would take them back to Cybertron, but instead the Quints appear on Earth through it and take control of Terratronus.
In the end, Terratronus could also be as such.
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She Transforms into city mode and becomes a new version of (IDW) Autobot City. Possibly this is functionally New Cybertron (or the Little Cyberton refuge town via IDW).
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With this, she becomes the end goal of the human-Cybertron alliance with humans, Transformers and Quintessons (and any other aliens created by Quintus in particular) coming to live in the city founded by the Maltobots.
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
Litteraly it's for kids and toy promo first!!!! We can make angst and deeper lore dive in the fandom like it always have been if the show can't do it anymore it's fine guys
u guys can be as disappointed in tfes s2 as u want but i’ve been in the hospital three times this week and had emergency surgery and them being silly and stupid kids is exactly what i needed for comfort rn
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
I don't know who is cooking there but they are doing a good job despite the animation cut
i dont know how its possible, but the character animation for earthspark season 2 got worse and the cinematagrophy stayed the same.. maybe even increased in quality? wtf, how do you even do that??? who is cooking behind the scenes of earthspark???
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
He look so pretty in the form he was meant to have holy shit
Here it is... The moment about... 16 of you waited for.
The starscream theory
So as long as starscream has been present, I think we're all pretty stumped as to why him of all people have a immortal spark and want to know why that is besides what's been explained in beast wars (that's it's mutated).
I think I know that answer and it basically boils down to starscream being a reincarnation or another version of Primus.
I know that sound crazy but hear me out.
We know that primus can make forms for himself, one of which is rung from the lost light comics. Rung is described to have a very bright and old spark which is pretty much all the indication we get until he's revealed to be primus. It is until then (maybe sooner or later) that we also learn that rung has a immortal spark.
And besides the immortal spark experiment that created rampage in beast wars, starscream and rung are the only ones to have this strange ability.
But of course that's not all I have. So we also know from the taao (till all are one) comics that starscream is constructed cold. What does that mean? It means that his own body that we all see him in was one that was mass produced in a factory and given to him before he could find his own form, which is how most transformers like bumblebee, Optimus and arcee get their forms. So it means during this whole time, starscream and a handful of other seekers probably don't even know what their supposed to be and it's all thanks to them being constructed cold.
But when we do see what he was meant to be, we can see how much was taken from him because he was constructed cold.
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Of course the size is a representation of his ego, but this. This is what Starscream was meant to be and he's actually quite pretty. Though I'm sure as everyone is starting to notice, starscream has purple optics, which isn't really good as normally purple optics are a result of dark energon... Which is also called unicrons blood. Now I'm not saying that starscreams a all powerful being that can control dark energon, but I will say that MAYBE .... Just maybe, starscream might have some energon in his body that's being registered as dark energon in that moment. It's not quite unicrons blood, though.
But now back to starscreams current body, I do wanna point something out. Because starscreams coloring has him looking way WAY too similar to how primus looks. Now I'm not sure if this is a good primus, but I will point out the similarities between starscream and primus.
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So this is what primus looks like.
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And this is starscream.
I'll go ahead and point out the similarities.
Both Starscream and primus have grey-ish or very light grey/white as a base for their bodies.
They both have blue on their arms and blue on their feet.
Of course they obviously have red chests.
Of course not absolutely everything is going to match up like the head on primus and primus' blue hip-plating, but I feel like this is pretty solid so far.
But the reason I say that starscream and primus look similar kinda correlates into the fact starscream is constructed cold.
Obviously when someone is forged they're taking on their own destiny, but if someone is constructed cold, they're taking on a job that's been given to them via factory setting or just convince.
But since starscreams spark is just immortal the body either freaked out with the settings or just took on a similar pattern to primus because that's the only other being that has a immortal spark.
And I know you guys are gonna say something about the timeline so let me say that time is already messed up in the transformers universe. I mean the maximals are the transformers from the future that got sent into the past on earth long before the actual transformers arrived and in one of the beast wars episodes starscream legit showed up as a ghost that drifted through time.
