shitdavexsays · 2 years
Tumblr now doesn’t let people read everything without being logged in, so this blog has moved to shitdavexsays.wordpress.com in the spirit of inclusion.
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shitdavexsays · 2 years
When the mice are away, the cheese will play.
On his various managers not being in a meeting
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shitdavexsays · 4 years
"Possum wool? No DaveX, you say, that’s like wearing a rat suit! But no. Even Barack Obama wore a possum-wool sweater. I bought one, it’s super comfortable."
a kool-aid man costume is fine, but apparently a rat suit would be one step too far. 
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shitdavexsays · 4 years
Mob kingpins have a very stressful job. Even kingpins know there’s nothing like a velour running suit. You have one of those on? Peace is with you.
Exhorting a large group of people into getting cozy for the bleak winter ahead.
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shitdavexsays · 4 years
You don’t want to eat alligator…it’s like a chicken somebody left in a pond to marinate, it’s gross.
Not a fan of certain Cajun foods 
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shitdavexsays · 5 years
The pork board promised me unlimited bacon!
When asked how his presentation went in the Midwest
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shitdavexsays · 5 years
I can't work my phone's touchscreen while wearing these Kool-aid Man gloves! This is terrible!
while wearing a creased, fresh-from-the-box cheap costume from Amazon
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shitdavexsays · 5 years
If you best me in a fight, you can have a sombrero.
While wearing a giant stack of 17 sombreros
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shitdavexsays · 6 years
For chrissakes, somebody give these people an acronym.
Writing a check to an organization with an extremely long name
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shitdavexsays · 6 years
Did I ever tell you about the time I jumped the 18' inflatable alligator and the 17 bikes with my monster truck?
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shitdavexsays · 6 years
Disappointment is like sour candy. It builds character.
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shitdavexsays · 6 years
...and then you wake up in the morning and there's clown makeup smeared over the pillow, and you're like 'WHAT HAVE I DONE'...
DaveX, on life choices
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shitdavexsays · 7 years
It was depressing, but in the funnest way.
Describing a Christmas Eve visit to watch a performance of “Peter Pan” in a Reno casino. 
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shitdavexsays · 7 years
I can do the dark side. If you live in the light all day, you're just like a drum-jam hippie.
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shitdavexsays · 7 years
The Devil is a patient fisherman, but he needs the proper bait.
On recruiting volunteers 
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shitdavexsays · 7 years
Sometimes it’s more important to look good and die quickly.
On maybe not wearing 100% cotton this year. 
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shitdavexsays · 7 years
It's not a party without a giant box of radios and some fire extinguishers!
Working events.
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