"but if starscream is a reincarnation of a god, how come no one else points that out?" I don't think a transformer would know what a demigod is because they probably don't have gods that go around popping out children with anything that breathes. That and also you probably wouldn't be able to tell if anyone in your family or friends was a god or not, either, so don't blame them.
That's kinda it for now, I feel like matpat with fnaf... Gonna miss him :(
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
Earthspark episode 9/10 spoilers, please read tags before reading this post!!
So that midseason special was something, huh? Now we gotta wait for wave two. In the meantime...
I wanna talk about starscream and possibly explain his actions the best I can, though I'm not giving him a excuse to do the things he does. In all honesty, though, I do blame megatron for this.
So, before I loose myself, let me explain some of starscream and what probably happened before the war in Earthspark's timeline plus a headcanon of mine. Starscream was probably the one who made the whole rebellion in the first place. If the fact that low class Cybertronians don't get t-cogs are true, then it probably is the case.
Starscream, out of everyone, has a lot of love and knowledge about the planet. So like myths, legends, history, culture and let's not forget about landscape and how only he knew how to travel through all of it (this bit is from the comic I have no mouth and I must starscream).
And it probably upset him that low class Cybertronians don't get t-cogs because t-cogs and the power of transformation is every Cybertronians birthright. They are entitled to transform yet, because they're not 'worthy' enough, they don't get to?
So, to rebel and make a point, starscream most likely made a rebellion to help all classes fight for that right. But a long the way megatron came and, while it's not clear how it happened, megatron most likely took his place as leader by force and turned starscreams rebellion into a army.
Starscream, understandably, is going to be pissed but to top it off, megatron begins going after the allspark and tries to use it for his own gain. Not only that but he also caused the death of alot of Cybertronians under his rule, most likely making them fight with threats of fear and punishment.
Then megatron, after so many years of this just... Fucks off and joins the autobots? He leaves starscream to rule a army that he didn't even want, but all thanks to megatron, is all he has? And megatron doesn't get punished for it at all?
So, starscream is already pissed off, and because there's no way home, he has to assume the worst because of how much damage and destruction megatron has caused. Not only that, but if cybertron really is gone, then Optimus endorsed megatrons actions the entire time.
The abuse, destruction and the amount of lives lost are just completely useless because megatrons forgiven? No wonder starscream stays with the decepticons, he's not gonna risk getting abused because the autobots have shown they don't care about him.
But when starscream saw the fragments of the emberstone, he probably felt like he could do something... For himself and the decepticons. He wanted his home back, and because starscream thinks that Optimus basically sacrificed cybertron for megatron, he was going to give them all a taste of their own medicine.
And while he was doing it for the decepticons, they weren't his first priority... Cybertron was. It has always been his top priority, even if it meant he had to loose people he loved for it, because that's what he's been through, probably too many times to count.
So now that the explanation is done, what about redemption? What actions are there to take for starscream?
Well I got a few ideas.
1; megatron takes responsibility, apologies to starscream and decides to take in the punishment.
2; because of starscreams cyber-sleeve, the terrans, Robby and mo probably try to help starscream deal with his own emotions
3; Alex malto somehow gets a cyber-sleeve that's connected to starscream and uses it to help starscream get better, rather it'd be food, activities or just by talking to him.
I added that last one because Alex does want to be involved with autobots, but I feel like that since he's a history teacher, he'd be interested in the history of cybertron, which starscream knows.
Also I told this to my sibling who watched the show with me and we made plenty of jokes that were just Alex basically being a dad to starscream.
Btw, if y'all were wondering, Alex's cyber-sleeve would probably have sim-like stats on starscream where it gauges his energy levels/hunger, sleep, hobbies and mood.
And as a bonus, the more starscream trusts Alex, the more he tells him about Cybertronian technology, which is how they revive wheeljack and the others.
(as a joke I made while writing this, starscream is just a giant physical tamagotchi to Alex)
Tell me what y'all think.
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
Man.... earthspark 2A episodes post
*shaking Earthspark by the shoulders* I want to like you so bad but you are making it so HARD.
Nothing I have been complaining about has changed, and not only that, the things that make the show the most interesting have been removed.
I am absolutely baffled by with what happened with Ghost. They "disbanded"? And now the Autobots just get all their stuff, no questions asked? And when the Decepticons made their huge super-villain style lair in the timeskip AND then later in this season a huge fuck-off sized transformer bursts from the ground, the collective of humanity and the U.S. military was doing what exactly? Sitting around with their thumbs in their asses? Like okay sure Ghost disbanding - but what is alternative? Because it shouldn't be nothing.
The thing about Ghost was that not only were they handling the transformers "threat" in terms of keeping Decepticons locked up, they were doing PR for the Transformers that were left. Because of that entire war in the 80s. In the previous season, secrecy mattered because dealing with humanity in the form of Ghost was a consequence. Which was interesting. Now the Maltos are the ONLY ONES fighting the baddies. Why?
Like I get it, the kids are the protagonists and we're here to sell toys. But its so BIZARRE when the new framework of the season is operating more like a TFP-style "these kids are the only one that can help because they're the only ones that know" when, hello, all of humanity knows. And what's more, now they (by which I mean other humans) seemingly have NOTHING to say about it. The first episode there's a highway chase with cars whizzing by and when one of the Malto kids deflects one of the baddies, they crash into another baddie, which EXPLODES while pedestrian cars dodge it. Hello. What. The Maltos go to a carnival and the Terrans are just there among humans. Okay. Considering the history of TFs in this show, I would at least think this should be some kind of public spectacle. (Side note, the whole "there was a war in the 80s and the transformers have comics in universe" was already such an off thing that just felt like weird and bad "fan service" in S1, and it feels even more off here where it has even less of an impact to the plot and more of a hindrance to a coherent plot.)
At minimum if they just let Schloder be the kids' "Fowler", where Schloder is their liaison to the U.S. government. SOMETHING. Come on. WHY WAS SCHLODER JUST A CAMEO AT THE CARNIVAL. And then maybe also have the Decepticons NOT in some incredibly obvious looking base that the army could missile strike from the sky. Is all I'm saying. Aforementioned giant transformer comes from the ground and humans understandably interacting with panic and maybe also like. A fighter jet or two whizzing by and taking ineffective pot shots. SOMETHING. Please.
Not to mention the weird side affect this has where since there are no other human groups dealing with TFs, the Malto parents now look inconsistent with any "no kids its too dangerous" bits. Fighting three Deceptions on a freeway? Fine. But a Quint Executioner? Too dangerous.
Also on that topic the Quint lore drop and lack of follow up for episodes on end like WHAT are we doing here Earthspark. Mo just stumbling into the plot not ONCE, but TWICE in the form of these random ass ruins. WHY IS NO ONE INVESTIGATING ANYTHING. THIS IS LIKE THAT DAMN COCAINE BEAR ALL OVER AGAIN. The only thing even semi-interesting with all that was the implication that Quintus might be kind of a dick. I hope they follow up on that, though my hopes are not high...
I'll say the best episode was without a doubt the one where Robbie and Hashtag lose Optimus's trailer. In a show where you have the PRIVILEGE of 20+ episodes a season, these are the kind of fun slot-in-anywhere one offs we should be getting. The second best episode was the carnival episode but ONLY because of the villain. He was giving tfa-villain to me and I loved it. *bangs fist on table* More monsters of week! More villains of the week! More fun one-off episodes!
The third best episode would have been the one with Jawbreaker and Aftermath, EXCEPT for the ending, because IT DIDNT HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Aftermath stole all the cave water, oh no! What will the Terrans do for fuel now? Will the Maltos be reassuring Jawbreaker that his choice to try and befriend Aftermath was the right one, even though it resulted in them not having fuel, and that they will work together as a family to find some alternate solution? No! It never comes up again!
It was the same thing for the one little "character" bit that carries from the first episode to the last: the whole "family comes first" line. In the first episode of the season, Robbie reaches for the ember stone but Twitch says the line family comes first and gives up the stone to save him. Then later in the episode he says the same thing and gives up the stone again. Wouldn't it have had more impact if the first time someone made the selfish choice instead, sees the consequences of that, and then later in the episode choose family? Like you know, they learned something? And then later in the finale of these episodes, it would be a callback to the lesson that Robbie felt he learned in the first episode when Robbie chooses to save Alex, rather than just the Malto's ridiculously on-the-nose family motto been hammered home constantly. I know its for kids, but come on, we love putting in lessons for kids right.
ALSO, not the ending to this batch of episodes being basically the same as the S1 finale 😭(All the OG bots being incapacitated, Robbie and Mo holding the stone and feeling their feelings to save the day.) I'll say too while the idea of the Autobots running their own base and mission while the kids and Terrans are doing their sidestuff sounds good in theory, the way they intersect here with the trident weapon (I forget its name) make the Autobots look like CHUMPS. They lose it so easily.
Speaking of the Autobots doing their own thing. The lack of OG bots. Oh my goddd. The worst its been. Did Bumblebee even have a single significant line. MEGATRON HAD LIKE. SIX LINES AT MOST. PLEASE. I WANT TO BE HEARING HIS BEAUTIFUL SCOTTISH TWANG. SO BADLY. The OG bots should ALSO be getting fun one off episodes! For a balance. (Again I point to the trailer episode.) Bumblebee and Breakdown start fighting once and they don't say a SINGLE word to each other. My heart hurts. Them seemingly not actually hitting each other if you look real close is NOT THE SAME AS CHARACTERS TALKING. rip. (I'm not even gone get into how Megatron is starting to fall into the same pitfalls as mtmte!Megatron. You can deduce my implication there.)
Also on the topic of Breakdown and all the other Decepticons. What HAPPENED. With the nuance. Bruh. Opening the season with Breakdown as a lackey and eager to smash shit. WHY are all these bots following Starscream. It's SUCH a jarring pivot from last season. And then the new Chaos bots were so whatever. They served their purpose. But didn't do anything exciting for me.
Finally, the show didn't even LOOK as good. The Quint Executioner was UGLY AS SIN. Ugh. RIP.
One other positive thing I'll note as a P.S. is that I think I laughed more than any other batch of episodes. Like I don't remember the show being particularly funny in S1. But there were some solid chortles and guffaws here. Some of them might have been more baffled guffaws at the things the shows writing was doing, and some of it might have been that I was watching the episodes while on an airplane with only four hours of sleep. But. Guffaws were had. Like good example the oddball Aftermath and Breakdown father son gag. Out of place and weird but hell if I didn't laugh.
Tl;dr: Much potential from S1 blown away by removing unique plot elements and character development from the first season. Problems from the first season still here, and many of those problems even worse. Earthspark. What happened.
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
Never thought I’d live to see the day.
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shishi-neraoiba · 2 days
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The boys are together again ✨
Grandmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios
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shishi-neraoiba · 3 days
What if Ultra Magnus is in Earthspark?
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(Who is really big, bigger than Megatron then got seriously injured and him saying "I'm fine" when the Maltos are being hysterical at the background.)
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Ultra Magnus is Evolving!)
(Also Minimus Ambus slipping out from his suit.)
(He'll be smaller than twitch, which he would be standing there proud and mighty.)
(He then saying sup' to everyone)
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Me: Ehhh...why not make it to a meme?
Also me: yeeeEEESSSS
Hahaha I'm still looking for my art style
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shishi-neraoiba · 3 days
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shishi-neraoiba · 3 days
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more ✨ old man doodles! ✨it's almost time for their nap soon.
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shishi-neraoiba · 3 days
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shishi-neraoiba · 3 days
Transformers as memes - a thread: (pt. 2/?)
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